< 詩篇 39 >

1 われ曩にいへり われ舌をもて罪ををかさざらんために我すべての途をつつしみ惡者のわがまへに在るあひだはわが口に衝をかけんと
For the leader; for Jeduthun. A psalm of David. I vowed to watch my words, and sin not with my tongue, but to put on my mouth a muzzle, while the wicked were in my presence.
2 われ默して唖となり善言すらことばにいださず わが憂なほおこれり
I was silent and dumb, speechless: but my pain was stirred up.
3 わが心わがうちに熱し おもひつづくるほどに火もえぬればわれ舌をもていへらく
My heart grew hot within me; as I mused, the fire was kindled, till at last the words came to my tongue.
4 ヱホバよ願くはわが終とわが日の數のいくばくなるとを知しめたまへ わが無常をしらしめたまへ
‘Teach me, O Lord, my end, and the sum of my days what it is. Let me know how transient I am.
5 觀よなんぢわがすべての日を一掌にすぎさらしめたまふ わがかいのち主前にてはなきにことならず 實にすべての人は皆その盛時だにもむなしからざるはなし (セラ)
See! My days you have made but a span, and my life is as nothing before you. It is but as a breath that everyone stands: (Selah)
6 人の世にあるは影にことならず その思ひなやむことはむなしからざるなし その積蓄ふるものはたが手にをさまるをしらず
it is but in mere semblance we walk to and fro, and all our noise is for nothing. We heap up, and know not who will gather.’
7 主よわれ今なにをかまたん わが望はなんぢにあり
And now, what wait I for, Lord? My hope is in you.
8 ねがはくは我ぞすべて愆より助けいだしたまへ 愚なるものに誹らるることなからしめたまへ
From all my transgressions deliver me; make me not the scorn of the fool.
9 われは默して口をひらかず 此はなんぢの成したまふ者なればなり
I am dumb, never opening my mouth, for this is your own doing.
10 願くはなんぢの責をわれよりはなちたまへ 我なんぢの手にうちこらさるるによりて亡ぶるばかりになりぬ
Remove your stroke from off me: by the might of your hand I am spent.
11 なんぢ罪をせめて人をこらし その慕ひよろこぶところのものを蠧のくらふがごとく消うせしめたまふ 實にもろもろの人はむなしからざるなし (セラ)
When you rebuke someone to punish their sins, you consume, like a moth, what they treasures. Everyone is only a breath. (Selah)
12 ああヱホバよねがはくはわが祈をきき わが號呼に耳をかたぶけたまへ わが涙をみて默したまふなかれ われはなんぢに寄る旅客すべてわが列祖のごとく宿れるものなり
Hear my prayer, O Lord; attend to my cry for help. Hold not your peace at my tears. For I am but a guest of yours, a stranger visiting, like all my ancestors.
13 我ここを去てうせざる先になんぢ面をそむけてわれを爽快ならしめたまへ
Look away from me, let me smile again, before I die and am gone.

< 詩篇 39 >