< 詩篇 27 >

1 ヱホバはわが光わが救なり われ誰をかおそれん ヱホバはわが生命のちからなり わが懼るべきものはたれぞや
A psalm of David. The Lord is my light and my saviour; whom then should I fear? The Lord protects my life; whom then should I dread?
2 われの敵われの仇なるあしきもの襲ひきたりてわが肉をくらはんとせしが蹶きかつ仆れたり
When the wicked drew near to assail me and eat up my flesh, it was those who distressed and opposed me who stumbled and fell.
3 縦ひいくさびと營をつらねて我をせむるともわが心おそれじ たとひ戰ひおこりて我をせむるとも我になほ恃あり
Though against me a host should encamp, yet my heart would be fearless: though battle should rise up against me, still would I be trustful.
4 われ一事をヱホバにこへり我これをもとむ われヱホバの美しきを仰ぎその宮をみんがためにわが世にあらん限りはヱホバの家にすまんとこそ願ふなれ
One thing have I asked of the Lord, and that do I long for – To live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the grace of the Lord and inquire in his temple.
5 ヱホバはなやみの日にその行宮のうちに我をひそませその幕屋のおくにわれをかくし巌のうへに我をたかく置たまふべければなり
For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of misfortune. In his sheltering tent he hides me: he lifts me up on a rock.
6 今わが首はわれをめぐれる仇のうへに高くあげらるべし この故にわれヱホバのまくやにて歓喜のそなへものを献ん われうたひてヱホバをほめたたへん
And now that my head he has lifted above my encircling foes, I will march round the altar and sacrifice, shouting with joy, in his tent, making music and song to the Lord.
7 わが聲をあげてさけぶときヱホバよきき給へ また憐みてわれに應へたまへ
Hear, O Lord, my loud cry, and graciously answer me.
8 なんぢらわが面をたづねもとめよと(斯る聖言のありしとき)わが心なんぢにむかひてヱホバよ我なんぢの聖顔をたづねんといへり
My heart has said to you, ‘Your face, O Lord, I seek.’
9 ねがはくは聖顔をかくしたまふなかれ 怒りてなんぢの僕をとほざけたまふなかれ汝はわれの助なり 噫わがすくひの神よ われをおひいだし我をすてたまふなかれ
Hide not your face from me, reject not your servant in anger: for you have been my help. Abandon me not, nor forsake me, O God of my help:
10 わが父母われをすつるともヱホバわれを迎へたまはん
for father and mother have left me; but the Lord will take me up.
11 ヱホバよなんぢの途をわれにをしへ わが仇のゆゑに我をたひらかなる途にみちびきたまへ
Teach me your way, O Lord: lead me in an even path, because of my enemies.
12 いつはりの證をなすもの暴厲を吐もの我にさからひて起りたてり 願くはわれを仇にわたしてその心のままに爲しめたまふなかれ
Give me not up, O Lord, unto the rage of my foes; for against me have risen false witnesses, breathing out cruelty.
13 われもしヱホバの恩寵をいけるものの地にて見るの侍なからましかば奈何ぞや
Firm is the faith I cherish, that I, in the land of the living, will yet see the goodness of God.
14 ヱホバを俟望ぞめ雄々しかれ汝のこころを堅うせよ 必ずやヱホバをまちのぞめ
Let your heart be courageous and strong, and wait on the Lord.

< 詩篇 27 >