< ルカの福音書 1 >

1 我らの中に成りし事の物語につき、始よりの目撃者にして、
To his Excellency, Theophilus. Many attempts have been already made to draw up an account of those events which have reached their conclusion among us,
2 御言の役者となりたる人々の、我らに傳へし其のままを書き列ねんと、手を著けし者あまたある故に、
just as they were reported to us by those who from the beginning were eye-witnesses, and afterward became bearers of the message.
3 我も凡ての事を最初より詳細に推し尋ねたれば、
And, therefore, I also, since I have investigated all these events with great care from their very beginning, have resolved to write a connected history of them for you,
4 テオピロ閣下よ、汝の教へられたる事の慥なるを悟らせん爲に、これが序を正して書き贈るは善き事と思はるるなり。
in order that you may be able to satisfy yourself of the accuracy of the story which you have heard from the lips of others.
5 ユダヤの王ヘロデの時、アビヤの組の祭司に、ザカリヤという人あり。その妻はアロンの裔にて、名をエリサベツといふ。
In the reign of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the division called after Abijah. His wife, whose name was Elizabeth, was also a descendant of Aaron.
6 二人ながら神の前に正しくして、主の誡命と定規とを、みな缺なく行へり。
They were both righteous people, who lived blameless lives, guiding their steps by all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord.
7 エリサベツ石女なれば、彼らに子なし、また二人とも年 邁みぬ。
But they had no child, Elizabeth being barren; and both of them were advanced in years.
8 さてザカリヤその組の順番に當りて、神の前に祭司の務を行ふとき、
One day, when Zechariah was officiating as priest before God, during the turn of his division,
9 祭司の慣例にしたがひて、籤をひき主の聖所に入りて、香を燒くこととなりぬ。
it fell to him by lot, in accordance with the practice among the priests, to go into the Temple of the Lord and burn incense;
10 香を燒くとき、民の群みな外にありて祈りゐたり。
and, as it was the Hour of Incense, the people were all praying outside.
11 時に主の使あらはれて、香壇の右に立ちたれば、
And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right of the Altar of Incense.
12 ザカリヤ之を見て、心さわぎ懼を生ず。
Zechariah was startled at the sight and was awe-struck.
13 御使いふ『ザカリヤよ、懼るな、汝の願は聽かれたり。汝の妻エリサベツ男子を生まん、汝その名をヨハネと名づくべし。
But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, whom you will call by the name John.
14 なんぢに喜悦と歡樂とあらん、又おほくの人もその生るるを喜ぶべし。
He will be to you a joy and a delight; and many will rejoice over his birth.
15 この子、主の前に大ならん、また葡萄酒と濃き酒とを飮まず、母の胎を出づるや聖 靈にて滿されん。
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he will not drink any wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the very hour of his birth,
16 また多くのイスラエルの子らを、主なる彼らの神に歸らしめ、
and will reconcile many of the Israelites to the Lord their God.
17 且エリヤの靈と能力とをもて、主の前に往かん。これ父の心を子に、戻れる者を義人の聰明に歸らせて、整へたる民を主のために備へんとてなり』
He will go before him in the spirit and with the power of Elijah, to reconcile fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, and so make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him.”
18 ザカリヤ御使にいふ『何に據りてか此の事あるを知らん。我は老人にて、妻もまた年 邁みたり』
“How can I be sure of this?” Zechariah asked the angel. “For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.”
19 御使こたへて言ふ『われは神の御前に立つガブリエルなり、汝に語りてこの嘉き音信を告げん爲に遣さる。
“I am Gabriel,” the angel answered, “who stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
20 視よ、時いたらば必ず成就すべき我が言を信ぜぬに因り、なんぢ物 言へずなりて、此らの事の成る日までは語ること能はじ』
And now you will be silent and unable to speak until the day when this takes place, because you did not believe what I said, though my words will be fulfilled in due course.”
21 民はザカリヤを俟ちゐて、其の聖所の内に久しく留るを怪しむ。
Meanwhile the people were watching for Zechariah, wondering at his remaining so long in the Temple.
22 遂に出で來りたれど語ること能はねば、彼らその聖所の内にて異象を見たることを悟る。ザカリヤは、ただ首にて示すのみ、なほ唖なりき。
When he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision there. But Zechariah kept making signs to them, and remained dumb.
23 かくて務の日 滿ちたれば、家に歸りぬ。
And, as soon as his term of service was finished, he returned home.
24 此の後その妻エリサベツ孕りて、五月ほど隱れをりて言ふ、
After this his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and lived in seclusion for five months.
25 『主わが恥を人の中に雪がせんとて、我を顧み給ふときは、斯く爲し給ふなり』
“The Lord has done this for me,” she said, “he has shown me kindness and taken away the public disgrace of childlessness under which I have been living.”
26 その六月めに、御使ガブリエル、ナザレといふガリラヤの町にをる處女のもとに、神より遣さる。
Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth,
27 この處女はダビデの家のヨセフといふ人と許嫁せし者にて、其の名をマリヤと云ふ。
to a maiden there who was engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. Her name was Mary.
28 御使、處女の許にきたりて言ふ『めでたし、惠まるる者よ、主なんぢと偕に在せり』
Gabriel came into her presence and greeted her, saying, “You have been shown great favor – the Lord is with you.”
29 マリヤこの言によりて心いたく騷ぎ、斯かる挨拶は如何なる事ぞと思ひ廻らしたるに、
Mary was much disturbed at his words, and was wondering to herself what such a greeting could mean,
30 御使いふ『マリヤよ、懼るな、汝は神の御前に惠を得たり。
when the angel spoke again, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
31 視よ、なんぢ孕りて男子を生まん、其の名をイエスと名づくべし。
And now, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Jesus.
32 彼は大ならん、至高者の子と稱へられん。また主たる神、これに其の父ダビデの座位をあたへ給へば、
The child will be great and will be called ‘Son of the Most High,’ and the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David,
33 ヤコブの家を永遠に治めん。その國は終ることなかるべし』 (aiōn g165)
and he will reign over the descendants of Jacob for ever; And to his kingdom there will be no end.” (aiōn g165)
34 マリヤ御使に言ふ『われ未だ人を知らぬに、如何にして此の事のあるべき』
“How can this be?” Mary asked the angel. “For I have no husband.”
35 御使こたへて言ふ『聖 靈なんぢに臨み、至高者の能力なんぢを被はん。此の故に汝が生むところの聖なる者は、神の子と稱へらるべし。
“The Holy Spirit will descend on you,” answered the angel, “and the Power of the Most High will overshadow you; and therefore the child will be called ‘holy,’ and ‘Son of God.’
36 視よ、なんぢの親族エリサベツも、年 老いたれど、男子を孕めり。石女といはれたる者なるに、今は孕りてはや六月になりぬ。
And Elizabeth, your cousin, is herself also expecting a son in her old age; and it is now the sixth month with her, though she is called barren;
37 それ神の言には能はぬ所なし』
for no promise from God will fail to be fulfilled.”
38 マリヤ言ふ『視よ、われは主の婢女なり。汝の言のごとく、我に成れかし』つひに御使はなれ去りぬ。
“I am the servant of the Lord,” exclaimed Mary. “Let it be with me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
39 その頃マリヤ立ちて山里に急ぎ往き、ユダの町にいたり、
Soon after this Mary set out, and made her way quickly into the hill-country, to a town in Judah;
40 ザカリヤの家に入りてエリサベツに挨拶せしに、
and there she went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
41 エリサベツその挨拶を聞くや、兒は胎内にて躍れり。エリサベツ聖 靈にて滿され、
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child moved within her, and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 聲 高らかに呼はりて言ふ『をんなの中にて汝は祝福せられ、その胎の實もまた祝福せられたり。
and cried aloud, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!
43 わが主の母われに來る、われ何によりてか之を得し。
But how have I this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 視よ、なんぢの挨拶の聲、わが耳に入るや、我が兒、胎内にて喜びをどれり。
For, as soon as your greeting reached my ears, the child moved within me with delight!
45 信ぜし者は幸福なるかな、主の語り給ふことは必ず成就すべければなり』
Happy indeed is she who believed that the promise which she received from the Lord would be fulfilled.”
46 マリヤ言ふ、『わがこころ主をあがめ、
And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord,
47 わが靈はわが救主なる神を喜びまつる。
and my spirit delights in God my Savior,
48 その婢女の卑しきをも顧み給へばなり。視よ、今よりのち萬 世の人われを幸福とせん。
for he has looked with favor on his humble servant girl. From now on all generations will call me blessed!
49 全能者われに大なる事を爲したまへばなり。その御名は聖なり、
“For the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
50 そのあはれみは代々かしこみ恐るる者に臨むなり。
He has mercy on those who revere him in every generation.
51 神は御腕にて權力をあらはし、心の念に高ぶる者を散し、
“Mighty are the deeds of his arm! He has scattered the self-satisfied proud,
52 權勢ある者を座位より下し、いやしき者を高うし、
he has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and he uplifts the humble,
53 飢ゑたる者を善き物に飽かせ、富める者を空しく去らせ給ふ。
he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
54 また我らの先祖に告げ給ひし如く、
“He has stretched out his hand to his servant Israel, ever mindful of his mercy,
55 アブラハムとその裔とに對するあはれみを永遠に忘れじとて、僕イスラエルを助けたまへり』 (aiōn g165)
as he promised to our ancestors, to Abraham and his descendants for ever.” (aiōn g165)
56 かくてマリヤは、三月ばかりエルザベツと偕に居りて、己が家に歸れり。
Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her home.
57 さてエリサベツ産む期みちて男子を生みたれば、
When Elizabeth’s time came, she gave birth to a son;
58 その最寄のもの親族の者ども、主の大なる憐憫をエリサベツに垂れ給ひしことを聞きて、彼とともに喜ぶ。
and her neighbors and relatives, hearing of the great goodness of the Lord to her, came to share her joy.
59 八日めになりて、其の子に割禮を行はんとて人々きたり、父の名に因みてザカリヤと名づけんとせしに、
A week later they met to circumcise the child, and were about to call him Zechariah after his father,
60 母こたへて言ふ『否、ヨハネと名づくべし』
when his mother spoke up, “No, he is to be called John.”
61 かれら言ふ『なんぢの親族の中には此の名をつけたる者なし』
“You have no relation of that name!” they exclaimed;
62 而して父に首にて示し、いかに名づけんと思ふか、問ひたるに、
and they made signs to the child’s father, to find out what he wished the child to be called.
63 ザカリヤ書板を求めて『その名はヨハネなり』と書きしかば、みな怪しむ。
Asking for a writing tablet, he wrote the words – ‘His name is John.’ Everyone was surprised
64 ザカリヤの口たちどころに開け、舌ゆるみ、物いひて神を讃めたり。
and immediately Zechariah recovered his voice and the use of his tongue, and began to bless God.
65 最寄に住む者みな懼をいだき、又すべて此 等のこと徧くユダヤの山里に言ひ囃されたれば、
All their neighbors were awe-struck at this, and throughout the hill-country of Judea the whole story was much talked about.
66 聞く者みな之を心にとめて言ふ『この子は如何なる者にか成らん』主の手かれと偕に在りしなり。
All who heard it kept it in mind, asking one another – “What can this child be destined to become?” For the Power of the Lord was with him.
67 かくて父ザカリヤ聖 靈にて滿され預言して言ふ、
Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit, and, speaking under inspiration, said:
68 『讃むべきかな、主イスラエルの神、その民をかへりみて贖罪をなし、
“Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, who has visited his people and wrought their deliverance,
69 我らのために救の角を、その僕ダビデの家に立て給へり。
and has raised up for us the strength of our salvation in the house of his servant David –
70 これぞ古へより聖 預言者の口をもて言ひ給ひし如く、 (aiōn g165)
as he promised by the lips of his holy prophets of old – (aiōn g165)
71 我らを仇より、凡て我らを憎む者の手より、取り出したまふ救なる。
salvation from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us,
72 我らの先祖に憐憫を垂れ、その聖なる契約を思し、
showing mercy to our ancestors, and mindful of his sacred covenant.
73 我らの先祖アブラハムに立て給ひし御誓を忘れずして、
This was the oath which he swore to our ancestor Abraham –
74 我らを仇の手より救ひ、生涯、主の御前に、
that we should be rescued from the hands of our enemies,
75 聖と義とをもて懼なく事へしめたまふなり。
and should serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness, in his presence all our days.
76 幼兒よ、なんぢは至高者の預言者と稱へられん。これ主の御前に先だちゆきて、其の道を備へ、
And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to make ready his way,
77 主の民に罪の赦による救を知らしむればなり。
to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
78 これ我らの神の深き憐憫によるなり。この憐憫によりて朝のひかり、上より臨み、
through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dawn will break on us from heaven,
79 暗黒と死の蔭とに坐する者をてらし、我らの足を平和の路にみちびかん』
to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, and guide our feet into the way of peace.”
80 かくて幼兒は漸に成長し、その靈 強くなり、イスラエルに現るる日まで荒野にゐたり。
The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he lived in the wilds until the time came for his appearance before Israel.

< ルカの福音書 1 >