< エレミヤ書 48 >

1 萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神モアブの事につきてかくいひたまふ嗚呼ネボは禍なるかな是滅されたりキリヤタイムは辱められて取られミスガブは辱められて毀たる
To Moab, Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this, “Woe to Nebo, for it has been devastated. Kiriathaim has been humiliated and captured. Her fortress has been disgraced and crushed.
2 モアブの榮譽は失さりぬヘシボンにて人衆モアブの害を謀り去來之を絕ちて國をなさざらしめんといふマデメンよ汝は滅されん劍汝を追はん
The honor of Moab is no more. Their enemies in Heshbon plotted disaster against her. They said, 'Come and let us destroy her as a nation. Madmen will also perish—a sword will go after you.'
3 ホロナイムより號咷の聲きこゆ毀敗と大なる滅亡あり
Listen! A sound of screaming is coming from Horonaim, where there is ruin and great destruction.
4 モアブ滅されてその嬰孩等の號咷聞ゆ
Moab has been destroyed. Her children have made their cries heard.
5 彼らは哭き哭きてルヒテの坂を登る敵はホロナイムの下り路にて滅亡の號咷をきけり
They go up the hill of Luhith weeping, for on the way down to Horonaim, screams are heard because of the destruction.
6 逃て汝らの生命を救へ曠野に棄られたる者の如くなれ
Flee! Save your lives and become like a juniper bush in the wilderness.
7 汝は汝の工作と財寶を賴むによりて汝も執へられん又ケモシは其祭司およびその牧伯等と偕に擄へうつさるべし
For because of your trust in your practices and your wealth, you also will be captured. Then Chemosh will go away into captivity, together with his priests and leaders.
8 殘害者諸の邑に來らん一の邑も免れざるべし谷は滅され平地は荒されんヱホバのいひたまひしがごとし
For the destroyer will come to every city; no city will escape. So the valley will perish and the plain will be devastated, as Yahweh has said.
9 翼をモアブに予へて飛さらしむ其諸邑は荒て住者なからん
Give wings to Moab, for she must certainly fly away. Her cities will become a wasteland, where there is no one to live in them.
10 ヱホバの事を行ふて怠る者は詛はれ又その劍をおさへて血を流さざる者は詛はる
May anyone who is lazy in doing Yahweh's work be cursed! May anyone who keeps his sword back from shedding blood be cursed!
11 モアブはその幼時より安然にして酒の其滓のうへにとざまりて此器よりかの器に斟うつされざるが如くなりき彼擄うつされざりしに由て其味尚存ちその香氣變らざるなり
Moab has felt secure since he was young. He is like his wine that has never been poured from pot to pot. He has never gone into captivity. Therefore he tastes as good as ever; his flavor remains unchanged.
12 ヱホバいひたまふ此故にわがこれを傾くる者を遣はす日來らん彼らすなはち之を傾け其器をあけ其罇を碎くべし
So see, the days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when I will send him those who will tip him over and pour out all his pots and shatter his jars.
13 モアブはケモシのために羞をとらん是イスラエルの家がその恃めるところのベテルのために羞をとりしが如くなるべし
Then Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh just as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, their object of trust.
14 汝ら何ぞ我らは勇士なり強き軍人なりといふや
How can you say, 'We are soldiers, powerful fighting men'?
15 モアブはほろぼされその諸邑は騰りその選擇の壯者は下りて殺さる萬軍のヱホバと名る王これをいひ給ふ
Moab will be devastated and its cities attacked. For its finest young men have gone down to the place of slaughter. This is the king's declaration! Yahweh of hosts is his name.
16 モアブの滅亡近けりその禍速に來る
Moab's disaster is soon to happen; calamity is hurrying quickly.
17 凡そ其四周にある者よ彼のために歎けその名を知る者よ強き竿美しき杖いかにして折しやといへ
All you who are around Moab, wail; and all you who know its fame, shout this, 'Woe, the strong staff, the honored rod, has been broken.'
18 デボンに住る女よ榮をはなれて下り燥ける地に坐せよモアブを敗る者汝にきたりて汝の城を滅さん
Come down from your honored place and sit on the dry ground, you daughter living in Dibon. For the one who will destroy Moab is attacking you, the one who will destroy your strongholds.
19 アロエルに住る婦よ道の側にたちて闥ひ逃きたる者と脱れいたる者に事いかんと問へ
Stand on the road and watch, you people who live in Aroer. Ask the ones who are fleeing and escaping. Say, 'What has happened?'
20 モアブは敗られて羞をとる汝ら呼はり咷びモアブは滅されたりとアルノンに告よ
Moab has been shamed, for it has been shattered. Howl and lament; shout for help. Tell it to people by the Arnon River that Moab has been devastated.
21 鞫災平地に臨みホロン、ヤハヅ、メパアテ
Now punishment has come to the hill country, to Holon, Jahzah, and Mephaath,
22 デボン、ネボ、ベテデブラタイム
to Dibon, Nebo, and Beth Diblathaim,
23 キリヤタイム、ベテガムル、ベテメオン
to Kiriathaim, Beth Gamul, and Beth Meon,
24 ケリオテ、ボズラ、モアブの地の諸邑の遠き者にも近き者にも臨めり
To Kerioth and Bozrah, and to all the cities in the land of Moab— the farthest and the closest cities.
25 モアブの角は碎け其臂は折たりとヱホバいひたまふ
The horn of Moab has been hacked off; its arm has been broken—this is Yahweh's declaration.
26 汝らモアブを醉はしめよ彼ヱホバにむかひて驕傲ればなりモアブは其吐たる物に轉びて笑柄とならん
Make him drunk, because he acted proudly against Yahweh. Let Moab wallow in his vomit, and let him be an object of ridicule.
27 イスラエルは汝の笑柄にあらざりしや彼盜人の中にありしや汝彼の事を語るごとに首を搖たり
For did not Israel become an object for laughter to you? Was he found among thieves, so that you shook your head at him as often as you spoke about him?
28 モアブに住る者よ汝ら邑を離れて磐の間にすめ穴の口の側に巢を作る斑鳩の如くせよ
Abandon the cities and camp on the cliffs, inhabitants of Moab. Become like a dove that is nesting over the mouth of a hole in the rocks.
29 われらモアブの驕傲をきけり其驕傲は甚だし即ち其驕慢矜高驕誇およびその心の自ら高くするを聞り
We have heard of Moab's pride—his arrogance, his haughtiness, his pride, his self-glory and the conceit in his heart.
30 ヱホバいひたまふ我モアブの驕傲とその言の虛きとを知る彼らは僞を行ふなり
This is Yahweh's declaration—I myself know his defiant speech, which amounts to nothing, like his deeds.
31 この故に我モアブの爲に咷びモアブの全地の爲に呼はるキルハレスの人々の爲に嗟歎あり
So I will howl a lament for Moab, and I will shout in sorrow for all of Moab. I will lament for the people of Kir Hareseth.
32 シブマの葡萄の樹よわれヤゼルの哭泣にこえて汝の爲になげくべし汝の蔓は海を踰え延てヤゼルの海にまでいたる掠奪者來りて汝の果と葡萄をとらん
I will weep for you more than I did for Jazer, vine of Sibmah! Your branches passed across the Salt Sea and reached as far as Jazer. The destroyers have attacked your summer fruit and your wine.
33 欣喜と歡樂園とモアブの地をはなれ去る我酒醡に酒無からしめん呼はりて葡萄を踐もの無るべし其喚呼は葡萄をふむ喚呼にあらざらん
So celebration and rejoicing have been taken away from the fruit trees and the land of Moab. I have put an end to the wine from their winepresses. They will not tread with joyful shouts. Any shouts will not be shouts of joy.
34 ヘシボンよりエレアレとヤハヅにいたりゾアルよりホロナイムとエグラテシリシヤにいたるまで人聲を揚ぐそはニムリムの水までも絕たればなり
From the shouts at Heshbon as far as Elealeh, their sound is heard at Jahaz, from Zoar to Horonaim and Eglath Shelishiyah, since even the waters of Nimrim have dried up.
35 ヱホバいひたまふ我祭物を崇邱に献げ香をその諸神に焚くところの者をモアブの中に滅さんと
For I will put an end to anyone in Moab who makes sacrifices on the high places and burns incense to his gods—this is Yahweh's declaration.
36 この故に我心はモアブの爲に簫のごとく歎き我心はキルハレスの人衆のために蕭のごとく歎く是其獲たるところの財うせたればなり
So my heart is lamenting for Moab like a flute. My heart is lamenting like flutes for the people of Kir Hareseth. The riches they gained are gone.
37 人みなその髮を剃り皆その鬚をそり皆その手に傷け腰に麻布をまとはん
For every head is bald and every beard shaved. Incisions are on every hand, and sackcloth is around their waists.
38 モアブにては家蓋の上と街のうちに遍く悲哀ありそはわれ心に適ざる器のごとくにモアブを碎きたればなりとヱホバいひたまふ
There is mourning everywhere, on every flat roof of Moab and in Moab's plazas. For I have destroyed Moab like pots that no one wants—this is Yahweh's declaration.
39 嗚呼モアブはほろびたり彼らは咷ぶ嗚呼モアブは羞て面を背けたりモアブはその四周の者の笑柄となり恐懼となれり
How it has been shattered! How they howl in their lamenting! Moab turns its back in shame! So Moab will become an object of derision and a terror to all those who are around him.”
40 ヱホバかくいひたまふ視よ敵鷲のごとくに飛來りて翼をモアブのうへに舒ん
For Yahweh says this, “See, the enemy will come flying like an eagle, spreading out his wings over Moab.
41 ケリオテは取られ城はみな奪はるその日にはモアブの勇士の心子を產む婦のごとくになるべし
Kerioth has been captured, and its strongholds have been seized. For in that day the hearts of Moab's soldiers will be like the hearts of women in birth labor.
42 モアブはヱホバにむかひて傲りしゆゑに滅ぼされて再び國を成ざるべし
So Moab will be destroyed and be no longer a people, because he made himself to be great against Yahweh.
43 ヱホバいひたまふモアブにすめる者よ恐怖と陷阱と罟汝に臨めり
Terror and the pit, and a trap are coming on you, inhabitant of Moab—this is Yahweh's declaration.
44 恐怖をさけて逃るものは陷阱におちいり陷阱より出るものは罟にとらへられん其はわれモアブにその罰をうくべき年をのぞましむればなりヱホバこれをいふ
Anyone who flees because of terror will fall into the pit, and anyone who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the trap, for I will bring this on them in the year of my vengeance against them—this is Yahweh's declaration.
45 遁逃者は力なくしてヘシボンの蔭に立つ是は火ヘシボンより出で火焔シホンのうちより出てモアブの地および喧閙をなす者の首の頂を燒ばなり
The ones who flee will stand in the shadow of Heshbon without any strength, for fire will go out from Heshbon, flame from the middle of Sihon. It will devour the forehead of Moab and the top of the heads of the boastful people.
46 嗚呼禍なるかなモアブよケモシの民は亡びたり即ち汝の諸子は擄へうつされ汝の女等は執へゆかれたり
Woe to you, Moab! Chemosh's people are destroyed, For your sons are taken as captives and your daughters into captivity.
47 然ど末の日に我モアブの擄移されたる者を返さんとヱホバいひ給ふ此まではモアブの鞫をいへる言なり
But I will restore the fortunes of Moab in later days—this is Yahweh's declaration.” The judgment on Moab ends here.

< エレミヤ書 48 >