< エレミヤ書 12 >

1 ヱホバよわが汝と爭ふ時に汝は義し惟われ鞫の事につきて汝と言ん惡人の途のさかえ悖れる者のみな福なるは何故ぞや
Forsothe, Lord, thou art iust; if Y dispute with thee, netheles Y schal speke iust thingis to thee. Whi hath the weie of wickid men prosperite? It is wel to alle men that breken the lawe, and doen wickidli?
2 汝かれらを植たり彼らは根づき成長て實を結べりその口は汝に近けどもその心は汝に遠ざかる
Thou hast plauntid hem, and thei senten roote; thei encreessen, and maken fruyt; thou art niy to the mouth of hem, and fer fro the reynes of hem.
3 ヱホバ汝われを知り我を見またわが心の汝にむかひて何なるかを試みたまふ羊を宰りに牽いだすがごとく彼らを牽いだし殺す日の爲にかれらをそなへたまへ
And thou, Lord, hast knowe me, thou hast seyn me, and hast preued myn herte with thee. Gadere thou hem togidere as a flok to slayn sacrifice, and halewe thou hem in the dai of sleyng.
4 いつまでこの地は哭きすべての畑の蔬菜は枯をるべけんやこの地に住る者の惡によりて畜獸と鳥は滅さる彼らいふ彼は我らの終をみざるべしと
Hou long schal the erthe mourne, and ech eerbe of the feeld schal be dried, for the malice of hem that dwellen ther ynne? A beeste is wastid, and a brid, for thei seiden, The Lord schal not se oure laste thingis.
5 汝もし歩行者とともに趨てつかれなばいかで騎馬者と競はんや汝平安なる地を恃まばいかでヨルダンの傍の叢に居ることをえんや
If thou trauelist rennynge with foot men, hou schalt thou mow stryue with horsis? but whanne thou art sikur in the lond of pees, what schalt thou do in the pride of Jordan?
6 汝の兄弟と汝の父の家も汝を欺きまた大聲をあげて汝を追ふかれらしたしく汝に語るともこれを信ずる勿れ
For whi bothe thi britheren and the hous of thi fadir, yhe, thei fouyten ayens thee, and crieden with ful vois aftir thee; bileue thou not to hem, whanne thei speken goodis to thee.
7 われ我家を離れわが產業をすて我靈魂の愛するところの者をその敵の手にわたせり
I haue left myn hous, Y haue forsake myn eritage; Y yaf my loued soule in to the hondis of enemyes therof.
8 わが產業は林の獅子のごとし我にむかひて其聲を揚ぐ故にわれ之を惡めり
Myn eritage is maad as a lioun in the wode to me; it yaf vois ayens me, therfor Y hate it.
9 我產業は我におけること班駁ある鳥のごとくならずや鳥之を圍むにあらずや野のすべての獸きたりあつまれ來てこれを食へ
Whether myn eritage is a brid of dyuerse colours to me? whether it is a brid died thorou out? Alle beestis of the feeld, come ye, be ye gaderid togidere; haste ye for to deuoure.
10 衆の牧者わが葡萄園をほろぼしわが地を踐踏しわがうるはしき地を荒野となせり
Many scheepherdis distrieden my vyner, defouliden my part, yauen my desirable porcioun in to desert of wildirnesse;
11 彼らこれを荒地となせりその荒地我にむかひて哭くなり一人もかへりみる者なければこの全地は荒たり
thei settiden it in to scateryng, and it mourenyde on me; al the lond is desolat bi desolacioun, for noon is that ayenthenkith in herte.
12 毀滅者は野のすべての童山のうへに來れりヱホバの劍地のこの極よりかの極までを滅ぼすすべて血氣ある者は安をえず
Alle distrieris of the lond camen on alle the weies of desert, for the swerd of the Lord schal deuoure fro the laste part of the lond `til to the laste part therof; no pees is to al fleisch.
13 彼らは麥を播て荊棘をかる勞れども得るところなし汝らはその作物のために恥るにいたらん是ヱホバの烈き怒によりてなり
Thei sowiden wheete, and repiden thornes; thei token erytage, and it schal not profite to hem. Ye schulen be schent of youre fruytis, for the wraththe of the stronge veniaunce of the Lord.
14 わがイスラエルの民に嗣しむる產業をせむるところのすべてのわが惡き隣にむかひてヱホバかくいふみよわれ彼等をその地より拔出しまたユダの家を彼らの中より拔出すべし
The Lord seith these thingis ayens alle my worst neiyboris, that touchen the eritage which Y departide to my puple Israel, Lo! Y schal drawe hem out of her lond, and Y schal drawe the hous of Juda out of the myddis of hem.
15 われ彼らを拔出せしのちまた彼らを恤みておのおのを其產業にかへし各人をその地に歸らしめん
And whanne Y schal drawe out thilke Jewis, Y schal conuerte, and haue merci on hem; and Y schal lede hem ayen, a man to his eritage, and a man in to his lond.
16 彼等もし我民の道をまなび我名をさしてヱホバは活くと誓ふこと嘗て我民を敎へてバアルを指て誓はしめし如くせば彼らはわが民の中に建らるべし
And it schal be, if thei `that ben tauyt lernen the weies of my puple, that thei swere in my name, The Lord lyueth, as thei tauyten my puple to swere in Baal, thei schulen be bildid in the myddis of my puple.
17 されど彼らもし聽かざれば我かならずかかる民を全く拔出して滅すべしとヱホバいひたまふ
That if thei heren not, Y schal drawe out that folk by drawyng out and perdicioun, seith the Lord.

< エレミヤ書 12 >