< ホセア書 9 >

1 イスラエルよ異邦人のごとく喜びすさむ勿れなんぢ淫行をなして汝の神を離る汝すべての麥の打塲にて賜はる淫行の賞賜を愛せり
Rejoice not too loudly, Israel, like the nations, for you have commited adultery, being untrue to your God. You have loved a prostitute’s wages on every threshing floor.
2 打場と酒榨とはかれらを養はじ亦あたらしき酒もむなしくならん
Threshing floor and wine vat won’t feed them, the new wine will fail them.
3 かれらはヱホバの地にとどまらずエフライムはエジプトに歸りアッスリヤにて汚穢たる物を食はん
They will not stay in the Lord’s land, but Ephraim will return to Egypt, and in Assyria they will eat what is unclean.
4 彼等はヱホバにむかひて酒を灌ぐべき者にあらずその祭物はヱホバの悦びたまふ所にあらずかれらの犠牲は喪に居もののパンのごとし凡てこれを食ふものは汚るべし彼等のパンは只おのが食ふためにのみ用ゐべくしてヱホバの家に入るべきにあらず
They will not pour out libations of wine to the Lord, nor please him with their sacrifices. Their bread will be like the bread of mourners: all who eat it will defile themselves. For their bread will be only for their hunger, it will not come into the Lord’s temple.
5 なんぢら集會の日とヱホバの節會の日に何をなさんとするや
What will you do on the day of the festival? Or on the day of the Lord’s feast?
6 視よかれら滅亡の故によりて去ゆきぬエジプトかれらをあつめメンピスかれらを葬らん蒺藜かれらが銀の寳物を獲いばら彼らの天幕に蔓らん
Even if they flee from destruction, Egypt will gather them, Memphis will bury them. Nettles will take possession of their treasure of silver, thorns will push into their tents.
7 刑罰の日きたり應報の日きたれりイスラエルこれを知ん預言者は愚なるもの霊に感じたるものは狂へるものなりこれ汝の惡おほく汝の怨恨おほいなるに因る
The days of punishment are come, the days of recompense are at hand, as soon the Israelites will know! “The prophet is a fool, the inspired man is raving mad!” It is because of the greatness of your iniquity and the greatness of your hatred.
8 エフライムは我が神にならべて他の神をも佇望めり預言者の一切の途は鳥を捕ふる者の網のごとく且その神の室の中にて怨恨を懐けり
Ephraim acts the spy with my God, a prophet finds the snares of a fowler are in all his ways. In the house of his God they lay hostile plots,
9 かれらはギベアの日のごとく甚だしく惡き事を行へりヱホバはその惡をこころに記てその罪を罰したまはん
they commit crimes as in the days of Gibeah, God will remember their iniquity. He will punish their sin.
10 在昔われイスラエルを見ること荒野の葡萄のごとく汝らの先祖等を看ること無花果樹の始にむすべる最先の果の如くなししに彼等はバアルペオルにゆきて身を恥辱にゆだねその愛する物とともに憎むべき者とはなれり
I found Israel like finding grapes in the wilderness. I saw your ancestors like they were the first fruit on a fig tree, but as soon as they came to Baal-peor, they consecrated themselves to shamefulness, and became as abominable as the object of their love.
11 エフライムの榮光は鳥のごとく飛さらん即ち產ことも孕むことも妊娠こともなかるべし
Ephraim – like a bird his glory flies away. There will be no more birth, no more motherhood, no more conception.
12 假令かれら子等を育つるとも我その子を喪ひて遺る人なきにいたらしめん我が離るる時かれらの禍大なる哉
Even though they bring up their children, I will bereave them until not one is left. Woe to them when I turn away from them!
13 われエフライムを美地に植てツロのごとくなししかどもエフライムはその子等を携へいだして人を殺すに付さんとす
Ephraim – planted like Tyre in a meadow, But Ephraim too must lead forth their children to slaughter.
14 ヱホバよ彼らに與へたまへ汝なにを與へんとしたまふや孕まざる胎と乳なき乳房とを與へたまへ
Give them, Lord – what will you give? Give them a miscarrying womb and shrivelled up breasts!
15 かれらが凡の惡はギルガルにあり此故に我かしこにて之を惡めりその行爲あしければ我が家より逐いだし重て愛することをせじその牧伯等はみな悖れる者なり
All their evil began in Gilgal, there I learned to hate them. Because of the evil of their deeds I will drive them out of my house. I will no longer love them, for all their princes are rebels.
16 エフライムは撃れその根はかれて果を結ぶまじ若し產ことあらば我その胎なる愛しむ實を殺さん
Ephraim is blighted, their root withered. If they do bear children, I will slay the darlings of their womb,
17 かれら聽從はざるによりて我が神これを棄たまふべしかれらは列國民のうちに流離人とならん
My God will reject them because they have not listened to him, and they will become wanderers among the nations.

< ホセア書 9 >