< ホセア書 13 >

1 エフライム言を出せば人をののけり彼はイスラエルのなかに己をたかうしバアルにより罪を犯して死たりしが
like/as to speak: speak Ephraim trembling to lift: exalt he/she/it in/on/with Israel and be guilty in/on/with Baal and to die
2 今も尚ますます罪を犯しその銀をもて己のために像を鋳その機巧にしたがひて偶像を作る是みな工人の作なるなり彼らは之につきていふ犠牲を献ぐる者はこの犢に吻を接べしと
and now to add to/for to sin and to make to/for them liquid from silver: money their like/as understanding their idol deed: work artificer all his to/for them they(masc.) to say to sacrifice man calf to kiss [emph?]
3 是によりて彼らは朝の雲のごとく速にきえうする露のごとく打場より大風に吹散さるる穀殻のごとく窓より出ゆく煙のごとくならん
to/for so to be like/as cloud morning and like/as dew to rise to go: went like/as chaff to rage from threshing floor and like/as smoke from window
4 されど我はエジプトの國をいでてより以來なんぢの神ヱホバなり爾われの外に神を知ことなし我のほかに救者なし
and I LORD God your from land: country/planet Egypt and God exception me not to know and to save nothing lest me
5 我さきに荒野にて水なき地にて爾を顧みたり
I to know you in/on/with wilderness in/on/with land: country/planet drought
6 かれらは秣場によりて食に飽き飽くによりてその心たかぶり是によりて我を忘れたり
like/as pasturing their and to satisfy to satisfy and to exalt heart their upon so to forget me
7 斯るがゆゑに我かれらに對ひて獅子の如くなり途の傍にひそみうかがふ豹のごとくならん
and to be to/for them like lion like/as leopard upon way: journey to see
8 われ子をうしなへる熊のごとく彼らに向ひてその心膜を裂き獅子の如くこれを食はん野の獣これを攫斷るべし
to meet them like/as bear childless and to tear enclosure heart their and to eat them there like/as lion living thing [the] land: wildlife to break up/open them
9 イスラエルよ汝の滅ぶるは我に背き汝を助くる者に背くが故なり
to ruin you Israel for in/on/with me in/on/with helper your
10 汝のもろもろの邑に汝を助くべき汝の王は今いづくにかあるなんぢらがその王と牧伯等とを我に與へよと言たりし士師等は今いづくにかある
where? king your then and to save you in/on/with all city your and to judge you which to say to give: give [emph?] to/for me king and ruler
11 われ忿怒をもて汝に王を與へ憤恨をもて之をうばひたり
to give: give to/for you king in/on/with face: anger my and to take: take in/on/with fury my
12 エフライムの不義は包まれてありその罪はをさめたくはへられたり
to constrain iniquity: crime Ephraim to treasure sin his
13 劬勞にかかれる婦のかなしみ之に臨まん彼は愚なる子なり時に臨みてもなほ產門に入らず
pain to beget to come (in): come to/for him he/she/it son: child not wise for time not to stand: stand in/on/with birth son: child
14 我かれらを陰府の手より贖はん我かれらを死より贖はん死よなんぢの疫は何處にあるか陰府よなんぢの災は何處にあるか悔改はかくれて我が目にみえず (Sheol h7585)
from hand: power hell: Sheol to ransom them from death to redeem: redeem them where? pestilence your death where? destruction your hell: Sheol repentance to hide from eye my (Sheol h7585)
15 彼は兄弟のなかにて果を結ぶこと多けれども東風吹きたりヱホバの息荒野より吹おこらん之がためにその泉は乾その源は涸れんその積蓄へたるもろもろの賓貴器皿は掠め奪はるべし
for he/she/it son: descendant/people brother: male-sibling be fruitful to come (in): come east spirit: breath LORD from wilderness to ascend: rise and to wither fountain his and to dry spring his he/she/it to plunder treasure all article/utensil desire
16 サマリヤはその神にそむきたれば刑せられ劍に斃れんその嬰兒はなげくだかれその孕たる婦は剖れん
be guilty Samaria for to rebel in/on/with God her in/on/with sword to fall: kill infant their to dash in pieces and pregnant his to break up/open

< ホセア書 13 >