< 創世記 49 >

1 ヤコブその子等を呼ていひけるは汝らあつまれ我後の日に汝らが遇んところの事を汝等につげん
Then Jacob summoned his sons, and said: "Gather yourselves together so that I may tell you what will happen to you in the days to come.
2 汝等つどひて聽けヤコブの子等よ汝らの父イスラエルに聽け
Assemble yourselves and hear, you sons of Jacob. Listen to Israel, your father.
3 ルベン汝はわが冢子わが勢わが力の始威光の卓越たる者權威の卓越たる者なり
Reuben, you are my firstborn, my strength, and the the firstfruits of my virility, preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power.
4 汝は水の沸あがるがごとき者なれば卓越を得ざるべし汝父の床にのぼりて浼したればなり嗚呼彼はわが寢牀にのぼれり
Uncontrolled as the waters, you will not have excel, because you went up to your father's bed, you went up and defiled my couch.
5 シメオン、レビは兄弟なりその劍は暴逆の器なり
Simeon and Levi are brothers. Their swords are weapons of violence.
6 我魂よかれらの席にのぞむなかれ我寶よかれらの集會につらなるなかれ其は彼等その怒にまかせて人をころしその意にまかせて牛を筋截たればなり
May I never enter their council. May my honor never be joined with their assembly. For in their anger they killed men, and for pleasure they hamstrung oxen.
7 その怒は烈しかれば詛ふべしその憤は暴あれば詛ふべし我彼らをヤコブの中に分ちイスラエルの中に散さん
Cursed be their anger, for it has been fierce, and their fury, for it was cruel. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.
8 ユダよ汝は兄弟の讚る者なり汝の手はなんぢの敵の頸を抑へんなんぢの父の子等なんぢの前に鞠ん
Judah, your brothers will praise you. Your hand will be on the neck of your enemies. Your father's sons will bow down before you.
9 ユダは獅子の子の如しわが子よ汝は所掠物をさきてかへりのぼる彼は牡獅子のごとく伏し牝獅のごとく蹲まる誰か之をおこすことをせん
Judah is a lion's cub. From the prey, my son, you rise up. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, as a lioness. Who will rouse him up?
10 杖ユダを離れず法を立る者その足の間をはなるることなくしてシロの來る時にまでおよばん彼に諸の民したがふべし
The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs. And it is he whom the peoples will obey.
11 彼その驢馬を葡萄の樹に繋ぎその牝驢馬の子を葡萄の蔓に繋がん又その衣を酒にあらひ其服を葡萄の汁にあらふべし
Binding his foal to the vine, and his donkey's colt to the choice vine. He will wash his garments in wine, and his robes in the blood of grapes.
12 その目は酒によりて紅くその齒は乳によりて白し
His eyes will be darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.
13 ゼブルンは海邊にすみ舟の泊る海邊に住はんその界はシドンにおよぶべし
Zebulun will dwell at the seashore, and he will be a harbor for ships, and his border will be at Sidon.
14 イッサカルは羊の牢の間に伏す健き驢馬の如し
Issachar is a strong donkey lying down between the saddlebags.
15 彼みて安泰を善としその國を樂とし肩をさげて負ひ租税をいだして僕となるべし
When he sees a good resting place, that the land is pleasant, he will bend his back to the burden, and become a slave doing forced labor.
16 ダンはイスラエルの他の支派の如く其民を鞫かん
Dan will judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.
17 ダンは路の旁の蛇のごとく途邊にある蝮のごとし馬の踵を噛てその騎者をして後に落しむ
Dan will be a serpent on the road, a viper by the path, that bites the horse's heels so that his rider falls backward.
18 ヱホバよわれ汝の拯救を待り
I wait for your salvation, God.
19 ガドは軍勢これにせまらんされど彼返てその後にせまらん
Gad will be attacked by raiders, but he will raid at their heels.
20 アセルよりいづる食物は美るべし彼王の食ふ美味をいださん
Asher's food will be rich, and he will provide royal delicacies.
21 ナフタリは釋れたる麀のごとし彼美言をいだすなり
Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.
22 ヨセフは實を結ぶ樹の芽のごとし即ち泉の傍にある實をむすぶ樹の芽のごとしその枝つひに垣を踰ゆ
Joseph is a fruitful son, a fruitful son by a spring. His branches run over a wall.
23 射者彼をなやまし彼を射かれを惡めり
The archers will attack him with bitterness, and shoot at him, and harass him.
24 然どかれの弓はなほ勁くあり彼の手の臂は力あり是ヤコブの全能者の手によりてなり其よりイスラエルの磐なる牧者いづ
Yet his bow will remain steady, and his arms will be made agile by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, by the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,
25 汝の父の神による彼なんぢを助けん全能者による彼なんぢを祝まん上なる天の福、下によこたはる淵の福、乳哺の福、胎の福、汝にきたるべし
by the God of your father, who will help you, and El Shaddai, who will bless you with blessings of the sky above, blessings of the deep that lies below, and blessings of the breasts and of the womb.
26 父の汝を祝することはわが父祖の祝したる所に勝て恒久の山の限極にまでおよばん是等の祝福はヨセフの首に歸しその兄弟と別になりたる者の頭頂に歸すべし
The blessings of your father are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains, and the bounty of the everlasting hills. They will be on the head of Joseph, and on the brow of the prince among his brothers.
27 ベニヤミンは物を噛む狼なり朝にその所掠物を啖ひ夕にその所攫物をわかたん
Benjamin is a ravenous wolf. In the morning he will devour the prey, and at evening he will divide the plunder."
28 是等はイスラエルの十二の支派なり斯その父彼らに語り彼等を祝せりすなはちその祝すべき所にしたがひて彼等諸人を祝せり
All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them. He blessed each one with his own individual blessing.
29 ヤコブまた彼等に命じて之にいひけるは我はわが民にくははらんとすヘテ人エフロンの田にある洞穴にわが先祖等とともに我をはうむれ
Then he instructed them, and said to them, "I am to be gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hethite,
30 その洞穴はカナンの地にてマムレのまへなるマクペラの田にあり是はアブラハムがヘテ人エフロンより田とともに購て所有の墓所となせし者なり
in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is near Mamre in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought along with the field from Ephron the Hethite as a burial place.
31 アブラハムとその妻サラ彼處にはうむられイサクとその妻リベカ彼處に葬られたり我またかしこにレアを葬れり
There they buried Abraham and his wife Sarah. There they buried Isaac and his wife Rebekah, and there I buried Leah.
32 彼田とその中の洞穴はヘテの子孫より購たる者なり
The field and the cave that is in it were purchased from the sons of Heth."
33 ヤコブその子に命ずることを終し時足を床に斂めて氣たえてその民にくははる
When Jacob finished instructing his sons, he drew his legs up into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people.

< 創世記 49 >