< 創世記 24 >

1 アブラハム年邁て老たりヱホバ萬の事に於てアブラハムを祝みたまへり
Now Abraham was old, and well advanced in years. YHWH had blessed Abraham in all things.
2 茲にアブラハム其凡の所有を宰る其家の年邁なる僕に言けるは請ふ爾の手を吾髀の下に置よ
Abraham said to his servant, the elder of his house, who ruled over all that he had, "Please put your hand under my thigh.
3 我爾をして天の神地の神ヱホバを指て誓はしめん即ち汝わが偕に居むカナン人の女の中より吾子に妻を娶るなかれ
I will make you swear by the God of heaven and earth, that you shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live.
4 汝わが故國に往き吾親族に到りて吾子イサクのために妻を娶れ
But you shall go to my country, and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son Isaac."
5 僕彼に言けるは倘女我に從ひて此地に來ることを好まざる事あらん時は我爾の子を彼汝が出來りし地に導き歸るべきか
The servant said to him, "What if the woman isn't willing to follow me to this land? Must I then bring your son back to the land from which you came?"
6 アブラハム彼に曰けるは汝愼みて吾子を彼處に携かへるなかれ
Abraham said to him, "Be careful that you do not take my son back there.
7 天の神ヱホバ我を導きて吾父の家とわが親族の地を離れしめ我に語り我に誓ひて汝の子孫に此地を與へんと言たまひし者其使を遣して汝に先たしめたまはん汝彼處より我子に妻を娶るべし
Now the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house, and from the land of my birth, who spoke to me, and who swore to me, saying, 'I will give this land to your offspring'-- he will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there.
8 若女汝に從ひ來る事を好ざる時は汝吾此誓を解るべし唯我子を彼處に携へかへるなかれ
If the woman isn't willing to follow you, then you shall be free from this oath to me. Only you shall not bring my son there again."
9 是に於て僕手を其主人アブラハムの髀の下に置て此事について彼に誓へり
The servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and swore to him concerning this matter.
10 斯て僕其主人の駱駝の中より十頭の駱駝を取りて出たてり即ち其主人の諸の佳物を手にとりて起てメソポタミアに往きナホルの邑に至り
The servant took ten camels, of his master's camels, and departed, having a variety of good things of his master's with him. He arose, and went to Aram Naharaim, to the city of Nahor.
11 其駱駝を邑の外にて井の傍に跪伏しめたり其時は黄昏にて婦女等の水汲にいづる時なりき
He made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water at the time of evening, the time that women go out to draw water.
12 斯して彼言けるは吾主人アブラハムの神ヱホバよ願くは今日我にその者を逢しめわが主人アブラハムに恩惠を施し給へ
He said, "God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham.
13 我この水井の傍に立ち邑の人の女等水を汲に出づ
Look, I am standing by the spring of water. The daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water.
14 我童女に向ひて請ふ汝の瓶をかたむけて我に飮しめよと言んに彼答へて飮め我また汝の駱駝にも飮しめんと言ば彼は汝が僕イサクの爲に定め給ひし者なるべし然れば我汝の吾主人に恩惠を施し給ふを知らん
Let it happen, that the young woman to whom I will say, 'Please let down your pitcher, that I may drink,' and she will say, 'Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink,'—let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master."
15 彼語ふことを終るまへに視よリベカ瓶を肩にのせて出きたる彼はアブラハムの兄弟ナホルの妻ミルカの子ベトエルに生れたる者なり
It happened, before he had finished speaking, that look, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher on her shoulder.
16 其童女は觀に甚だ美しく且處女にして未だ人に適しことあらず彼井に下り其瓶に水を盈て上りしかば
The young woman was very beautiful to look at, a virgin; no man had ever slept with her. She went down to the spring, filled her pitcher, and came up.
17 僕はせゆきて之にあひ請ふ我をして汝の瓶より少許の水を飮しめよといひけるに
The servant ran to meet her, and said, "Please give me a drink, a little water from your pitcher."
18 彼主よ飮たまへといひて乃ち急ぎ其瓶を手におろして之にのましめたりしが
She said, "Drink, my lord." She hurried, and let down her pitcher to her hands, and gave him a drink.
19 飮せをはりて言ふ汝の駱駝のためにも其飮をはるまで水を汲て飽しめん
When she had finished giving him drink, she said, "I will also draw for your camels, until they have finished drinking."
20 急ぎて其瓶を水鉢にあけ又汲んとて井にはせゆき其諸の駱駝のために汲みたり
She hurried, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again to the well to draw, and drew for all his camels.
21 其人之を見つめヱホバが其途に幸福をくだしたまふや否やをしらんとして默し居たり
The man looked steadfastly at her, remaining silent, to know whether God had made his journey prosperous or not.
22 茲に駱駝飮をはりしかば其人重半シケルの金の鼻環一箇と重十シケルの金の手釧二箇をとりて
It happened, as the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a gold ring weighing a beka, which he put on her nose, and two bracelets for her hands weighing ten [shekels] of gold,
23 言けるは汝は誰の女なるや請ふ我に告よ汝の父の家に我等が宿る隙地ありや
and said, "Whose daughter are you? Please tell me. Is there room in your father's house for us to lodge in?"
24 女彼に曰けるは我はミルカがナホルに生みたる子ベトエルの女なり
She said to him, "I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor."
25 又彼にいひけるは家には藁も飼草も多くあり且宿る隙地もあり
She said moreover to him, "We have plenty of straw and feed, and room to lodge in."
26 是に於て其人伏てヱホバを拜み
The man bowed his head, and worshiped God.
27 言けるは吾主人アブラハムの神ヱホバは讃美べきかなわが主人に慈惠と眞實とを缺きたまはず我途にありしにヱホバ我を吾主人の兄弟の家にみちびきたまへり
He said, "Blessed be the God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken his loving kindness and his truth toward my master. As for me, he has led me on the journey to the house of my master's relatives."
28 茲に童女走行て其母の家に此等の事を告たり
The young woman ran, and told her mother's house about these words.
29 リベカに一人の兄あり其名をラバンといふラバンはせいで井にゆきて其人の許につく
Rebekah had a brother, and his name was Laban. Laban ran out to the man, to the spring.
30 すなはち彼鼻環および其妹の手の手釧を見又其妹リベカが其人斯我に語りといふを聞て其人の所に到り見るに井の側らにて駱駝の傍にたちゐたれば
It happened, when he saw the nose ring, and the bracelets on his sister's hands, and when he heard the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, "This is what the man said to me," that he came to the man. Look, he was standing by the camels at the spring.
31 之に言けるは汝ヱホバに祝るる者よ請ふ入れ奚ぞ外にたつや我家を備へ且駱駝のために所をそなへたり
He said, "Come in, you blessed of God. Why do you stand outside? For I have prepared the house, and room for the camels."
32 是に於て其人家にいりぬラバン乃ち其駱駝の負を釋き藁と飼草を駱駝にあたへ又水をあたへて其人の足と其從者の足をあらはしめ
The man came into the house, and he unloaded the camels. He gave straw and feed for the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him.
33 斯して彼の前に食をそなへたるに彼言ふ我はわが事をのぶるまでは食はじとラバン語れといひければ
Food was set before him to eat, but he said, "I will not eat until I have told my message." He said, "Speak on."
34 彼言ふわれはアブラハムの僕なり
He said, "I am Abraham's servant.
35 ヱホバ大にわが主人をめぐみたまひて大なる者とならしめ又羊牛金銀僕婢駱駝驢馬をこれにたまへり
The Lord has blessed my master greatly. He has become great. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male servants and female servants, and camels and donkeys.
36 わが主人の妻サラ年老てのちわが主人に男子をうみければ主人其所有を悉く之に與ふ
Sarah, my master's wife, bore a son to my master when she was old. He has given all that he has to him.
37 わが主人我を誓せて言ふ吾すめるカナンの地の人の女子の中よりわが子に妻を娶るなかれ
My master made me swear, saying, 'You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, in whose land I live,
38 汝わが父の家にゆきわが親族にいたりわが子のために妻をめとれと
but you shall go to my father's house, and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son.'
39 我わが主人にいひけるは倘女我にしたがひて來ずば如何
I said to my master, 'What if the woman will not follow me?'
40 彼我にいひけるは吾事ふるところのヱホバ其使者を汝とともに遣はして汝の途に幸福を降したまはん爾わが親族わが父の家より吾子に妻をめとるべし
He said to me, 'God, before whom I walk, will send his angel with you, and prosper your journey. You shall take a wife for my son of my relatives, and of my father's house.
41 汝わが親族に至れる時はわが誓を解さるべし若彼等汝にあたへずば汝はわが誓をゆるさるべしと
Then will you be free from my oath, when you come to my relatives. If they do not give her to you, you shall be free from my oath.'
42 我今日井に至りて謂けらくわが主人アブラハムの神ヱホバねがはくはわがゆく途に幸福を降したまへ
I came this day to the spring, and said, 'God of my master Abraham, if now you will prosper my journey in which I go?
43 我はこの井水の傍に立つ水を汲にいづる處女あらん時我彼にむかひて請ふ汝の瓶より少許の水を我にのましめよと言んに
look, I am standing by this spring of water. Let it happen, that the virgin who comes out to draw, to whom I will say, "Please give me a little water from your pitcher to drink,"
44 若我に答へて汝飮め我亦汝の駱駝のためにも汲んと言ば是ヱホバがわが主人の子のために定たまひし女なるべし
and she will tell me, "Drink, and I will also draw for your camels,"—let her be the woman who has been appointed for my master's son.'
45 我心の中に語ふことを終るまへにリベカ其瓶を肩にのせて出來り井にくだりて水を汲みたるにより我彼に請ふ我にのましめよと言ければ
Before I had done speaking in my heart, look, Rebekah came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. She went down to the spring, and drew. I said to her, 'Please give me a drink.'
46 彼急ぎ其瓶を肩よりおろしていひけるは飮めまた汝の駱駝にものましめんと是に於て我飮しが彼また駱駝にものましめたり
She hurried and let down her pitcher from her shoulder, and said, 'Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink.' So I drank, and she made the camels drink also.
47 我彼に問て汝は誰の女なるやといひければミルカがナホルに生たる子ベトエルの女なりといふ是に於て我其鼻に環をつけ其手に手釧をつけたり
I asked her, and said, 'Whose daughter are you?' She said, 'The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore to him.' I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands.
48 而して我伏てヱホバを拜み吾主人アブラハムの神ヱホバを頌美たりヱホバ我を正き途に導きてわが主人の兄弟の女を其子のために娶しめんとしたまへばなり
I bowed my head, and worshiped YHWH, and blessed the God of my master Abraham, who had led me in the right way to take my master's brother's daughter for his son.
49 されば汝等若わが主人にむかひて慈惠と眞誠をもて事をなさんと思はば我に告よ然ざるも亦我に告よ然ば我右か左におもむくをえん
Now if you will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me. If not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand, or to the left."
50 ラバンとベトエル答て言けるは此事はヱホバより出づ我等汝に善惡を言ふあたはず
Then Laban and Bethuel answered, "The thing proceeds from YHWH. We can't speak to you bad or good.
51 視よリベカ汝の前にをる携へてゆき彼をしてヱホバの言たまひし如く汝の主人の子の妻とならしめよ
Look, Rebekah is before you. Take, and go, and let her be your master's son's wife, as YHWH has spoken."
52 アブラハムの僕彼等の言を聞て地に伏てヱホバを拜めり
It happened that when Abraham's servant heard their words, he bowed himself down to the ground.
53 是に於て僕銀の飾品金の飾品および衣服をとりいだしてリベカに與へ亦其兄と母に寶物をあたへたり
The servant brought out articles of silver and articles of gold, and clothing, and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave valuable gifts to her brother and her mother.
54 是に於て彼および其從者等食飮して宿りしが朝起たる時彼言我をして吾主人に還らしめよ
They ate and drank, he and the men who were with him, and stayed all night. They rose up in the morning, and he said, "Send me away to my master."
55 リベカの兄と母言けるは童女を數日の間少くも十日我等と偕にをらしめよしかるのち彼ゆくべし
Her brother and her mother said, "Let the young woman stay with us a few days, at least ten. After that she will go."
56 彼人之に言ヱホバ吾途に福祉をくだしたまひたるなれば我を阻むるなかれ我を歸してわが主人に往しめよ
He said to them, "Do not hinder me, seeing that he has prospered my journey. Send me away that I may go to my master."
57 彼等いひけるは童女をよびて其言を問んと
They said, "We will call the young woman, and ask her."
58 即ちリベカを呼て之に言けるは汝此人と共に往や彼言ふ往ん
They called Rebekah, and said to her, "Will you go with this man?" She said, "I will go."
59 是に於て彼等妹リベカと其乳媼およびアブラハムの僕と其從者を遣り去しめたり
They sent away Rebekah, their sister, with her nurse, Abraham's servant, and his men.
60 即ち彼等リベカを祝して之にいひけるはわれらの妹よ汝千萬の人の母となれ汝の子孫をして其仇の門を獲しめよ
They blessed Rebekah, and said to her, "Our sister, may you be the mother of thousands of ten thousands, and let your descendants possess the gate of those who hate them."
61 是に於てリベカ起て其童女等とともに駱駝にのりて其人にしたがひ往く僕乃ちリベカを導きてさりぬ
Rebekah arose with her female servants. They rode on the camels, and followed the man. The servant took Rebekah, and went his way.
62 茲にイサク、ラハイロイの井の路より來れり南の國に住居たればなり
Isaac came from the way of Beer Lahai Roi, for he lived in the land of the Negev.
63 しかしてイサク黄昏に野に出て默想をなしたりしが目を擧て見しに駱駝の來るあり
Isaac went out to walk in the field at the evening. He lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, look, there were camels coming.
64 リベカ目をあげてイサクを見駱駝をおりて
Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she dismounted from the camel.
65 僕にいひけるは野をあゆみて我等にむかひ來る者は何人なるぞ僕わが主人なりといひければリベカ覆衣をとりて身をおほへり
She said to the servant, "Who is the man who is walking in the field to meet us?" The servant said, "It is my master." She took her veil, and covered herself.
66 茲に僕其凡てなしたる事をイサクに告ぐ
The servant told Isaac all the things that he had done.
67 イサク、リベカを其母サラの天幕に携至りリベカを娶りて其妻となしてこれを愛したりイサクは母にわかれて後茲に慰籍を得たり
Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife. He loved her. Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

< 創世記 24 >