< エゼキエル書 5 >

1 人の子よ汝利き刀を執り之を剃刀となして汝の頭と頷をそり權衡をとりてその毛を分てよ
And you, son of man, take you a sharp knife, take you a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon your head and upon your beard: then take you balances to weigh, and divide the hair.
2 而して圍城の日の終る時邑の中にて火をもて其三分の一を燒き又三分の一を取り刀をもて邑の周圍を撃ち三分の一を風に散すべし我刀をぬきて其後を追ん
You shall burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and you shall take a third part, and strike about it with a knife: and a third part you shall scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.
3 汝その毛を少く取りて裾に包み
You shall also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in your skirts.
4 又その中を取りてこれを火の中になげいれ火をもて之をやくべし火その中より出てイスラエルの全家におよばん
Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel.
5 主ヱホバかくいひ給ふ我このヱルサレムを萬國の中におき列邦をその四圍に置けり
Thus says the Lord GOD; This is Jerusalem: I have set it in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her.
6 ヱルサレムは異邦よりも惡くわが律法に悖り其四圍の國々よりもわが法憲に悖る即ち彼等はわが律法を蔑如にしわが法憲に歩行まざるなり
And she has changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them.
7 故に主ヱホバかくいひたまふ汝等はその周圍の異邦人よりも甚だしく噪ぎたち吾憲にあゆまず吾法をおこなはず又汝らの周圍なる異邦人の法のごとくに行ふことすらもせざるなり
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Because all of you multiplied more than the nations that are round about you, and have not walked in my statutes, neither have kept my judgments, neither have done according to the judgments of the nations that are round about you;
8 是故に主ヱホバかくいひ給ふ視よ我 われは汝を攻め異邦人の目の前にて汝の中に鞫をおこなはん
Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, am against you, and will execute judgments in the midst of you in the sight of the nations.
9 なんぢの爲せし諸の惡むべき事のために我わが未だ爲ざりしところの事此後ふたたび其ごとく爲ざるべきところの事を汝になさん
And I will do in you that which I have not done, and unto which I will not do any more the like, because of all of your abominations.
10 是がために汝の中にて父たる者はその子を食ひ子たる者はその父を食はん我汝の中に鞫をおこなひ汝の中の餘れる者を盡く四方の風に散さん
Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of you, and the sons shall eat their fathers; and I will execute judgments in you, and the whole remnant of you will I scatter into all the winds.
11 是故に主ヱホバいひ給ふ我は活く汝その忌むべき物とその憎むべきところの事とをもてわが聖所を穢したれば我かならず汝を減さん我目なんぢを惜み見ず我なんぢを憐まざるべし
Wherefore, as I live, says the Lord GOD; Surely, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your detestable things, and with all of your abominations, therefore will I also diminish you; neither shall mine eye spare, neither will I have any pity.
12 汝の三分の一は汝の中において疫病にて死に饑饉にて滅びん又三分の一は汝の四周にて刀に仆れん又三分の一をば我四方の風に散し刀をぬきて其後をおはん
A third part of you shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of you: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about you; and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.
13 斯我怒を洩し盡しわが憤を彼らの上にかうむらせて心を安んぜん我わが憤を彼らの上に洩し盡す時は彼ら我ヱホバの熱心をもてかたりたる事をしるに至らん
Thus shall mine anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest upon them, and I will be comforted: and they shall know that I the LORD have spoken it in my zeal, when I have accomplished my fury in them.
14 我汝を荒地となし汝の周圍の國々の中に汝を笑柄となし凡て往來の人の目に斯あらしむべし
Moreover I will make you waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about you, in the sight of all that pass by.
15 我怒と憤と重き責をもて鞫を汝に行ふ時は汝はその周圍の邦々の笑柄となり嘲となり警戒となり驚懼とならん我ヱホバこれを言ふ
So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about you, when I shall execute judgments in you in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the LORD have spoken it.
16 即ち我饑饉の惡き矢を彼等に放たん是は滅亡すための者なり我汝らを滅さんために之を放つべし我なんぢらの上に饑饉を増しくはへ汝らが杖とするところのパンを打碎かん
When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:
17 我饑饉と惡き獸を汝等におくらん是汝をして子なき者とならしめん又疫病と血なんぢの間に行わたらん我刀を汝にのぞましむべし我ヱホバこれを言ふ
So will I send upon you famine and evil beasts, and they shall bereave you: and pestilence and blood shall pass through you; and I will bring the sword upon you. I the LORD have spoken it.

< エゼキエル書 5 >