< エゼキエル書 42 >

1 彼われを携へ出して北におもむく路よりして外庭にいたり我を室に導く是は北の方にありて離處に對ひ建物に對ひをる
Next the man sent me out to the outer courtyard on the north side, and he brought me to rooms in front of the outer courtyard and the northern outer wall.
2 その百キユビトの長ある所の前に至るに戸は北の方にあり寛は五十キユビト
Those rooms were one hundred cubits along their front and fifty cubits in width.
3 内庭の二十キユビトなる處に對ひ外庭の鋪石に對ふ廊下の上に廊下ありて三なり
Some of those rooms faced the inner courtyard and were twenty cubits away from the sanctuary. There were three levels of rooms, and the ones above looked down on the ones below and were open to them, having a walkway. Some of the rooms looked out onto the outer courtyard.
4 室の前に寛十キユビトの路あり又内庭にいたるところの百キユビトの路あり室の戸は北にむかふ
A passage ten cubits in width and one hundred cubits in length ran in front of the rooms. The rooms' doors were toward the north.
5 その建物の上の室は下のと中のとに比れば狹し是は廊下の爲に其場を削らるればなり
But the upper halls were smaller, for the walkways took away from them more space than they did in the lowest and middle levels of the building.
6 是等は三階にして庭の柱の如くは柱あらず是をもて上のは下のと中のよりもその場狹し
For the halls on the third story had no columns, unlike the courtyards, which did have columns. So the highest level's rooms were smaller in size compared to the rooms in the lowest and middle levels.
7 室の前にあたりて外に垣あり室にそひて外庭にいたる其長五十キユビト
The outside wall ran along the rooms toward the outer courtyard, the courtyard that was in front of the rooms. That wall was fifty cubits in length.
8 外庭の室の長は五十キユビトにして殿に對ふ所は百キユビトあり
The length of the rooms of the outer courtyard was fifty cubits, and the rooms facing the sanctuary were one hundred cubits in length.
9 その下の方より是等の室いづ外庭よりこれに往ときは其入口東にあり
There was an entrance to the lowest rooms from the east side, coming from the outer courtyard.
10 南の庭垣の廣き方にあたり離處とその建物にむかひて室あり
Along the wall of the outer courtyard on the eastern side of the outer courtyard, in front of the sanctuary's inner courtyard, there were also rooms
11 北の方なる室のごとく其前に路ありその長寛およびその出口その建築みな同じ
with a walkway in front of them. They were as the appearance of the rooms on the northern side. They had the same length and breadth and the same exits and arrangements and doors.
12 その入口のごとく南の方なる室の入口も然り路の頭に入口あり是は垣に連るところの路にて東より來る路なり
On the south side were doors into rooms that were just the same as on the north side. A passage on the inside had a door at its head, and the passage opened into the various rooms. On the east side there was a doorway into the passage at one end.
13 彼われに言けるは離處の前なる北の室と南の室は聖き室にしてヱホバに近くところの祭司の至聖き物を食ふべき所なり其處にかれら最聖き物 素祭 罪祭 愆祭の物を置べし其處は聖ければなり
Then the man said to me, “The northern rooms and the southern rooms that are in front of the outer courtyard are holy rooms where the priests who work nearest to Yahweh may eat the most holy food. They will put the most holy things there—the food offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering—for this is a holy place.
14 祭司は入たるときは聖所より外庭に出べからず彼等職掌を行ふところの衣服を其處に置べし是聖ければなり而して他の衣を着て民に屬するの處に近くべし
When the priests enter there, they must not go out of the holy place to the outer court, without laying aside the clothes in which they served, since these are holy. So they must dress in other clothes before going near the people.”
15 彼内室を量ることを終て東向の門の路より我を携へ出して四方を量れり
The man completed measuring the inner house and then took me out to the gate that faced the east and measured all the surrounding area there.
16 彼間竿をもて東面を量るにその周圍 間竿五百竿あり
He measured the east side with a measuring stick—five hundred cubits with the measuring stick.
17 又北面をはかるにその周圍 間竿五百竿あり
He measured the north side—five hundred cubits with the measuring stick.
18 また南面をはかるに間竿五百竿あり
He also measured the south side—five hundred cubits with the measuring stick.
19 また西面にまはりて量るに間竿五百竿あり
He also turned and measured the west side—five hundred cubits with the measuring stick.
20 斯四方を量れり周圍に牆ありその長 五百竿 寛 五百竿 聖所と俗所とを區別つなり
He measured it on four sides. It had a wall around it that was five hundred cubits in length, and five hundred cubits in width, to separate the holy from that which is common.

< エゼキエル書 42 >