< ダニエル書 5 >

1 ベルシヤザル王その大臣一千人のために酒宴を設けその一千人の者の前に酒を飮たりしが
Balthasar, the kyng, made a greet feeste to hise beste men a thousynde, and ech man drank aftir his age.
2 酒の進むにいたりてベルシヤザルはその父ネブカデネザルがヱルサレムの宮より取きたりし金銀の器を携へいたれと命ぜり是王とその大臣および王の妻妾等みな之をもて酒を飮んとてなりき
Forsothe the kyng thanne drunkun comaundide, that the goldun and siluerne vessels schulden be brouyt forth, whiche Nabugodonosor, his fadir, hadde borun out of the temple that was in Jerusalem, that the kyng, and hise beste men, hise wyues, and councubyns schulden drynke in tho vessels.
3 是をもてそのヱルサレムなる神の宮の内院より取たりし金の器を携へいたりければ王とその大臣および王の妻妾等これをもて飮めり
Thanne the goldun vessels and siluerne, whiche he hadde borun out of the temple that was in Jerusalem, weren brouyt forth; and the kyng, and hise beste men, and hise wyues, and concubyns, drunken in tho vessels.
4 すなはち彼らは酒をのみて金銀銅鐵木石などの神を讃たたへたりしが
Thei drunken wyn, and herieden her goddis of gold, and of siluer, of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of stoon.
5 その時に人の手の指あらはれて燭臺と相對する王の宮の粉壁に物書り王その物書る手の末を見たり
In the same our fyngris apperiden, as of the hond of a man, writynge ayens the candilstike, in the pleyn part of the wal of the kyngis halle; and the kyng bihelde the fyngris of the hond writynge.
6 是において王の愉快なる顔色は變りその心は思ひなやみて安からず腿の關節はゆるみ膝はあひ撃り
Thanne the face of the kyng was chaungid, and hise thouytis disturbliden hym; and the ioyncturis of hise reynes weren loosid, and hise knees weren hurtlid to hem silf togidere.
7 王すなはち大聲に呼はりて法術士カルデヤ人卜筮師等を召きたらしめ而して王バビロンの智者等に告て言ふこの文字を讀みその解明を我に示す者には紫の衣を衣せ頸に金の鏈をかけさせて之を國の第三の牧伯となさんと
Therfor the kyng criede strongli, that thei schulden brynge yn astronomyens, Caldeis, and dyuynouris bi lokyng of auteris. And the kyng spak, and seide to the wise men of Babiloyne, Who euer redith this scripture, and makith opyn the interpretyng therof to me, schal be clothid in purpur; and he schal haue a goldun bie in the necke, and he schal be the thridde in my rewme.
8 王の智者等は皆きたりしかどもその文字を讀こと能はずまたその解明を王にしめすこと能はざりければ
Thanne alle the wise men of the kyng entriden, and miyten not rede the scripture, nether schewe to the kyng the interpretyng therof.
9 ベルシヤザル王おほいに思ひなやみてその顔色を失へりその大臣等もまた驚き懼れたり
Wherof kyng Balthasar was disturblid ynow, and his cheer was chaungid, but also hise beste men weren disturblid.
10 時に大后王と大臣等の言を聞てその酒宴の室にいりきたり大后すなはち陳て言ふ願くは王長壽かれ汝心に思ひなやむ勿れまた顔色を失ふにおよばず
Forsothe the queen entride in to the hous of feeste, for the thing that hadde bifeld to the king, and beste men; and sche spak, and seide, Kyng, lyue thou withouten ende. Thi thouytis disturble not thee, and thi face be not chaungid.
11 汝の國に聖神の霊のやどれる一箇の人あり汝の父の代に彼聰明了知および神の智慧のごとき智慧あることを顯せり汝の父ネブカデネザル王すなはち汝の父の王彼を立てて博士法術士カルデヤ人卜筮師等の長となせり
A man is in thi rewme, that hath the spirit of hooli goddis in hym silf, and in the daies of thi fadir kunnyng and wisdom weren foundun in hym; for whi and Nabugodonosor, thi fadir, made him prince of astronomyens, of enchaunteris, of Caldeis, and of dyuynouris bi lokyng on auteris; sotheli thi fadir, thou kyng, dide this;
12 彼はダニエルといへる者なるが王これにベルテシヤザルといふ名を與へたり彼は心の殊勝たる者にて了知あり知識ありて能く夢を解き隠語を解き難問を解くなり然ばダニエルを召されよ彼その解明をしめさんと
for more spirit, and more prudent, and vndurstondyng, and interpretyng of dremes, and schewyng of priuytees, and assoilyng of boundun thingis weren foundun in hym, that is, in Danyel, to whom the kyng puttide the name Balthasar. Now therfor Daniel be clepid, and he schal telle the interpretyng. Therfor Daniel was brouyt in bifor the kyng. To whom the forseid kyng seide,
13 是においてダニエル召れて王の前に至りければ王ダニエルに語りて言ふ汝は吾父の王がユダより曳きたりしユダの俘囚人なるそのダニエルなるか
Art thou Danyel, of the sones of caitifte of Juda, whom my fader, the kyng, brouyte fro Judee?
14 我聞になんぢの裏には神の霊やどりをりて汝は聰明了知および非凡の智慧ありと云ふ
Y haue herd of thee, that thou hast in thee the spirit of goddis, and more kunnyng, and vndurstondyng, and wisdom be foundun in thee.
15 我智者法術士等を吾前に召よせてこの文字を讀しめその解明を我にしめさせんと爲たれども彼らはこの事の解明を我にしめすことを得ず
And now wise men, astronomyens, entriden in my siyt, to rede this scripture, and to schewe to me the interpretyng therof; and thei myyten not seie to me the vndurstondyng of this word.
16 我聞に汝は能く物事の解明をなしかつ難問を解くと云ふ然ば汝もし能くこの文字を讀みその解明を我に示さば汝に紫の衣を衣せ金の索を汝の頸にかけさせて汝をこの國の第三の牧伯となさんと
Certis Y haue herde of thee, that thou maist interprete derk thingis, and vnbynde boundun thingis; therfor if thou maist rede the scripture, and schewe to me the interpretyng therof, thou schalt be clothid in purpur, and thou schalt haue a goldun bie aboute thi necke, and thou schalt be the thridde prince in my rewme.
17 ダニエルこたへて王に言けるは汝の賜物は汝みづからこれを取り汝の饒物はこれを他の人に與へたまへ然ながら我は王のためにその文字を讀みその解明をこれに知せたてまつらん
To whiche thingis Danyel answeride, and seide bifore the kyng, Thi yiftis be to thee, and yyue thou to another man the yiftis of thin hous; forsothe, kyng, Y schal rede the scripture to thee, and Y schal schewe to thee the interpretyng therof.
18 王よ至高神汝の父ネブカデネザルに國と權勢と榮光と尊貴を賜へり
O! thou kyng, hiyeste God yaf rewme, and greet worschipe, and glorie, and onour, to Nabugodonosor, thi fadir.
19 彼に權勢を賜ひしによりて諸民諸族諸音みな彼の前に慄き畏れたり彼はその欲する者を殺しその欲する者を活しその欲する者を上げその欲する者を下ししなり
And for greet worschip which he hadde youe to thilke Nabugodonosor, alle puplis, lynagis, and langagis, trembliden and dredden hym; he killide whiche he wolde, and he smoot whiche he wolde, and he enhaunside whiche he wolde, and he made low which he wolde.
20 而して彼心に高ぶり氣を剛愎にして驕りしかばその國の位をすべりてその尊貴を失ひ
Forsothe whanne his herte was reisid, and his spirit was maad obstynat in pride, he was put doun of the seete of his rewme;
21 逐れて世の人と離れその心は獣のごとくに成りその住所は野馬の中にあり牛のごとくに草を食ひてその身は天よりの露に濡たり是のごとくにして終に彼は至高神の人間の國を治めてその意のままに人を立たまふといふことをしるにいたれり
and his glorie was takun awei, and he was cast out fro the sones of men; but also his herte was set with beestis, and his dwellyng was with wielde assis; also he eet hei as an oxe doith, and his bodi was colourid with the deew of heuene, til he knewe, that the hiyeste hath power in the rewme of men, and he schal reise on it whom euer he wole.
22 ベルシヤザルよ汝は彼の子にして此事を盡く知るといへども猶その心を卑くせず
And thou, Balthasar, the sone of hym, mekidest not thin herte, whanne thou knewist alle these thingis;
23 却つて天の主にむかひて自ら高ぶりその家の器皿を汝の前に持きたらしめて汝と汝の大臣と汝の妻妾等それをもて酒を飮み而して汝は見ことも聞ことも知こともあらぬ金銀銅鐵木石の神を讃頌ふることを爲し汝の生命をその手に握り汝の一切の道を主どりたまふ神を崇むることをせず
but thou were reisid ayens the Lord of heuene, and the vessels of his hous weren brouyt bifore thee, and thou, and thi beste men, and thi wyues, and thi concubyns, drunken wyn in tho vessels; and thou heriedist goddis of siluer, and of gold, and of bras, and of irun, and of tree, and of stoon, that seen not, nether heren, nether feelen; certis thou glorifiedist not God, that hath thi blast, and alle thi weies in his hond.
24 是をもて彼の前よりこの手の末いできたりてこの文字を書るなり
Therfor the fyngur of the hond was sent of hym, which hond wroot this thing that is writun.
25 その書る文字は是のごとしメネ、メネ、テケル、ウバルシン
Sotheli this is the scripture which is discryued, Mane, Techel, Phares.
26 その言の解明は是のごとしメネ(數へたり)は神汝の治世を數へてこれをその終に至らせしを謂なり
And this is the interpretyng of the word. Mane, God hath noumbrid thi rewme, and hath fillid it;
27 テケル(秤れり)は汝が權衡にて秤られて汝の重の足らざることの顯れたるを謂なり
Techel, thou art weied in a balaunce, and thou art foundun hauynge lesse;
28 ペレス(分たれたり)は汝の國の分たれてメデアとペルシヤに與へらるるを謂なり
Phares, thi rewme is departid, and is youun to Medeis and Perseis.
29 是においてベルシヤザル命を降してダニエルに紫の衣を着せしめ金の鏈をこれが頸にかけさせて彼は國の第三の牧伯なりと布告せり
Thanne, for the kyng comaundide, Daniel was clothid in purpur, and a goldun bie was youun aboute in his necke; and it was prechid of hym, that he hadde power, and was the thridde in the rewme.
30 カルデヤ人の王ベルシヤザルはその夜の中に殺され
In the same niyt Balthasar, the kyng of Caldeis, was slayn;
31 メデア人ダリヨスその國を獲たり此時ダリヨスは六十二歳なりき
and Daryus of Medei was successour in to the rewme, and he was two and sixti yeer eld.

< ダニエル書 5 >