< ダニエル書 5 >

1 ベルシヤザル王その大臣一千人のために酒宴を設けその一千人の者の前に酒を飮たりしが
Belshazzar the king made a great feast for a thousand of his noblemen, and he drank wine in front of all one thousand of them.
2 酒の進むにいたりてベルシヤザルはその父ネブカデネザルがヱルサレムの宮より取きたりし金銀の器を携へいたれと命ぜり是王とその大臣および王の妻妾等みな之をもて酒を飮んとてなりき
While Belshazzar tasted the wine, he gave orders to bring the containers made of gold or silver that Nebuchadnezzar his father had taken out of the temple in Jerusalem, from which he, his noblemen, and his wives and concubines could drink.
3 是をもてそのヱルサレムなる神の宮の内院より取たりし金の器を携へいたりければ王とその大臣および王の妻妾等これをもて飮めり
The servants brought the gold containers that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God, in Jerusalem. The king, his noblemen, and his wives and concubines drank from them.
4 すなはち彼らは酒をのみて金銀銅鐵木石などの神を讃たたへたりしが
They drank the wine and praised their idols made of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.
5 その時に人の手の指あらはれて燭臺と相對する王の宮の粉壁に物書り王その物書る手の末を見たり
At that moment the fingers of a human hand appeared in front of the lampstand and wrote on the plaster wall in the king's palace. The king could see part of the hand as it wrote.
6 是において王の愉快なる顔色は變りその心は思ひなやみて安からず腿の關節はゆるみ膝はあひ撃り
Then the king's face changed and his thoughts frightened him; his limbs could not support him, and his knees were knocking together.
7 王すなはち大聲に呼はりて法術士カルデヤ人卜筮師等を召きたらしめ而して王バビロンの智者等に告て言ふこの文字を讀みその解明を我に示す者には紫の衣を衣せ頸に金の鏈をかけさせて之を國の第三の牧伯となさんと
The king shouted a command to bring in those who claimed to speak with the dead, wise men, and astrologers. The king said to those known for their wisdom in Babylon, “Whoever explains this writing and its meaning will be clothed with purple and will have a gold chain around his neck. He will have the authority of the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”
8 王の智者等は皆きたりしかどもその文字を讀こと能はずまたその解明を王にしめすこと能はざりければ
Then all the king's men who were known for their wisdom came in, but they could not read the writing or explain its meaning to the king.
9 ベルシヤザル王おほいに思ひなやみてその顔色を失へりその大臣等もまた驚き懼れたり
Then King Belshazzar was greatly alarmed and the look on his face changed. His noblemen were perplexed.
10 時に大后王と大臣等の言を聞てその酒宴の室にいりきたり大后すなはち陳て言ふ願くは王長壽かれ汝心に思ひなやむ勿れまた顔色を失ふにおよばず
Now the queen came into the banquet house because of what the king and his nobles had said. The queen said, “King, live forever! Do not let your thoughts trouble you. Do not let the look on your face change.
11 汝の國に聖神の霊のやどれる一箇の人あり汝の父の代に彼聰明了知および神の智慧のごとき智慧あることを顯せり汝の父ネブカデネザル王すなはち汝の父の王彼を立てて博士法術士カルデヤ人卜筮師等の長となせり
There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods. In the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods was found in him. King Nebuchadnezzar, your father the king, made him chief of the magicians, as well as chief of those who speak with the dead, of the wise men, and of the astrologers.
12 彼はダニエルといへる者なるが王これにベルテシヤザルといふ名を與へたり彼は心の殊勝たる者にて了知あり知識ありて能く夢を解き隠語を解き難問を解くなり然ばダニエルを召されよ彼その解明をしめさんと
An excellent spirit, knowledge, understanding, interpreting of dreams, explaining riddles and solving problems—these qualities were found in this man Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now call for Daniel and he will tell you the meaning of what has been written.”
13 是においてダニエル召れて王の前に至りければ王ダニエルに語りて言ふ汝は吾父の王がユダより曳きたりしユダの俘囚人なるそのダニエルなるか
Then Daniel was brought before the king. The king said to him, “You are that Daniel, one of the people of the exiles of Judah, whom my father the king brought out of Judah.
14 我聞になんぢの裏には神の霊やどりをりて汝は聰明了知および非凡の智慧ありと云ふ
I have heard about you, that the spirit of the gods is in you, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom are found in you.
15 我智者法術士等を吾前に召よせてこの文字を讀しめその解明を我にしめさせんと爲たれども彼らはこの事の解明を我にしめすことを得ず
Now the men known for wisdom and those who claim to speak with the dead have been brought in before me to read this writing and make known to me its interpretation, but they could not make known the interpretation of it.
16 我聞に汝は能く物事の解明をなしかつ難問を解くと云ふ然ば汝もし能くこの文字を讀みその解明を我に示さば汝に紫の衣を衣せ金の索を汝の頸にかけさせて汝をこの國の第三の牧伯となさんと
I have heard that you can give interpretations and solve problems. Now if you can read the writing and tell me its meaning, you will be clothed with purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck, and you will have the authority of the third highest ruler in the kingdom.”
17 ダニエルこたへて王に言けるは汝の賜物は汝みづからこれを取り汝の饒物はこれを他の人に與へたまへ然ながら我は王のためにその文字を讀みその解明をこれに知せたてまつらん
Then Daniel answered before the king, “Let your gifts be for yourself, and give your rewards to another person. Nevertheless, I will read the writing to you, king, and will tell you the meaning.
18 王よ至高神汝の父ネブカデネザルに國と權勢と榮光と尊貴を賜へり
As for you, king, the Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar your father the kingdom, greatness, honor, and majesty.
19 彼に權勢を賜ひしによりて諸民諸族諸音みな彼の前に慄き畏れたり彼はその欲する者を殺しその欲する者を活しその欲する者を上げその欲する者を下ししなり
Because of the greatness God gave him, all peoples, nations, and languages trembled and feared him. He put to death those he wanted to die, and he kept alive those he wished to live. He raised up those he wanted, and he humbled those he wished.
20 而して彼心に高ぶり氣を剛愎にして驕りしかばその國の位をすべりてその尊貴を失ひ
But when his heart was arrogant and his spirit was hardened so that he acted presumptuously, he was brought down from his kingly throne, and they took away his majesty.
21 逐れて世の人と離れその心は獣のごとくに成りその住所は野馬の中にあり牛のごとくに草を食ひてその身は天よりの露に濡たり是のごとくにして終に彼は至高神の人間の國を治めてその意のままに人を立たまふといふことをしるにいたれり
He was driven away from humanity, he had the mind of an animal, and he lived with the wild donkeys. He ate grass like an ox. His body was wet with the dew from the heavens until he learned that the Most High God rules over the kingdoms of people and that he sets over them anyone he wishes.
22 ベルシヤザルよ汝は彼の子にして此事を盡く知るといへども猶その心を卑くせず
You his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, even though you knew all this.
23 却つて天の主にむかひて自ら高ぶりその家の器皿を汝の前に持きたらしめて汝と汝の大臣と汝の妻妾等それをもて酒を飮み而して汝は見ことも聞ことも知こともあらぬ金銀銅鐵木石の神を讃頌ふることを爲し汝の生命をその手に握り汝の一切の道を主どりたまふ神を崇むることをせず
You have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven. From his house they brought you the containers that you, your nobles, your wives and your concubines drank wine from, and you praised the idols made of silver and gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone—idols that do not see, hear, or know anything. You have not honored the God who holds your breath in his hand and who knows all your ways.
24 是をもて彼の前よりこの手の末いできたりてこの文字を書るなり
Then God sent out a hand from his presence and this writing was done.
25 その書る文字は是のごとしメネ、メネ、テケル、ウバルシン
This is the writing that was done: 'Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Pharsin.'
26 その言の解明は是のごとしメネ(數へたり)は神汝の治世を數へてこれをその終に至らせしを謂なり
This is its meaning: 'Mene,' 'God has numbered your kingdom and brought it to an end.'
27 テケル(秤れり)は汝が權衡にて秤られて汝の重の足らざることの顯れたるを謂なり
'Tekel,' 'you are weighed in the scales and are found lacking.'
28 ペレス(分たれたり)は汝の國の分たれてメデアとペルシヤに與へらるるを謂なり
'Peres,' 'your kingdom is divided and is given to the Medes and Persians.'”
29 是においてベルシヤザル命を降してダニエルに紫の衣を着せしめ金の鏈をこれが頸にかけさせて彼は國の第三の牧伯なりと布告せり
Then Belshazzar gave a command, and they clothed Daniel with purple. A chain of gold was put around his neck, and the king made a proclamation about him that he would have the authority of the third highest ruler in the kingdom.
30 カルデヤ人の王ベルシヤザルはその夜の中に殺され
That night Belshazzar, the Babylonian king, was killed,
31 メデア人ダリヨスその國を獲たり此時ダリヨスは六十二歳なりき
and Darius the Mede received the kingdom when he was about sixty-two years old.

< ダニエル書 5 >