< 歴代誌Ⅱ 9 >

1 茲にシバの女王ソロモンの風聞を聞および難問をもてソロモンを試みんとて甚だ衆多の部從をしたがへ香物と夥多き金と寶石とを駱駝に負せてヱルサレムに來りソロモンの許にいたりてその心にある所をことごとく之に陳けるに
When the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to test Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great caravan, including camels that bore spices, gold in abundance, and precious stones. When she had come to Solomon, she talked with him about all that was in her heart.
2 ソロモンこれが問に盡く答へたりソロモンの知ずして答へざる事は無りき
Solomon answered all her questions. There wasn’t anything hidden from Solomon which he didn’t tell her.
3 シバの女王ソロモンの智慧とその建たる家を觀
When the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, the house that he had built,
4 またその席の食物とその諸臣の列坐る状とその侍臣の伺候状と彼らの衣服およびその酒人とその衣服ならびに彼がヱホバの家に上りゆく昇道を觀におよびて全くその氣を奪はれたり
the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the attendance of his ministers, their clothing, his cup bearers and their clothing, and his ascent by which he went up to the LORD’s house, there was no more spirit in her.
5 是において彼王に言けるは我が自己の國にて汝の行爲と汝の智慧とにつきて聞およびたる言は眞實なりき
She said to the king, “It was a true report that I heard in my own land of your acts and of your wisdom.
6 然るに我は來りて目に觀るまではその言を信ぜざりしが今視ば汝の智慧の大なる事我が聞たるはその半分にも及ばざりき汝は我が聞たる風聞に愈れり
However I didn’t believe their words until I came, and my eyes had seen it; and behold half of the greatness of your wisdom wasn’t told me. You exceed the fame that I heard!
7 汝の人々は幸福なるかな汝の前に常に立て汝の智慧を聽る此なんぢの臣僕等は幸福なるかな
Happy are your men, and happy are these your servants, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom.
8 汝の神ヱホバは讃べき哉彼なんぢを悦こびてその位に上らせ汝の神ヱホバの爲に汝を王となしたまへり汝の神イスラエルを愛して永く之を堅うせんとするが故に汝を之が王となして公平と正義を行はせたまふなりと
Blessed be the LORD your God, who delighted in you and set you on his throne to be king for the LORD your God, because your God loved Israel, to establish them forever. Therefore he made you king over them, to do justice and righteousness.”
9 すなはち金百二十タラントおよび莫大の香物と寶石とを王に饋れりシバの女王がソロモン王に饋りたるが如き香物は未だ曾て有ざりしなり
She gave the king one hundred and twenty talents of gold, spices in great abundance, and precious stones. There was never before such spice as the queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.
10 (かのオフルより金を取きたりしヒラムの臣僕とソロモンの臣僕等また白檀木と寶石とをも携さへいたりければ
The servants of Huram and the servants of Solomon, who brought gold from Ophir, also brought algum trees and precious stones.
11 王その白檀木をもてヱホバの家と王の宮とに段階を作りまた謳歌者のために琴と瑟とを作れり是より前には是のごとき者ユダの地に見しこと無りき)
The king used algum tree wood to make terraces for the LORD’s house and for the king’s house, and harps and stringed instruments for the singers. There were none like these seen before in the land of Judah.
12 ソロモン王シバの女王に物を饋りてその携へきたれる所に報いたるが上にまた之が望にまかせて凡てその求むる者を與へたり斯て彼はその臣僕とともに去てその國に還りぬ
King Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she asked, more than that which she had brought to the king. So she turned and went to her own land, she and her servants.
13 一年にソロモンの所に來れる金の重量は六百六十六タラントなり
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold,
14 この外にまた商賣および商旅の携へきたる者ありアラビアの一切の王等および國の知事等もまた金銀をソロモンに携へ至れり
in addition to that which the traders and merchants brought. All the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.
15 ソロモン王展金の大楯二百を作れりその大楯一枚には展金六百シケルを用ふ
King Solomon made two hundred large shields of beaten gold. Six hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one large shield.
16 また展金の小干三百を作れり其小干一枚には金三百シケルを用ふ王これらをレバノン森の家に置り
He made three hundred shields of beaten gold. Three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield. The king put them in the House of the Forest of Lebanon.
17 王また象牙をもて大なる寳座一を造り純金をもて之を蔽へり
Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.
18 その寳座には六の階級あり又金の足臺ありて共にその寳座に連なりその坐する處の此旁彼旁に按手ありて按手の側に二頭の獅子立をり
There were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and armrests on either side by the place of the seat, and two lions standing beside the armrests.
19 その六の階級に十二の獅子ありて此旁彼旁に立り是のごとき者を作れる國は未だ曾て有ざりしなり
Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps. There was nothing like it made in any other kingdom.
20 ソロモン王の用ゐる飮料の器は皆金なりまたレバノン森の家の器もことごとく精金なり銀はソロモンの世には何とも算ざりしなり
All King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. Silver was not considered valuable in the days of Solomon.
21 其は王の舟ヒラムの僕を乗てタルシシに往き三年毎に一回その舟タルシシより金銀象牙猿および孔雀を載て來りたればたり
For the king had ships that went to Tarshish with Huram’s servants. Once every three years, the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.
22 ソロモン王は天下の諸王に勝りて富有と智慧とをもちたれば
So King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.
23 天下の諸王みな神がソロモンの心に授けたまへる智慧を聽んとてソロモンの面を見んことを求め
All the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.
24 各々その禮物を携さへ來る即ち銀の器金の器衣服甲冑香物馬騾など年々定分ありき
They each brought tribute: vessels of silver, vessels of gold, clothing, armour, spices, horses, and mules every year.
25 ソロモン戰車の馬四千厩騎兵一萬二千あり王これを戰車の邑々に置きまたヱルサレムにて自己の所に置り
Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen that he stationed in the chariot cities and with the king at Jerusalem.
26 彼は河よりペリシテの地とエジプトの界までの諸王を統治めたり
He ruled over all the kings from the River even to the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.
27 王は銀を石のごとくヱルサレムに多からしめまた香柏を平野の桑木のごとく多からしめたり
The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and he made cedars to be as abundant as the sycamore trees that are in the lowland.
28 また人衆エジプトなどの諸國より馬をソロモンに率いたれり
They brought horses for Solomon out of Egypt and out of all lands.
29 ソロモンのその餘の始終の行爲は預言者ナタンの書とシロ人アヒヤの預言と先見者イドがネバテの子ヤラベアムにつきて述たる默旨の中に記さるるにあらずや
Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, aren’t they written in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer concerning Jeroboam the son of Nebat?
30 ソロモンはヱルサレムにて四十年の間イスラエルの全地を治めたり
Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
31 ソロモンその先祖等と倶に寝りてその父ダビデの邑に葬られ其子レハベアムこれに代りて王となれり
Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in his father David’s city; and Rehoboam his son reigned in his place.

< 歴代誌Ⅱ 9 >