< サムエル記Ⅰ 24 >

1 サウル、ペリシテ人を追ふことをやめて還りし時人々かれにつげていひけるは視よダビデはエンゲデの野にありと
And it was just when he returned Saul from after [the] Philistines and people told to him saying there! David [is] in [the] wilderness of En Gedi.
2 サウル、イスラエルの中より選みたる三千の人を率ゐゆきて野羊の巌にダビデと其從者を尋ぬ
And he took Saul three thousand man chosen from all Israel and he went to seek David and men his on [the] face of [the] rocks of the mountain goats.
3 途にて羊の棧にいたるに其處に洞穴ありサウル其足を掩んとていりぬ時にダビデと其從者洞の隅に居たり
And he came to [the] folds of the sheep on the way and [was] there a cave and he went Saul to cover feet his and David and men his in [the] innermost parts of the cave [were] sitting.
4 ダビデの從者これにいひけるはヱホバが汝に告て視よ我汝の敵を汝の手にわたし汝をして善と見るところを彼になさしめんといひたまひし日は今なりとダビデすなはち起てひそかにサウルの衣の裾をきれり
And they said [the] men of David to him here! the day which he said Yahweh to you here! I [am] about to give (enemy your *QK) in hand your and you will do to him just as it will be good in eyes your and he arose David and he cut off [the] skirt of the robe which [belonged] to Saul in secrecy.
5 ダビデ、サウルの衣の裾をきりしによりて後ち其心みづから責む
And it was after thus and it struck [the] heart of David him on that he had cut off [the] skirt which [belonged] to Saul.
6 ダビデ其從者にいひけるはヱホバの膏そそぎし者なるわが主にわが此事をなすをヱホバ禁じたまふかれはヱホバの膏そそぎし者なればかれに敵してわが手をのぶるは善らず
And he said to men his far be it to me from Yahweh if I will do the thing this to lord my to [the] [one] anointed of Yahweh by stretching out hand my on him for [is] [the] [one] anointed of Yahweh he.
7 ダビデ此ことばをもって其從者を止めサウルに撃ちかかる事を容さずサウルたちて洞を出て其道にゆく
And he reprimanded David men his by the words and not he permitted them to rise up against Saul and Saul he arose from the cave and he went on the way.
8 ダビデもまた後よりたちて洞をいでサウルのうしろに呼はりて我主王よといふサウル後をかへりみる時ダビデ地にふして拝す
And he arose David after thus and he went out (from from the cave *QK) and he called out after Saul saying O lord my the king and he looked Saul behind him and he bowed low David face [the] ground towards and he bowed down.
9 ダビデ、サウルにいひけるは汝なんぞダビデ汝を害せん事を求むといふ人の言を聽くや
And he said David to Saul why? do you listen to [the] words of someone saying there! David [is] seeking harm your.
10 視よ今日汝の目ヱホバの汝を洞のうちにて今日わが手にわたしたまひしことを見たり人々我に汝をころさんことを勸めたれども我汝を惜めり我いひけらくわが主はヱホバの膏そそぎし者なればこれに敵してわが手をのぶべからずと
Here! the day this they have seen eyes your this: he gave you Yahweh - this day - in hand my in the cave and someone said to kill you and it looked with compassion on you and I said not I will stretch out hand my on lord my for [is] [the] [one] anointed of Yahweh he.
11 わが父よ視よわが手にある汝の衣の裾を見よわが汝の衣の裾をきりて汝を殺さざるを見ばわが手には惡も罪過もなきことを汝見て知るべし我汝に罪ををかせしことなし然るに汝わが生命をとらんとねらふ
And O father my see also see [the] skirt of robe your in hand my for when cut off I [the] skirt of robe your and not I killed you know and see that there not in hand my [is] evil and transgression and not I have sinned to you and you [are] lying in wait for life my to take it.
12 ヱホバ我と汝の間を審きたまはんヱホバわがために汝に報いたまふべし然どわが手は汝に加へざるべし
May he judge Yahweh between me and between you and he will avenge me Yahweh from you and hand my not it will be on you.
13 古への諺にいふごとく惡は惡人よりいづされどわが手は汝にくはへざるべし
Just as it says [the] proverb of the ancient[s] from wicked [people] it comes forth wickedness and hand my not it will be on you.
14 イスラエルの王は誰を趕んとて出たるや汝たれを追ふや死たる犬をおひ一の蚤をおふなり
After whom? has he come out [the] king of Israel after whom? [are] you pursuing after a dog dead after a flea one.
15 ねがはくはヱホバ審判者となりて我と汝のあひだをさばきかつ見てわが訟を理し我を汝の手よりすくひいだしたまはんことを
And he will become Yahweh a judge and he will judge between me and between you and may he see and may he conduct case my and may he vindicate me from hand your.
16 ダビデこれらの言をサウルに語りをへしときサウルいひけるはわが子ダビデよ是は汝の聲なるかとサウル聲をあげて哭きぬ
And it was - when finished David to speak the words these to Saul and he said Saul ¿ voice your [is] this O son my David and he lifted up Saul voice his and he wept.
17 しかしてダビデにいひけるは汝は我よりも正し我は汝に惡をむくゆるに汝は我に善をむくゆ
And he said to David [are] righteous you more than I for you you have dealt out to me good and I I have dealt out to you evil.
18 汝今日いかに汝が我に善くなすかを明かにせりヱホバ我を爾の手にわたしたまひしに爾我をころさざりしなり
(And you *QK) you have told this day this: you have done with me good [and] this: he delivered up me Yahweh in hand your and not you killed me.
19 人もし其敵にあはばこれを安らかに去しむべけんや爾が今日我になしたる事のためにヱホバ爾に善をむくいたまふべし
And if he will find anyone enemy his and will he send away? him on a journey good and Yahweh may he reward you good in place of the day this [that] which you have done to me.
20 視よ我爾が必ず王とならんことを知りまたイスラエルの王國の爾の手によりて堅くたたんことをしる
And therefore here! I know that certainly you will reign and it will be established in hand your [the] kingdom of Israel.
21 今爾ヱホバをさして我にわが後にてわが子孫を斷ずわが名をわが父の家に滅せざらんことを誓へと
And therefore swear an oath! to me by Yahweh if you will cut off offspring my after me and if you will destroy name my from [the] house of father my.
22 ダビデすなはちサウルにちかふ是においてサウルは家にかへりダビデと其從者は要害にのぼれり
And he swore an oath David to Saul and he went Saul to house his and David and men his they went up to the stronghold.

< サムエル記Ⅰ 24 >