< 列王記Ⅰ 8 >

1 爰にソロモン、ヱホバの契約の櫃をダビデの城即ちシオンより舁上らんとてイスラエルの長老と諸の支派の首イスラエルの子孫の家の長等をエルサレムにてソロモン王の所に召集む
Then Solomon sent for all the responsible men of Israel, and all the chiefs of the tribes, and the heads of families of the children of Israel, to come to him in Jerusalem to take the ark of the Lord's agreement up out of the town of David, which is Zion.
2 イスラエルの人皆エタニムの月即ち七月の節筵に當てソロモン王の所に集まれり
And all the men of Israel came together to King Solomon at the feast, in the month Ethanim, the seventh month.
3 イスラエルの長老皆至り祭司櫃を執りあげて
And all the responsible men of Israel came, and the priests took up the ark.
4 ヱホバの櫃と集會の幕屋と幕屋にありし諸の聖き器を舁上れり即ち祭司とレビの人之を舁のぼれり
They took up the ark of the Lord, and the Tent of meeting, and all the holy vessels which were in the Tent; all these the priests and the Levites took up.
5 ソロモン王および其許に集れるイスラエルの會衆皆彼と偕に櫃の前にありて羊と牛を献げたりしが其數多くして書すことも數ふることも能はざりき
And King Solomon and all the men of Israel who had come together there, were with him before the ark, making offerings of sheep and oxen more than might be numbered.
6 祭司ヱホバの契約の櫃を其處に舁いれたり即ち家の神殿なる至聖所の中のケルビムの翼の下に置めたり
And the priests took the ark of the agreement of the Lord and put it in its place in the inner room of the house, in the most holy place, under the wings of the winged ones.
7 ケルビムは翼を櫃の所に舒べ且ケルビム上より櫃と其棹を掩へり
For their wings were outstretched over the place where the ark was, covering the ark and its rods.
8 杠長かりければ杠の末は神殿の前の聖所より見えたり然ども外には見えざりき其杠は今日まで彼處にあり
The rods were so long that their ends were seen from the holy place, in front of the inmost room; but they were not seen from outside: and there they are to this day.
9 櫃の内には二の石牌の外何もあらざりき是はイスラエルの子孫のエジプトの地より出たる時ヱホバの彼等と契約を結たまへる時にモーセがホレブにて其處に置めたる者なり
There was nothing in the ark but the two flat stones which Moses put there at Horeb, where the Lord made an agreement with the children of Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt.
10 斯て祭司聖所より出けるに雲ヱホバの家に盈たれば
Now when the priests had come out of the holy place, the house of the Lord was full of the cloud,
11 祭司は雲のために立て供事ること能はざりき其はヱホバの榮光ヱホバの家に盈たればなり
So that the priests were not able to keep their places to do their work because of the cloud, for the house of the Lord was full of the glory of the Lord.
12 是においてソロモンいひけるはヱホバは濃き雲の中に居んといひたまへり
Then Solomon said, O Lord, to the sun you have given the heaven for a living-place, but your living-place was not seen by men;
13 我誠に汝のために住むべき家永久に居べき所を建たりと
So I have made for you a living-place, a house in which you may be for ever present.
14 王其面を轉てイスラエルの凡の會衆を祝せり時にイスラエルの會衆は皆立ゐたり
Then, turning his face about, the king gave a blessing to all the men of Israel; and they were all on their feet together.
15 彼言けるはイスラエルの神ヱホバは譽べきかなヱホバは其口をもて吾父ダビデに言ひ其手をもて之を成し遂げたまへり
And he said, Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, who himself gave his word to David my father, and with his strong hand has made his word come true, saying,
16 即ち我は吾民イスラエルをエジプトより導き出せし日より我名を置べき家を建しめんためにイスラエルの諸の支派の中より何れの城邑をも選みしことなし但ダビデを選みてわが民イスラエルの上に立しめたりと言たまへり
From the day when I took my people Israel out of Egypt, no town in all the tribes of Israel has been marked out by me for the building of a house for the resting-place of my name; but I made selection of David to be king over my people Israel.
17 夫イスラエルの神ヱホバの名のために家を建ることはわが父ダビデの心にありき
Now it was in the heart of David my father to put up a house for the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
18 しかるにヱホバわが父ダビデにいひたまひけるはわが名のために家を建ること汝の心にあり汝の心に此事あるは善し
But the Lord said to David my father, You did well to have in your heart the desire to make a house for my name;
19 然ども汝は其家を建べからず汝の腰より出る汝の子其人吾名のために家を建べしと
But you yourself will not be the builder of my house; but your son, the offspring of your body, he it is who will put up a house for my name.
20 而してヱホバ其言たまひし言を行ひたまへり即ち我わが父ダビデに代りて立ちヱホバの言たまひし如くイスラエルの位に坐しイスラエルの神ヱホバの名のために家を建たり
And the Lord has made his word come true; for I have taken my father David's place on the seat of the kingdom of Israel, as the Lord gave his word; and I have made a house for the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
21 我又其處にヱホバの契約を蔵めたる櫃のために一の所を設けたり即ち我儕の父祖をエジプトの地より導き出したまひし時に彼等に爲したまひし者なりと
In it I have made a place for the ark, in which is the agreement which the Lord made with our fathers, when he took them out of the land of Egypt.
22 ソロモン、イスラエルの凡の會衆の前にてヱホバの壇のまへに立ち其手を天に舒て
Then Solomon took his place before the altar of the Lord, all the men of Israel being present, and stretching out his hands to heaven,
23 言けるはイスラエルの神ヱホバよ上の天にも下の地にも汝の如き神なし汝は契約を持ちたまひ心を全うして汝のまへに歩むところの汝の僕等に恩惠を施したまふ
Said, O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on the earth; keeping faith and mercy unchanging for your servants, while they go in your ways with all their hearts.
24 汝は汝の僕わが父ダビデに語たまへる所を持ちたまへり汝は口をもて語ひ手をもて成し遂たまへること今日のごとし
And you have kept the word which you gave to your servant David, my father; with your mouth you said it and with your hand you have made it come true this day.
25 イスラエルの神ヱホバよ然ば汝が僕わが父ダビデに語りて若し汝の子孫其道を愼みて汝がわが前に歩めるごとくわが前に歩まばイスラエルの位に坐する人わがまへにて汝に缺ること無るべしといひたまひし事をダビデのために持ちたまへ
So now, O Lord, the God of Israel, let your word to your servant David, my father, come true, when you said, You will never be without a man to take his place on the seat of the kingdom of Israel before me, if only your children give attention to their ways, walking before me as you have done.
26 然ばイスラエルの神よ爾が僕わが父ダビデに言たまへる爾の言に效驗あらしめたまへ
So now, O God of Israel, it is my prayer that you will make your word come true which you said to your servant David, my father.
27 神果して地の上に住たまふや視よ天も諸の天の天も爾を容るに足ず况て我が建たる此家をや
But is it truly possible that God may be housed on earth? see, heaven and the heaven of heavens are not wide enough to be your resting-place; how much less this house which I have made!
28 然どもわが神ヱホバよ僕の祈祷と懇願を顧みて其號呼と僕が今日爾のまへに祈る祈祷を聽たまへ
Still, let your heart be turned to the prayer of your servant, O Lord God, and to his prayer for grace; give ear to the cry and the prayer which your servant sends up to you this day;
29 願くは爾の目を夜晝此家に即ち爾が我名は彼處に在べしといひたまへる處に向ひて開きたまへ願くは僕の此處に向ひて祈らん祈祷を聽たまへ
That your eyes may be open to this house night and day, to this place of which you have said, My name will be there; hearing the prayer which your servant may make, turning to this place.
30 願くは僕と爾の民イスラエルが此處に向ひて祈る時に爾其懇願を聽たまへ爾は爾の居處なる天において聽き聽て赦したまへ
Give ear to the prayers of your servant, and the prayers of your people Israel, when they make their prayers, turning to this place; give ear in heaven your living-place, and hearing, have mercy.
31 若し人其隣人に對ひて犯せることありて其人誓をもて誓ふことを要られんに來りて此家において爾の壇のまへに誓ひなば
If a man does wrong to his neighbour, and has to take an oath, and comes before your altar to take his oath in this house:
32 爾天において聽て行ひ爾の僕等を鞫き惡き者を罪して其道を其首に歸し義しき者を義として其義に循ひて之に報いたまへ
Then let your ear be open in heaven, and be the judge of your servants, giving your decision against the wrongdoer, so that punishment for his sins may come on his head; and, by your decision, keeping from evil him who has done no wrong.
33 若爾の民イスラエル爾に罪を犯したるがために敵の前に敗られんに爾に歸りて爾の名を崇め此家にて爾に祈り願ひなば
When your people Israel are overcome in war, because of their sin against you; if they are turned to you again, honouring your name, making prayers to you and requesting your grace in this house:
34 爾天において聽き爾の民イスラエルの罪を赦して彼等を爾が其父祖に與へし地に歸らしめたまへ
Then give ear in heaven, and let the sin of your people Israel have forgiveness, and take them back again into the land which you gave to their fathers.
35 若彼等が爾に罪を犯したるが爲に天閉て雨无らんに彼等若此處にむかひて祈り爾の名を崇め爾が彼等を苦めたまふときに其罪を離れなば
When heaven is shut up and there is no rain, because of their sin against you; if they make prayers with their faces turned to this place, honouring your name and turning away from their sin when you send trouble on them:
36 爾天において聽き爾の僕等爾の民イスラエルの罪を赦したまへ爾彼等に其歩むべき善道を敎へたまふ時は爾が爾の民に與へて產業となさしめたまひし爾の地に雨を降したまへ
Then give ear in heaven, so that the sin of your servants, and of your people Israel, may have forgiveness, when you make clear to them the good way in which they are to go; and send rain on your land which you have given to your people for their heritage.
37 若國に饑饉あるか若くは疫病枯死朽腐噬亡ぼす蝗蟲あるか若くは其敵國にいりて彼等を其門に圍むか如何なる災害如何なる病疾あるも
If there is no food in the land, or if there is disease, or if the fruits of the earth are damaged through heat or water, locust or worm; if their towns are shut in by their attackers; whatever trouble, whatever disease there may be:
38 若一人か或は爾の民イスラエル皆各己の心の災を知て此家に向ひて手を舒なば其人如何なる祈祷如何なる懇願を爲とも
Whatever prayer or request for your grace is made by any man, or by all your people Israel, whatever his trouble may be, whose hands are stretched out to this house:
39 爾の居處なる天に於て聽て赦し行ひ各の人に其心を知給ふ如く其道々にしたがひて報い給へ其は爾のみ凡の人の心を知たまへばなり
Give ear in heaven your living-place, acting in mercy; and give to every man whose secret heart is open to you, the reward of all his ways; for you, and you only, have knowledge of the hearts of all the children of men:
40 爾かく彼等をして爾が彼等の父祖に與へたまへる地に居る日に常に爾を畏れしめたまへ
So that they may give you worship all the days of their life in the land which you gave to our fathers.
41 且又爾の民イスラエルの者にあらずして爾の名のために遠き國より來る異邦人は
And as for the man from a strange land, who is not of your people Israel; when he comes from a far country because of the glory of your name:
42 (其は彼等爾の大なる名と強き手と伸たる腕を聞およぶべければなり)若來りて此家にむかひて祈らば
(For they will have news of your great name and your strong hand and your out-stretched arm; ) when he comes to make his prayer, turning to this house:
43 爾の居處なる天に於て聽き凡て異邦人の爾に龥求むる如く爲たまへ爾かく地の諸の民をして爾の名をしらしめ爾の民イスラエルのごとく爾を畏れしめ又我が建たる此家は爾の名をもて稱呼るるといふことを知しめ給へ
Give ear in heaven your living-place, and give him his desire, whatever it may be; so that all the peoples of the earth may have knowledge of your name, worshipping you as do your people Israel, and that they may see that this house which I have put up is truly named by your name.
44 爾の民其敵と戰はんとて爾の遣はしたまふ所に出たる時彼等若爾が選みたまへる城とわが爾の名のために建たる家の方に向ひてヱホバに祈らば
If your people go out to war against their attackers, by whatever way you may send them, if they make their prayer to the Lord, turning their faces to this town of yours and to this house which I have made for your name:
45 爾天において彼等の祈祷と懇願を聽て彼等を助けたまへ
Give ear in heaven to their prayer and their cry for grace, and see right done to them.
46 人は罪を犯さざる者なければ彼等爾に罪を犯すことありて爾彼等を怒り彼等を其敵に付し敵かれらを虜として遠近を諭ず敵の地に引ゆかん時は
If they do wrong against you, (for no man is without sin, ) and you are angry with them and give them up into the power of those who are fighting against them, so that they take them away as prisoners into a strange land, far off or near;
47 若彼等虜れゆきし地において自ら顧みて悔い己を虜へゆきし者の地にて爾に願ひて我儕罪を犯し悖れる事を爲たり我儕惡を行ひたりと言ひ
And if they take thought, in the land where they are prisoners, and are turned again to you, crying out in prayer to you in that land, and saying, We are sinners, we have done wrong, we have done evil;
48 己を虜ゆきし敵の地にて一心一念に爾に歸り爾が其父祖に與へたまへる地爾が選みたまへる城とわが爾の名のために建たる家の方に向ひて爾に祈らば
And with all their heart and soul are turned again to you, in the land of those who took them prisoners, and make their prayer to you, turning their eyes to this land which you gave to their fathers, and to the town which you took for yourself, and the house which I made for your name:
49 爾の居處なる天において爾彼等の祈祷と懇願を聽てかれらを助け
Then give ear to their prayer and to their cry in heaven your living-place, and see right done to them;
50 爾の民の爾に對て犯したる事と爾に對て過てる其凡の罪過を赦し彼等を虜ゆける者の前にて彼等に憐を得させ其人々をして彼等を憐ましめたまへ
Answering with forgiveness the people who have done wrong against you, and overlooking the evil which they have done against you; let those who made them prisoners be moved with pity for them, and have pity on them;
51 其は彼等は爾がエジプトより即ち鐵の鑪の中よりいだしたまひし爾の民爾の產業なればなり
For they are your people and your heritage, which you took out of Egypt, out of the iron fireplace;
52 願くは僕の祈祷と爾の民イスラエルの祈願に爾の目を開きて凡て其爾に龥求むる所を聽たまへ
Let your eyes be open to your servant's prayer for grace and to the prayer of your people Israel, hearing them when their cry comes to you.
53 其は爾彼等を地の凡の民の中より別ちて爾の產業となしたまへばなり神ヱホバ爾が我儕の父祖をエジプトより導き出せし時モーセによりて言給ひし如し
For you made them separate from all the peoples of the earth, to be your heritage, as you said by Moses your servant, when you took our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord God.
54 ソロモン此祈祷と祈願を悉くヱホバに祈り終りし時其天にむかひて手を舒べ膝を屈居たるを止てヱホバの壇のまへより起あがり
Then Solomon, after making all these prayers and requests for grace to the Lord, got up from his knees before the altar of the Lord, where his hands had been stretched out in prayer to heaven;
55 立て大なる聲にてイスラエルの凡の會衆を祝して言けるは
And, getting on his feet, he gave a blessing to all the men of Israel, saying with a loud voice,
56 ヱホバは譽べきかなヱホバは凡て其言たまひし如く其民イスラエルに太平を與へたまへり其僕モーセによりて言たまひし其善言は皆一も違はざりき
Praise be to the Lord who has given rest to his people Israel, as he gave them his word to do; every word of all his oath, which he gave by the hand of Moses his servant, has come true.
57 願くは我儕の神ヱホバ我儕の父祖と偕に在せしごとく我儕とともに在せ我儕を離れたまふなかれ我儕を棄たまふなかれ
Now may the Lord our God be with us as he was with our fathers; let him never go away from us or give us up;
58 願くは我儕の心をおのれに傾けたまひて其凡の道に歩ましめ其我儕の父祖に命じたまひし誡命と法憲と律例を守らしめたまへ
Turning our hearts to himself, guiding us to go in all his ways, to keep his orders and his laws and his decisions, which he gave to our fathers.
59 願くはヱホバの前にわが願し是等の言日夜われらの神ヱホバに近くあれ而してヱホバ日々の事に僕を助け其民イスラエルを助けたまへ
And may these my words, the words of my prayer to the Lord, be before the Lord our God day and night, so that he may see right done to his servant and to his people Israel, day by day as we have need.
60 斯して地の諸の民にヱホバの神なることと他に神なきことを知しめたまへ
So that all the peoples of the earth may see that the Lord is God, and there is no other.
61 されば爾等我儕の神ヱホバとともにありて今日の如く爾らの心を完全しヱホバの法憲に歩み其誡命を守るべしと
Then let your hearts be without sin before the Lord our God, walking in his laws and keeping his orders as at this day.
62 斯て王および王と偕にありしイスラエル皆ヱホバのまへに犠牲を献たり
Now the king, and all Israel with him, were making offerings before the Lord.
63 ソロモン酬恩祭の犠牲を献げたり即ち之をヱホバに献ぐ其牛二萬二千羊十二萬なりき斯王とイスラエルの子孫皆ヱホバの家を開けり
And Solomon gave to the Lord for peace-offerings, twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the children of Israel kept the feast of the opening of the Lord's house.
64 其日に王ヱホバの家の前なる庭の中を聖別め其處にて燔祭と禴祭と酬恩祭の脂とを献げたり是はヱホバの前なる銅の壇小くして燔祭と禴祭と酬恩祭の脂とを受るにたらざりしが故なり
The same day the king made holy the middle of the open square in front of the house of the Lord, offering there the burned offering and the meal offering and the fat of the peace-offerings; for there was not room on the brass altar of the Lord for the burned offerings and the meal offerings and the fat of the peace-offerings.
65 其時ソロモン七日に七日合て十四日我儕の神ヱホバのまへに節筵を爲りイスラエルの大なる會衆ハマテの入處よりエジプトの河にいたるまで悉く彼と偕にありき
So Solomon and all Israel with him, a very great meeting, (for the people had come together from the way into Hamath to the river of Egypt, ) kept the feast at that time before the Lord our God, for two weeks, even fourteen days.
66 第八日にソロモン民を歸せり民は王を祝しヱホバが其僕ダビデと其民イスラエルに施したまひし諸の恩惠のために喜び且心に樂みて其天幕に往り
And on the eighth day he sent the people away, and, blessing the king, they went to their tents full of joy and glad in their hearts, because of all the good which the Lord had done to David his servant and to Israel his people.

< 列王記Ⅰ 8 >