< 歴代誌Ⅰ 26 >

1 門を守る者の班列は左のごとしコラ人の中にてはアサフの子コレの子なるメシレミヤ
And the divisions of the porters: of the Corites Meselemia, the son of Core, of the sons of Asaph.
2 メシレミヤの子等は長子はゼカリヤその次はヱデアエルその三はゼバデヤその四はヤテニエル
The sons of Meselemia: Zacharias the firstborn, Jadihel the second, Zabadias the third, Jathanael the fourth,
3 その五はエラムその六はヨハナンその七はエリヨエナイ
Elam the fifth, Johanan the sixth, Elioenai the seventh.
4 またオベデエドムの子等は長子はシマヤその次はヨザバデその三はヨアその四はサカルその五はネタネル
And the sons of Obededom, Semeias the firstborn, Jozabad the second, Joaha the third, Sachar the fourth, Nathanael the fifth,
5 その六はアシミエルその七はイツサカルその八はピウレタイ是は神かれを祝福たまひしなり
Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, Phollathi the eighth: for the Lord had blessed him.
6 また彼の子シマヤにも數人の子生れたりしがその子等は大勇士にしてその父の家の主たる者なりき
And to Semei his son were born sons, herds of their families: for they were men of great valour.
7 すなはちシマヤの子等はオテニ、レバエル、オベデ、エルザバデ、エルザバデの兄弟エリウとセマキヤは力ある人なりき
The sons then of Semeias were Othni, and Raphael, and Obed, Elizabad, and his brethren most valiant men: and Eliu, and Samachias.
8 是みなオベデエドムの孫子なり彼らとその子等および其兄弟等は合せて六十二人皆力ある者にしてその職に堪ふ是みなオベデエドムに屬する者なり
All these of the sons of Obededom: they, and their sons, and their brethren most able men for service, sixty-two of Obededom.
9 メシレミヤも子等と兄弟等合せて十八人あり皆力ある者なりき
And the sons of Meselemia, and their brethren strong men, were eighteen.
10 メラリの子孫ホサもまた子等ありき其長はシムリ是は長子ならざりしかどもその父これを長となせしなり
And of Hosa, that is, of the sons of Merari: Semri the chief, (for he had not a firstborn, and therefore his father made him chief.)
11 その次はヒルキヤその三はデバリヤその四はゼカリヤ、ホサの子等と兄弟等は合せて十三人
Helcias the second, Tabelias the third, Zacharias the fourth: all these the sons, and the brethren of Hosa, were thirteen.
12 門を守るところの班列此長等の中より出でみなその兄弟と等く勤務をなしてヱホバの家に仕ふ
Among these were the divisions of the porters, so that the chiefs of the wards, as well as their brethren, always ministered in the house of the Lord.
13 彼ら門々を分つために小も大もともにその宗家に循ひて籤を掣たりしが
And they cast lots equally, both little and great, by their families for every one of the gates.
14 東の方の籤はシレミヤに當れり又その子ゼカリヤのために籤を掣けるに北の方の籤これに當れりゼカリヤは智慧ある議士なりき
And the lot of the east fell to Selemias. But to his son Zacharias, a very wise and learned man, the north gate fell by lot.
15 オベデエドムは南の方の籤に當りその子等は倉の籤に當れり
And to Obededom and his sons that towards the south: in which part of the house was the council of the ancients.
16 シユパムおよびホサは西の方の籤にあたり坂の大路にあるシヤレケテの門の傍に居り守者はみな相對ふ
To Sephim, and Hosa towards the west, by the gate which leadeth to the way of the ascent: ward against ward.
17 東の方にはレビ人六人北の方には日々に四人南の方にも日々に四人倉のかたはらには二人に二人
Now towards the east were six Levites: and towards the north four a day: and towards the south likewise four a day: and where the council was, two and two.
18 西の方バルバルにおいては大路に四人バルバルに二人
In the cells also of the porters toward the west four in the way: and two at every cell.
19 門を守る者の班列は是のごとし皆コラの子孫とメラリの子孫なり
These are the divisions of the porters of the sons of Core, and of Merari.
20 また神の府庫および聖物の府庫を司どれる彼らの兄弟なるレビ人は左のごとし
Now Achias was over the treasures of the house of God, and the holy vessels.
21 ラダンの子孫すなはちラダンより出たるゲルシヨン人にしてゲルシヨン人ラダンの宗家の長たる者の中にてはヱヒエリ
The sons of Ledan, the sons of Gersonni: of Ledan were heads of the families, of Ledan, and Gersonni, Jehieli.
22 およびヱヒエリの子等ならびにその兄弟ゼタムとヨエル是らはヱホバの家の府庫を司どれり
The sons of Jehieli: Zathan and Joel, his brethren over the treasures of the house of the Lord,
23 アムラミ人イヅハリ人ヘブロン人ウジエリ人の中においては左のごとし
With the Amramites, and Isaarites, and Hebronites, and Ozielites.
24 モーセの子ゲルシヨムの子なるシブエルは府庫の宰たり
And Subael the son of Gersom, the son of Moses, was chief over the treasures.
25 その兄弟にしてエリエゼルより出たる者は即ちエリエゼルの子レハビヤその子ヱサヤその子ヨラムその子ジクリその子シロミテ
His brethren also, Eliezer, whose son Rohobia, and his son Isaias, and his son Joram, and his son Zechri, and his son Selemith.
26 此シロミテとその兄弟等はすべての聖物の府庫を掌どれりその聖物はすなはちダビデ王宗家の長千人の長百人の長軍旅の長等などが奉納たる者なり
Which Selemith and his brethren were over the treasures of the holy things, which king David, and the heads of families, and the captains over thousands and over hundreds, and the captains of the host had dedicated,
27 即ち戰爭において獲たる物および掠取物を奉納てヱホバの家の修繕に供へたるなり
Out of the wars, and the spoils won in battles, which they had consecrated to the building and furniture of the temple of the Lord.
28 凡て先見者サムエル、キシの子サウル、ネルの子アブネル、ゼルヤの子ヨアブ等が奉献たる物および其他の奉納物は皆シロミテとその兄弟等の手の下にありき
And all these things that Samuel the seer and Saul the son of Cis, and Abner the son of Ner, and Joab the son of Sarvia had sanctified: and whosoever had sanctified those things, they were under the hand of Selemith and his brethren.
29 イヅハリ人の中にてはケナニヤとその子等イスラエルの外事を理め有司となり裁判人となれり
But Chonenias and his sons were over the Isaarites, for the business abroad over Israel to teach them and judge them.
30 ヘブロン人の中にてはハシヤビアおよびその兄弟などの勇士一千七百人ありてヨルダンの此旁すなはち西の方にてイスラエルの監督者となりヱホバの一切の事を行ひ王の用を爲り
And of the Hebronites Hasabias, and his brethren most able men, a thousand seven hundred had the charge over Israel beyond the Jordan westward, in all the works of the Lord, and for the service of the king.
31 ヘブロン人の中にてはその系譜と宗家とに依ばヱリヤといふ者ヘブロン人の長なりダビデの治世の四十年に彼らを尋ね求めギレアデのヤゼルにおいて彼らの中より大勇士を得たり
And the chief of the Hebronites was Jeria according to their families and kindreds. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were numbered, and there were found most valiant men in Jazer Galaad,
32 ヱリヤの兄弟たる勇士は二千七百人にして皆宗家の長たりダビデ王かれらをしてルベン人ガド人およびマナセの半支派を監督しめ神につける事と王につける事とを宰どらせたり
And his brethren of stronger age, two thousand seven hundred chiefs of families. And king David made them rulers over the Rubenites and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasses, for all the service of God, and the king.

< 歴代誌Ⅰ 26 >