< Romani 2 >

1 PERCIÒ, o uomo, chiunque tu sii, che giudichi, tu sei inescusabile; perciocchè, in ciò che giudichi altrui, tu condanni te stesso; poichè tu che giudichi fai le medesime cose.
[God will severely punish non-Jewish people who habitually do evil things, because he has clearly revealed that he is angry with them]. So, [when God judges people], he will not excuse any one of you Jews [to whom I am writing]. You [(sg)] say that [God should] punish [non-Jews for doing evil things]. But when any one of you says that, it is you yourself whom you are saying that God should punish, because you [(sg)] do [some of] the same [evil] things [that the non-Jews do].
2 Or noi sappiamo che il giudicio di Dio è, secondo verità, sopra coloro che fanno cotali cose.
We know very well that God will judge and punish fairly [non-Jewish] people who do such [evil] things.
3 E stimi tu questo, o uomo, che giudichi coloro che fanno cotali cose, e le fai, che tu scamperai il giudicio di Dio?
So, you who [say God should punish] others for doing evil things yet you do evil things yourself, (you should certainly not think that you yourself will be able to escape from being punished by God!/do you think that you yourself will be able to escape from being punished by God?) [RHQ]
4 Ovvero, sprezzi tu le ricchezze della sua benignità, e della [sua] pazienza, e lentezza ad adirarsi; non conoscendo che la benignità di Dio ti trae a ravvedimento?
And you should not say, “God is acting very tolerantly and patiently toward me, [so I do not need to stop sinning] [DOU].” (You should realize that God is acting in a kind manner [toward you] in order to encourage you [(sg)] to turn away from your sinful behavior!/Do you not realize that God is acting in a kind manner [toward you] in order to encourage you [(sg)] to turn away from your sinful behavior?) [RHQ]
5 Là dove tu, per la tua durezza, e cuore che non sa ravvedersi, ti ammassi a guisa di tesoro ira, nel giorno dell'ira, e della manifestazione del giusto giudicio di Dio.
But instead, by your stubbornly refusing to turn away from your sinful behavior [DOU], you are causing [MET] God to punish you even more severely. [He will do that] at the time when he shows that he is angry and judges people fairly.
6 Il quale renderà a ciascuno secondo le sue opere;
God will pay back everyone according to [what they deserve for] what they have done.
7 [cioè: ] la vita eterna a coloro che, con perseveranza in buone opere, procaccian gloria, onore, ed immortalità. (aiōnios g166)
[Specifically], some people, by continuing to doing good things, strive to be highly honored [by God] [DOU] and to receive a life that will not end. [God will reward them by enabling them] to live forever. (aiōnios g166)
8 Ma a coloro che [son] contenziosi, e non ubbidiscono alla verità, anzi ubbidiscono all'ingiustizia, [soprastà] indegnazione ed ira.
But some people act in a selfish way and refuse to believe that [what God says is] true, and they do the things that [God says] are wrong. [God will] punish them very severely [DOU, MTY].
9 Tribolazione, ed angoscia [soprastà] ad ogni anima d' uomo che fa il male; del Giudeo primieramente, e poi anche del Greco.
He will cause everyone who habitually does evil deeds to suffer greatly, [with the result that they will become severely] distressed [DOU]. This certainly will happen to the Jews [who refuse to accept God’s message, because God gave them the privilege to be his special people], but it will also happen to the non-Jews.
10 Ma gloria, ed onore, e pace, [sarà] a chiunque fa il bene; al Giudeo primieramente, poi anche al Greco.
But [God will] greatly reward spiritually [MET, DOU] every person who habitually does good deeds. He will [certainly] do this for the Jews [because God chose them as his special people], but he will also do it for the non-Jews.
11 Perciocchè presso a Dio non v'è riguardo alla qualità delle persone.
God [will do this fairly], because people’s status does not influence him.
12 Imperocchè tutti coloro che avranno peccato, senza la legge, periranno senza la legge; e tutti coloro che avranno peccato, avendo la legge, saranno giudicati per la legge.
Although [non-Jews do not have] the laws that [God gave to Moses], all [non-Jews] who sin will be eternally separated from God. He will [not consider whether or not they knew] the laws that he [gave to Moses]. And all the [Jews] who have sinned in spite of knowing the laws that [God gave to Moses will also be punished] {[God will also punish them]}. [They will be punished for disobeying] God’s laws.
13 (Perciocchè, non gli uditori della legge [son] giusti presso a Dio, ma coloro che mettono ad effetto la legge saranno giustificati.
[It is right for them to be punished] {[God to punish them]} [because] it is not those who [merely] know God’s laws whom he considers to be righteous. On the contrary, it is only those who continually have obeyed [all] (of [God’s] laws/of the laws that [God gave to Moses]) (whom God will consider righteous/whose record of sins God will erase).
14 Perciocchè, poichè i Gentili, che non hanno la legge, fanno di natura le cose della legge, essi, non avendo legge, son legge a sè stessi;
Whenever the non-Jews, who do not have the laws [God gave to Moses], naturally obey those laws, [they prove that] they have a law within their own minds, even though they do not have the laws [God gave to Moses].
15 i quali mostrano, [che] l'opera della legge [è] scritta ne' lor cuori per la testimonianza che rende loro la lor coscienza; e perciocchè i lor pensieri infra sè stessi si scusano, od anche si accusano.)
They show that they know in their own minds what God [commands in his] laws [MET], as each person in his very own conscience either accuses or excuses/defends himself [concerning his own behavior].
16 [Ciò si vedrà] nel giorno che Iddio giudicherà i segreti degli uomini, per Gesù Cristo, secondo il mio evangelo.
God [will punish people] at the time when he will judge them according to what they have thought and done. He will judge them [even] for the things that they have done secretly. He will judge people by [authorizing] Christ Jesus [to judge them]. This is [what I tell people when] I preach the gospel to them.
17 ECCO, tu sei nominato Giudeo, e ti riposi in su la legge, e ti glorii in Dio;
[Now I have something to say to any one of] you [Jews to whom I am writing]: You [(sg)] boast about yourself saying, “I am a Jew.” You [(sg)] trust [that God will save you because you possess] the laws [that he gave to Moses]. You boast that [you belong to] God.
18 e conosci la [sua] volontà, e discerni le cose contrarie, essendo ammaestrato dalla legge;
You know what God desires. Because you have been taught {[people] have taught you} [God’s] laws, you are able to know which things are right and to choose to do them.
19 e ti dài a credere d'esser guida de' ciechi, lume di coloro [che son] nelle tenebre;
You are certain that you [are able to] show [God’s truth to non-Jews], as guides [show the road] to those who are blind [MET]. You are certain that by what you say you can show God’s way to the [non-Jews who do not understand it], as a light shows the way to [those who walk in] the darkness [MET, DOU].
20 educator degli scempi, maestro de' fanciulli, [e] d'avere la forma della conoscenza, e della verità nella legge.
[You are certain that you] can instruct/correct [non-Jews, whom you consider] foolish [because of their not understanding God’s message]. Because you have in [God’s] laws a [written] expression of true knowledge [HEN], you are certain that you can teach [people who, being like] children, do not know [God’s truth] [MET].
21 [Tu] adunque, che ammestri gli altri, non ammaestri te stesso? [tu], che predichi che non convien rubare, rubi?
[Since you claim that you have all these advantages because you are a Jew], (it is disgusting that you who teach other people [that they should obey the laws God gave Moses] do not [obey the laws that you] yourself teach!/why is it that you who teach other people [that they should obey the laws God gave Moses] do not [obey the laws that you] yourself teach?) [RHQ] You who preach that people should not steal things, it is disgusting that you yourself steal things! [RHQ]
22 [Tu], che dici che non convien commettere adulterio, commetti adulterio? [tu], che abbomini gl'idoli, commetti sacrilegio?
You who command people not to have sexual relations with someone to whom they are not married, it is disgusting that you commit adultery yourself! [RHQ] You who detest idols, it is disgusting that you rob temples [where people worship idols]! [RHQ]
23 [Tu], che ti glorii nella legge, disonori Iddio per la trasgression della legge?
You who boast saying, “[I have God’s] laws,” it is disgusting that you disobey those same laws! [RHQ] As a result you are insulting God!
24 Poichè il nome di Dio è per voi bestemmiato fra i Gentili, siccome è scritto.
[You must not be like our ancestors, about whom] were written [these words in the Scriptures: ] “The non-Jews speak evil about God because of [the evil actions of] many of you [Jews].” The non-Jews say God must be a hypocrite if he condones the behavior of people like you.
25 Perciocchè ben giova la circoncisione, se tu osservi la legge; ma, se tu sei trasgreditor della legge, la tua circoncisione divien incirconcisione.
Any one of you who [is] circumcised [to show that he belongs to God] can benefit from that if he obeys the laws [God gave to Moses]. But if you [(sg), a circumcised person], disobey [God’s] laws, [God will consider that] you who are circumcised are no better [in God’s sight] than [someone who is] not circumcised.
26 Se dunque gl'incirconcisi osservano gli statuti della legge, non sarà la loro incirconcisione reputata circoncisione?
This means that God will certainly consider that even [non-Jews who are] not circumcised can become his people if they obey the things that he commanded in his laws. [RHQ]
27 E se la incirconcisione ch'[è] di natura, adempie la legge, non giudicherà egli te, che, con la lettera e con la circoncisione, sei trasgreditor della legge?
[If any one of] you disobeys God’s laws, even though [you(sg) have] the Scriptures and even though someone has circumcised you {you are circumcised} [God will punish you]. And those people who are not circumcised, but who obey God’s laws, [will declare that God is right] when he says that he will punish you.
28 Perciocchè non [è] Giudeo colui che [l'è] in palese; e non [è] circoncisione quella che [è] in palese nella carne.
It is not those who perform rituals [to show they are God’s people] who are [true] Jews, and it is not being circumcised in their bodies [that causes God to accept them] [MTY].
29 Ma Giudeo [è] colui che [l'è] in occulto; e la circoncisione [è] quella del cuore in ispirito, non in lettera; e d'un tal [Giudeo] la lode non è dagli uomini, ma da Dio.
On the contrary, we whom [God has changed] inwardly are [true] Jews [MTY]. And [God has accepted us because we have allowed God’s] Spirit to change our hearts, not because we perform rituals. Even if [other] people will not praise us [for that change], God will praise us.

< Romani 2 >