< Apocalisse 3 >

1 E ALL'ANGELO della chiesa di Sardi scrivi: Queste cose dice colui che ha i sette spiriti di Dio, e le sette stelle: Io conosco le tue opere; che tu hai nome di vivere, e pur sei morto.
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Sardis [city]: ‘I am saying these things [to you. I am] the one who can give [to people] all the power of God’s Spirit (OR, in whom is the Spirit of God who has all kinds of power; OR, [who has God’s Spirit, who is symbolized as] seven spirits), and [I am the one] who has the seven stars. I know everything that you have done. You [(pl)] appear to be alive [spiritually], but [you are so weak spiritually it is as though] you are dead [MET].
2 Sii vigilante, e rafferma il rimanente che sta per morire; poichè io non ho trovate le opere tue compiute nel cospetto dell'Iddio mio.
[Become aware of your spiritual need as though you were] awaking [from sleep] [MET], and strengthen [yourself spiritually, because you are so useless that you are like someone who is] about to die [MET]. [You must do this] because I know that my God considers that nothing that you do is satisfactory.
3 Ricordati adunque quanto hai ricevuto ed udito; e serba[lo], e ravvediti. Che se tu non vegli, io verrò sopra te, a guisa di ladro, e tu non saprai a qual'ora io verrò sopra te.
So then, keep remembering [God’s message, what] you accepted when you heard it. Obey it continually, and turn away from your sinful behavior. If [you do not become aware of your spiritual need and turn away from your] [MET] [sinful behavior], I will come to you [when you are not expecting me], as a thief [comes] [SIM]. You will never know at what time I will come to [judge] you.
4 Ma pur hai alcune poche persone in Sardi, che non hanno contaminate le lor vesti; e quelli cammineranno meco in [vesti] bianche, perciocchè [ne] son degni.
Nevertheless, [there] in Sardis you have a few members who [have not been doing what is wrong. It is as though they] have not soiled their garments [MET]. As a result, because they are worthy [to live with me], they will live with me [and will be pure in every way] [MET], [like people who are dressed] in [pure] white [clothing].
5 Chi vince sarà vestito di veste bianca, ed io non cancellerò il suo nome dal libro della vita; anzi confesserò il suo nome nel cospetto del Padre mio, e nel cospetto de' suoi angeli.
Everyone who conquers [Satan] I will dress in these same white garments [MET] (OR, will be [pure in every way as though they are] dressed in these white garments), and I will never erase their names from the book [that contains the names of the people who have eternal] life. Instead, as my Father and his angels are listening, I will acknowledge that they [MTY] [belong to me].
6 Chi ha orecchio ascolti ciò che lo Spirito dice alle chiese.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”
7 E ALL'ANGELO della chiesa di Filadelfia scrivi: Queste cose dice il santo, il verace, colui che ha la chiave di Davide; il quale apre, e niuno chiude; il qual chiude, e niuno apre:
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Philadelphia [city]: ‘I am saying these things [to you. I am] God’s Holy One, the True One. [Just like King] David had authority [MTY] [to allow people to enter the ancient city of Jerusalem, so I have the authority to allow people to enter] my kingdom. [I am] the one who opens [doors] so that no one can close them, and who closes doors so that no one can open them.
8 Io conosco le tue opere; ecco, io ti ho posto la porta aperta davanti, la qual niuno può chiudere; perciocchè tu hai un poco di forza, ed hai guardata la mia parola, e non hai rinnegato il mio nome.
I know everything you have done. Be aware that I have opened a door before you, a door that no one can close. [I know that although] there are not [many believers] (OR, much [spiritual] strength) [MTY] [in your congregation], you have obeyed what I say, and you have not denied [that you believe in] me [MTY].
9 Ecco, io riduco [quei] della sinagoga di Satana, che si dicono esser Giudei, e nol sono, anzi mentono, [in tale stato], che farò che verranno, e s'inchineranno davanti a' tuoi piedi, e conosceranno che io t'ho amato.
[I am aware that] some of your people meet together with those who [follow/worship] Satan. They claim to be Jews, but I know that they are not true Jews. They are lying. I will cause them to come to you and to bow down [humbly] at your feet and to acknowledge that I love you.
10 Perciocchè tu hai guardata la parola della mia pazienza, io altresì ti guarderò dall'ora della tentazione che verrà sopra tutto il mondo, per far prova di coloro che abitano sopra la terra.
Because you have paid attention to the message to endure patiently [when you suffered], I will keep you [safe from those who will try to harm you spiritually] during the period/time that is about to come. At that time [God will cause rebellious people] on the earth to suffer, in order that I can determine [whether they will turn away from their sins or not].
11 Ecco, io vengo in breve; ritieni ciò che tu hai, acciocchè niuno ti tolga la tua corona.
I am coming soon. [So] continue believe firmly the [message] that you have received, in order that no one may cause you to lose the reward [that God has reserved for] you.
12 Chi vince io lo farò una colonna nel tempio dell'Iddio mio, ed egli non uscirà mai più fuori; e scriverò sopra lui il nome dell'Iddio mio, e il nome della città dell'Iddio mio, della nuova Gerusalemme, la quale scende dal cielo, d'appresso all'Iddio mio, e il mio nuovo nome.
I will make everyone who conquers [Satan secure]. They will stand in the temple of my God, [they will stand firm like] [MET] pillars, and they will remain there forever. I will mark them with the name of my God, [showing that they belong to him. I will also mark them] with the name of the city of my God, [showing that they will live there. That city is] the New Jerusalem, the city that my God will cause to descend down from heaven. [I will also mark them] with my new name, [showing that they belong to me].
13 Chi ha orecchio ascolti ciò che lo Spirito dice alle chiese.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”
14 E ALL'ANGELO della chiesa di Laodicea scrivi: Queste cose dice l'Amen, il fedel testimonio, e verace; il principio della creazione di Dio:
“Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Laodicea [city: ‘I] am saying these things [to you. I am] the one who (guarantees [everything that God’s promises/] that [he] will do [all that he has promised]) [MET]. I am the one who testifies [about God] reliably and accurately. I am the one who God used to create [everything].
15 Io conosco le tue opere; che tu non sei nè freddo, nè fervente; oh fossi tu pur freddo, o fervente!
I know everything that you have done: You [neither deny that you trust in me nor love/obey me zealously/wholeheartedly. You are like water that is] neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot!
16 Così, perciocchè tu sei tiepido, e non sei nè freddo, nè fervente, io ti vomiterò fuor della mia bocca.
Because you are neither enthusiastic about me nor concerned about your lack of spiritual growth [MET], I am about to [reject] you [MET], [as if] I were spitting [lukewarm water] out of my mouth.
17 Perciocchè tu dici: Io son ricco, e sono arricchito, e non ho bisogno di nulla; e non sai che tu sei quel calamitoso, e miserabile, e povero, e cieco, e nudo.
You are saying, “[Because we have all that we need spiritually], we are [like] rich [people who] have acquired a lot of wealth. We lack nothing!” But you do not realize that you are [lacking in so many ways spiritually that you are like] [MET] people who are very wretched and pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.
18 Io ti consiglio di comperar da me dell'oro affinato col fuoco, acciocchè tu arricchisca; e de' vestimenti bianchi, acciocchè tu sii vestito, e non apparisca la vergogna della tua nudità; e d'ungere con un collirio gli occhi tuoi, acciocchè tu vegga.
I advise you [to obtain from me all that you need spiritually, as though you were] buying from me gold that has been refined by fire {that fire has refined}, in order that you may be [truly] rich [MET] [spiritually. Let me make you righteous, as though you were] [MET] buying from me white garments in order that you might wear clothes instead of being naked and ashamed. [Let me help you to perceive spiritual things, as though] [MET] you were buying from me eye salve to put in your eyes in order that you might see.
19 Io riprendo, e castigo tutti quelli che io amo; abbi adunque zelo, e ravvediti.
[Since] I rebuke and correct all those whom I affectionately love, earnestly stop your sinful behavior.
20 Ecco, io sto alla porta, e picchio; se alcuno ode la mia voce, ed apre la porta, io entrerò a lui, e cenerò con lui, ed egli meco.
Be aware that [I invite each one of you to respond to me] as though [MET] I [was] standing [waiting] at [your] door and knocking. I will come to all those who hear my voice and respond to me, and I [will fellowship] with them [as friends do when they] eat together [MET].
21 A chi vince io donerò di seder meco nel trono mio; siccome io ancora ho vinto, e mi son posto a sedere col Padre mio nel suo trono.
I will permit everyone who conquers [Satan] to sit [and rule] with me on my throne, just like I conquered [Satan] and now sit [and rule] beside my Father on his throne.
22 Chi ha orecchio ascolti ciò che lo Spirito dice alle chiese.
Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”

< Apocalisse 3 >