< Isaia 36 >

1 OR avvenne, l'anno quartodecimo del re Ezechia, che Sennacherib, re di Assiria, salì contro a tutte le città forti di Giuda, e le prese.
When King Hezekiah had been [ruling Judah] for almost 14 years, King Sennacherib of Assyria came [with his army] to attack the cities in Judah that had walls around them. [They did not conquer Jerusalem, but] they conquered all the other cities.
2 Poi il re di Assiria mandò Rab-sache, da Lachis in Gerusalemme, al re Ezechia, con un grande stuolo. Ed esso si fermò presso dell'acquidotto dello stagno disopra, nella strada del campo del purgator di panni.
Then the king of Assyria sent a large army with some of his important officials from Lachish [city] to [persuade] King Hezekiah [to surrender]. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they stood in their positions alongside the aqueduct/channel in which water flows into the upper pool [into Jerusalem], near the road to the field where the women wash clothes.
3 Ed Eliachim, figliuolo di Hilchia, mastro del palazzo, e Sebna, segretario, e Ioa, figliuolo di Asaf, cancelliere, uscirono fuori a lui.
The Israeli officials who went out of the city to talk with them were Hilkiah’s son Eliakim, the (palace administrator/man who supervised the workers in the palace), Shebna the king’s secretary, and Asaph’s son Joah, who wrote down the government decisions.
4 E Rab-sache disse loro: Or dite ad Ezechia: Così ha detto il gran re, il re di Assiria: Quale [è] questa confidanza, che tu hai avuta?
Then one of Sennacherib’s important officials told them to take this message to Hezekiah: This is what the King of Assyria, the great king, says: “What are you trusting in to rescue you?
5 Io ho detto, [dici tu], che il consiglio, e la forza per la guerra, [non sono altro] che parole di labbra; or pure, in cui ti sei confidato, che tu ti sei ribellato contro a me?
You say that you have weapons to fight us and some country’s promises [to help you], [and that will enable you to defeat us], but that is only talk [RHQ]. Who do you think will help you to rebel against my [soldiers from Assyria]?
6 Ecco, tu ti sei confidato in quel sostegno di canna rotta, sopra il quale se alcuno si appoggia, esso gli entra nella mano, e la fora; tale [è] Faraone, re di Egitto, a tutti coloro che si confidano in lui.
Listen to me! You are relying on [the army of] Egypt. But [that will be like] [MET] using a broken reed for a walking stick on which you could lean. [But] it would pierce the hand of anyone who would lean on it! That is what the King of Egypt would be like for anyone who relied on him [for help].
7 E se pur tu mi dici: Noi ci confidiamo nel Signore Iddio nostro; non [è] egli quello, del quale Ezechia ha tolti via gli alti luoghi, e gli altari; ed ha detto a Giuda, ed a Gerusalemme: Adorate dinanzi a questo altare?
But perhaps you will say to me, ‘[No], we are relying on Yahweh our God [to help us].’ [I would reply], ‘Is he not the one whom [you insulted by] tearing down his shrines and altars and forcing everyone in Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to worship [only] in front of the altar [in Jerusalem]?’
8 Deh! scommetti ora col mio signore, re di Assiria, ed io ti darò duemila cavalli, se tu potrai dare [altrettanti uomini] che li cavalchino.
So I suggest that you make a deal with my master/boss, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2,000 horses, but [I do not think that] you can find 2,000 of your men who can ride on them!
9 E come faresti tu voltar faccia all'uno de' capitani d'infra i minimi servitori del mio signore? Ma tu ti sei confidato nell'Egitto, per de' carri e per della gente a cavallo.
You are expecting the king of Egypt to send chariots and men riding horses [to assist you]. But they certainly would not [RHQ] be able to resist/defeat even the most insignificant/unimportant official in the army of Assyria!
10 Ora, sono io forse salito contro a questo paese per guastarlo, senza il Signore? il Signore mi ha detto: Sali contro a quel paese, e guastalo.
Furthermore, [do not think that] [RHQ] we have come here to attack and destroy this land without Yahweh’s orders! It is Yahweh himself who told us to come here and destroy this land!”
11 Allora Eliachim, e Sebna, e Ioa, dissero a Rab-sache: Deh! parla a' tuoi servitori in lingua siriaca; perciocchè noi l'intendiamo; e non parlarci in lingua giudaica, udente il popolo, che [è] sopra le mura.
Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah said to the official from Assyria, “Please speak to us in [your] Aramaic language, because we understand it. Do not speak to us in [our] Hebrew language, because the people who are standing on the wall will understand it [and become frightened].”
12 Ma Rab-sache disse: Il mio signore mi ha egli mandato a dir queste parole al tuo signore, od a te? Non [mi ha egli mandato] a coloro che stanno in sul muro, [per protestar loro] che mangeranno il loro sterco, e berranno la loro urina, insieme con voi?
But the official replied, “Do you think that my master sent me to say these things [only] to you, and not to the people standing on the wall [RHQ]? [If you reject this message], the [people in this city] will soon need to eat their own dung and drink their own urine, just like you will, [because there will be nothing more for you to eat or drink].”
13 Poi Rab-sache si rizzò in piè, e gridò ad alta voce, in lingua giudaica, e disse: Ascoltate le parole del gran re, del re di Assiria:
Then the official stood up and shouted in the Hebrew language [to the people sitting on the wall]. He said, “Listen to this message from the great king, the King of Assyria!
14 Così ha detto il re: Ezechia non v'inganni; perciocchè egli non potrà liberarvi.
He says, ‘Do not allow Hezekiah to deceive you! He will not be able to rescue you!
15 E non facciavi Ezechia confidar nel Signore, dicendo: Il Signore per certo ci libererà; questa città non sarà data nelle mani del re di Assiria.
Do not allow him to persuade you to trust in Yahweh, saying that Yahweh will rescue you, and that [the army of] the King of Assyria will never capture this city!’
16 Non ascoltate Ezechia; perciocchè così ha detto il re di Assiria: Fate pace meco, ed uscite a me; e ciascun di voi mangi della sua vite, e del suo fico, e beva dell'acqua della sua cisterna;
Do not pay attention to what Hezekiah says! This is what the king [of Assyria] says: ‘Come out of the city and surrender to me. [If you do that, I will arrange for] each of you to drink the juice from your own grapevines and to eat figs from your own trees, and to drink water from your own well.
17 finchè io venga, e vi meni in un paese simile al vostro; in un paese di frumento e di mosto, in un paese di pane e di vigne.
[You will be able to do that] until we come and take you to a land that is like your land—a land where there is grain to make bread and [vineyards to produce grapes for making] new wine and, and where we make lots of bread.’
18 [Guardatevi] che Ezechia non vi seduca, dicendo: Il Signore ci libererà. Ha alcuno degl'iddii delle genti potuto liberare il suo paese dalla mano del re di Assiria?
Do not allow Hezekiah to mislead you by saying, “Yahweh will rescue us.” The gods that people of other nations worship have never [RHQ] rescued any of them from the power [MTY] of the King of Assyria!
19 Dove [son] gl'iddii di Hamat, e di Arpad? Dove gl'iddii di Sefarvaim? ed hanno pure essi liberata Samaria di mano mia?
Why were the gods of Hamath and Arpad [cities], and the gods of Sepharvaim unable to rescue Samaria from my power [MTY]?
20 Quali [son quei dii], fra tutti gl'iddii di que' paesi, che abbiano liberato il lor paese di mano mia, che il Signore abbia da liberare Gerusalemme di mano mia?
No, no god [RHQ] of any nation has been able to rescue their people from me. So why do you think that Yahweh will rescue you people of Jerusalem from my power [MTY]?’”
21 Ed [il popolo] tacque, e non gli rispose nulla; perciocchè tale era il comandamento del re: Non gli rispondete nulla.
But the people [who were listening] were silent. No one said anything, because King [Hezekiah] had commanded, “[When the official from Assyria talks to you], do not answer him.”
22 Ed Eliachim, figliuolo di Hilchia, mastro del palazzo, e Sebna, segretario, e Ioa, figliuolo di Asaf, cancelliere, vennero ad Ezechia, con le vesti stracciate, e gli rapportarono le parole di Rab-sache.
Then Eliakim and Shebna and Joah returned to Hezekiah with their clothes torn [because they were extremely distressed]. They told him what the official from Assyria had said.

< Isaia 36 >