< 2 Samuele 8 >

1 ORA, dopo queste cose, Davide percosse i Filistei, e li abbassò; e prese Metegamma di mano de' Filistei.
Some time later, David’s army attacked the Philistia [army] and defeated them. They took control over the entire Philistia area.
2 Percosse ancora i Moabiti, e fattili giacere in terra, li misurò con una funicella; e ne misurò due parti per farli morire, e una parte intiera per salvar loro la vita. Ed i Moabiti furono renduti soggetti a Davide, e tributari.
David’s army also defeated the army of the Moab people-group. David forced their soldiers to lie down on the ground [close to each other]. His men killed two out of every three of them. The [other] Moab people [were forced to] accept David as their ruler, and they were forced to give to him [every year the] payment/tax [that he demanded].
3 Davide, oltre a ciò, percosse Hadadezer, figliuolo di Rehob, re di Soba, andando per ridurre [il paese] sotto alla sua mano fino al fiume Eufrate.
David’s army also defeated [the army of] Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, who ruled [the state of] Zobah [in Syria]. That happened when David went to rule again over the area at [the upper part of] the Euphrates River.
4 E Davide gli prese mille settecent'uomini a cavallo, e ventimila uomini a piè. E Davide tagliò i garetti a' [cavalli di] tutti i carri; ma ne riserbò [i cavalli di] cento carri.
David’s army captured 1,700 of Hadadezer’s soldiers who rode on horses, and 20,000 of his other soldiers. They also crippled/hamstrung most of the horses that pulled the chariots, but they left/spared enough horses to [pull] 100 chariots.
5 Ora i Siri di Damasco erano venuti per soccerrere Hadadezer, re di Soba. E Davide percosse di essi ventiduemila uomini.
When [the army of] Syria came from Damascus [city] to help King Hadadezer’s [army], David’s soldiers killed 22,000 of them.
6 Poi pose guernigioni nella Siria di Damasco; e i Siri furono renduti soggetti a Davide, e tributari. E il Signore salvava Davide, dovunque egli andava.
Then David stationed (groups of his soldiers/army camps) in their area, and the people of Syria were forced to accept David as their ruler, and to give to David’s government [every year] the payment/tax that he demanded. And Yahweh enabled David’s [army] to win victories wherever they went.
7 E Davide prese gli scudi d'oro ch'erano de' servitori di Hadadezer, e li portò in Gerusalemme.
David’s soldiers took the gold shields that were carried by Hadadezer’s officials, and brought them to Jerusalem.
8 Il re Davide prese ancora grandissima quantità di rame da Beta, e da Berotai, città di Hadadezer.
They also brought [to Jerusalem] a lot of bronze [that they found] in Betah and Berothai, two cities that King Hadadezer [had previously] ruled.
9 Or Toi, re di Hamat, avendo udito che Davide avea sconfitto tutto l'esercito di Hadadezer,
When Toi, the king of the Hamath [city in Syria], heard that David’s [army] had defeated the entire army of King Hadadezer,
10 mandò al re Davide Ioram, suo figliuolo, per salutarlo, e per benedirlo, di ciò ch'egli avea guerreggiato contro a Hadadezer, e l'avea sconfitto; imperocchè Hadadezer avea guerra aperta con Toi. E [Ioram] portò seco vasellamenti d'argento, e vasellamenti di oro e vasellamenti di rame.
he sent his son Joram to greet King David and to (congratulate him/say that he was happy) about his army defeating Hadadezer’s army, which Toi’s [army] had fought many times. Joram brought to David many items/gifts made from gold, silver, and bronze.
11 E il re Davide consacrò eziandio quelli al Signore, insieme con l'argento, e con l'oro, che egli avea consacrato [della preda] di tutte le nazioni ch'egli avea soggiogate;
King David dedicated all those items to Yahweh. He also dedicated the silver and gold which his army had taken from the nations that they had conquered.
12 dei Siri, e de' Moabiti, e de' figliuoli di Ammon, e de' Filistei, e degli Amalechiti; e della preda di Hadadezer, figliuolo di Rehob, re di Soba.
They had taken items from the Edom people-group and the Moab people-group, from the Ammon people-group, from the Philistia people, and from [the descendants of] Amalek, as well as from the people that Hadadezer [previously] ruled.
13 Davide ancora acquistò fama di ciò che, ritornando dalla rotta de' Siri, [sconfisse] diciottomila [uomini] nella Valle del sale.
When David returned [after defeating the armies of Syria], he became more famous because his army killed 18,000 soldiers from the Edom people-group in the Salt Valley [near the Dead Sea].
14 E pose guernigioni in Idumea; egli ne pose per tutta l'Idumea; e tutti gl'Idumei furono renduti soggetti a Davide; e il Signore salvava Davide, dovunque egli andava.
David stationed (groups of his soldiers/army camps) throughout the Edom area, and forced the people there to accept him as their king. Yahweh enabled David’s [army] to win battles wherever they went.
15 Così Davide regnò sopra tutto Israele, facendo ragione e giustizia a tutto il suo popolo.
David ruled over all the Israeli people, and he always did for them what was fair and just.
16 E Ioab, figliuolo di Seruia, [era] sopra l'esercito; e Iosafat, figliuolo di Ahilud, [era] Cancelliere;
Joab was the army commander; Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the man who reported to the people everything that David decided that they should do;
17 e Sadoc, figliuolo di Ahitub, ed Ahimelec, figliuolo di Ebiatar, [erano] Sacerdoti; e Seraia [era] Segretario;
Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were the priests; Seraiah was the official secretary;
18 e Benaia, figliuolo di Ioiada, [era capo] dei Cheretei, e de' Peletei; ed i figliuoli di Davide erano principi.
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was the commander of (David’s bodyguards/the men who protected the king); and David’s sons were priests (OR, his administrators/advisors).

< 2 Samuele 8 >