< 1 Timoteo 2 >

1 IO esorto adunque, innanzi ad ogni cosa, che si facciano preghiere, orazioni, richieste, [e] ringraziamenti per tutti gli uomini.
The first (OR, most important) thing that I urge [you to tell your congregation] is that [Christians] should continually ask [God] for [what they need]. They should also pray to God [for all other people], and they should be thanking [God].
2 Pei re, e per tutti quelli che sono in dignità; acciocchè possiam menare una tranquilla e quieta vita, in ogni pietà ed onestà.
Specifically, they should pray for rulers and for all [other people] who (are in important government positions/have authority), in order that [God will help them to rule]. [As God enables the rulers to rule well], we can live very peaceably as we conduct ours lives doing all that God and others consider to be right and proper.
3 Perciocchè quest'[è] buono ed accettevole nel cospetto di Dio, nostro Salvatore.
It is good [to pray like that, and] it pleases God, who saves us, when we pray like that.
4 Il quale vuole che tutti gli uomini sieno salvati, e che vengano alla conoscenza della verità.
He desires to save everyone. He wants everyone to fully know [and accept] his true [message].
5 Perciocchè [v'è] un [sol] Dio, ed anche un [sol] Mediatore di Dio, e degli uomini: Cristo Gesù uomo.
He is the [only] one [true] God! And there is [only] one person who talks to God on behalf of people. That person is Christ Jesus, who [himself] is a man!
6 Il quale ha dato sè stesso per prezzo di riscatto per tutti; [secondo] la testimonianza [riserbata] a' propri tempi.
He gave (his [life/himself]) [as a sacrifice] in order to ransom/redeem all [people], which showed at the proper time [that God desires that all people be saved] {[to save all people]}.
7 A che io sono stato costituito banditore, ed apostolo (io dico verità in Cristo, non mento), dottor de' Gentili in fede, e verità.
As for me, he appointed me to declare [this message] and to be an apostle. I am telling the truth [about God appointing me]. I am not lying! He appointed me to teach the non-Jews that they should believe God’s true message.
8 Io voglio adunque che gli uomini facciano orazione in ogni luogo, alzando le mani pure, senza ira e disputazione.
I desire that in every place [where believers worship], the men who pray publicly [MTY] should be men who are not practicing sin. When they pray, they should not be angry [with anyone] and they should not doubt [that God will answer] their prayers (OR, should not quarrel with anyone).
9 SIMIGLIANTEMENTE ancora che le donne si adornino d'abito onesto, con verecondia e modestia; non di trecce, o d' oro, o di perle, o di vestimenti preziosi;
[I would like that] the clothing that women wear be (modest and sensible/proper and appropriate) [DOU]. I want them to not fix their hair in fancy/elaborate ways, nor wear gold [jewelry], nor pearls, nor expensive clothing [in order that they may make themselves attractive].
10 ma come si conviene a donne che fanno professione di servire a Dio per opere buone.
Instead, they should be doing things that women who (claim to/say that they) worship God should do; that is, they should be doing good deeds.
11 La donna impari con silenzio, in ogni soggezione.
Women must learn to [listen] quietly [during the worship services] and to fully subject themselves [to the leaders of the congregation].
12 Ma io non permetto alla donna d'insegnare, nè d'usare autorità sopra il marito; ma [ordino] che stia in silenzio.
I do not permit women to teach [men spiritual truth publicly], and I do not permit them to have authority over men. Instead, [I desire] that women [listen] quietly [during the worship services].
13 Perciocchè Adamo fu creato il primo, e poi Eva.
Keep in mind that God made Adam first, and afterwards he made Eve,
14 E Adamo non fu sedotto; ma la donna, essendo stata sedotta, fu in [cagion di] trasgressione.
and that it was not Adam whom [Satan] deceived. As a result of the woman being deceived, she sinned. She did what God had told her not to do.
15 Ma pure sarà salvata, partorendo figliuoli, se saranno perseverate in fede, e carità, e santificazione, con onestà.
But even though she did that, now women will be saved {God will accept women} as they bear children if they continue to trust [God] and if they continue to love others, and if they continue to live in a way that is [more and more] (acceptable to God/like God wants them to), and if they continue to be modest.

< 1 Timoteo 2 >