< 1 Cronache 27 >

1 ORA quant'è a' figliuoli d'Israele, secondo le lor descrizioni [per] capi di [famiglie] paterne, e capitani di migliaia, e di centinaia, ed i loro ufficiali, ogni spartimento di coloro che servivano al re (secondo tutto l'ordine degli spartimenti, [de' quali] ciascuno entrava ed usciva di mese in mese, per tutti i mesi dell'anno) [era] di ventiquattromila [uomini].
This is a list of the Israeli men who served the king in the army. Some were leaders of families, some were commanders of 100 men, some were commanders of 1,000 men, and some were their officers. There were 24,000 men [DOU] in each group. Each group served one month of each year.
2 Iasobam, figliuolo di Zabdiel, [era] sopra il primo spartimento, per lo primo mese; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
Jashobeam, the son of Zabdiel, was in charge of the group that served during the first month [of each year].
3 [Egli era] il capo sopra tutti i capitani del [primo] mese; ed [era] de' figliuoli di Fares.
He was a descendant of Perez, and he was the commander of all the army officers during the first month of each year.
4 E sopra lo spartimento del secondo mese [era] Dodai Ahoheo; e nel suo spartimento, nel quale [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini], Miclot [era] il conduttore.
Dodai, from the clan of Ahohi, was the commander of the group that served during the following/second month of each year. Mikloth was his (assistant/chief officer).
5 Il capo del terzo esercito, per lo terzo mese, [era] Benaia, figliuolo di Gioiada, principale ufficiale; [ed egli era] capitano in capo; e nel suo spartimento [vi erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the Supreme Priest, was the commander of the group that served during the following/third month.
6 Questo Benaia [era uomo] prode fra i trenta, [ed era] sopra i trenta; ed Ammizzabad, suo figliuolo, [era] sopra lo spartimento di esso.
He was the one who was a mighty warrior among David’s thirty greatest soldiers, and he was their leader. His son Ammizabad was his assistant.
7 Il quarto, per lo quarto mese, [era] Asael, fratello di Ioab; e, dopo lui, Zebadia, suo figliuolo; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
Asahel, Joab’s [younger] brother, was [the commander of the group that served] during the following/fourth month. Asahel’s son Zebadiah became the commander after Asahel [was killed].
8 Il quinto capo, per lo quinto mese, [era] Samhut Israhita; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/fifth month was Shamhuth, a descendant of Izrah.
9 Il sesto, per lo sesto mese, [era] Ira, figliuolo d'Icches Tecoita; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/sixth month was Ira the son of Ikkesh from Tekoa [town].
10 Il settimo, per lo settimo mese, [era] Heles Pelonita, de'figliuoli di Efraim; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/seventh month was Helez, a member of the Pelon [clan] from the tribe of Ephraim.
11 L'ottavo, per l'ottavo mese, [era] Sibbecai Husatita, [della nazione] de' Zarhiti; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/eighth month was Sibbecai, a descendant of Zerah from Hushah [town].
12 Il nono, per lo nono mese, [era] Abiezer Anatotita, de' figliuoli di Beniamino; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/ninth month was Abiezer from Anathoth [city] in the tribe of Benjamin.
13 Il decimo, per lo decimo mese, [era] Maharai Netofatita, [della nazione] dei Zarhiti; e nel suo spartimento [vi erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/tenth month was Maharai, a descendant of Zerah from Netophath [town].
14 L'undecimo, per l'undecimo mese, [era] Benaia Piratonita, de' figliuoli di Efraim; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the following/eleventh month was Benaiah from Pirathon [town] in the tribe of Ephraim.
15 Il duodecimo, per lo duodecimo mese, [era] Heldai Netofatita, [della progenie] di Otniel; e nel suo spartimento [v'erano] ventiquattromila [uomini].
The commander for the last month [of each year] was Heldai, a descendant of Othniel from Netophath [town].
16 OLTRE a ciò, [vi erano de' conduttori] sopra le tribù d'Israele; Eliezer, figliuolo di Zicri, [era] conduttore dei Rubeniti; Sefatia, figliuolo di Maaca, dei Simeoniti;
This is a list of the administrators of the [twelve] tribes [DOU] of Israel: Eliezer, the son of Zicri, was the administrator of the tribe of Reuben. Shephatiah, the son of Maacah, was the administrator of the tribe of Simeon.
17 Hasabia, figliuolo di Chemuel, de' Leviti; Sadoc, degli Aaroniti;
Hashabiah, the son of Kemuel, was the administrator of the tribe of Levi. Zadok was the administrator of the tribe of Aaron.
18 Elihu, de' fratelli di Davide, di que' di Giuda; Omri, figliuolo di Micael, degl'Issacariti;
Elihu, David’s [older] brother, was the administrator of the tribe of Judah. Omri, the son of Michael, was the administrator of the tribe of Issachar.
19 Ismaia, figliuolo di Obadia, de' Zabuloniti; Ierimot, figliuolo di Azriel, de' Neftaliti;
Ishmaiah, the son of Obadiah, was the administrator of the tribe of Zebulun. Jerimoth, the son of Azriel, was the administrator of the tribe of Naphtali.
20 Hosea, figliuolo di Azazia, de' figliuoli di Efraim; Ioel, figliuolo di Pedaia, della mezza tribù di Manasse;
Hoshea, the son of Azaziah, was the administrator of the tribe of Ephraim. Joel, the son of Pedaiah, was the administrator of the tribe of the [western] half of the tribe of Manasseh.
21 Iddo, figliuolo di Zaccaria, dell'[altra] mezza tribù di Manasse, in Galaad; Iaaziel, figliuolo di Abner, dei Beniaminiti;
Iddo, the son of Zechariah, was the administrator of the [eastern] half of the tribe of Manasseh, in [the] Gilead [region]. Jaasiel, the son of Abner, was the administrator of the tribe of Benjamin.
22 Azareel, figliuolo di Ieroham, de' Daniti. Questi [furono] i capi principali delle tribù d'Israele.
Azarel, the son of Jeroham, was the administrator of the tribe of Dan. Those were the leaders over the tribes of Israel.
23 E Davide non levò il numero di essi dall'età di vent'anni in giù; perciocchè il Signore avea detto d'accrescere Israele come le stelle del cielo.
[When] David [told Joab to count the men of Israel, he] did not [tell him to] count the men who were less then 20 years old, because Yahweh had promised [many years previously] that there would be as many [people] in Israel as there are stars in the sky.
24 Ioab, figliuolo di Seruia, avea ben cominciato ad annoverare [così il popolo], ma non finì; e per questo vi fu indegnazione contro ad Israele; laonde quella descrizione non fu messa fra le descrizioni [poste] ne' registri del re Davide.
Joab [and his helpers] started to count the men of Israel, but they did not finish counting them [because Joab knew that Yahweh was angry about their being counted]. Yahweh punished [MTY] the people of Israel because of this counting, and as a result the total number of Israeli men [able to serve in the army] was not written on the scroll about King David’s [rule].
25 ED Azmavet, figliuolo di Adiel, [era] sopra i tesori del re; e Gionatan, figliuolo di Uzzia, [era] sopra i tesori della campagna, nelle città, nelle villate, e nelle castella;
Azmaveth, the son of Adiel, was in charge of the king’s storehouses. Jonathan, the son of Uzziah, was is charge of the storehouses in various towns and villages in Israel, and also in charge of the watchtowers.
26 ed Ezri, figliuolo di Chelub, [era] sopra quelli che lavoravano nella campagna nel lavoro della terra;
Ezri the son of Kelub was in charge of the workers who farmed the land [that belonged to the king].
27 e Simi Ramatita [era] sopra le vigne; e Zabdi Sifmita [era] sopra i cellieri ch'[erano] nei vignai, [e] sopra le conserve del vino;
Shimei from Ramath [town] was in charge of the king’s vineyards. Zabdi from Shepham [town] was in charge of storing the wine from the [grapes produced in] vineyards.
28 e Baal-hanan Ghederita, [era] sopra gli ulivi, e sopra i fichi, ch'[erano] nella campagna; e Gioas [era] sopra i cellieri dell'olio;
Baal-Hanan from Geder [city] was in charge of storing the olive oil.
29 e Sitrai Saronita [era] sopra gli armenti [che pascevano] in Saron; e Safat, figliuolo di Adlai, [era] sopra gli armenti [che pascevano] nelle valli;
Shitrai from the Sharon Plain was in charge of the herds of cattle that (grazed/ate grass) there. Shaphat the son of Adlai was in charge of the cattle in the valleys.
30 ed Obil Ismaelita [era] sopra i cammelli; e Iedeia Merenotita [era] sopra le asine.
Obil, a descendant of Ishmael, was in charge of the camels. Jehdeiah from Meronoth [town] was in charge of the donkeys.
31 E Iaziz Hagareno [era] sopra le gregge del minuto bestiame. Tutti costoro aveano il governo delle facoltà del re Davide.
Jaziz, a descendant of Hagar, was in charge of the [king’s] flocks of sheep. All of those officials were in charge of the things that belonged to King David.
32 E Gionatan, zio di Davide, uomo intendente e letterato, [era] consigliere; e Iehiel, figliuolo di Hacmoni, [era] co' figliuoli del re;
David’s uncle Jonathan was a wise counselor for him. Jehiel, the son of Hacmoni, taught the king’s sons.
33 ed Ahitofel [era] consigliere del re; ed Husai Archita [era] famigliare del re;
Ahithophel was the king’s official counselor.
34 e dopo Ahitofel, [fu] Gioiada, figliuolo di Benaia, ed Ebiatar; e Ioab [era] capo dell'esercito del re.
Hushai from the Ark people-group was the king’s special friend. Benaiah’s son Jehoiada became the king’s advisor after Ahithophel died, and later Abiathar became his advisor. Joab was the chief commander of the army.

< 1 Cronache 27 >