< Mazmur 68 >

1 Untuk pemimpin kor. Mazmur Daud. Allah bangkit menceraiberaikan musuh-Nya, orang yang membenci Dia lari dari hadapan-Nya.
For the end, a Psalm of a Song by David. Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; and let them that hate him flee from before him.
2 Allah mengusir mereka pergi, seperti asap yang ditiup dan menghilang. Seperti lilin meleleh di dalam api, begitulah orang jahat lenyap dari hadapan Allah.
As smoke vanishes, let them vanish: as wax melts before the fire, so let the sinners perish from before God.
3 Tetapi orang saleh bersukacita dan riang gembira, mereka bersorak-sorak kesukaan di hadapan Allah.
But let the righteous rejoice; let them exult before God: let them be delighted with joy.
4 Bernyanyilah bagi Allah, pujilah nama-Nya, siapkanlah jalan raya bagi Dia yang mengendarai awan. Nama-Nya TUHAN--bersenang-senangla di hadapan-Nya!
Sing to God, sing praises to his name: make a way for him that rides upon the west (the Lord is his name) and exult before him. They shall be troubled before the face of him,
5 Allah yang tinggal di Rumah-Nya yang suci adalah bapak anak yatim dan pembela para janda.
[who is] the father of the orphans, and judge of the widows: [such is] God in his holy place.
6 Allah memberi tempat tinggal kepada orang yang kesepian; Ia membebaskan orang tahanan sehingga mereka bahagia. Tetapi orang-orang yang melawan TUHAN harus tinggal di tanah yang gersang.
God settles the solitary in a house; leading forth prisoners mightily, also them that act provokingly, [even] them that dwell in tombs.
7 Ya Allah, ketika Engkau membimbing umat-Mu berjalan melewati padang yang kering,
O God, when you went forth before your people, when you went through the wilderness; (Pause)
8 bumi bergetar, hujan tercurah di hadapan-Mu, karena kedatangan Allah Sinai, Allah Israel.
the earth quaked, yes, the heavens dropped [water] at the presence of the God of Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel.
9 Dengan limpah Engkau menurunkan hujan, dan memulihkan tanah-Mu yang gersang.
O God, you will grant to your inheritance a gracious rain; for it was weary, but you did refresh it.
10 Lalu umat-Mu berdiam di sana; dalam kebaikan-Mu, ya Allah, Engkau memelihara orang miskin.
Your creatures dwell in it: you have in your goodness prepared for the poor.
11 TUHAN memberi perintah, lalu para wanita membawa berita:
The Lord God will give a word to them that preach [it] in a great company.
12 "Raja-raja dan pasukannya sudah lari!" Mereka lari seperti merpati yang terbang pergi. Para wanita di rumah membagi-bagikan, perak dan emas yang ditinggalkan. Sekalipun banyak yang tidak ikut berperang, umat Allah telah memperoleh kemenangan.
The king of the forces of the beloved, of the beloved, [will] even [grant them] for the beauty of the house to divide the spoils.
Even if you should lie among the lots, [you shall have] the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her breast with yellow gold.
14 Ketika Yang Mahakuasa menyerakkan raja-raja di sana, turunlah salju dari Gunung Salmon.
When the heavenly One scatters kings upon it, they shall be made snow-white in Selmon.
15 Gunung Basan adalah gunung yang hebat, gunung yang berpuncak banyak.
The mountain of God is a rich mountain; a swelling mountain, a rich mountain.
16 Mengapa dari puncakmu yang banyak itu engkau memandang dengan cemburu kepada Bukit Sion yang dipilih Allah untuk kediaman-Nya? TUHAN akan tinggal di sana untuk selama-lamanya.
Therefore do you conceive [evil], you swelling mountains? [this is] the mountain which God has delighted to dwell in; yes, the Lord will dwell [in it] for ever.
17 Dengan puluhan ribu kereta kuat Allah tampil di antara mereka dalam keagungan-Nya.
The chariots of God are ten thousand fold, thousands of rejoicing ones: the Lord is among them, in Sina, in the holy place.
18 TUHAN naik ke tempat yang tinggi; banyak tawanan dibawa-Nya serta. Ia menerima persembahan dari antara manusia bahkan dari antara kaum pemberontak; supaya mereka berdiam bersama TUHAN Allah.
You are gone up on high, you have led captivity captive, you have received gifts for man, yes, for [they were] rebellious, that you might dwell among them.
19 Pujilah TUHAN, sebab Dialah Allah yang menyelamatkan kita; dari hari ke hari Ia memikul beban kita.
Blessed be the Lord God, blessed be the Lord daily; and the God of our salvation shall prosper us. (Pause)
20 Allah kita adalah TUHAN yang menyelamatkan, Ia membebaskan kita dari kematian.
Our God is the God of salvation; and to the Lord belong the issues from death.
21 Allah pasti akan meremukkan kepala musuh-Nya, orang-orang yang terus hidup dalam dosa.
But God shall crust the heads of his enemies; the hairy crown of them that go on in their trespasses.
22 Kata TUHAN, "Hai umat-Ku, Kubawa musuhmu dari Basan Kubawa mereka kembali dari dasar lautan,
The Lord said, I will bring again from Basan, I will bring [my people] again through the depths of the sea.
23 supaya kamu membasuh kakimu dengan darah mereka, dan anjing-anjingmu menjilatnya sepuas-puasnya."
That your foot may be dipped in blood, [and] the tongue of your dogs [be stained] with that of [your] enemies.
24 Semua melihat pawai kemenangan-Mu, ya Allah, Allahku, Rajaku, diarak ke tempat kediaman-Nya.
Your goings, O God, have been seen; the goings of my God, the king, in the sanctuary.
25 Di depan berjalan para penyanyi, di belakang para pemain kecapi; di tengah para gadis pemukul rebana; beginilah nyanyian mereka:
The princes went first, next before the players on instruments, in the midst of damsels playing on timbrels.
26 "Pujilah Allah di tengah himpunan umat-Nya, pujilah TUHAN, hai semua keturunan Yakub!"
Praise God in the congregations, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.
27 Benyamin, suku yang paling kecil, berjalan di depan, lalu berbondong-bondong para pemuka Yehuda di belakangnya para pemuka Zebulon dan Naftali.
There is Benjamin the younger [one] in ecstasy, the princes of Juda their rulers, the princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephthali.
28 Allahmu menuntut kekuatanmu; ya Allah, teguhkanlah apa yang telah Kaulakukan bagi kami.
O God, command you your strength: strengthen, O God, this which you have wrought in us.
29 Raja-raja membawa persembahan kepada-Mu di Rumah-Mu di Yerusalem.
Because of your temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents to you.
30 Hardiklah Mesir, binatang buas itu di tengah gelagah. Tegurlah bangsa-bangsa, kawanan banteng itu dengan anak-anaknya, yang saling menginjak-injak untuk mendapat perak. Allah menceraiberaikan bangsa-bangsa yang suka berperang.
Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed: let the crowd of bulls with the heifers of the nations [be rebuked], so that they who have been proved with silver may not be shut out: scatter you the nations that wish for wars.
31 Pembesar-pembesar Mesir datang membawa tembaga; orang Sudan bergegas-gegas membawa upeti kepada Allah.
Ambassadors shall arrive out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall hasten [to stretch out] her hand readily to God.
32 Bernyanyilah bagi Allah, hai semua kerajaan, nyanyikanlah puji-pujian bagi TUHAN,
Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; sing psalms to the Lord. (Pause)
33 bagi dia yang melintasi angkasa purbakala. Dengar! TUHAN berbicara, suara-Nya menggelegar dengan dahsyat.
Sing to God that rides on the heaven of heaven, eastward: behold, he will utter a mighty sound with his voice.
34 Akuilah kuasa Allah yang berdaulat atas Israel, kuasa-Nya sampai di langit.
Give you glory to God: his excellency is over Israel, and his power is in the clouds.
35 Sungguh mengagumkan Allah kita waktu Ia keluar dari tempat kediaman-Nya. Allah Israel memberi kuasa dan kekuatan kepada umat-Nya. Terpujilah Allah!
God is wonderful in his holy [places], the God of Israel: he will give power and strength to his people: blessed be God.

< Mazmur 68 >