< Obaja 1 >

1 Inilah ramalan Obaja; ia menyampaikan pesan TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi mengenai bangsa Edom: TUHAN telah mengirim utusan-Nya kepada bangsa-bangsa, dan kita telah mendengar pesan yang dibawanya sebagai berikut, "Bersiaplah untuk berperang! Marilah kita berangkat menyerang Edom."
This is a message that Yahweh our God gave to me, Obadiah, about the Edom [people-group]. Yahweh our God has told me this about [the people of] Edom: “I, Yahweh, have sent a messenger to other nations, telling them to prepare to go and attack Edom.”
2 Dan kepada Edom, TUHAN berkata, "Engkau Kubuat lemah, sehingga dihina oleh semua bangsa.
And Yahweh says this to the people of Edom: “I will soon cause you to become the weakest and most despised nation [on the earth].
3 Engkau tertipu oleh hatimu yang angkuh. Ibukotamu adalah gunung batu yang kuat; tempat tinggalmu di puncak gunung yang tinggi. Karena itu kamu berpikir, Siapa yang sanggup menjatuhkan Aku?
Your [capital city] is high in the rocky cliffs, and you are very proud; you think that you are safe from being attacked by your enemies [RHQ], but you [IDM] have deceived yourselves.
4 Meskipun kaubuat rumahmu setinggi sarang burung rajawali, dan setinggi bintang-bintang di langit, engkau pasti akan Kujatuhkan.
And I tell you that even if [you had wings and] could fly higher than eagles fly, and if you could make your homes among the stars, I would bring you [crashing] down from there.
5 Pencuri atau perampok yang datang di waktu malam, hanya mengambil yang diingininya. Orang yang memetik anggur di kebun, selalu menyisakan beberapa buah. Tetapi engkau disapu habis oleh musuh-musuhmu.
When thieves break into someone’s house during the night, they certainly [RHQ] steal only the things that they want. And people who pick grapes always [RHQ] leave a few grapes on the vines. But your country will be completely destroyed!
6 Hai keturunan Esau, engkau digeledah dan hartamu yang tersembunyi pun dijarah.
Everything that is valuable will be taken away. [Your enemies] will find and take away even the valuable things that you have hidden.
7 Engkau ditipu oleh sekutu-sekutumu, dan diusir dari negerimu. Engkau dikalahkan oleh sahabat-sahabatmu, dijebak oleh orang yang makan bersamamu. Mereka bertanya-tanya tentang dirimu, 'Di mana kini segala kepandaiannya?'
All (your allies/nations who promised to help you) will turn against you, and they will force you to leave your country/land. Those with whom you have peace now will trick/deceive you and defeat you. Those who eat meals with you now are planning to trap you, and [then they will say to you], ‘You are not [RHQ] as clever [as you thought you were]!’
8 Pada hari Aku menghukum Edom, orang-orangnya yang bijaksana Kubinasakan. Dan segala hikmat mereka akan hilang, tiada bekasnya.
I, Yahweh, declare that at the time that I destroy Edom, I will punish the men who live in those cliffs who [thought that they] were wise.
9 Para pejuang dari Teman akan ketakutan, dan semua prajurit Edom akan tewas."
The soldiers from Teman [town] will become terrified; all you people who are descendants of Esau will be (wiped out/killed).
10 "Engkau telah berlaku kejam terhadap saudara-saudaramu keturunan Yakub. Sebab itu engkau akan dibinasakan, dan dicela orang sepanjang zaman.
You acted cruel in a cruel way toward your relatives who are descendants of Jacob, [the twin brother of your ancestor Esau]. So now you will be disgraced forever; you will be completely destroyed.
11 Engkau berdiri di kejauhan, pada hari musuh mendobrak pintu Yerusalem dan mengalahkan kota itu. Engkau diam saja waktu mereka mengangkut semua kekayaan Yerusalem dan membagi-baginya di antara mereka. Engkau sama jahatnya dengan musuh itu.
Foreigners entered the gates of Jerusalem and (cast lots/threw small stones that were marked) to decide what valuable things they would take away; but you were as bad as those foreigners, because you just stood there [and did not help the Israelis].
12 Tak sepatutnya engkau senang atas nasib sial orang Yehuda dan bergembira pada hari saudaramu itu binasa. Tak sepantasnya engkau membual pada waktu ia susah.
You should not have (gloated/been happy) about the disaster that the Israelis were experiencing. You should not have been happy when their towns were ruined. You should not have made fun [of them] when they were suffering.
13 Tidak selayaknya engkau memasuki kota umat-Ku, dan menyoraki orang-orang yang sedang menderita, apalagi merampok hartanya pada hari kemalangannya!
They are my people, so you should not have entered their [city] gates when they were experiencing those disasters and you should not have laughed at them. And you should not have taken away their [valuable] possessions.
14 Tidak seharusnya engkau berdiri di persimpangan, untuk menghadang orang-orang yang sedang melarikan diri dari musuh, atau menyerahkan mereka kepada lawan pada hari mereka ditimpa kesusahan."
You should not have stood at crossroads to catch those who were [trying to] escape. You should not have [captured them and] put them into the hands of [their enemies] when they were experiencing those disasters.”
15 "Sungguh, sudah dekat harinya, Aku, TUHAN, mengadili bangsa-bangsa. Apa yang dilakukan Edom akan dibalaskan kepadanya. Ia akan merasakan juga apa yang telah ia perbuat.
“There will soon be the time when I, Yahweh, will judge [and punish] all the nations. And you [people of Edom] will experience the same [disasters] that you caused [others to experience]. The same evil things that you have done to others will happen to you.
16 Di atas gunung-Ku yang suci umat-Ku telah minum-minuman yang melambangkan hukumannya. Tetapi minuman bagi bangsa-bangsa di bumi ini lebih pahit lagi. Hukuman itu tak dapat mereka hindari. Mereka harus meminumnya sampai habis, kemudian mereka akan lenyap tanpa bekas."
[My people in Jerusalem have been punished] because I was very angry with them. [It is as though] [MET] they drank [a cup of very bitter liquid] on Zion, my sacred hill. But [I] will punish [MET] all the other nations even more severely, and cause them to disappear completely.
17 "Tetapi di Gunung Sion, akan ada yang selamat, dan gunung itu menjadi tempat yang khusus untuk Aku. Maka keturunan Yakub akan memiliki kembali tanah pusaka mereka.
But some [people in Jerusalem will escape], and Jerusalem will become a very holy/sacred place. Then the descendants of Jacob will [conquer and] possess again the land that truly belongs to them.
18 Umat-Ku Israel akan seperti api yang membakar habis keturunan Esau, seperti api membakar habis jerami di ladang. Tak seorang pun dari keturunan Esau akan luput. Aku, TUHAN telah berbicara!
The descendants [MTY] of Jacob and his son Joseph will be like [MET] a fire, and the people [MTY] of Edom will be like [MET] stubble that will be completely burned in that fire. Not one person will remain alive. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
19 Orang-orang Yehuda Selatan akan menduduki Edom. Orang-orang dari pegunungan sebelah barat akan mengalahkan wilayah Filistin. Suku Benyamin akan menduduki Gilead, dan Israel umat-Ku akan menguasai seluruh Efraim dan Samaria.
The Israeli people [who live] in the southern desert are the ones who will capture Edom. And those [who live in] the western foothills will capture the Phoenicia [region] and the areas of Ephraim and Samaria. And people of the tribe of Benjamin will conquer the Gilead [region].
20 Orang Israel Utara akan kembali dari pembuangan dan menduduki Fenisia sampai ke Zarfat. Orang-orang Yerusalem yang dibuang di Sardis, akan kembali dan memiliki kota-kota di bagian selatan Yehuda.
Those who were (exiled in/forced to go to) [Babylon] will [return to their land] [and] capture the Phoenicia [region] as far north as Zarephath [on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]. People of Jerusalem who were captured and taken to Sardis, [the capital city of the Lydia region], will capture the towns in the southern desert.
21 Penduduk Yerusalem yang jaya akan menyerang Edom dan menaklukkannya. Maka Aku TUHAN akan memerintah sebagai raja."
The army of Jerusalem will attack Edom and conquer it, and Yahweh will be their king.

< Obaja 1 >