< Bilangan 7 >

1 Pada waktu Musa selesai mendirikan Kemah TUHAN, Kemah itu dengan segala perlengkapannya ditahbiskannya dengan mengolesi semuanya dengan minyak upacara. Begitu juga dibuatnya pada mezbah dan segala perlengkapannya.
Forsothe it was don in the dai in which Moises fillide the tabernacle, and reiside it, and anoyntide and halewide with alle `hise vessels, the auter in lijk maner and the vessels therof.
2 Lalu para pemuka Israel, yaitu para kepala suku yang bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan sensus,
And the princes of Israel, and the heedis of meynees that weren bi alle lynagis, `the souereyns of hem that weren noumbrid,
3 mempersembahkan ke hadapan TUHAN enam buah pedati dan dua belas ekor sapi: tiap dua orang pemuka menyumbangkan sebuah pedati, dan masing-masing seekor sapi. Sesudah mereka mempersembahkannya,
offeriden yiftis bifor the Lord, sixe waynes hylid with twelue oxun; twei duykis offeriden o wayn, and ech offeride oon oxe. And thei offeriden tho waynes `in the siyt of the tabernacle.
4 TUHAN berkata kepada Musa,
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises,
5 "Terimalah pemberian-pemberian itu untuk mengangkut Kemah-Ku; serahkanlah semuanya itu kepada orang Lewi sesuai dengan tugas mereka."
Take thou of hem, that tho serue in the seruice of the tabernacle, and bitake thou tho to dekenes bi the ordre of her seruice.
6 Lalu pedati-pedati dan sapi-sapi itu diserahkan Musa kepada orang Lewi.
And so whanne Moises hadde take the waynes, and the oxun, he bitook tho to the dekenes.
7 Dua pedati dan empat ekor sapi diberikannya kepada orang-orang Gerson,
He yaf twei waynes and foure oxun to the sones of Gerson, bi that that thei hadden nedeful.
8 empat pedati dan delapan ekor sapi kepada orang-orang Merari, sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang mereka lakukan di bawah pimpinan Itamar, anak Imam Harun.
He yaf four other waynes and eiyte oxun to the sones of Merari, bi her offices and religioun, vnder the hond of Ythamar, the sone of Aaron, preest.
9 Tetapi orang-orang Kehat tidak menerima pedati atau sapi dari Musa, sebab barang-barang suci yang menjadi tanggung jawab mereka, harus mereka pikul di atas pundak.
Forsothe he yaf not waynes and oxun to the sones of Caath, for thei seruen in the seyntuarye, and beren chargis with her owne schuldris.
10 Para pemuka membawa persembahan untuk merayakan upacara pentahbisan mezbah. Ketika mereka sudah siap untuk membawa pemberian mereka ke depan mezbah,
Therfor the duykis offeriden, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was anoyntid, her offryng to the Lord, bifore the auter.
11 TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, "Katakanlah kepada mereka bahwa setiap hari selama dua belas hari seorang di antara para pemimpin itu harus mempersembahkan kurbannya untuk upacara pentahbisan mezbah."
And the Lord seide to Moises, Alle dukis bi hemsilf offre yiftis, bi alle daies bi hem silf, in to the halewyng of the auter.
12 Masing-masing membawa persembahannya menurut urutan ini: (Hari-Suku-Pemimpin); Pertama-Yehuda-Nahason anak Aminadab; Kedua-Isakhar-Netaneel anak Zuar; Ketiga-Zebulon-Eliab anak Helon; Keempat-Ruben-Elizur anak Syedeur; Kelima-Simeon-Selumiel anak Zurisyadai; Keenam-Gad-Elyasaf anak Rehuel; Ketujuh-Efraim-Elisama anak Amihud; Kedelapan-Manasye-Gamaliel anak Pedazur; Kesembilan-Benyamin-Abidan anak Gideoni; Kesepuluh-Dan-Ahiezer anak Amisyadai; Kesebelas-Asyer-Pagiel anak Okhran; Kedua belas-Naftali-Ahira anak Enan. Persembahan mereka masing-masing adalah sama: satu pinggan perak yang beratnya 1,5 kilogram dan satu baskom perak yang beratnya 800 gram, menurut timbangan yang berlaku di Kemah TUHAN. Kedua tempat itu diisi penuh dengan tepung dicampur minyak untuk persembahan sajian. Selain itu satu pinggan emas yang beratnya 110 gram berisi dupa; seekor sapi jantan muda, seekor domba jantan dan seekor anak domba yang berumur satu tahun untuk kurban bakaran, juga seekor kambing jantan untuk kurban pengampunan dosa; dua ekor sapi, lima ekor domba jantan, lima ekor kambing jantan, dan lima ekor domba berumur satu tahun untuk kurban perdamaian.
Naason, the sone of Amynadab, of the lynage of Juda, offeride his offryng in the firste day;
and a siluerne vessel `to preue ensense and siche thingis, in the weiyte of an hundrid and thretti siclis, a viol of siluere, hauynge seuenti siclis bi the weiyt of the seyntuarie, `weren ther ynne, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a morter, of ten goldun siclis, ful of encence.
He offride an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buk of geet, for synne.
And he offeride in the sacrifice of pesible thingis, tweyne oxun, fyue rammys, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This is the offryng of Naason, the sone of Amynadab.
In the secounde dai Nathanael, the sone of Suar, duyk of the lynage of Isachar,
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti syclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, hauynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in the sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, and fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Nathanael the sone of Suar.
In the thridde dai Eliab, the sone of Elon, prince of the sones of Zabulon,
offeride a siluerne vessel to `preue encence and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice; and a buc of geet, for synne.
And in sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxen, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer.
This is the offryng of Eliab, the sone of Helon.
In the fourthe dai Helisur, the sone of Sedeur, the prince of the sones of Ruben,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti syclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice,
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisur, the sone of Sedeur.
In the fyuethe dai Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai, the prince of the sones of Symeon,
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peysynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `bucke of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offeride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offring of Salamyhel, the sone of Surisaddai.
In the sixte day Elisaphat, the sone of Duel, the prince of the sones of Gad,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and sich thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the droue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride twei oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisaphat, the sone of Duel.
In the seuenthe dai Elisama, the sone of Amyud, the prince of the sones of Effraym,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt togidere with oyle, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to
brent sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Elisama, the sone of Amyud.
In the eiytthe dai Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur, the prince of the sones of Manasses,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti syclis, a siluerne viole, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt togidere with oile, in to sacrifice; a goldun morter,
peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent
sacrifice; and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrificis of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Gamaliel, the sone of Fadussur.
In the nynthe dai Abidan, the sone of Gedeon, the prince of the sones of Beniamyn,
offeride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour sprent togidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense; an oxe of the drooue,
and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifice of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abidan, the sone of Gedeon.
In the tenthe dai Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai, the prince of the sones of Dan,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer ethir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Abiezer, the sone of Amysaddai.
In the enleuenthe dai Phegiel, the sone of Ocran,
the prince of the sones of Aser, offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thretti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer either ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten ciclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `bucke of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifices of pesyble thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Phegiel, the sone of Ochran.
In the tweluethe dai Ahira, the sone of Enan, the prince of the sones of Neptalym,
offride a siluerne vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis, peisynge an hundrid and thetti siclis, a siluerne viol, hauynge seuenti siclis at the weiyte of seyntuarie, euer eithir ful of flour spreynt to gidere with oile, in to sacrifice;
a goldun morter, peisynge ten siclis, ful of encense;
an oxe of the drooue, and a ram, and a lomb of o yeer, in to brent sacrifice;
and a `buc of geet, for synne.
And in to sacrifices of pesible thingis he offride tweyne oxun, fyue rammes, fyue `buckis of geet, fyue lambren of o yeer. This was the offryng of Haira, the sone of Henan.
84 Persembahan yang dibawa oleh kedua belas pemimpin untuk pentahbisan mezbah itu seluruhnya berjumlah: -dua belas pinggan perak dan dua belas baskom perak yang berat seluruhnya 27,6 kilogram; -dua belas pinggan emas yang berat seluruhnya 1,32 kilogram, penuh berisi dupa; -dua belas ekor sapi jantan, dua belas ekor domba jantan, dan dua belas ekor anak domba yang berumur satu tahun, bersama-sama dengan kurban sajian sebagai kelengkapannya untuk kurban bakaran; -dua belas ekor kambing untuk kurban pengampunan dosa; -dua puluh empat ekor sapi jantan, enam puluh ekor domba jantan, enam puluh ekor kambing, dan enam puluh ekor anak domba yang berumur satu tahun untuk kurban perdamaian.
These thingis weren offrid of the sones of Israel, in the halewyng of the auter, in the dai in which it was halewid; siluerne vessels `to preue, encense and siche thingis twelue, siluerne viols twelue, goldun morteris twelue;
so that o vessel `to preue encense and siche thingis hadde an hundrid and thretti siclis `of siluer, and o viol hadde seuenti siclis, that is, in comyn, two thousynde and foure hundrid siclis of alle the `vessels of siluer, bi the weiyte of seyntuarie;
goldun morteris twelue, ful of encense, peisynge ten siclis bi the weiyte of seyntuarie, that is to gidere an hundrid and twenti siclis of gold;
oxun of the drooue in to brent sacrifice twelue, twelue rammes, twelue lambren of o yeer, and the fletynge sacryfices `of tho, twelue `buckis of geet for synne;
the sacrifices of pesible thingis, foure and twenti oxun, sexty rammes, sexti `buckis of geet, sixti lambren of o yeer. These thingis weren offrid in the halewyng of the auter, whanne it was anoyntid.
89 Setiap kali Musa masuk ke dalam Kemah TUHAN untuk berbicara dengan TUHAN, ia mendengar suara TUHAN yang berkata kepadanya dari atas tutup Peti Perjanjian di antara kedua patung kerub.
And whanne Moyses entride in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, `to axe counsel `of Goddis answeryng place, he herde the vois of God spekynge to hym fro `the propiciatorie, which was on the arke of witnessyng, bitwixe twei cherubyns, fro whennus also God spak to Moises.

< Bilangan 7 >