< Lukas 9 >

1 Yesus memanggil kedua belas pengikut-Nya, lalu memberi kepada mereka kuasa untuk mengusir roh jahat dan menyembuhkan penyakit.
[One day] Jesus summoned his twelve [apostles], and gave them power to expel all [kinds of] demons and to heal [people with] diseases. He gave them authority to do that.
2 Kemudian Ia menyuruh mereka pergi menyembuhkan orang sakit dan menyiarkan berita tentang bagaimana Allah memerintah sebagai Raja.
[Before] he sent them out to heal people and to tell people [what it meant to let] God (rule/have complete control [over]) [their lives],
3 "Jangan membawa apa-apa untuk perjalananmu," kata Yesus kepada mereka. "Jangan membawa tongkat, atau kantong sedekah, atau makanan, atau uang, ataupun dua helai pakaian.
he said to them, “Do not take things for your journey. Do not take a walking stick or a [traveler’s] bag or food or money. Do not take (an extra shirt/extra clothes).
4 Di mana saja kalian diterima, tinggallah di situ sampai kalian meninggalkan kota itu.
Whenever you enter some house [to lodge there], stay in that house until you leave that town.
5 Dan di mana kalian tidak diterima, pada waktu kalian meninggalkan kota itu, kebaskanlah debu dari tapak kakimu, sebagai peringatan terhadap mereka."
[In towns] where the people do not welcome you, [you should not continue to stay there. Just] leave those towns. And as you leave, shake off the dust from your feet. [Do that to] warn them [that God will punish them for rejecting your message].”
6 Pengikut-pengikut Yesus berangkat, lalu pergi ke desa-desa untuk memberitakan Kabar Baik itu dan menyembuhkan orang sakit di mana-mana.
Then they left and traveled through many villages. Everywhere [they went], they told people God’s good message and healed sick people.
7 Ketika Herodes, yang memerintah di Galilea, mendengar tentang semua kejadian itu, ia bingung. Sebab ada yang berkata bahwa Yohanes Pembaptis sudah hidup kembali.
Herod [Antipas], the ruler of [that] district, heard about the things that [Jesus and his disciples] were doing. [He had previously commanded his soldiers to execute John the Baptizer, so now] he was perplexed, because some people were saying that John had become alive again [and was doing those miracles].
8 Ada juga yang berkata bahwa Elia sudah muncul lagi. Orang lain pula berkata bahwa seorang nabi dari nabi-nabi dahulu kala sudah hidup kembali.
Others were saying that [the prophet] Elijah had appeared [again as had been prophesied]. Others were saying that one of the [other] former prophets had become alive again [and was doing those miracles].
9 Herodes berkata, "Saya sudah menyuruh orang memancung kepala Yohanes. Tetapi Orang ini, siapa sebenarnya Dia? Ada banyak yang sudah saya dengar tentang Dia." Maka Herodes berusaha untuk melihat Yesus.
But Herod said, “[It cannot be John who is doing these things], [because] I [commanded my soldiers to] cut off his head. So who is [this man] that I am hearing these things about?” And he kept wanting to see [Jesus].
10 Rasul-rasul Yesus kembali dan menceritakan kepada Yesus semua yang mereka sudah lakukan. Yesus mengajak mereka, lalu pergi bersama-sama mereka menyendiri ke kota Betsaida.
When the apostles returned [from traveling to various towns], they told Jesus the things that they had done. Then he took them and they went by themselves [by boat] to a town called Bethsaida.
11 Tetapi ketika orang-orang mengetahui tentang hal itu, mereka mengikuti Yesus. Ia menerima mereka, lalu berbicara kepada mereka tentang bagaimana Allah memerintah sebagai Raja. Dan Ia juga menyembuhkan orang sakit di antara mereka.
But when the crowds [of people who had been with Jesus] found out about that, they followed him [on land. When they got to where he was], he welcomed them. He taught them about how God is going to some day (rule as king/have complete control [over people’s lives]). He also healed the sick people.
12 Ketika matahari mulai terbenam, kedua belas pengikut Yesus datang kepada-Nya dan berkata, "Pak, tempat ini terpencil. Lebih baik Bapak menyuruh orang-orang ini pergi, supaya mereka dapat mencari makanan dan tempat menginap di kampung-kampung dan desa-desa di sekitar ini."
Late in the afternoon Jesus’ twelve [apostles] came to him and said, “This is a place where nobody lives, so dismiss the people so that they can go to the surrounding villages and other places where they can get some food and find places to stay!”
13 Tetapi Yesus menjawab, "Kalian saja memberi mereka makan." Pengikut-pengikut Yesus berkata, "Kami hanya punya lima roti dan dua ikan. Apakah kami harus pergi membeli makanan untuk semua orang ini?"
But he said to them, “[No], you [yourselves] give them something to eat!” They replied, “We [(exc)] have only five small loaves and two [cooked] fish. Are you [(sg)] going to [give] us [the money] to go somewhere and buy food for all these people?”
14 (Ada kira-kira lima ribu orang laki-laki di situ.) Yesus berkata kepada pengikut-pengikut-Nya, "Suruhlah orang-orang ini duduk berkelompok, kira-kira lima puluh orang sekelompok."
There were about 5,000 men [there]. He replied to the disciples, “[No], [just] tell the people to sit down. Tell them to sit in groups, with about 50 people in each group.”
15 Pengikut-pengikut Yesus itu melakukan apa yang dikatakan Yesus kepada mereka.
After they told the people that, they all sat down.
16 Lalu Yesus mengambil lima roti dan dua ikan itu, kemudian menengadah ke langit dan mengucap terima kasih kepada Allah. Setelah itu Ia membelah-belah roti dan ikan itu dengan tangan-Nya lalu memberikannya kepada pengikut-pengikut-Nya untuk dibagi-bagikan kepada orang banyak itu.
Then he took the five small loaves and the two fish. He looked up towards heaven and thanked [God for them]. Then he broke them [into pieces] and gave them to the disciples so that they would distribute them to the crowd.
17 Mereka semuanya makan sampai kenyang. Lalu pengikut-pengikut Yesus mengumpulkan kelebihan makanan itu sebanyak dua belas bakul.
All [the people in the crowd] ate until they all had enough to eat. Then [the disciples] collected twelve baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over!
18 Pada suatu hari, ketika Yesus sedang berdoa sendirian, pengikut-pengikut-N datang kepada-Nya. Yesus bertanya kepada mereka, "Menurut kata orang, Aku ini siapa?"
[One day] Jesus was praying in a place where only the disciples were with him. He asked them, “The crowds [of people], who do they say that I [really] am?”
19 Mereka menjawab, "Ada yang berkata Yohanes Pembaptis. Ada juga yang berkata Elia, yang lain lagi berkata salah seorang nabi zaman dahulu yang sudah hidup kembali."
They replied, “[Some people say that you are] John the Baptizer, [who has come back to life again]. Others say that you are [the prophet] Elijah, [who has returned from heaven as God promised]. Others say that you are one of the [other] prophets who lived long ago, who has come back to life again.”
20 "Tetapi menurut kalian sendiri, Aku ini siapa?" tanya Yesus. Petrus menjawab, "Bapak adalah Raja Penyelamat yang dijanjikan Allah."
He asked them, “What about you [(pl)]? Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You [(sg)] are the Messiah, who [has come from] God.”
21 Lalu Yesus berkata kepada pengikut-pengikut-Nya, "Jangan sekali-kali memberitahukan hal itu kepada siapa pun."
Then Jesus warned them strongly not to tell that to anyone [yet].
22 Yesus berkata juga, "Anak Manusia memang harus banyak menderita dan ditentang oleh pemimpin-pemimpin dan imam-imam kepala, serta guru-guru agama. Ia akan dibunuh, tetapi pada hari ketiga akan dibangkitkan kembali."
Then he said, “[Even though I am] the one who came from heaven, it is necessary that I suffer very much. It is also necessary that I be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the men who teach the [Jewish] laws {that the [Jewish] elders and the chief priests and the men who teach the [Jewish] laws will reject me}. It is necessary that I be killed {that [people] will kill me}. Then on the third day [after that], I will become alive again.”
23 Kemudian Yesus berkata kepada semua orang yang ada di situ, "Orang yang mau mengikuti Aku, harus melupakan kepentingannya sendiri, memikul salibnya tiap-tiap hari, dan terus mengikuti Aku.
Then he said to all of them, “If any one [of you] wants to be my disciple, you must not do [only] what you yourself desire [to do]. [Specifically], you must be willing each day [MET] [to let others hurt you and disgrace you. That is like what is done to criminals who are forced] to carry [MET] crosses [to the place where they will be executed]. [That is what anyone who wants to] be my disciple [must do].
24 Sebab orang yang mau mempertahankan hidupnya, akan kehilangan hidupnya. Tetapi orang yang mengurbankan hidupnya untuk kepentingan-Ku, akan menyelamatkannya.
You must do that, because those who try to save their lives [by denying that they belong to me when people want to kill them for believing in me] will not live [eternally], but those who are killed because of being my [disciples] will live [forever with me].
25 Apa untungnya bagi seseorang kalau seluruh dunia ini menjadi miliknya, tetapi ia merusak dan kehilangan hidupnya?
People might get everything that [they want] in this world, but (they are really gaining nothing if they do not get eternal life by [becoming my disciples]!/are they really gaining anything if they do not get eternal life by [becoming my disciples]?) [RHQ]
26 Kalau orang malu mengakui Aku dan pengajaran-Ku, Anak Manusia juga akan malu mengakui orang itu pada waktu Ia datang nanti dengan kuasa-Nya, dan dengan kuasa Bapa serta kuasa malaikat-malaikat yang suci!
Those who reject my message [and] refuse to say that [they belong] to me, [I], the one who came from heaven, will also refuse to say that [they belong to me] when I come back with the holy angels, and have the glorious brightness that my Father has.
27 Ketahuilah: dari antara kalian di sini ada yang tidak akan mati sebelum ia melihat Allah memerintah."
But listen carefully! Some of you [(pl)] who are here now will see God ruling [MET] [in many powerful ways]. You will see it before you die!”
28 Kira-kira seminggu setelah Yesus mengajarkan hal-hal itu, Ia membawa Petrus, Yohanes, dan Yakobus ke atas sebuah gunung untuk berdoa.
About a week after [Jesus] said those things, he took Peter, James, and [James’ brother] John and led them up a mountain so that he could pray [there].
29 Sementara Yesus berdoa di situ, muka-Nya berubah dan pakaian-Nya menjadi putih berkilauan.
As he was praying, his face appeared very different to them. His clothes became as bright as lightning.
30 Tiba-tiba dua orang, yaitu Musa dan Elia menampakkan diri dengan cahaya dari surga. Mereka berbicara dengan Yesus mengenai kematian-Nya yang tidak lama lagi akan dijalankan-Nya di Yerusalem.
Suddenly, two men appeared who had the brightness [of heaven] surrounding them. They were [prophets who had lived long ago], Moses and Elijah. They started talking with Jesus about how he [would accomplish what God had planned when he died] [EUP] [very soon] in Jerusalem.
32 Pada waktu itu Petrus dan kawan-kawannya tertidur, tetapi tiba-tiba bangun, dan melihat Yesus bercahaya dan dua orang itu berdiri dengan Dia.
Peter and the other [disciples] who were with him were sound asleep. When they woke up, they saw [Jesus’] brightness. They also saw the two men standing with him.
33 Pada waktu kedua orang itu hendak meninggalkan Yesus, Petrus berkata kepada Yesus, "Bapak Guru, enak sekali kita di sini. Baiklah kami mendirikan tiga kemah: satu untuk Tuan, satu untuk Musa, dan satu lagi untuk Elia." (Petrus berkata begitu tanpa mengerti apa yang dikatakannya.)
As [Moses and Elijah] were starting to leave Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is wonderful for us to be here! Allow us to make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah!” But he really did not realize what he was talking about.
34 Sementara Petrus masih berbicara, datanglah sebuah awan, dan meliputi mereka, sehingga mereka takut.
As he was saying that, a [bright] cloud appeared and covered them all. The disciples were afraid as the cloud surrounded them.
35 Kemudian dari awan itu terdengar suara yang berkata, "Inilah Anak-Ku yang Kupilih. Dengarkan Dia!"
[God] [MTY/EUP] spoke to them from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son. He is the one whom [I] have chosen [to do a great work for me]. [So] you must listen to him!”
36 Setelah suara itu berhenti, mereka melihat Yesus sendirian di situ. Pengikut-pengikut Yesus diam saja tentang semuanya itu, dan tidak memberitahukan kepada siapa pun apa yang telah mereka lihat.
After [God] [MTY/EUP] finished saying that, [the three disciples] saw that only Jesus was there. They did not tell anyone what they had seen until much later.
37 Keesokan harinya Yesus dan ketiga pengikut-Nya turun dari gunung itu, dan orang banyak datang kepada Yesus.
The next day, after they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd [of people] met Jesus.
38 Seorang laki-laki dari tengah-tengah orang banyak itu berteriak, "Pak Guru, tolonglah melihat anak saya--dia satu-satunya anak saya!
Then a man from the crowd exclaimed, “Teacher, I plead with you, [do something to help] my son! He is my only child!
39 Apabila roh jahat menyerang dia, ia mendadak berteriak dan badannya kejang-kejang sampai mulutnya berbusa. Roh itu terus menyiksa dia dan tidak mau keluar dari dia!
At various times an evil spirit suddenly seizes him and [causes] him to scream. The evil spirit shakes him violently and causes him to foam at the mouth. It does not leave until my child is completely exhausted.
40 Sudah saya minta pengikut-pengikut Bapak mengusir roh itu, tetapi mereka tidak dapat."
I pleaded with your disciples [who were here] for them to expel [the evil spirit], but they were not able to do it!”
41 Yesus menjawab, "Bukan main kalian ini! Kalian sungguh orang-orang yang menyeleweng dan tidak percaya! Sampai kapan Aku harus tinggal bersama kalian dan bersabar terhadap kalian? Bawa anakmu itu ke mari!"
Jesus replied [by saying to everyone who had gathered there], “[You who have seen how I help people] do not believe [that you can do anything]. What you [think] is perverted! How long must I be with you [before you are able to do what I do] [RHQ]? [How long must I] endure your [lack of faith]?” [Then he said to the boy’s father], “Bring your [(sg)] son here [to me]!”
42 Sementara anak itu berjalan menuju Yesus, roh jahat itu membanting dia dan membuat badannya kejang-kejang. Tetapi Yesus memerintahkan roh jahat itu keluar dan sembuhlah anak itu. Lalu anak itu diserahkan kembali kepada ayahnya.
While they were bringing the boy to Jesus, the demon attacked the boy, threw him to the ground, and shook him severely. But Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and healed the boy. Then he returned him to his father’s [care].
43 Semua orang heran melihat kuasa Allah yang begitu besar. Pada waktu orang-orang masih terheran-heran melihat semua yang dilakukan-Nya, Yesus berkata kepada pengikut-pengikut-Nya,
All the people [there] were amazed at the great [power] of God. Luke 9:43b-45 While they were all amazed at all the miracles [Jesus] was doing, he said to his disciples,
44 "Perhatikanlah baik-baik dan jangan lupa kata-kata-Ku ini: Anak Manusia akan diserahkan kepada kuasa manusia."
“Think carefully [MTY] about what I am about to tell you: [Even though I am] the one who came from heaven, [I will soon] be handed over to the authorities (OR, my enemies) {[someone] is about to enable [MTY] my enemies to seize me}.”
45 Tetapi pengikut-pengikut Yesus itu tidak mengerti perkataan-Nya itu. Hal itu dirahasiakan kepada mereka supaya mereka tidak mengerti. Tetapi mereka takut menanyakan hal itu kepada-Nya.
But [the disciples] did not understand what he was saying; [God] prevented them from understanding it, so that they would not know [yet] what he meant. And they were afraid to ask him about [what he had said].
46 Di antara pengikut-pengikut Yesus timbul pertengkaran tentang siapa dari mereka yang terbesar.
The disciples began to argue among themselves about which one of them would be the greatest [when Jesus became king].
47 Yesus tahu pikiran mereka, sebab itu Ia mengambil seorang anak kecil dan membuat anak itu berdiri di samping-Nya.
But Jesus perceived what they were thinking. So he brought a young child to his side.
48 Lalu Ia berkata kepada pengikut-pengikut-Nya, "Orang yang menerima anak ini karena Aku, berarti menerima Aku. Dan orang yang menerima Aku, menerima Dia yang mengutus Aku. Sebab orang yang terkecil di antara kalian, dialah yang terbesar!"
He said to [the disciples], “Those who, because they [love] me, (OR, because they want to behave like me) welcome a little child ([like] this one/[as] I [would]) [MTY], [God considers that] [MET] they are welcoming me. And those who welcome me, [God considers] that [MET] they are welcoming him, the one who sent me. Remember that those among you who think of themselves as being very unimportant will be the ones [whom God considers] to be great.”
49 Yohanes berkata, "Tuan, kami melihat orang mengusir setan atas nama Tuan, dan kami melarang dia, sebab ia bukan dari kita."
John replied to [Jesus], “Master, we [(exc)] saw a man who was expelling demons, [claiming] that [he had] authority from you [MTY] to do that. So we told him to stop doing it, because he is not one of us [disciples].”
50 "Jangan melarang dia," kata Yesus kepada Yohanes dan pengikut-pengikut Yesus yang lainnya, "sebab orang yang tidak melawan kalian, berarti berpihak pada kalian."
But Jesus said to him [and the other disciples], “Do not tell him not to [do that]! Remember that those who are not opposing you are trying to [achieve the same goals that] you are!”
51 Ketika sudah dekat waktunya Yesus diangkat ke surga, Ia mengambil keputusan untuk pergi ke Yerusalem.
When it was almost time for [God] to take Jesus up to heaven, he firmly resolved to go to Jerusalem.
52 Maka Ia menyuruh orang pergi mendahului Dia. Orang-orang yang disuruh-Nya itu pergi, lalu masuk ke sebuah kampung di Samaria untuk menyiapkan segala sesuatu bagi Yesus.
He sent some messengers to go ahead of him, and they entered a village in Samaria [district] to prepare for him [SYN] [to go there].
53 Tetapi orang-orang di kampung itu tidak mau menerima Yesus, sebab nyata sekali Ia sedang menuju ke Yerusalem.
But [the Samaritans did not like the Jews because of their insisting that it was necessary to go to Jerusalem to worship God. So], because Jesus had firmly resolved to go to Jerusalem, they would not let him come [to their village].
54 Maka pada waktu pengikut-pengikut Yesus, yaitu Yakobus dan Yohanes tahu tentang hal itu, mereka berkata, "Tuhan, apakah Tuhan mau, kami minta api turun dari langit untuk membinasakan orang-orang ini?"
When two of his disciples, James and John, heard about that, they said, “Lord, do you [(sg)] want us [(exc)] to pray that [God] will send fire down from heaven, [as the prophet Elijah did long ago], and destroy those people?”
55 Yesus berpaling, lalu memarahi mereka.
But Jesus turned and rebuked them [for saying that].
56 Setelah itu mereka pergi ke kampung yang lain.
So they went to a different village.
57 Sementara Yesus dan pengikut-pengikut-Nya meneruskan perjalanan, ada orang berkata kepada Yesus, "Pak, saya mau mengikuti Bapak ke mana saja!"
As Jesus and the disciples were walking along the road, one man said to him, “I will go with you [(sg)] wherever you go!”
58 Yesus menjawab, "Serigala punya liang, dan burung punya sarang, tetapi Anak Manusia tidak punya tempat berbaring."
[In order that the man might know what he could expect if he went with Jesus], Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes [in the ground in which to live], and birds have nests, but [even though I am] the one who came from heaven, I do not have a home where I can sleep!”
59 Lalu Yesus berkata kepada seorang yang lain, "Ikutlah Aku." Tetapi orang itu berkata, "Pak, izinkanlah saya pulang dahulu untuk menguburkan ayah saya."
Jesus told another man, “Come with me!” But the man said, “Lord/Sir, let me go [home] first. [After] my father [dies] I will bury him, [and then I will come with you].”
60 Yesus menjawab, "Biarkan orang mati menguburkan orang matinya sendiri. Tetapi engkau, pergi dan siarkanlah berita bahwa Allah sudah mulai memerintah."
But Jesus said to him, “[God considers that those who do not have eternal life are] dead [MET]. Let those people [do the work of] burying people who die. As for you, go and tell people about how God wants (to rule/to have complete control [over]) [people’s lives]!”
61 Ada juga seorang lain yang berkata, "Pak, saya mau mengikuti Bapak, tetapi izinkanlah saya pulang dahulu untuk pamit."
Someone else said, “Lord, I will come with you and be your disciple, but first let me go home to say goodbye to my relatives.”
62 Yesus berkata kepada orang itu, "Orang yang sudah mulai membajak, lalu menengok ke belakang, tidak layak menjadi anggota umat Allah."
Jesus said to him, “Anyone who is plowing his field should not look back [to see what he has done. He must look forward to what is ahead. Similarly], [anyone who continues to be concerned about his family and other things he has left behind] is not fit [to serve me and tell others about how] God wants to rule [MTY] [people’s lives].”

< Lukas 9 >