< Ratapan 3 >

1 Akulah orang yang telah merasakan sengsara, karena tertimpa kemarahan Allah.
Aleph. I am the man that see my poverty by the rod of his indignation.
2 Makin jauh aku diseret-Nya ke dalam tempat yang gelap gulita.
Aleph. He hath led me, and brought me into darkness, and not into light.
3 Aku dipukuli berkali-kali, tanpa belas kasihan sepanjang hari.
Aleph. Only against me he hath turned, and turned again his hand all the day.
4 Ia membuat badanku luka parah, dan tulang-tulangku patah.
Beth. My skin and my flesh he hath made old, he hath broken my bones.
5 Ia meliputi aku dengan duka dan derita.
Beth. He hath built round about me, and he hath compassed me with gall and labour.
6 Aku dipaksa-Nya tinggal dalam kegelapan seperti orang yang mati di zaman yang silam.
Beth. He hath set me in dark places as those that are dead for ever.
7 Dengan belenggu yang kuat diikat-Nya aku, sehingga tak ada jalan keluar bagiku.
Ghimel. He hath built against me round about, that I may not get out: he hath made my fetters heavy.
8 Aku menjerit minta pertolongan, tapi Allah tak mau mendengarkan.
Ghimel. Yea, and when I cry, and entreat, he hath shut out my prayer.
9 Ia mengalang-alangi jalanku dengan tembok-tembok batu.
Ghimel. He hath shut up my ways with square stones, he hath turned my paths upside down.
10 Seperti beruang Ia menunggu, seperti singa Ia menghadang aku.
Daleth. He is become to me as a bear lying in wait: as a lion in secret places.
11 Dikejar-Nya aku sampai menyimpang dari jalan, lalu aku dicabik-cabik dan ditinggalkan.
Daleth. He hath turned aside my paths, and hath broken me in pieces, he hath made me desolate.
12 Ia merentangkan busur-Nya, dan menjadikan aku sasaran anak panah-Nya.
Daleth. He hath bent his bow, and set me as a mark for his arrows.
13 Anak panah-Nya menembus tubuhku sampai menusuk jantungku.
He. He hath shot into my reins the daughters of his quiver.
14 Sepanjang hari aku ditertawakan semua orang, dan dijadikan bahan sindiran.
He. I am made a derision to all my people, their song all the day long.
15 Hanya kepahitan yang diberikan-Nya kepadaku untuk makanan dan minumanku.
He. He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath inebriated me with wormwood.
16 Mukaku digosokkan-Nya pada tanah, gigiku dibenturkan-Nya pada batu sampai patah.
Vau. And he hath broken my teeth one by one, he hath fed me with ashes.
17 Telah lama aku tak merasa sejahtera; sudah lupa aku bagaimana perasaan bahagia.
Vau. And my soul is removed far off from peace, I have forgotten good things.
18 Aku tak lagi mempunyai kemasyhuran, lenyaplah harapanku pada TUHAN.
Vau. And I said: My end and my hope is perished from the Lord.
19 Memikirkan pengembaraan dan kemalanganku bagaikan makan racun yang pahit.
Zain. Remember my poverty, and transgression, the wormwood, and the gall.
20 Terus-menerus hal itu kupikirkan, sehingga batinku tertekan.
Zain. I will be mindful and remember, and my soul shall languish within me.
21 Meskipun begitu harapanku bangkit kembali, ketika aku mengingat hal ini:
Zain. These things I shall think over in my heart, therefore will I hope.
22 Kasih TUHAN kekal abadi, rahmat-Nya tak pernah habis,
Heth. The mercies of the Lord that we are not consumed: because his commiserations have not failed.
23 selalu baru setiap pagi sungguh, TUHAN setia sekali!
Heth. They are new every morning, great is thy faithfulness.
24 TUHAN adalah hartaku satu-satunya. Karena itu, aku berharap kepada-Nya.
Heth. The Lord is my portion, said my soul: therefore will I wait for him.
25 TUHAN baik kepada orang yang berharap kepada-Nya, dan kepada orang yang mencari Dia.
Teth. The Lord is good to them that hope in him, to the soul that seeketh him.
26 Jadi, baiklah kita menunggu dengan tenang sampai TUHAN datang memberi pertolongan;
Teth. It is good to wait with silence for the salvation of God.
27 baiklah kita belajar menjadi tabah pada waktu masih muda.
Teth. It is good for a man, when he hath borne the yoke from his youth.
28 Pada waktu TUHAN memberi penderitaan, hendaklah kita duduk sendirian dengan diam.
Jod. He shall sit solitary, and hold his peace: because he hath taken it up upon himself.
29 Biarlah kita merendahkan diri dan menyerah, karena mungkin harapan masih ada.
Jod. He shall put his mouth in the dust, if so be there may be hope.
30 Sekalipun ditampar dan dinista, hendaklah semuanya itu kita terima.
Jod. He shall give his cheek to him that striketh him, he shall be filled with reproaches.
31 Sebab, TUHAN tidak akan menolak kita untuk selama-lamanya.
Caph. For the Lord will not cast off for ever.
32 Setelah Ia memberikan penderitaan Ia pun berbelaskasihan, karena Ia tetap mengasihi kita dengan kasih yang tak ada batasnya.
Caph. For if he hath cast off, he will also have mercy, according to the multitude of his mercies.
33 Ia tidak dengan rela hati membiarkan kita menderita dan sedih.
Caph. For he hath not willingly afflicted, nor cast off the children of men.
34 Kalau jiwa kita tertekan di dalam tahanan,
Lamed. To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the land,
35 kalau kita kehilangan hak yang diberikan TUHAN,
Lamed. To turn aside the judgment of a man before the face of the most High,
36 karena keadilan diputarbalikkan, pastilah TUHAN mengetahuinya dan memperhatikan.
Lamed. To destroy a man wrongfully in his judgment, the Lord hath not approved.
37 Jika TUHAN tidak menghendaki sesuatu, pasti manusia tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa untuk itu.
Mem. Who is he that hath commanded a thing to be done, when the Lord commandeth it not?
38 Baik dan jahat dijalankan hanya atas perintah TUHAN.
Mem. Shall not both evil and good proceed out of the mouth of the Highest?
39 Mengapa orang harus berkeluh-kesah jika ia dihukum karena dosa-dosanya?
Mem. Why hath a living man murmured, man suffering for his sins?
40 Baiklah kita menyelidiki hidup kita, dan kembali kepada TUHAN Allah di surga. Marilah kita membuka hati dan berdoa,
Nun. Let us search our ways, and seek, and return to the Lord.
Nun. Let us lift up our hearts with our hands to the Lord in the heavens.
42 "Kami berdosa dan memberontak kepada-Mu, ya TUHAN, dan Engkau tak memberi pengampunan.
Nun. We have done wickedly, and provoked thee to wrath: therefore thou art inexorable.
43 Kami Kaukejar dan Kaubunuh, belas kasihan-Mu tersembunyi dalam amarah-Mu.
Samech. Thou hast covered in thy wrath, and hast struck us: thou hast killed and hast not spared.
44 Murka-Mu seperti awan yang tebal sekali sehingga tak dapat ditembus oleh doa-doa kami.
Samech. Thou hast set a cloud before thee, that our prayer may not pass through.
45 Kami telah Kaujadikan seperti sampah di mata seluruh dunia.
Samech. Thou hast made me as an outcast, and refuse in the midst of the people.
46 Kami dihina semua musuh kami dan ditertawakan;
Phe. All our enemies have opened their mouths against us.
47 kami ditimpa kecelakaan dan kehancuran, serta hidup dalam bahaya dan ketakutan.
Phe. Prophecy is become to us a fear, and a snare, and destruction.
48 Air mataku mengalir seperti sungai karena bangsaku telah hancur.
Phe. My eye hath run down with streams of water, for the destruction of the daughter of my people.
49 Aku akan menangis tanpa berhenti,
Ain. My eye is afflicted, and hath not been quiet, because there was no rest:
50 sampai Engkau, ya TUHAN di surga, memperhatikan kami.
Ain. Till the Lord regarded and looked down from the heavens.
51 Hatiku menjadi sedih melihat nasib wanita-wanita di kota kami.
Ain. My eye hath wasted my soul because of all the daughters of my city.
52 Seperti burung, aku dikejar musuh yang tanpa alasan membenci aku.
Sade. My enemies have chased me and caught me like a bird, without cause.
53 Ke dalam sumur yang kering mereka membuang aku hidup-hidup lalu menimbuni aku dengan batu.
Sade. My life is fallen into the pit, and they have laid a stone over me.
54 Air naik sampai ke kepalaku, dan aku berpikir, --'Habislah riwayatku!'
Sade. Waters have flowed over my head: I said: I am cut off.
55 Ya TUHAN, aku berseru kepada-Mu, dari dasar sumur yang dalam itu.
Coph. I have called upon thy name, O Lord, from the lowest pit.
56 Aku mohon dengan sangat janganlah menutupi telinga-Mu terhadap permintaanku agar Kau menolong aku. Maka doaku Kaudengar, dan Kaudatang mendekat; Kau berkata, 'Jangan gentar.'
Coph. Thou hast heard my voice: turn not away thy ear from my sighs, and cries.
Coph. Thou drewest near in the day, when I called upon thee, thou saidst: Fear not.
58 Kaudatang memperjuangkan perkaraku, ya TUHAN, nyawaku telah Kauselamatkan.
Res. Thou hast judged, O Lord, the cause of my soul, thou the Redeemer of my life.
59 Engkau melihat kejahatan yang dilakukan terhadapku, rencana jahat musuh yang membenci aku. Karena itu, ya TUHAN, belalah perkaraku.
Res. Thou hast seen, O Lord, their iniquity against me: judge thou my judgment.
Res. Thou hast seen all their fury, and all their thoughts against me.
61 Engkau, TUHAN, mendengar aku dihina; Engkau tahu semua rencana mereka.
Sin. Thou hast heard their reproach, O Lord, all their imaginations against me.
62 Mereka membicarakan aku sepanjang hari. Untuk mencelakakan aku, mereka membuat rencana keji.
Sin. The lips of them that rise up against me: and their devices against me all the day.
63 Dari pagi sampai malam, aku dijadikan bahan tertawaan.
Sin. Behold their sitting down, and their rising up, I am their song.
64 Hukumlah mereka setimpal perbuatan mereka, ya TUHAN.
Thau. Thou shalt render them a recompense, O Lord, according to the works of their hands.
65 Kutukilah mereka, dan biarlah mereka tinggal dalam keputusasaan.
Thau. Thou shalt give them a buckler of heart, thy labour.
66 Kejarlah dan binasakanlah mereka semua sampai mereka tersapu habis dari dunia."
Thau. Thou shalt persecute them in anger, and shalt destroy them from under the heavens, O Lord.

< Ratapan 3 >