< Yesaya 5 >

1 Dengarlah nyanyianku tentang kebun anggur sahabatku. Sahabatku mempunyai kebun anggur di lereng bukit yang subur.
Now I will sing to [my] beloved a song of my beloved concerning my vineyard. [My] beloved had a vineyard on a high hill in a fertile place.
2 Ia mencangkul tanahnya dan membuang batu-batunya. Ditanamnya anggur pilihan dibangunnya menara penjagaan. Digalinya sebuah lubang tempat memeras anggurnya, lalu ia menunggu buahnya matang, tapi hasilnya buah anggur yang asam.
And I made a hedge round it, and dug a trench, and planted a choice vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and dug a place for the wine-vat in it: and I waited [for it] to bring forth grapes, and it brought forth thorns.
3 Jadi sekarang sahabat-Ku berkata, "Kamu semua, penduduk Yerusalem dan Yehuda, adililah antara kebun anggur-Ku dan Aku.
And now, you dwellers in Jerusalem, and [every] man of Juda, judge between me and my vineyard.
4 Apa lagi yang harus Kubuat, tapi belum Kulakukan untuk kebun anggur-Ku itu? Mengapa buah asam yang dihasilkannya, dan bukan buah baik seperti yang Kuharapkan?
What shall I do any more to my vineyard, that I have not done to it? Whereas I expected [it] to bring forth grapes, but it has brought forth thorns.
5 Begini akan Kuperlakukan kebun anggur-Ku itu: Pagar yang mengelilinginya akan Kucabut, tembok yang melindunginya akan Kurobohkan, lalu Kubiarkan binatang buas merusak dan menginjak-injaknya.
And now I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it shall be for a spoil; and I will pull down its walls, and it shall be [left] to be trodden down.
6 Aku akan membiarkannya ditumbuhi tanaman liar. Pohon anggurnya tak akan Kupangkas, dan tak akan Kusiangi. Malah Kubiarkan ditutupi semak berduri dan rumput, bahkan awan-awan Kularang menjatuhkan hujan ke atasnya."
And I will forsake my vineyard; and it shall not be pruned, nor dug, and thorns shall come up upon it as on barren land; and I will command the clouds to rain no rain upon it.
7 Sebab kebun anggur TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa adalah umat Israel, dan orang-orang Yehuda adalah pohon anggur yang ditanam-Nya. Dari mereka Ia mengharapkan keadilan, tetapi hanya ada kelaliman. Ia harapkan mereka menegakkan kebenaran, tetapi hanya ada jeritan minta keadilan.
For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Juda [his] beloved plant: I expected [it] to bring forth judgment, and it brought forth iniquity; and not righteousness, but a cry.
8 Celakalah kamu yang membeli rumah-rumah dan menyerobot ladang-ladang untuk menambah milikmu! Tak lama lagi habislah tempat untuk orang lain dan hanya kamulah yang tinggal di negeri itu.
Woe [to them] that join house to house, and add field to field, that they may take away something of their neighbor's: will you dwell alone upon the land?
9 Kudengar TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa bersumpah, "Rumah-rumah yang besar dan bagus ini semuanya akan kosong tanpa penghuni.
For these things have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts: for though many houses should be built, many and fair houses shall be desolate, and there shall be no inhabitants in them.
10 Hasil bumi akan gagal, kebun anggur yang luasnya sepuluh hektar cuma menghasilkan sepuluh liter air anggur. Seratus liter bibit cuma menghasilkan sepuluh liter gandum."
For where ten yoke of oxen plow [the land] shall yield one, and he that sows six homers shall produce three measures.
11 Celakalah kamu! Dari pagi sampai malam kerjamu hanya minum minuman keras dan bermabuk-mabuk.
Woe [to them] that rise up in the morning, and follow strong drink; who wait [at it till] evening: for the wine shall inflame them.
12 Pada pesta-pestamu ada bunyi kecapi, gambus, rebana dan suling dan minuman anggur. Tetapi kamu tidak peduli akan karya TUHAN dan apa yang dilakukan-Nya.
For they drink wine with harp, and lute, and drums, and pipes: but they regard not the works of the Lord, and consider not the works of his hands.
13 Sebab itu umat-Ku yang tak tahu apa-apa akan digiring pergi sebagai tawanan. Para pemimpin dan rakyat akan mati kelaparan dan kehausan.
Therefore my people have been taken captive, because they know not the Lord: and there has been a multitude of dead [bodies], because of hunger and of thirst for water.
14 Moncong maut terbuka lebar-lebar untuk menelan orang-orang terkemuka di Yerusalem bersama rakyat yang ramai-ramai berpesta. (Sheol h7585)
Therefore hell has enlarged its desire and opened its mouth without ceasing: and her glorious and great, and her rich and her pestilent men shall go down [into it]. (Sheol h7585)
15 Setiap orang akan dipermalukan, dan yang sombong direndahkan.
And the mean man shall be brought low, and the great man shall be disgraced, and the lofty eyes shall be brought low.
16 Tetapi TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa menunjukkan kebesaran-Nya dengan melakukan apa yang benar. Ia akan memperlihatkan kesucian-Nya dengan mengadili bangsa-Nya.
But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and the holy God shall be glorified in righteousness.
17 Di reruntuhan kota anak kambing dan domba akan merumput dan tidak kekurangan makanan.
And they that were spoiled shall be fed as bulls, and lambs shall feed on the waste places of them that are taken away.
18 Celakalah kamu yang berdosa terus-menerus!
Woe [to them] that draw sins to them as with a long rope, and iniquities as with a thong of the heifer's yoke:
19 Katamu, "Biarlah TUHAN Allah kudus Israel cepat bertindak! Biarlah Ia melaksanakan rencana-Nya, supaya kita melihat dan tahu."
who say, Let him speedily hasten what he will do, that we may see [it]: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel come, that we may know [it].
20 Celakalah kamu yang memutarbalikkan yang baik dan yang jahat, yang gelap dan yang terang, yang pahit dan yang manis!
Woe [to them] that call evil good, and good evil; who make darkness light, and light darkness; who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter.
21 Celakalah kamu yang menganggap diri bijaksana dan sangat pintar!
Woe [to them] that are wise in their own conceit, and knowing in their own sight.
22 Celakalah kamu yang jago minum anggur! Kamu pemberani dan hebat kalau harus mencampur minuman keras!
Woe to the strong [ones] of you that drink wine, and the mighty [ones] that mingle strong drink:
23 Tetapi hanya untuk mendapat uang suap, kamu membebaskan orang bersalah, dan mencegah orang tak bersalah mendapat keadilan.
who justify the ungodly for rewards, and take away the righteousness of the righteous.
24 Kamu telah menolak ajaran TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa, dan menghina perintah Allah kudus Israel. Sebab itu, seperti jerami dan rumput kering habis terbakar dalam api, begitu juga akar-akarmu akan menjadi busuk, bunga-bungamu menjadi kering dan habis ditiup angin.
Therefore as stubble shall be burnt by a coal of fire, and shall be consumed by a violent flame, their root shall be as chaff, and their flower shall go up as dust: for they rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and insulted the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 TUHAN marah kepada bangsa-Nya. Ia sudah siap untuk menghukum mereka. Gunung-gunung akan goncang; mayat-mayat berserakan seperti sampah di jalan-jalan. Tetapi TUHAN masih marah dan tetap akan menghukum.
Therefore the Lord of hosts was greatly angered against his people, and he reached forth his hand upon them, and struck them: and the mountains were troubled, and their carcasses were as dung in the midst of the way: yet for all this his anger has not been turned away, but his hand is yet raised.
26 TUHAN akan memanggil bangsa yang jauh dan mereka akan datang dengan cepat!
Therefore shall he lift up a signal to the nations that are afar, and shall hiss for them from the end of the earth; and, behold, they are coming very quickly.
27 Mereka selalu siap berperang dan tak kenal lelah. Mereka tak pernah tidur atau mengantuk.
They shall not hunger nor be weary, neither shall they slumber nor sleep; neither shall they loose their girdles from their loins, neither shall their shoe-latchets be broken.
28 Anak panahnya tajam dan busurnya siap menembak. Kuku kudanya sekeras batu api, dan roda keretanya berputar seperti angin puting beliung.
Whose arrows are sharp, and their bows bent; their horses' hoofs are counted as solid rock: their chariot-wheels are as a storm.
29 Para prajuritnya mengaum seperti singa yang baru saja menerkam mangsanya, lalu membawanya lari, dan tak ada yang dapat melepaskannya.
They rage as lions, and draw near as a lion's whelps: and he shall seize, and roar as a wild beast, and he shall cast [them] forth, and there shall be none to deliver them.
30 Pada hari itu di seluruh Israel terdengar pekik pertempuran sekeras deru laut. Lihatlah, seluruh negeri itu gelap dan penuh kesesakan. Terang menjadi gelap gulita.
And he shall roar on account of them in that day, as the sound of the swelling sea; and they shall look to the land, and, behold, [there shall be] thick darkness in their perplexity.

< Yesaya 5 >