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1 Yakub yang juga dinamakan Israel, pergi ke Mesir dengan anak-anaknya dan keluarga mereka masing-masing. Anak-anak Yakub itu adalah:
The sons of Jacob who went to Egypt with him along with their families were
2 Ruben, Simeon, Lewi, Yehuda
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
3 Isakhar, Zebulon, Benyamin
Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin,
4 Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asyer.
Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
5 Keturunan Yakub itu seluruhnya berjumlah tujuh puluh orang. Yusuf sudah lebih dahulu berada di Mesir.
Altogether there were 70 people [who went with] Jacob. That included his [sons, his grandsons, and two great-grandsons]. [His son] Joseph was already in Egypt.
6 Beberapa waktu kemudian Yusuf dan saudara-saudaranya meninggal, begitu juga orang-orang yang seangkatan dengan dia.
[Eventually] Joseph and his [older and younger] brothers and everyone [else in their family who lived] (in that generation/at that time) died.
7 Tetapi keturunan mereka, yaitu orang-orang Israel, beranak cucu sangat banyak, dan jumlah mereka bertambah dengan cepat sekali, sehingga negeri Mesir penuh dengan mereka.
But Jacob’s descendants kept giving birth to many children [IDM]. The number [of his descendants] kept becoming larger and larger. As a result, there were so many of them that they were everywhere in Egypt (OR, that they [became a threat] to the Egyptians).
8 Kemudian seorang raja baru yang tidak mengenal Yusuf mulai memerintah di Mesir.
Then [several hundred years later], a new king began to rule [MTY] in Egypt. He did not know [what] Joseph [had done for the people of Egypt long ago].
9 Ia berkata kepada rakyatnya, "Orang-orang Israel itu berbahaya sekali bagi kita, karena mereka sangat banyak dan lebih kuat daripada kita.
He said to his people, “Look [at what has happened]! The Israeli people have become so numerous and so powerful that they [now might conquer] us!
10 Andaikata terjadi perang, ada kemungkinan mereka bersekutu dengan musuh untuk melawan kita, lalu lari meninggalkan negeri ini. Kita harus mencari jalan supaya mereka jangan menjadi lebih banyak lagi."
We must find a way to control them! If we do not do that, their population will continue to grow. Then, if enemies [PRS] attack us, they will join with our enemies and fight against us, and they will escape from [our] land.”
11 Maka orang-orang Mesir mengangkat pengawas-pengawas atas bangsa Israel untuk mempersulit hidup mereka dengan kerja keras. Mereka dipaksa membangun bagi raja Mesir kota-kota Pitom dan Raamses untuk pusat penyimpanan barang.
So [the king and his officials] put supervisors over the Israeli people to cause them to suffer very much by [forcing them] to work very hard. They forced [the Israeli people to] build [two] cities, Pithom and Ramses, in which to store [supplies for the king/government].
12 Tetapi makin ditindas oleh orang Mesir, makin bertambah jumlah orang Israel, dan makin tersebar mereka ke seluruh negeri itu, sehingga orang Mesir menjadi takut kepada mereka.
But the more cruelly they treated the [Israeli people], the bigger the Israeli [population] grew, and they became more numerous all over [the land]. So the Egyptian people began to be afraid of the Israeli people.
13 Lalu dengan kejamnya mereka menindas orang Israel,
They forced the Israeli people to work very hard,
14 dan membuat hidup mereka sengsara. Tanpa belas kasihan mereka dipaksa bekerja keras di proyek-proyek pembangunan dan di ladang-ladang.
and by making them slaves, they made their lives miserable. They [forced them] to [build many buildings with] mortar and bricks. [They also forced them to do] other work in the fields. [In making them do all this work, the Egyptian officials treated them] ruthlessly/cruelly.
15 Kemudian raja Mesir memberi perintah kepada Sifra dan Pua, dua bidan yang menolong wanita-wanita Ibrani bersalin.
There were two Hebrew (midwives/women who helped the women when they were giving birth). [Hebrew means the same as Israeli.] The names of the women were Shiphrah and Puah. The king of Egypt said to [those two women],
16 Kata raja Mesir, "Pada waktu kamu menolong wanita Ibrani bersalin, ingatlah ini: Kalau anak yang lahir itu laki-laki, bunuhlah dia! Kalau anak yang lahir itu perempuan, biarkan ia hidup."
“When you help the Hebrew women when they are giving birth [MTY], if [the baby that is born] is a boy, you must kill it. If [the baby] is a girl, you (may let it live/do not have to kill them).”
17 Tetapi kedua bidan itu orang yang takut kepada Allah. Mereka tidak mau melakukan perintah raja dan membiarkan semua bayi laki-laki hidup.
But the midwives feared/revered God. So they did not do what the king told them to do. They allowed the baby boys to live.
18 Maka raja memanggil kedua bidan itu dan bertanya, "Mengapa kamu membiarkan anak-anak lelaki hidup?"
So the king summoned the [two] midwives and said to them, “Why are you doing this? Why are you letting the baby boys live?”
19 Jawab mereka, "Wanita Ibrani tidak seperti wanita Mesir. Mereka gampang sekali melahirkan. Sebelum bidan datang, anaknya sudah lahir."
[One of] the midwives replied to the king, “[You need to realize that] the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women. The Hebrew women are very strong/healthy. They give birth [to their babies] before we can get to them [to help them].”
20 Maka Allah memberkati bidan-bidan itu dan memberi keturunan kepada mereka, karena mereka menghormati Allah. Dan orang Israel pun bertambah banyak dan kuat.
So God acted kindly toward the midwives, and the [Hebrew] people became even more numerous and strong.
Furthermore, because the midwives feared/revered God, he enabled them also to give birth to children.
22 Lalu raja memberi perintah ini kepada seluruh rakyatnya, "Tiap anak laki-laki orang Ibrani yang baru lahir harus dibuang ke dalam Sungai Nil, tetapi semua anaknya yang perempuan boleh dibiarkan hidup."
Then the king commanded all (the [Egyptian] people/his [advisors]): “You must throw into the Nile [River] every baby boy born that the [Hebrew women] give birth to! But you can allow the baby girls to live.”

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