< Ulangan 33 >

1 Sebelum meninggal, Musa, utusan Allah, memberkati bangsa Israel dengan kata-kata ini:
And this [is] the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.
2 "TUHAN datang dari Gunung Sinai; Ia terbit di atas Edom laksana matahari dan dari Gunung Paran Ia menyinari umat-Nya. Ia disertai sepuluh ribu malaikat; api menyala di sebelah kanan-Nya.
And he said, The Lord is come from Sina, and has appeared from Seir to us, and has hasted out of the mount of Pharan, with the ten thousands of Cades; on his right hand [were] his angels with him.
3 Sungguh, TUHAN mengasihi bangsa-Nya Ia melindungi semua orang yang menjadi milik-Nya. Mari kita sujud di depan kaki-Nya dan mentaati perintah-perintah-Nya.
And he spared his people, and all his sanctified ones [are] under your hands; and they are under you; and he received of his words
4 Hukum yang diberi Musa kita taati, milik paling berharga bangsa ini.
the law which Moses charged us, an inheritance to the assemblies of Jacob.
5 Waktu Israel berkumpul dengan para pemimpinnya, TUHAN menjadi Raja atas umat-Nya."
And he shall be prince with the beloved one, when the princes of the people are gathered together with the tribes of Israel.
6 Tentang suku Ruben, Musa berkata, "Semoga suku Ruben tak pernah binasa, biarpun orangnya sedikit saja."
Let Ruben live, and not die; and let him be many in number.
7 Tentang suku Yehuda ia berkata: "TUHAN, dengarlah seruan Yehuda; satukanlah mereka kembali dengan bangsanya. Berperanglah bagi mereka, ya TUHAN, tolonglah mereka terhadap lawan."
And this [is the blessing] of Juda; Hear, Lord, the voice of Juda, and do you visit his people: his hands shall contend for him, and you shall be a help from his enemies.
8 Tentang suku Lewi ia berkata: "Dengan Urim dan Tumim Kaunyatakan kehendak-Mu, melalui orang Lewi, hamba-Mu yang setia. Engkau telah mencobai mereka di Masa, dan berbantah dengan mereka di mata air Meriba.
And to Levi he said, Give to Levi his manifestations, and his truth to the holy man, whom they tempted in the temptation; they reviled him at the water of strife.
9 Mereka setia kepada-Mu melebihi segalanya, melebihi orang tua dan sanak saudara. Perintah-perintah-Mu mereka taati, perjanjian-Mu mereka tepati.
Who says to his father and mother, I have not seen you; and he knew not his brethren, and he refused to know his sons: he kept your oracles, and observed your covenant.
10 Mereka mengajar umat-Mu mentaati semua perintah-Mu dan mempersembahkan kurban di atas mezbah-Mu.
They shall declare your ordinances to Jacob, and your law to Israel: they shall place incense in [the time of] your wrath continually upon your altar.
11 TUHAN, tolonglah suku ini supaya kuat, semoga Engkau berkenan kepada pekerjaan mereka. Binasakanlah semua musuh mereka sehingga tak dapat bangkit lagi."
Bless, Lord, his strength, and accept the works of his hands; break the loins of his enemies that have risen up against him, and let not them that hate him rise up.
12 Tentang suku Benyamin ia berkata: "Inilah suku yang dikasihi TUHAN. Ia melindungi mereka siang dan malam dan berdiam di antara mereka."
And to Benjamin he said, The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in confidence, and God overshadows him always, and he rested between his shoulders.
13 Tentang keturunan Yusuf ia berkata: "Semoga tanah mereka diberkati TUHAN dengan hujan, dan dengan air dari bawah bumi.
And to Joseph he said, His land [is] of the blessing of the Lord, of the seasons of sky and dew, and of the deeps of wells below,
14 Semoga setiap musim limpah dengan buah-buahan buah-buahan terbaik yang masak di pohon.
and of the fruits of the changes of the sun in season, and of the produce of the months,
15 Semoga bukit-bukitnya dari zaman purba penuh dengan hasil tanah yang istimewa.
from the top of the ancient mountains, and from the top of the everlasting hills,
16 Semoga tanahnya dilimpahi dengan segala yang paling baik, dan diberkati oleh kebaikan TUHAN yang berbicara dari semak bernyala. Semoga berkat itu turun ke atas keturunan Yusuf, sebab dialah pemimpin di antara saudara-saudaranya.
and of the fullness of the land in season: and let the things pleasing to him that lived in the bush come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown [of him who was] glorified above his brethren.
17 Yusuf mempunyai kekuatan seekor banteng, dan tanduk sapi jantan hutan itulah ribuan Manasye dan puluhan ribu Efraim. Bangsa-bangsa diseruduknya dan didesaknya sampai ke ujung-ujung bumi."
His beauty [is as] the firstling of his bull, his horns [are] the horns of a unicorn; with them he shall thrust the nations at once, even from the end of the earth: these [are] the ten thousands of Ephraim, and these [are] the thousands of Manasse.
18 Tentang suku-suku Zebulon dan Isakhar ia berkata: "Semoga Zebulon makmur karena perjalanan-perjalanannya, dan Isakhar sejahtera di kemah-kemahnya.
And to Zabulon he said, Rejoice, Zabulon, in your going out, and Issachar in his tents.
19 Mereka mengundang bangsa-bangsa ke gunung mereka dan mempersembahkan kurban yang benar di sana. Mereka memperoleh kekayaan dari laut, dan dari pasir di sepanjang pantai."
They shall utterly destroy the nations, and you shall call [men] there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle you, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast.
20 Tentang suku Gad ia berkata: "Terpujilah Allah yang memperluas wilayah Gad. Gad menanti seperti seekor singa hendak mengoyak lengan atau kulit kepala.
And to Gad he said, Blessed [be] he that enlarges Gad: as a lion he rested, having broken the arm and the ruler.
21 Tanah yang paling baik diambil untuk dirinya bagian pimpinan diserahkan kepada mereka. Mereka melakukan segala perintah dan hukum TUHAN waktu para pemimpin Israel berkumpul bersama."
And he saw his first fruits, that there the land of the princes gathered with the chiefs of the people was divided; the Lord wrought righteousness, and his judgment with Israel.
22 Tentang suku Dan ia berkata: "Dan seperti seekor singa muda yang melompat keluar dari Basan."
And to Dan he said, Dan [is] a lion's whelp, and shall leap out of Basan.
23 Tentang suku Naftali ia berkata: "Naftali dilimpahi dengan berkat dan kasih TUHAN; wilayahnya dari Danau Galilea sampai ke selatan."
And to Nephthali he said, Nephthali [has] the fulness of good things; and let him be filled with blessing from the Lord: he shall inherit the west and the south.
24 Tentang suku Asyer ia berkata: "Asyer diberkati melebihi suku-suku lainnya; semoga ia menjadi kesayangan saudara-saudaranya, dan pohon zaitun tumbuh subur di tanahnya.
And to Aser he said, Aser [is] blessed with children; and he shall be acceptable to his brethren: he shall dip his foot in oil.
25 Semoga kota-kotanya dilindungi dengan pintu-pintu gerbang tembaga dan besi agar hidupnya selalu aman dan tentram."
His sandal shall be iron and brass; as your days, so [shall be] your strength.
26 "Hai Israel! Tak ada ilah seperti Allahmu; Ia melintasi langit dengan jaya dan menerobos awan untuk menolong kamu.
There is not [any such] as the God of the beloved; he who rides upon the heaven [is] your helper, and the magnificent One of the firmament.
27 Allah selamanya menjadi perlindunganmu, lengan-Nya yang kekal menopang kamu. Ia mengusir musuh dari hadapanmu, dan menyuruh kamu membinasakan mereka.
And the rule of God shall protect you, and [that] under the strength of the everlasting arms; and he shall cast forth the enemy from before your face, saying, Perish.
28 Maka keturunan Yakub akan hidup dengan tentram di negeri yang limpah gandum dan air anggurnya, dan diairi dengan embun dari langit.
And Israel shall dwell in confidence alone on the land of Jacob, with corn and wine; and the sky [shall be] misty with dew upon you.
29 Berbahagialah engkau, hai Israel! Tak ada bangsa yang seperti engkau diselamatkan TUHAN. TUHAN seperti pedang dan perisai bagimu; untuk membela engkau dan memberi kemenangan kepadamu. Musuh-musuhmu akan datang mohon kasihan, dan engkau akan menginjak-injak mereka."
Blessed [are] you, O Israel; who [is] like to you, O people saved by the Lord? your helper shall hold his shield over you, and [his] sword [is] your boast; and your enemies shall speak falsely to you, and you shall tread upon their neck.

< Ulangan 33 >