< 1 Raja-raja 3 >

1 Raja Salomo menjadikan Mesir sekutunya dengan mengawini putri raja Mesir. Putri itu dibawa oleh Salomo ke kota Daud untuk tinggal di situ sampai istana raja dan Rumah TUHAN serta benteng sekeliling Yerusalem selesai dibangun.
Solomon went to see the king of Egypt. Solomon [made an agreement with him to] marry his daughter. They also made an alliance/agreement [that their armies would not attack each other]. Then Solomon brought the king’s daughter to live in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. [She lived there] until Solomon’s workers had finished building his house and the temple of Yahweh and the wall around Jerusalem.
2 Karena Rumah TUHAN belum dibangun pada waktu itu, rakyat masih mempersembahkan kurban di berbagai-bagai tempat.
[At that time] the temple of Yahweh had not yet been built, so the Israeli people were still offering sacrifices at many other places of worship.
3 Salomo mengasihi TUHAN dan mengikuti petunjuk-petunjuk dari ayahnya, tetapi ia masih menyembelih dan mempersembahkan binatang di berbagai tempat.
Solomon loved Yahweh, and he obeyed all the instructions that his father David had given him. But he also offered sacrifices and burned incense at various altars.
4 Tempat ibadat yang paling terkenal terdapat di Gibeon. Salomo sering mempersembahkan kurban di sana. Pada suatu hari, seperti biasa, ia pergi ke sana lagi.
One day the king went to Gibeon [city] to offer a sacrifice there, because that was where the most famous/important altar was. In previous years he had offered hundreds of sacrifices on that altar.
5 Malam itu TUHAN menampakkan diri kepadanya dalam mimpi dan berkata, "Salomo, mintalah apa yang kauinginkan, itu akan Kuberikan kepadamu!"
That night, Yahweh appeared to him in a dream. He asked Solomon, “What would you like me to give to you?”
6 Salomo menjawab, "TUHAN, Engkau sudah menunjukkan bahwa Engkau sangat mengasihi ayahku Daud, hamba-Mu itu. Ia baik, jujur serta setia kepada-Mu. Dan sebagai jaminan bahwa untuk seterusnya Engkau tetap mengasihi dia, Engkau memberikan kepadanya seorang putra yang sekarang memerintah menggantikan dia.
Solomon replied, “You always greatly and faithfully loved my father David, who served you [well]. You did that because he (was faithful to/faithfully obeyed) you and acted righteously and honestly toward you. And you have showed how greatly and faithfully you loved him by giving to him me, his son, and now I am ruling [MTY] as he did [before he died].
7 Ya TUHAN, Allahku, Engkau mengangkat aku menjadi raja menggantikan ayahku, meskipun aku masih sangat muda dan tak tahu bagaimana caranya memerintah.
“Now, Yahweh my God, you have appointed me to be the king like my father was. But I am [very young, like] a little child [MET]. I do not know how to lead/rule my people at all [IDM].
8 Aku berada di tengah-tengah bangsa yang telah Kaupilih menjadi umat-Mu sendiri. Mereka suatu bangsa besar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
I am here among the people whom you have chosen. They are a very large group of people; there are very, very many of them, with the result that no one can count them [DOU].
9 Sebab itu, TUHAN, berikanlah kiranya kepadaku kebijaksanaan yang kuperlukan untuk memerintah umat-Mu ini dengan adil dan untuk dapat membedakan mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat. Kalau tidak demikian, mana mungkin aku dapat memerintah umat-Mu yang besar ini?"
So please enable me to think clearly, in order that I may rule your people [well]. Enable me to know what is good and what is evil. [If you do not do that, ] I will never [RHQ] be able to rule this great group of people who belong to you.”
10 Tuhan senang dengan permintaan Salomo itu
Yahweh was very pleased that Solomon had requested that.
11 dan berkata kepadanya, "Sebab engkau meminta kebijaksanaan untuk memerintah dengan adil, dan bukan umur panjang atau kekayaan untuk dirimu sendiri ataupun kematian musuh-musuhmu,
God said to him, “You did not request that you live for many years or that you become very rich or that you be able to kill all your enemies. Instead, you have requested that I enable you to be wise, in order that you will be able to know [and to do] what is right [while you govern these people].
12 maka permintaanmu itu akan Kupenuhi. Aku akan menjadikan engkau lebih bijaksana dan lebih berpengetahuan daripada siapa pun juga, baik pada masa lalu maupun pada masa yang akan datang.
So, I will certainly do what you requested. I will enable you to be very wise [DOU]. The result will be that no one who has lived before you or who will live after you will be as [wise as] you are.
13 Bahkan apa yang tidak kauminta pun akan Kuberikan juga kepadamu: seumur hidupmu kau akan kaya dan dihormati melebihi raja lain yang mana pun juga.
I will also give you things that you did not request: I will enable you to become very rich and honored, as long as you live. You will be richer and more honored than any other king.
14 Dan kalau kau, seperti ayahmu Daud, mentaati Aku serta mengikuti hukum-hukum-Ku, Aku akan memberikan kepadamu umur yang panjang."
If you conduct your life [IDM] as I want you to, and if you obey all my laws and commandments, as your father David did, I will enable you to live for many years.”
15 Setelah bangun, Salomo menyadari bahwa Allah telah berbicara kepadanya di dalam mimpi. Maka kembalilah ia ke Yerusalem lalu berdiri di depan Peti Perjanjian TUHAN dan mempersembahkan kurban bakaran dan kurban perdamaian. Kemudian ia mengadakan pesta untuk semua pegawainya.
Then Solomon awoke, and he realized that [God had spoken to him in] a dream. Then he went to Jerusalem and stood in front of [the Sacred Tent where] the Sacred Chest [was], and he offered many sacrifices that were completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. Then he made a feast for all his officials.
16 Pada suatu hari, dua orang wanita pelacur datang menghadap Raja Salomo.
One day two prostitutes came and stood in front of King Solomon.
17 Salah seorang dari mereka berkata, "Paduka Yang Mulia, saya dengan wanita ini tinggal serumah. Tidak ada orang lain yang tinggal bersama kami. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki. Dua hari kemudian wanita ini pun melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki pula.
One of them said, “Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a baby while she was there in the house.
Three days after my baby was born, this woman also gave birth to a baby. Only the two of us were in the house; there was no one else there.
19 Pada suatu malam ketika kami sedang tidur, wanita ini tanpa sengaja menindih bayinya sampai mati.
“But one night this woman’s baby died because she [accidentally] rolled on top of her baby [while sleeping and smothered it].
20 Tengah malam sementara saya tidur, ia bangun lalu mengambil bayi saya dari sisi saya. Bayi saya itu ditaruhnya di tempat tidurnya, dan bayinya yang sudah mati itu ditaruhnya di tempat tidur saya.
So she got up at midnight and took my baby boy who was lying beside me while I was sleeping. She carried him to her bed and brought her dead baby and put it in my bed.
21 Besok paginya, ketika saya bangun dan hendak menyusui bayi saya itu, saya dapati ia telah mati. Setelah saya mengamat-amatinya, nyatalah ia bukan bayi saya."
When I awoke the next morning and was ready to nurse my baby, I saw that it was dead. But when I looked at it closely in the morning light, I saw that it was not my baby!”
22 "Bohong!" kata wanita yang lain itu, "Yang hidup ini bayiku, yang mati itu bayimu!" "Tidak!" jawab wanita yang pertama itu. "Yang mati ini bayimu, yang hidup itu bayiku!" Begitulah mereka bertengkar di depan raja.
But the other woman said, “That is not true! The baby that is alive is mine, and the baby that is dead is yours!” Then the first woman said, “No, the dead baby is yours, and the one that is alive is mine!” And they continued to argue in front of the king.
23 Lalu kata Raja Salomo, "Kamu masing-masing mengaku bahwa bayi yang hidup ini anakmu dan bukan yang mati itu."
Then the king said, “Both of you are saying, ‘My baby is the one that is alive and the one that is dead is yours.’”
24 Setelah berkata demikian raja menyuruh orang mengambil pedang.
So he said to one of his servants, “Bring me a sword.” So the servant brought a sword to the king.
25 Kemudian raja memerintahkan, "Potonglah bayi yang hidup itu menjadi dua dan berikanlah satu potong kepada masing-masing wanita itu."
Then the king said to the servant, “Cut the baby that is alive into two parts. Give one part to each of the women.”
26 Mendengar perintah itu, ibu yang sebenarnya dari anak itu berkata, "Ampun, Baginda, jangan bunuh anak itu. Berikan saja kepada dia." Ibu itu berkata begitu karena ia sangat mencintai anaknya. Tetapi wanita yang lain itu berkata, "Ya, potong saja, biar tak seorang pun dari kami yang mendapatnya!"
But the woman whose baby was alive loved her baby very much, so she said to the king, “No, Your Majesty! Do not allow him to kill the baby! Give her the child that is alive!” But the other woman said to the king, “No, cut it in half. Then it will not be her baby or my baby.”
27 Maka berkatalah Salomo, "Jangan bunuh bayi itu! Serahkan kepada wanita yang pertama itu--dialah ibunya."
Then the king said to the servant, “Do not kill the baby. Give the baby to the woman who said ‘Do not cut the baby in half,’ because she is truly the baby’s mother.”
28 Ketika bangsa Israel mendengar tentang keputusan Salomo dalam perkara tersebut, mereka merasa kagum dan hormat kepadanya. Sebab, nyatalah bahwa Allah telah memberikan kepadanya hikmat untuk berlaku adil.
All the Israeli people heard about what the king had decided, and they revered him. They realized that God had truly enabled him to be very wise, to judge people’s matters fairly.

< 1 Raja-raja 3 >