< 1 Tawarikh 6 >

1 Lewi mempunyai tiga anak laki-laki: Gerson, Kehat dan Merari.
The sones of Leuy weren Gerson, Caath, and Merary.
2 Kehat mempunyai empat anak laki-laki: Amram, Yizhar, Hebron dan Uziel.
The sones of Chaath weren Amram, Isaar, Ebron, and Oziel.
3 Amram mempunyai dua anak laki-laki, yaitu Harun dan Musa, dan seorang anak perempuan, yaitu Miryam. Harun mempunyai empat anak laki-laki: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar dan Itamar.
The sones of Amram weren Aaron, Moyses, and Marie. The sones of Aaron weren Nadab,
4 Urutan silsilah Eleazar adalah sebagai berikut: Pinehas, Abisua,
and Abyu, Eleazar, and Ythamar. Eleazar gendride Phynees, and Phynees gendride Abisue,
5 Buki, Uzi,
Abisue gendride Bocci, and Bocci gendride Ozi,
6 Zerahya, Merayot,
Ozi gendride Zaraie, and Zaraie gendride Meraioth.
7 Amarya, Ahitub,
Forsothe Meraioth gendride Amarie, Amarie gendride Achitob,
8 Zadok, Ahimaas,
Achitob gendride Sadoch, Sadoch gendride Achymaas, Achymaas gendride Azarie,
9 Azarya, Yohanan,
Azarie gendride Johannam,
10 Azarya (ia melayani di Rumah TUHAN yang dibangun oleh Raja Salomo di Yerusalem),
Johannam gendride Azarie; he it is that was set in preesthod, in the hows which Salomon bildide in Jerusalem.
11 Amarya, Ahitub,
Forsothe Azarie gendride Amarye, and Amarie gendride Achitob,
12 Zadok, Salum,
Achitob gendride Sadoch, Sadoch gendride Sellum,
13 Hilkia, Azarya,
Sellum gendride Helchie,
14 Seraya, Yozadak.
Helchie gendride Azarie, Azarie gendride Saraie, Saraie gendride Josedech.
15 Yozadak ini turut diangkut bersama orang Yehuda dan penduduk Yerusalem lainnya ketika TUHAN membuang mereka ke negeri lain dengan perantaraan Nebukadnezar.
Forsothe Josedech yede out, whanne the Lord translatide Juda and Jerusalem bi the hondis of Nabugodonosor kyng.
16 Lewi mempunyai tiga anak laki-laki, yaitu Gerson, Kehat dan Merari.
Therfor the sones of Leuy weren Gerson, Caath, and Merary.
17 Mereka masing-masing mempunyai anak. Libni dan Simei adalah anak-anak Gerson;
And these weren the names of the sones of Gerson; Lobeni, and Semei.
18 Amram, Yizhar, Hebron dan Uziel adalah anak-anak Kehat.
The sones of Caath weren Amram, and Isaar, and Ebron, and Oziel.
19 Mahli dan Musi adalah anak-anak Merari.
The sones of Merari weren Moli, and Musi. Sotheli these weren the kynredis of Leuy bi the meynees of hem;
20 Garis keturunan Gerson ialah: Libni, Yahat, Zima,
Gerson; Lobony, his sone; Jaath, his sone; Zama, his sone;
21 Yoah, Ido, Zerah, Yeatrai.
Joaith, his sone; Addo, his sone; Zara, his sone; Jethrai, his sone.
22 Garis keturunan Kehat ialah: Aminadab, Korah, Asir,
The sones of Caath; Amynadab, his sone; Chore, his sone;
23 Elkana, Ebyasaf, Asir,
Azyra, his sone; Helcana, his sone; Abiasaph, his sone;
24 Tahat, Uriel, Uzia, Saul.
Aser, his sone; Caath, his sone; Vriel, his sone; Azias, his sone; Saul, his sone.
25 Elkana mempunyai dua anak laki-laki: Amasai dan Ahimot.
The sones of Helchana weren Amasay, and Achymoth, and Helcana.
26 Garis keturunan Ahimot ialah: Elkana, Zofai, Nahat,
The sones of Helcana; Saphay, his sone;
27 Eliab, Yeroham, Elkana.
Naath, his sone; Heliab, his sone; Heroam, his sone; Helcana, his sone.
28 Samuel mempunyai dua anak laki-laki: Yoel yang sulung, dan Abia yang bungsu.
The sones of Samuel; the firste gendrid Nasen, and Abia.
29 Garis keturunan Merari ialah: Mahli, Libni, Simei, Uza,
Sotheli the sones of Merari; Moli, his sone; Lobeny, his sone; Semey, his sone;
30 Simea, Hagia, Asaya.
Oza, his sone; Sama, his sone; Aggias, his sone; Azaya, his sone;
31 Sejak Peti Perjanjian dipindahkan ke tempat ibadat di Yerusalem, Raja Daud memilih orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab atas nyanyian puji-pujian di Rumah TUHAN.
These it ben whiche Dauid ordeynede on the syngeris of the hows of the Lord, sithen the arke of the Lord was set;
32 Mereka bertugas secara bergilir di Kemah TUHAN pada masa sebelum Raja Salomo membangun Rumah TUHAN.
and thei mynystriden bifor the tabernacle of witnessyng, and sungun, til Salomon bildide the hows of the Lord in Jerusalem; forsothe thei stoden bi her ordre in seruyce.
33 Garis silsilah orang-orang yang diberi tugas itu adalah sebagai berikut: Dari kaum Kehat: Heman anak Yoel. Ia pemimpin kelompok penyanyi yang pertama. Garis silsilahnya dari bawah ke atas sampai kepada Yakub ialah: Heman, Yoel, Samuel,
Sotheli thes it ben that stoden nyy with her sones. Of the sones of Caath; Heman the chauntor, the sone of Joel, sone of Samuel,
34 Elkana, Yeroham, Eliel, Toah,
sone of Helcana, sone of Joroam, sone of Heliel,
35 Zuf, Elkana, Mahat, Amasai,
sone of Thou, sone of Suph,
36 Elkana, Yoel, Azarya, Zefanya,
sone of Helcana, sone of Mabath, sone of Amasi, sone of Helcana, sone of Joel, sone of Azarie, sone of Sophonye, sone of Caath,
37 Tahat, Asir, Ebyasaf, Korah,
sone of Asyr, sone of Abiasaph,
38 Yizhar, Kehat, Lewi, Yakub.
sone of Chore, sone of Isaar, sone of Caath, sone of Leuy, sone of Israel.
39 Asaf adalah pemimpin kelompok penyanyi yang kedua. Garis silsilahnya dari bawah ke atas sampai kepada Lewi ialah: Asaf, Berekhya, Simea,
And hise britheren; Asaph, that stood at the riythalf of hym, Asaph, the sone of Barachie,
40 Mikhael, Baaseya, Malkia,
sone of Samaa, sone of Mychael, sone of Basye, sone of Melchie, sone of Atthay,
41 Etai, Zerah, Adaya,
sone of Zara, sone of Adala,
42 Etan, Zima, Simei,
sone of Edan, sone of Zama, sone of Semey,
43 Yahat, Gerson, Lewi.
sone of Geth, sone of Gerson, sone of Leuy.
44 Etan adalah pemimpin kelompok penyanyi yang ketiga; ia dari kaum Merari. Garis silsilahnya dari bawah ke atas sampai kepada Lewi ialah: Etan, Kisi, Abdi, Malukh,
Forsothe the sones of Merary, the britheren of hem, weren at the leftside; Ethan, the sone of Chusi, sone of Abdi, sone of Moloch, sone of Asabie,
45 Hasabya, Amazia, Hilkia,
sone of Amasie, sone of Helchie,
46 Amzi, Bani, Semer,
sone of Amasay, sone of Bonny, sone of Soomer,
47 Mahli, Musi, Merari, Lewi.
sone of Moli, sone of Musi, sone of Merarie, sone of Leuy.
48 Tugas-tugas lain di rumah ibadat diserahkan kepada rekan-rekan mereka orang Lewi juga.
And dekenes, the britheren of hem, that weren ordeyned in to al the seruyce of the tabernacle of the hows of the Lord.
49 Harun dan keturunannya bertugas membakar dupa, mempersembahkan kurban bakaran di atas mezbah, melakukan segala macam upacara di Ruang Mahasuci, dan mempersembahkan kurban penghapus dosa umat Israel. Semuanya itu mereka lakukan sesuai dengan petunjuk-petunjuk yang diberikan oleh Musa hamba Allah.
Forsothe Aaron and hise sones brenten encense on the auter of brent sacrifices, and on the auter of encense, in to al the werk `of the hooli of hooli thingis; and that thei schulden preie for Israel, by alle thingis whiche Moises, the seruaunt of God, comaundide.
50 Inilah garis keturunan Harun: Eleazar, Pinehas, Abisua,
Sotheli these ben the sones of Aaron; Eleazar, his sone; Phynes, his sone;
51 Buki, Uzi, Zerahya,
Abisue, his sone; Bocci, his sone; Ogzi, his sone; Zara, his sone; Meraioth, his sone;
52 Merayot, Amarya, Ahitub,
Amarias, his sone; Achitob, his sone;
53 Zadok, Ahimaas.
Sadoch, his sone; Achimaas, his sone.
54 Inilah daerah tempat tinggal yang diberikan kepada kaum Kehat keturunan Harun. Mereka menerima bagian pertama dari tanah yang ditentukan untuk orang Lewi.
And these weren the dwelling places, bi the townes and coostis of hem, that is, of the sones of Aaron, bi the kynredis of Caathitis; for tho bifelden to hem bi lot.
55 Tanah mereka meliputi kota Hebron di wilayah Yehuda, dan padang-padang rumput di sekitarnya.
Therfor the children of Israel yauen to hem Ebron in the lond of Juda, and the subarbis therof bi cumpas;
56 Tetapi ladang-ladang dan desa-desa daerah di sekitar kota itu diberikan kepada Kaleb anak Yefune.
sotheli thei yauen the feeldis and townes of the citees to Caleph, sone of Jephone.
57 Keturunan Harun mendapat Hebron kota suaka, Yatir, dan desa-desa berikut ini bersama padang-padang rumputnya: desa Libna, Estemoa, Hilen, Debir, Asan, Bet-Semes.
Forsothe thei yauen citees to the sones of Aaron, Ebron to refuyt; and thei yauen Lobna,
with hise subarbis, and Jether, and Escamo, with her subarbis, but also Helon, and Dabir, with her subarbis; also thei yauen Asan,
and Bethsames, and the subarbis of tho.
60 Di wilayah suku Benyamin mereka mendapat desa-desa berikut ini bersama padang-padang rumputnya: Geba, Alemet dan Anatot. Seluruhnya ada 13 desa untuk tempat tinggal keluarga-keluarga mereka.
Sotheli of the lynage of Beniamyn thei yauen Gabee, and the subarbis therof, and Alamach with hise subarbis, Anathot also with hise subarbis; alle the citees weren threttene with her subarbis, bi the kynredis of hem.
61 Sepuluh desa suku Manasye di sebelah barat Sungai Yordan diberikan melalui undian kepada keluarga-keluarga dalam kaum Kehat yang belum mendapat tanah.
Forsothe to the sones of Caath, residues of her kynrede, thei yauen of the half lynage of Manasses ten citees `in to possessioun.
62 Keluarga-keluarga dalam kaum Gerson mendapat 13 desa di wilayah suku Isakhar, Asyer, Naftali, dan Manasye yang di Basan di sebelah timur Sungai Yordan.
Sotheli to the sones of Gerson bi her kynredis thei yauen fourtene citees in Basan, of the lynage of Ysacar, and of the lynage of Aser, and of the lynage of Neptalym, and of the lynage of Manasses.
63 Melalui undian juga, keluarga-keluarga dalam kaum Merari mendapat 12 desa di wilayah suku Ruben, Gad dan Zebulon.
Forsothe to the sones of Merary by her kynredis thei yauen bi lottis twelue citees, of the lynage of Ruben, of the lynage of Gad, and of the lynage of Zabulon.
64 Begitulah caranya bangsa Israel membagikan kepada suku Lewi desa-desa bersama padang-padang rumputnya untuk tempat tinggal mereka.
And the sones of Israel yauen to dekenes citees and subarbis of tho;
65 Desa-desa di wilayah suku Yehuda, Simeon dan Benyamin yang telah disebut itu, juga dibagikan melalui undi.
and thei yauen bi lot, of the sones of the lynage of Juda, and of the lynage of the sones of Symeon, and of the lynage of the sones of Beniamyn, these citees, which the dekenes clepiden bi her names;
66 Di wilayah suku Efraim, sebagian dari keluarga-keluarga kaum Kehat menerima desa-desa berikut ini dengan padang rumput di sekitarnya:
and of hem that weren of the kynrede of the sones of Caath, and in the termes of hem weren the citees of the lynage of Effraym.
67 Sikhem, kota suaka di pegunungan wilayah itu, Gezer,
And the sones of Israel yauen to hem citees of refuyt; Sichem with hise subarbis in the hil of Effraym, and Gazer with hise subarbis, also Hicmaan with hise subarbis,
68 Yokmeam, Bet-Horon,
and Betheron also.
69 Ayalon dan Gat-Rimon.
Also of the lynage of Dan thei yauen Ebethe, Gebethor, and Heialan, and Helon, with her subarbis, and Gethremon bi the same maner.
70 Di wilayah suku Manasye yang di sebelah barat Sungai Yordan mereka menerima desa Aner dan Bileam dengan padang rumput di sekitarnya.
Forsothe of the half lynage of Manasses thei yauen Aner, and the subarbis therof, Balaam, and the subarbis therof; that is, to hem that weren residue of the kynrede of the sones of Caath.
71 Keluarga-keluarga kaum Gerson mendapat desa-desa berikut ini dengan padang-padang rumput di sekitarnya: Di Wilayah suku Manasye, sebelah timur Sungai Yordan: Golan di Basan dan Asytarot.
Sotheli to the sones of Gerson thei yauen of the kynrede of half the lynage of Manasses, Gaulon in Basan, and the subarbis therof, and Astoroth with hise subarbis.
72 Di wilayah suku Isakhar: Kedes, Daberat,
Of the lynage of Isachar thei yauen Cedes, and the subarbis therof, and Daberith with hise subarbis; also Samoth,
73 Ramot dan Anem.
and his subarbis, `and Anem with hise subarbis.
74 Di wilayah suku Asyer: Masal, Abdon,
Also of the linage of Aser thei yauen Masal with hise subarbis, and Abdon also,
75 Hukok dan Rehob.
and Asach, and the subarbis therof, and Roob with hise subarbis.
76 Di wilayah suku Naftali: Kedes di Galilea, Hamon dan Kiryataim.
Sotheli of the lynage of Neptalym thei yauen Cedes in Galilee, and the subarbis therof, Amon with hise subarbis, and Cariathiarym, and subarbis therof.
77 Keturunan Merari yang belum mendapat tanah, mendapat desa-desa berikut ini dengan padang-padang rumput di sekitarnya: Di wilayah suku Zebulon: Rimono dan Tabor.
Sotheli to the residue sones of Merary thei yauen of the lynage of Zabulon, Remon, and subarbis therof, and Thabor with hise subarbis.
78 Di wilayah suku Ruben, sebelah timur Sungai Yordan di dekat Yerikho: Bezer di dataran tinggi, Yahas,
Also biyende Jordan, euene ayens Jerico, ayens the eest of Jordan, thei yauen of the lynage of Ruben, Bosor in the wildirnesse with hise subarbis, and Jasa with hise subarbis,
79 Kedemot dan Mefaat.
also Cademoth, and hise subarbis, and Myphaat with hise subarbis.
80 Di wilayah suku Gad: Ramot di Gilead, Mahanaim,
Also and of the lynage of Gad thei yauen Ramoth in Galaath, and the subarbis therof, Manaym with hise subarbis,
81 Hesybon dan Yaezer.
but also Esebon with hise subarbis, and Jezer with hise subarbis.

< 1 Tawarikh 6 >