< Lucas 13 >

1 Iti dayta a tiempo, adda dagiti tattao sadiay nga nangibaga kenkuana iti maipanggep kadagiti taga-Galilea nga ti darada ket inlaok ni Pilato kadagiti mismo nga datonda.
NOW at that time came some and told him of the Galiloyee, they whose blood Pilatos had mingled with their sacrifices.
2 Simmungbat ni Hesus ket kinunana kadakuada, “Ipagarupyo kadi nga dagitoy nga taga- Galilea ket ad-adda nga managbasol ngem dagiti dadduma a taga-Galilea gapu ta nagsagabada iti kastoy a wagas?
Jeshu answered and said to them, Think you that these Galiloyee were sinners more than all the Galiloyee, that thus it was (with) them?
3 Saan, ibagak kadakayo. Ngem no dikay agbabawi, aminkayo ket mapukaw a kas kadakuada.
No; but I tell you that all of you also, if you repent not, will thus perish.
4 Wenno dagidiay sangapulo ket walo a tattao idiay Siloe nga nagaburan idi narba ti torre ket isu iti nakatayanda, ipagarupyo kadi a nadakdakesda ngem kadagiti dadduma a tattao idiay Jerusalem?
Or those eighteen on whom fell the tower in Silucha, and killed them; think you that they were sinners above all men who dwell in Urishlem?
5 Saan, kunak. Ngem no dikay nga agbabawi, mapukawkayto met amin.”
No; but I tell you that, if you repent not, all of you likewise shall perish.
6 Imbaga ni Hesus daytoy a pangngarig, “Adda iti maysa a tao nga nagmula iti igos idiay kaubasanna ket immay ken nagbiruk iti bungana ngem awan nasarakanna.
And he spake this parable: A man had a fig-tree which was planted in his vinery: and he came and sought fruits on it, but did not find.
7 Kinuna ti lalaki iti hardinero, 'Kitaem, tallo a tawenen nga um-umayak tapno agbirukak iti bunga daytoy a kayo ti igos ngem awan nasarakak. Pukanemon. Apay nga ipalubos nga sayangenna ti daga?'
And he said to the husbandman, Behold, three years come I seeking fruits from this fig-tree, but I have not found: cut it down; why maketh it the ground useless?
8 Simmungbat iti hardinero ket kinunana, 'Bay-am pay laeng iti daytoy a tawen ta kaliak iti aglawlawna sakunto abunoan iti rugit.
The husbandman saith to him, My lord, suffer it also this year, until I tend it and manure it:
9 No agbunga iti daytoy sumaruno nga tawen, nasayaat; ngem no saan, pukanemton!'”
and if it produce fruits, (well): but if not, then afterwards I will cut it down.
10 Itatta mangisursuro ni Hesus iti maysa kadagiti sinagoga iti Aldaw ti Panaginana.
AS Jeshu was teaching on a shabath in one of the synagogues,
11 Pagammoan, adda iti babai sadiay nga walo a tawenen nga lugluganan iti dakes nga espiritu iti panagkapsut, nagbalin a kubbo ket saan a pulos nga makatakder a nasayaat.
a woman was there who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years; and she was bowed down, and could not be straight at all.
12 Idi nakita ni Hesus ti babai, inayabanna ket kinunana, “Nawaya-wayaankan iti pagkapuyam.”
But Jeshu saw her, and called her, and said to her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.
13 Impatayna dagiti imana iti babai ket dagus a timmakder a sililinteg ket nagdaydayaw isuna iti Dios.
And he laid his hand upon her; and at once she was made straight, and glorified Aloha.
14 Ngem nakapungtot ti agturturay iti sinagoga gapu ta nangpaimbag ni Jesus iti Aldaw ti Panaginana. Isu nga simmungbat ti mangiturturay ket kinunana kadagiti adu a tattao, “Adda iti innem nga aldaw nga masapul nga agtrabaho. Umaykayo ken mapaimbag kayo kadagita, saan ketdi nga iti Aldaw ti Panaginana.”
But the chief of the synagogue answered, being angry that Jeshu had healed on the shabath, and said to the congregation, Six days there are in which it is lawful to work: in them come and be healed, and not on the day of shabath.
15 Simmungbat ti Apo kenkuana ket kinunana, “Managinsisingpet! Diyo kadi aya nga warwaran dagiti asno wenno bakayo iti nakaiparngedanda iti Aldaw ti Panaginana tapno painumenyo ida?
But Jeshu answered and said to him, Hypocrite, doth not any one of you on the shabath loose his ox or his ass from the manger, and going giveth to drink?
16 Kasta met iti daytoy nga babai nga anak ni Abraham, nga inbalud ni Satanas ti babai iti sangapulo ket walo a tawen, saan kadi aya a mabalin nga mawayawayaan iti pannakabaludna iti Aldaw ti Panaginana?”
But this daughter of Abraham, whom, behold, the Accuser hath bound eighteen years, is it not lawful to loose from this binding on the day of shabath?
17 Idi kinunana dagitoy a banbanag, amin nga nangbabalaw kenkuana ket nabainan, ngem nagramrambak dagiti tattao maipanggep kadagiti amin nga nakaskasdaaw a banbanag nga inaramidna.
And as he said these things, ashamed were all they who had risen up against him; and all the people rejoiced in all these wonders that were done by his hand.
18 Ket Kinuna ni Hesus, “Ania ti kalanglanga iti pagarian ti Dios ken ania iti mabalinko nga pangiyarigan?
Jeshu said, What doth the kingdom of Aloha resemble, and to what shall I compare it?
19 Daytoy ket kasla bukel iti mustasa nga innala iti maysa a lalaki ket impurwakna idiay hardinna, ket dimmakkel daytoy nga nagbalin a dakkel nga kayo, ken dagiti bilbillit sadi langit ket nagumokanda iti sangsangana.”
It resembles a grain of mustard, which a man took (and) cast into his garden: and it grew, and became a great tree; and the fowl of the heaven built in its branches.
20 Kinunana manen, “Ania ti pangiyarigak iti pagarian ti Dios?
Jeshu said again, To what shall I compare the kingdom of Aloha?
21 Daytoy ket kasla iti lebadura nga innala iti maysa a babai ket inlaokna iti tallo a takal nga arina aginggana a bimsog daytoy.”
It is like leaven which a woman took; (and) hid in three satas of meal, until all had leavened.
22 Bimmisita ni Hesus iti tuggal ili ken barrio nga adda iti dalan a mapan Jerusalem ket sinuroanna ida.
And he journeyed, teaching in the villages and in the cities, and going forwards to Urishlem.
23 Adda nagkuna kenkuana, “Apo, manmano laeng kadi a tattao iti maisalakan?” Isu nga kinunana kadakuada,
ONE had demanded (of) him if they are few who are saved. But Jeshu said to them,
24 “Ikarigatanyo ti sumrek iti nailet a ruangan, gapu ta adunto iti mangpadas ket saandanto a makastrek.
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for I say to you that many will seek to enter in, but shall not be able.
25 Inton tummakderen ti makinkukua ti balay ken irikep iti ruangan, agtakderkayonto iti ruar ket agtugtogkayo iti ridaw ken ibagayo, 'Apo, Apo, pastrekennakami.' Sumungbatto ket ibagana kadakayo, 'Saankayo nga am-ammo wenno sadinno ti naggapuanyo.'
From the hour that the Lord of the house shall have risen up and have shut the door, you may stand without, knocking at the door, and may begin to say, Our Lord, our Lord, open to us! But he will answer and say, I tell you that I know not whence you are.
26 Ket ibagayonto, 'Nangankami ken imminom iti sangngoanam ken nangisuroka kadagiti kalkalsadami.
And you shall begin to say, Before thee we have eaten and drunk, and in our streets thou hast taught.
27 Ngem isungbatnanto, 'Ibagak kadakayo, saanko nga ammo no sadinno iti naggapuanyo. Umadayokayo kaniak, dakayo nga agar-aramid iti dakes!'
And he shall say to you, I know you not whence you are: depart from me, workers of falsity.
28 Addanto iti panagsasangit ken panagngaretnget iti ngipen inton makitayoda Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ken dagiti amin nga propeta idiay pagarian ti Dios, ngem dakayo— naitapuakkayo iti ruar.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Ishok and Jakub and all the prophets in the kingdom of Aloha, but you be cast forth without.
29 Sumangpetdanto manipud daya, laud, amianan ken abagatan ket aginanadanto iti panganan idiay pagarian ti Dios.
And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the south, and from the north, and shall recline in the kingdom of Aloha.
30 Ammoenyo daytoy, dagiti naudi ket umuna, ken dagiti umuna ket maudinto.”
And, behold, there are last who shall be first, and there are first who shall be last.
31 Iti saan unay a nabayag, adda dagiti Pariseo nga immay kenkuana ket kinunada kenkuana, “Mapanka ket pumanawka ditoy ta ni Herodes ket kayatnaka a papatayen.”
In that day came men from the Pharishee, saying to him, Remove, go from hence, because Herodes desireth to kill thee.
32 Kinuna ni Hesus, “Mapankayo ket ibagayo iti dayta a mauyong nga aso, 'Kitaem, paksiatek dagiti demonio ken mangpapaimbagak itatta ken inton bigat, ket iti maikatlo nga aldaw malpas konton iti rangtak.'
Jeshu saith to them, Go, tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils and perform cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third day I am perfected.
33 Iti aniaman a mapasamak, masapul nga itultuloyko latta iti ar-aramidek ita ken inton bigat ken iti sumarsaruno nga aldaw, gapu ta saan a rumbeng a mapapatay ti propeta iti ruar ti Jerusalem.
Nevertheless it behoveth me to-day and to-morrow to work and the (day) after I shall go; because it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Urishlem.
34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, nga nangpapatay kadagiti propeta ken nangub-ubor kadagiti naibaon kenka. Namin-ano nga tinarigagayak nga ummongen dagiti an-annakmo a kas iti panagurnong ti upa kadagiti piekna iti siruk dagiti payyakna, ngem saanyo nga kinayat daytoy.
Urishlem, Urishlem! killing the prophets, and stoning them that are sent to her, what times would I have gathered thy sons as the hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and you willed not!
35 Kitaenyo, nabaybay-an ta balayyo. Ibagak kadakayo, saandakto a makita aginggana nga ibagayo, 'Nabendisionan ti tao nga umay iti nagan ti Apo.'”
Behold, left to you is your house a desert; for I say to you, that you will not see me until you shall say, Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord.

< Lucas 13 >