< Lucas 1 >

1 Adu nga tattao ti nangpadas a mangisurat kadagiti istorya maipapan kadagiti banbanag nga naipatungpal kadatayo.
To his Excellency, Theophilus. Many attempts have been already made to draw up an account of those events which have reached their conclusion among us,
2 Dagiti nakasaksi manipud idi damo ken nagbalin nga ad-adipen ti sao, ket inpakaammoda kadatayo.
just as they were reported to us by those who from the beginning were eye-witnesses, and afterward became bearers of the message.
3 Ngarud, nakitak nga nasayaatsa met kaniak, kalpasan nga inad-adalko nga naimbag manipud idi rugrugina, nga ilanadko a para kenka nga naurnos, patpatgek unay a Teopilo.
And, therefore, I also, since I have investigated all these events with great care from their very beginning, have resolved to write a connected history of them for you,
4 Kayatko nga mammoam ti kinasigurado dagiti banbanag nga naisuro kenka.
in order that you may be able to satisfy yourself of the accuracy of the story which you have heard from the lips of others.
5 Idi panawen ni Herodes, ari iti Judea, adda maysa nga padi a managan Zacarias, manipud iti bunggoy ni Abias. Ti asawana ket manipud kadagiti annak nga babbai ni Aaron, ket ti naganna ket Elisabet.
In the reign of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the division called after Abijah. His wife, whose name was Elizabeth, was also a descendant of Aaron.
6 Dagitoy nga dua ket nalinteg iti sangoanan ti Dios, magmagnada iti amin nga bilbilin ken ordinansa iti Apo nga awan pakababalawanda.
They were both righteous people, who lived blameless lives, guiding their steps by all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord.
7 Ngem awan nga pulos ti anakda, gapu ta ni Elisabet ket baog, ken agpadpadada nga nataengan unayen.
But they had no child, Elizabeth being barren; and both of them were advanced in years.
8 Maysa nga aldaw idi madama nga ar-aramiden ni Zacarias iti pagrebbenganna iti Dios a kas padi a naituding iti bunggoyda,
One day, when Zechariah was officiating as priest before God, during the turn of his division,
9 sinurot dagiti papadi iti gagangay nga ar-aramidenda, ket napili ngarud isuna babaen iti panagbibinnunotda tapno sumrek iti templo ti Apo a mangpuor ti insenso.
it fell to him by lot, in accordance with the practice among the priests, to go into the Temple of the Lord and burn incense;
10 Dagiti amin nga tattao a naummong ket agkarkararag iti ruar idi tiempo nga mapuoran ti insenso.
and, as it was the Hour of Incense, the people were all praying outside.
11 Nagparang iti maysa nga anghel iti Dios kenkuana, sitatakder iti makanawan nga paset iti altar ti insenso.
And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing on the right of the Altar of Incense.
12 Nariribukan ni Zacarias iti pannakakitana iti anghel, ket nakaru ti butengna.
Zechariah was startled at the sight and was awe-struck.
13 Ngem kinuna ti anghel kenkuana, “dika nga agbuteng Zacarias gapu ta nadenggeg ti kararagmo.” Ti asawam a ni Elisabet, ipasyangannakanto iti maysa a lalaki, ken panaganamto isuna iti Juan.
But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, whom you will call by the name John.
14 Kastanto unay iti rag-om ken ragsakmo gapu kenkuana, ken adu a tao iti maragsakan iti pannaka-ipasngayna.
He will be to you a joy and a delight; and many will rejoice over his birth.
15 Ta agbalin nga natan-ok isuna iti imatang ti Apo, ket dinto uminom iti arak wenno aniaman nga inumen a naingel. Mapnonto isuna iti Espiritu Santo, uray kabayatan ti kaaddana iti aanakan ti inana.
For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; he will not drink any wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit from the very hour of his birth,
16 Isuna ti mangpasubli kadagiti adu nga annak a lallaki iti Israel, iti Apo a Diosda.
and will reconcile many of the Israelites to the Lord their God.
17 Umunanto nga mapan ngem isuna babaen iti espiritu ken pannakabalin ni Elias. Iturongnanto dagiti puspuso dagiti am-amma kadagiti annakda, ken mangipapagna kadagiti nasusukir nga maibatay iti kinasirib dagiti nalilinteg. Aramidenna daytoy tapno pagbalinenna a nakasagana dagiti tattao nga sisasagana para iti Apo.
He will go before him in the spirit and with the power of Elijah, to reconcile fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, and so make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him.”
18 Kinuna ni Zacarias iti anghel, “Kasano nga maammoak nga daytoy ket mapasamak? Ta lakayakun, ken ti asawak ket baketen.”
“How can I be sure of this?” Zechariah asked the angel. “For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.”
19 Simmungbat ti anghel kenkuana, “Siak ni Gabriel. Agtaktakderak iti presensia ti Dios, ken naibaunak a makisao kenka ken mangted kenka iti daytoy nga naimbag a damag.
“I am Gabriel,” the angel answered, “who stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news.
20 Kitaem, agulimekkanto ken dikanto nga makasao agingga iti aldaw nga dagitoy a banbanag ket mapasamak, agsipud ta dika namati iti sasaok, nga maipatungpalto iti umno nga tiempo.”
And now you will be silent and unable to speak until the day when this takes place, because you did not believe what I said, though my words will be fulfilled in due course.”
21 Kabayatanna, agur-uray dagiti tattao ken ni Zacarias ket panpanunotenda nu apay nga nabayag unay isuna idiay templo.
Meanwhile the people were watching for Zechariah, wondering at his remaining so long in the Temple.
22 Idi rimmuar isuna, saanen nga makasarita kadakuada, ket naamirisda nga nakaimatang isuna iti sirmata idiay templo. Nagsinsinyas isuna kadakuada, ngem nagtalinaed nga saan nga makasao.
When he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision there. But Zechariah kept making signs to them, and remained dumb.
23 Idi natungpalen ti tiempo nga panagserbina, nagsubli isuna idiay balayna.
And, as soon as his term of service was finished, he returned home.
24 Kalpasan dagitoy nga al-aldaw, nagsikog ti asawana a ni Elisabet. Naglimmeng isuna iti lima nga bulan, a kunana,
After this his wife, Elizabeth, became pregnant and lived in seclusion for five months.
25 “Daytoy ti inaramid ti Apo para kaniak. Tinarabaynak, tapno ikkatenna iti pannaikaibabainko kadagiti tattao.”
“The Lord has done this for me,” she said, “he has shown me kindness and taken away the public disgrace of childlessness under which I have been living.”
26 Ita, iti maika-innem a bulan iti panagsikog ni Elisabet, ti anghel a ni Gabriel ket inbaon iti Apo iti maysa nga siudad idiay Galilea, a managan Nazaret,
Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth,
27 iti maysa a birhen a naitulag iti lalaki a managan Jose. Isuna ket kaputotan ni David, ken iti nagan ti birhen ket Maria.
to a maiden there who was engaged to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. Her name was Mary.
28 Immay ti anghel kenkuana, ken kinunana, “Kablaaw, kenka a kagagasatan! Ti Dios adda kenka!”
Gabriel came into her presence and greeted her, saying, “You have been shown great favor – the Lord is with you.”
29 Ngem kasta unay a nariribukan isuna gapu iti sasao iti anghel, ket pinannunotna no ania a kita iti kablaaw daytoy.
Mary was much disturbed at his words, and was wondering to herself what such a greeting could mean,
30 Kinuna ti anghel kenkuana, “Dika nga agbuteng, Maria, ta naay-ayo kenka iti Dios.
when the angel spoke again, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
31 Kitaem, agsikogkanto ket agipasngayka iti maysa a lalaki, ken awagam isuna ti Hesus.
And now, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will give him the name Jesus.
32 Agbalinto nga naindaklan isuna, ken maawaganto iti Anak ti Kangatoan. Itedto ni Apo Dios kenkuana iti trono ni tatangna a David.
The child will be great and will be called ‘Son of the Most High,’ and the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David,
33 Agnanayonto nga agturay kadagiti kaputotan ni Jacob, ken awanto ti pagpatinggaan ti pagarianna.” (aiōn g165)
and he will reign over the descendants of Jacob for ever; And to his kingdom there will be no end.” (aiōn g165)
34 Ket kinuna ni Maria iti anghel, “Kasano nga mapasamak daytoy, idinto a maysaak nga birhen?”
“How can this be?” Mary asked the angel. “For I have no husband.”
35 Insungbat ti anghel kenkuana, “Umayto kenka ti Espiritu Santo ken salinongannakanto ti pannakabalin iti Kangatoan. Ngarud, ti nasantoan nga maipasngayto ket maawaganto nga Anak ti Dios.
“The Holy Spirit will descend on you,” answered the angel, “and the Power of the Most High will overshadow you; and therefore the child will be called ‘holy,’ and ‘Son of God.’
36 Kitaem, ti kabagiam a ni Elisabet ket nagsikog met iti maysa a lalaki iti kinabaketna; isuna ket adda iti maikainnem nga bulan ti panagsikogna, nupay isuna ket naawagan a baog.
And Elizabeth, your cousin, is herself also expecting a son in her old age; and it is now the sixth month with her, though she is called barren;
37 Agsipud ta awan iti saan a kabaelan ti Dios!”
for no promise from God will fail to be fulfilled.”
38 Kinuna ni Maria, “Pudno, siak ti adipen ti Apo. Mapasamak ngarud kaniak a kas iti saom “Ket pinanawan isuna ti anghel.
“I am the servant of the Lord,” exclaimed Mary. “Let it be with me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
39 Ita, kadagidi nga al-aldaw, timmakder ni Maria ken nagapura nga napan idiay turturod nga paset ti siudad iti Judea, ket idiay,
Soon after this Mary set out, and made her way quickly into the hill-country, to a town in Judah;
40 napan iti balay ni Zacarias ket kinablaawanna ni Elisabet.
and there she went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
41 Idi nangngeg ni Elisabet ti kablaaw ni Maria, limmagto ti ubbing iti tianna; ket ni Elisabet, napno ti Espiritu Santo.
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child moved within her, and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 Inngatona ti timekna nga adda papukkawna, ket kinunana, “Sika ti nabendisionan kadagiti babbai, ken nabendisionan iti bunga ti aanakam.
and cried aloud, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!
43 Kasano nga iti ina ti Apok ket umay kaniak?
But how have I this honor, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 Ta idi nangngegko ti kablaawmo, ti ubing iti aanakak ket limmagto gapu iti ragsakna.
For, as soon as your greeting reached my ears, the child moved within me with delight!
45 Isuna nga namati ket nabendisionan, agsipud ta dagiti banbanag nga naibaga kenkuana manipud iti Apo ket mautngpalto.”
Happy indeed is she who believed that the promise which she received from the Lord would be fulfilled.”
46 Kinuna ni Maria, “Itagtag-ay iti kararwak ti Apo,
And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord,
47 ken agragrag-o ti espirituk iti Dios nga Mangisalakanko.
and my spirit delights in God my Savior,
48 Agsipud ta inikanna iti pateg ti nababa a kasasaad iti adipenna. Manipud ita awagandak dagiti amin nga henerasion a nabendisioanan,
for he has looked with favor on his humble servant girl. From now on all generations will call me blessed!
49 Agsipud ta iti Mannakabalin ket nagaramid iti nakakaskasdaaw a banbanag kaniak; Ken ti naganna ket nasantoan.
“For the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
50 Iti asina ket para kadagiti amin nga henerasion ti tattao nga agbuteng kenkuana.
He has mercy on those who revere him in every generation.
51 Nangaramid isuna kadagiti agkakabileg nga banbanag babaen iti imana; inwarawarana dagiti natangsit iti pusoda.
“Mighty are the deeds of his arm! He has scattered the self-satisfied proud,
52 Ingguyodna nga pababa dagiti mangiturturay manipud kadagiti tronoda, ken intag-ayna dagiti nabababa nga tattao.
he has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and he uplifts the humble,
53 Inikkanna iti naimbag nga banbanag dagiti mabisin nga tattao, ken pinapanawna dagiti babaknang a tattao nga awanan iti uray aniaman a banag.
he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
54 Tinulunganna iti Israel nga adipenna, tapno kaasianna
“He has stretched out his hand to his servant Israel, ever mindful of his mercy,
55 ni Abraham ken dagiti kaputotanna iti agnanayon, a kas inkarina kadagiti kapuonantayo nga aramidenna. (aiōn g165)
as he promised to our ancestors, to Abraham and his descendants for ever.” (aiōn g165)
56 Nakipagnaed ni Maria ken ni Elisabet iti agarup tallo nga bulan, sa nagawid iti balayna.
Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned to her home.
57 Ita, idi dimteng iti tiempo nga panangipasngay ni Elisabet iti anakna, nagpasngay isuna iti anak a lalaki.
When Elizabeth’s time came, she gave birth to a son;
58 Nangngegan dagiti karrubana ken kakabagianna nga iti Dios ket naasi unay kenkuana, ket nakipagragsakda kenkuana.
and her neighbors and relatives, hearing of the great goodness of the Lord to her, came to share her joy.
59 Ket iti maikawalo nga aldaw kalpasan dayta, immayda nga mangkugit iti maladaga; ken awaganda koma isuna iti Zacarias, nga isurotda iti nagan ni tatangna.
A week later they met to circumcise the child, and were about to call him Zechariah after his father,
60 Ngem simmungbat ni inangna a kinunana, “Saan, ngem ketdi maawagan isuna iti Juan.”
when his mother spoke up, “No, he is to be called John.”
61 Kinunada kenkuana, “Awan kadagiti kakabagiam iti naawagan iti kastoy a nagan.”
“You have no relation of that name!” they exclaimed;
62 Sininyasanda ti amana tapno ammoenda no ania ti kayatna nga iyawagda iti ubing.
and they made signs to the child’s father, to find out what he wished the child to be called.
63 Isu nga dimmawat iti pagsuratan ken insuratna ditoy, “Ti naganna ket Juan.” Aminda ket nasdaaw unay.
Asking for a writing tablet, he wrote the words – ‘His name is John.’ Everyone was surprised
64 Dagdagus nga nalukatan iti ngiwatna ken nawayawayaan ti dilana, ken nangrugi nga nagsao, nga agdaydayaw iti Dios.
and immediately Zechariah recovered his voice and the use of his tongue, and began to bless God.
65 Ket buteng iti immay kadagiti amin nga agnanaed iti aglawlawda ken amin nga napasamak ket pagsasaritaan dagiti tattao iti amin nga lugar iti turturod nga pagilian ti Judea.
All their neighbors were awe-struck at this, and throughout the hill-country of Judea the whole story was much talked about.
66 Amin dagiti nakangngeg iti daytoy ket pinanpanunotda ti maipanggep iti napasamak ken kinunada, “Ita ngarud, anianto ngata iti pagbalinan daytoy nga ubing? Ta naamirisda nga ti ima iti Apo ket adda kenkuana.
All who heard it kept it in mind, asking one another – “What can this child be destined to become?” For the Power of the Lord was with him.
67 Ti amana nga ni Zacarias ket napno iti Espiritu Santo, ket insaona daytoy nga padto,
Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit, and, speaking under inspiration, said:
68 “Madaydayaw ti Apo, nga Dios ti Israel, gapu ta immay isuna kadatayo ken nagaramid iti wagas tapno wayawayaanna dagiti tattaona.”
“Blessed is the Lord, the God of Israel, who has visited his people and wrought their deliverance,
69 Nangisabet isuna para kadatayo iti mannakabalin nga Mannangisalakan manipud iti kaputotan ti adipenna a ni David,
and has raised up for us the strength of our salvation in the house of his servant David –
70 a kas inbaga ti Dios babaen kadagiti nasantoan a propetana idi. (aiōn g165)
as he promised by the lips of his holy prophets of old – (aiōn g165)
71 Inkarina nga isabetna ti pannakaisalakantayo manipud kadagiti kabusortayo, ken manipud iti ima dagiti amin nga gumurgura kadatayo.
salvation from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us,
72 Inaramidna daytoy tapno ipakitana ti asina kadagiti kapuonantayo, ken tapno lagipenna iti nasantoan nga tulagna.
showing mercy to our ancestors, and mindful of his sacred covenant.
73 Dayta a tulag ket isu ti sapata nga inbagana ken ni Abraham nga kapuonantayo.
This was the oath which he swore to our ancestor Abraham –
74 Nangaramid isuna iti sapata tapno waya-wayaannatayo manipud iti ima dagiti kabusortayo ken ikkannatayo iti pannakabael nga agserbi kenkuana nga awan ti panagbuteng,
that we should be rescued from the hands of our enemies,
75 ken iti kinasanto ken kinalinteg iti sangwananna iti amin nga aldawtayo.
and should serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness, in his presence all our days.
76 Ken sika, anakko, ket maawaganto nga propeta ti Kangatoan, gapu ta unaam ti Apo tapno isaganam dagiti tattao para iti iyaayna,
And you, child, will be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to make ready his way,
77 ken tapno tulungam dagiti tattao nga mangammo no kasanoda nga maisalakan babaen iti pannakapakawan dagiti basbasolda.
to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
78 Pakawanennatayo iti Diostayo gapu iti nalukneng nga asina. Babaen iti daytoy nga asi, ti Mannangisalakan, nga maiyarig iti singising ti init iti agsapa, ket umay manipud langit nga tumulong kadatayo.
through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dawn will break on us from heaven,
79 Lawaganna dagiti tattao nga agtugtugaw iti kinasipnget ken iti aniniwan ti patay; idalanna dagiti saksakatayo iti dalan ti kapia.”
to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, and guide our feet into the way of peace.”
80 Dimmakkel ngarud ti ubing, ken nagbalin nga napigsa iti espiritu. Nagnaed isuna kadagiti let-ang a luglugar agginga a nangrugi nga nagparang a nalatak kadagiti tattao iti Israel.
The child grew and became strong in spirit, and he lived in the wilds until the time came for his appearance before Israel.

< Lucas 1 >