< Un-unnoy 2 >

1 Naan-anay nga inabbongan ti Apo iti napuskol nga ulep ti anak a babai ti Sion gapu iti ungetna! Manipud langit agingga iti daga, intinnagna ti kinapintas ti Israel; saanna nga inkankano ti pagbatayan ti sakana iti aldaw ti ungetna.
How could My Lord, in his anger, enshroud in gloom, the daughter of Zion? have cast from the heavens to the earth, the beauty of Israel? and not have remembered his footstool, in the day of his anger?
2 Inalun-on ti Apo ken saan isuna a naasian kadagiti amin nga ili ni Jacob. Rinebbana dagiti nasarikedkedan a siudad ti anak a babai ti Juda gapu iti pungtotna; impababana ida iti daga ken imbabainna ti pagarian ken dagiti prinsipena.
My Lord hath swallowed up—without pity—all the pastures of Jacob, hath laid waste—in his indignation—the strongholds of the daughter of Judah, hath brought them down to the ground, —hath profaned the kingdom, and the princes thereof.
3 Pinutedna amin a bileg ti Israel babaen iti nakaro a pungtotna. Inawidna ti makannawan nga imana manipud iti sangoanan dagiti kabusor. Inuramna ni Jacob a kasla maysa a gumilgil-ayab nga apuy a mangikiskisap iti amin a banag nga adda iti aglawlawna.
He hath broken off—in the glow of his anger—the whole horn of Israel, hath turned back his right hand, from the face of the foe, —and hath kindled against Jacob, a very fire of flame, devouring round about.
4 Imbiatna ti baina kadakami a kasla maysa a kabusorna. Timmakder isuna a makigubat a kas maysa a kasupiat a nakasagana a mangdangran kadakami. Pinatayna dagiti amin a kapapatgan unay a tattao iti panagkitana. Iti uneg ti tolda ti anak a babai ti Sion, imbukbokna ti pungtotna a kasla apuy.
He hath trodden his bow like a foe, his right hand erect as an adversary, and hath slain all them who delighted the eye, —In the home of the daughter of Zion, hath he poured out, as fire, his indignation.
5 Nagbalin ti Apo a kasla maysa a kabusor. Inalun-onna ti Israel. Inalun-onna dagiti amin a palasiona; dinadaelna dagiti sarikedked ti Israel. Pinakarona ti panagdungdung-aw ken panagun-unnoy iti anak a babai ti Juda.
My Lord hath become like a foe, hath swallowed up Israel, hath swallowed up all her castles, ruined his strongholds, —and hath caused to abound, in the daughter of Judah, lamentation and mourning.
6 Rinautna ti tabernakulona a kasla maysa nga abung-abung ti minuyongan. Dinadaelna ti lugar a napasnek a paggigimongan. Inaramid ni Yahweh a malipatan ti napasnek a panaggigimong ken aldaw a Panaginana idiay Sion, ta linalaisna ti ari ken ti padi gapu iti ungetna.
Thus hath he destroyed, like a garden, his pavilion, hath laid waste his place of assembly, —Yahweh, hath caused to be forgotten, in Zion, the appointed assembly and the sabbath, and hath spurned, in the indignation of his anger, the king and the priest.
7 Linaksid ti Apo ti altarna; ginurana ti santuariona. Inyawatna iti ima ti kabusor dagiti pader ti palasiona. Nagariwawada a sibaballigi iti balay ni Yahweh, a kas iti aldaw ti napasnek a panaggigimong.
My Lord hath rejected his altar, hath abhorred his sanctuary, hath delivered, into the hand of the foe, the walls of her castles, —A voice, have they uttered in the house of Yahweh, as on the day of an appointed assembly.
8 Sitatanang nga inkeddeng ni Yahweh a dadaelenna ti pader ti siudad ti anak a babai Sion. Imbinnatna ti pangrukod ket saanna nga imbabawi ti imana a mangdaddadael iti pader. Ken pinagdung-awna dagiti bakud ken pinarukopna dagiti pader.
Yahweh hath devised to lay in ruins, the wall of the daughter of Zion, he hath stretched out a line, he hath not turned back his hand from swallowing up, —Thus hath he caused to mourn—rampart and wall, together, have they languished!
9 Limned iti daga dagiti ruanganna; tinukkolna dagiti balunet ti ruanganna. Ti ari ken dagiti prinsipena ket agtaud kadagiti Hentil, nga awanan iti linteg ni Moises. Uray dagiti profetana ket awan masarakanda a sirmata manipud kenni Yahweh.
Her gates, have sunk in the earth, He hath destroyed and broken in pieces, her bars, —Her king and her princes, are among the nations, There is no instruction, Even her prophets, have found no vision, from Yahweh.
10 Agtugtugaw iti daga ken siuulimek nga agladladingit dagiti panglakayen iti anak a babai ti Sion. Nangiwarakiwakda iti tapuk kadagiti uloda; nagkawesda iti nakirsang a lupot. Indumog dagiti birhen ti Jerusalem dagiti uloda iti daga.
Seated on the ground, in silence, are the elders of the daughter of Zion, They have lifted up dust on their head, have girded themselves with sackcloth, —Bowed down to the ground is the head, of the virgins of Jerusalem.
11 Naibusen ti luak; nalabagan dagiti matak; marirriribukan ti pusok. Agladladingit ti entero a kaunggak gapu iti pannakarumek iti anak a babai dagiti tattaok, gapu ta agkakapsut dagiti ubbing a babassit ken dagiti agsussuso a maladaga kadagiti kalsada dagiti bario.
Blinded with tears are mine eyes, In ferment is my body, Poured out to the earth is my grief, for the sore hurt of the daughter of my people, —when child and suckling are swooning, in the broadways of the city.
12 Kunaenda kadagiti innada, “Sadino ti ayan ti bukbukel ken arak?” mataltalimudaw a kasla nadangran a tattao kadagiti kalsada ti siudad, nga in-inutda a matay iti sidong dagiti innada.
To their mothers, they keep saying, Where are corn and wine? Swooning off, like one thrust through, in the broadways of the city, pouring out their life into the bosom of their mothers.
13 Ania ti makunak kenka anak a babai ti Jerusalem? Ania ti pangiyaspingak kenka tapno maliwliwaka, birhen nga anak a babai ti Sion? Ti pannakatalimudawmo ket nakabutbuteng a kas iti kadakkel ti baybay. Siasino ti makapaimbag kenka?
How shall I solemnly admonish thee? What shall I liken to thee, thou daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I compare with thee, that I may comfort thee, thou virgin, daughter of Zion? for, great as the sea, is thy grievous injury, Who can heal thee?
14 Nakakita dagiti profetam kadagiti makaallilaw ken minamaag a sirmata a para kenka. Saanda nga impakaammo ti basolmo tapno maisubli ti gasatmo, ngem nakakitada kadagiti makaallilaw a mammadles ken sulisog a para kenka.
Thy prophets, have had visions for thee, false and foolish, and have not unveiled thine iniquity, to turn back thy captivity, —Yea they have had visions for thee, oracles of falsehood, and enticements!
15 Palakpakandaka dagiti amin a lumabas kadagiti daldalan. Agsakuntip ken iwingiwingda dagiti uloda iti anak a babai ti Jerusalem ket kunaenda, “Daytoy kadi ti siudad nga aw-awaganda iti 'Kinapintas nga Awan Pagkuranganna,' 'Ti Rag-o ti Amin a Daga?'”
All passing by, have clapped, over thee, their hands, have hissed and wagged their head over the daughter of Jerusalem, —[saying], Is, this, the city, of which men used to say—The perfection of beauty! A joy to the whole earth!
16 Inganga dagiti amin a kabusormo dagiti ngiwatda ket laisendaka. Agsagawisiw ken pagngaretngetenda dagiti ngipenda; kunaenda, “Inalun-onmi isuna! Awan duadua a daytoy ti aldaw nga inur-uraymi! Nasarakanmin! Nakitamin!”
All thy foes, have opened wide, over thee their mouth, They have hissed, and gnashed their teeth, They have said—We have swallowed [her] up! Surely, this, is the day for which we have waited, We have found! We have seen!
17 Inaramid ni Yahweh ti inkeddengna. Tinungpalna ti saona nga impakaammona iti nabayagen a tiempo. Rinebbana; saan isuna a naasian, ta intulokna nga agrag-o ti kabusor gapu kenka; pinapigsana dagiti kabusormo.
Yahweh hath done what he thought, hath carried out his word, wherewith he gave charge in the days of old, hath thrown down, and not spared, —Thus hath he let the enemy rejoice over thee, hath raised high the horn of thine adversaries.
18 Ipukpukkaw dagiti pusoda iti Apo, “Padpader iti anak a babai ti Sion, pagayusenyo dagiti lua a kasla karayan iti aldaw ken rabii. Saanka nga agin-inana. Saanmo nga isardeng ti panagayusna kadagiti matam.
Their heart, hath made outcry, unto My Lord, —O wall of the daughter of Zion—Let tears run down as a torrent day and night, Do not give thyself relief, Let not the weeping of thine eye cease!
19 Agtakder ken agpukkawka iti rabii; manipud iti rugi ti panagbabantay, ibukbokmo ti pusom a kasla danum iti sangoanan ti Apo. Itag-aymo kenkuana dagiti imam nga agpaay iti biag dagiti annakmo nga agkakapuy a nakaidda a mabisbisinan iti nagsasabatan ti tunggal kalsada.”
Arise, cry out in the night, At the beginning of the watches, pour out, like waters, thy heart, right before the face of My Lord, —Lift up, above thee, the palms of thy hands, for the life of thy children, who are swooning for hunger, at the top of all the streets!
20 Kumitaka, O Yahweh, ket panunotem koma dagidiay nangaramidam iti kastoy. Rumbeng kadi a kanen dagiti babbai ti bukodda a bunga, dagiti annak nga ay-aywananda? Rumbeng kadi a mapapatay dagiti padi ken profeta iti santuario ti Apo?
See, O Yahweh, and do consider, to whom thou hast acted thus severely, —Will women, devour, their own fruit—the children they have dandled? Shall priest and prophet, be slain in the sanctuary of My Lord?
21 Naiwalang iti daga kadagiti kalsada dagiti ubbing ken lallakay. Napasag dagiti birhenko ken dagiti tattaok a mamaingel babaen iti kampilan. Pinapataymo ida iti aldaw ti pungtotmo; naulpit ti panangpapataymo ken saanka a naasian kadakuada.
Youth and elder, have lain down on the ground in the streets, My virgins and my young men, have fallen by the sword, —Thou hast slain, in the day of thine anger, Thou hast slaughtered, hast not spared!
22 Inayabam dagiti pagbutbutngak manipud iti amin nga aglawlaw a kas iti aldaw ti napasnek a panaggigimong; awan ti nakalibas, ken awan ti nakalasat iti aldaw ti pungtot ni Yahweh. Dagiti inay-aywanak ken pinadakkelko, pinapatay ti kabusorko.
Wilt thou proclaim, like the day of an appointed meeting—My terrors round about? when there was not—in the day of the anger of Yahweh—fugitive or survivor, —Those whom I dandled and reared, my foe hath destroyed.

< Un-unnoy 2 >