< Jeremias 38 >

1 Nangngeg da Sefatias a putot ni Matan, Gedalias a putot ni Pasur, Jehucal a putot ni Selemias, ken Pasur a putot ni Malkias dagiti sasao nga imbagbaga ni Jeremias kadagiti amin a tattao. Imbagbagana,
Shephatiah son of Mattan, Gedaliah son of Pashhur, Jehukal son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur son of Malkijah heard the words that Jeremiah was declaring to all the people. He was saying,
2 “Kastoy ti ibagbaga ni Yahweh: “Mapapatayto ti siasinoman nga agnanaed iti daytoy a siudad, babaen iti kampilan, panagbisin, ken didigra. Ngem makalasatto ti siasinoman a rummuar a mapan kadagiti Caldeo. Maispalna ti biagna, ket agbiag.
“Yahweh says this: Anyone staying in this city will be killed by sword, famine, and plague. But anyone who goes out to the Chaldeans will survive. He will escape with his own life, and live.
3 Kastoy ti ibagbaga ni Yahweh: Maipaimanto daytoy a siudad iti armada ti ari ti Babilonia, ket parmekennanto daytoy.”
Yahweh says this: This city will be given into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon, and he will capture it.”
4 Isu a kinuna dagiti opisial iti ari, “Ipalubosmo koma a mapapatay daytoy a tao, ta iti daytoy a wagas ket pakpakapsutenna ti nakem dagiti makirangranget a lallaki iti daytoy a siudad, ken ti nakem dagiti amin a tattao iti siudad. Ibagbagana dagitoy a sasao, ta daytoy a tao ket saan nga agar-aramid iti pagsayaatan dagitoy a tattao, no di ket didigra.”
So the officials said to the king, “Let this man die, for in this way he is weakening the hands of the fighting men who remain in this city, and the hands of all the people. He is proclaiming these words, for this man is not working for safety for this people, but disaster.”
5 Isu a kinuna ni Ari Zedekias, “Kitaenyo, adda isuna kadagita imayo agsipud ta awan ti ari a makabael a mangtubngar kadakayo.”
So King Zedekiah said, “Look, he is in your hand since there is no king able to resist you.”
6 Ket innalada ni Jeremias ket impuruakda iti bubon ni Malkias, a putot ti ari. Ti bubon ket adda iti paraangan a pagbanbantayan. Imbabada ni Jeremias babaen kadagiti tali. Awan danum ti bubon, ngem napitak daytoy, ket nailumlom isuna kadagiti pitak.
Then they took Jeremiah and threw him into the cistern of Malkijah, son of the king. The cistern was in the courtyard of the guard. They lowered Jeremiah down on ropes. There was no water in the cistern, but it was muddy, and he sank down into the mud.
7 Ita, ni Ebed Melec a taga-Cus ket maysa kadagiti eunuko iti balay ti ari. Nangngegna nga ingkabilda ni Jeremias iti bubon. Ita, agtugtugaw ti ari iti Ruangan ti Benjamin.
Now Ebed-Melek the Cushite was one of the eunuchs in the king's house. He heard that they had placed Jeremiah in the cistern. Now the king was sitting at the Benjamin Gate.
8 Isu a napan ni Ebed Melec manipud iti balay ti ari ket nakisao iti ari. Kinunana,
So Ebed-Melek went from the king's house and spoke with the king. He said,
9 “Apok nga ari, dakes ti inaramid dagitoy a tattao iti panangtratoda kenni Jeremias a profeta. Impurwakda isuna iti bubon tapno matay sadiay iti bisin, agsipud ta awanen ti taraon iti siudad.”
“My master the king, these men have done evil with the way they have treated Jeremiah the prophet. They threw him into a cistern for him to die in it from hunger, since there is no more food in the city.”
10 Ket binilin ti ari ni Ebed Melec a taga-Cus. Kinunana, “Idauloam ti tallopulo a lallaki ditoy ket iyaonyo ni Jeremias a profeta iti bubon sakbay a matay isuna.”
Then the king gave a command to Ebed-Melek the Cushite. He said, “Take command of thirty men from here and take Jeremiah the prophet out of the cistern before he dies.”
11 Isu a nangidaulo ni Ebed Melec kadagiti lallaki ket napanda iti balay ti ari, iti bodega a nakaikabilan dagiti kawkawes iti sirok ti balay. Manipud sadiay, nangala isuna kadagiti ragas ken rutrot a kawkawes ket impauyaoyda iti bubon kenni Jeremias babaen iti tali.
So Ebed-Melek took command of those men and went to the king's house, to a storeroom for clothing under the house. From there he took rags and worn-out clothing and then let them down by ropes to Jeremiah in the cistern.
12 Kinuna ni Ebed Melec a taga-Cus kenni Jeremias, “Ikabilmo dagiti ragas ken dagiti rutrot a kawes iti kilikilim ket iputiputmo iti tali.” Inaramid ngarud ni Jeremias dayta.
Ebed-Melek the Cushite said to Jeremiah, “Put the rags and worn-out clothing under your arms and on top of the ropes.” So Jeremiah did so.
13 Ket ginuyodda ni Jeremias babaen kadagiti tali. Iti kastoy a wagas naiyaonda isuna iti bubon. Isu a nagtalinaed ni Jeremias iti paraangan a pagbanbantayan.
Then they pulled Jeremiah by the ropes. In this way they brought him up from the cistern. So Jeremiah stayed in the courtyard of the guard.
14 Ket nangipatulod ni Zedekias iti mensahe ket inyegda kenkuana ni Jeremias a profeta, iti maikatlo a pagserekan iti balay ni Yahweh. Kinuna ti ari kenni Jeremias, “Adda kayatko a saludsoden kenka. Saanmo nga ipaidam kaniak ti sungbat.”
Then King Zedekiah sent word and brought Jeremiah the prophet to himself, to the third entrance in Yahweh's house. The king said to Jeremiah, “I want to ask you something. Do not keep the answer from me.”
15 Kinuna ni Jeremias kenni Zedekias, “No sungbatanka, saan kadi a papatayennakto met laeng? Ken no balakadanka, saannak a denggen.”
Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, “If I answer you, will you not certainly kill me? But if I give you advice, you will not listen to me.”
16 Ngem nalimed a nagsapata ni Zedekias kenni Jeremias a kinunana, “Iti nagan ni Yahweh nga adda iti agnanayon, a namarsua kadata, saanka a papatayen wenno ipaima kadagiti agpangpanggep a mangkettel iti bagmo.”
But King Zedekiah swore to Jeremiah in private and said, “As Yahweh lives, the one who made us, I will not kill you or give you into the hand of those men who are seeking your life.”
17 Isu a kinuna ni Jeremias kenni Zedekias, “Ni Yahweh, a Dios a Mannakabalin amin, a Dios ti Israel, kastoy ti kunana: No rummuarka a mapan kadagiti opisial ti ari ti Babilonia, agbiagka, ket saanto a mapuoran daytoy a siudad. Abiagkanto ken ti pamiliam.
So Jeremiah said to Zedekiah, “Yahweh, God of hosts, God of Israel, says this: If you indeed go out to the officials of the king of Babylon then you will live, and this city will not be burned. You and your family will live.
18 Ngem no saanka a mapan kadagiti opisial ti ari ti Babilonia, maipaimanto daytoy a siudad kadagiti Caldeo. Puoranda daytoy ket saankanto a makalibas iti imada.”
But if you do not go out to the officials of the king of Babylon, then this city will be given into the hand of the Chaldeans. They will burn it, and you will not escape from their hand.”
19 Kinuna ni Ari Zedekias kenni Jeremias, “Ngem mabutengak kadagiti tattao ti Juda a timmipon kadagiti Caldeo, gapu ta amangan no maipaimaak kadakuada tapno parigatendak.”
King Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, “But I am afraid of the people of Judah who have deserted to the Chaldeans, because I might be given over into their hand, for them to treat me badly.”
20 Kinuna ni Jeremias, “Saandaka nga ipaima kadakuada. Agtulnogka iti mensahe ni Yahweh nga ibagbagak kenka, tapno nasayaat dagiti mapasamak kenka, ken tapno agbiagka.
Jeremiah said, “They will not give you over to them. Obey the message from Yahweh that I am telling you, so that things will go well for you, and so that you will live.
21 Ngem no agkedkedka a rummuar, daytoy ti impakita ni Yahweh kaniak:
But if you refuse to go out, this is what Yahweh has shown me.
22 Kitaem! Amin dagiti babbai a nabati iti balaymo, ari ti Juda, ket maipanto kadagiti opisial ti ari ti Babilonia. Ibaganto dagitoy a babbai kenka, 'Inallilawdaka dagiti gagayemmo; ket dinadaeldaka. Nailumlumen ita dagiti sakam iti pitak ket panawandakanto dagiti gagayyemmo.'
Look! All the women who are left in your house, king of Judah, will be brought out to the officials of the king of Babylon. These women will say to you, 'You have been deceived by your friends; they have ruined you. Your feet are now sunk into the mud, and your friends will run away.'
23 Ta amin nga assawam ken putotmo ket maipanto iti ayan dagiti Caldeo, ket sika a mismo ket saankanto a makalibas kadagiti imada. Matiliwnakanto ti ima ti ari ti Babilonia, ket mauramto daytoy a siudad.”
For all of your wives and children will be brought out to the Chaldeans, and you yourself will not escape from their hand. You will be captured by the hand of the king of Babylon, and this city will be burned.”
24 Ket kinuna ni Zedekias kenni Jeremias, “Saanmo nga ibagbaga iti siasinoman ti maipanggep kadagitoy a sasao, tapno saanka a matay.
Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah, “Do not inform anyone about these words, so that you do not die.
25 No madamag dagiti opisial a nakisaoak kenka-no umayda ket ibagada kenka, 'Ibagam kadakami ti nagsaritaanyo iti ari. Saanmo nga ilimed kadakami, ta no saan patayendaka. Ken ibagam kadakami ti imbaga kenka ti ari'-
If the officials hear that I have talked with you, and if they come and say to you, 'Tell us what you said to the king and do not hide it from us, or we will kill you,'
26 ket nasken nga ibagam kadakuada, 'Nagpakpakaasiak iti ari a saannak nga isubli iti balay ni Jonatan a matay sadiay.'”
then you must say to them, 'I made a humble plea before the king that he would not return me to the house of Jonathan to die there.'”
27 Ket napan kenni Jeremias dagiti amin nga opisial ket nagsaludsodda kenkuana, isu nga insungbatna kadakuada ti imbilin ti ari kenkuana. Insardengda ngarud ti nakisao kenkuana, gapu ta saanda a nangngeg ti nagsaritaan ni Jeremias ken ti ari.
Then all the officials came to Jeremiah and questioned him, so he answered them as the king had instructed him. So they stopped talking with him, because they had not heard the conversation between Jeremiah and the king.
28 Nagtalinaed ngarud ni Jeremias iti paraangan a pagbanbantayan agingga iti aldaw a nasakupen ti Jerusalem.
So Jeremiah remained in the courtyard of the guard until the day Jerusalem was captured.

< Jeremias 38 >