< Isaias 28 >

1 Asi pay ti napalangguad a korona dagiti mammartek ti Efraim, ken ti agkupkupas a sabong ti napintas a dayagna, nga adda iti tengnga ti nabaknang a tanap dagiti nabartek iti arak!
Woe to the crowne of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim: for his glorious beautie shall be a fading flowre, which is vpon the head of the valley of them that be fat, and are ouercome with wine.
2 Kitaenyo, addaan ti Apo iti nasiglat ken nabileg; kas iti uraro, manangdadael a bagyo, kas iti nadawel ken napegges a danum. Dusaennanto ti daga babaen iti imana.
Beholde, the Lord hath a mightie and strong hoste, like a tempest of haile, and a whirlewinde that ouerthroweth, like a tempest of mightie waters that ouerflowe, which throwe to the ground mightily.
3 Maibaddebaddekto ti napalanguad a korona dagiti mammartek ti Efraim.
They shall be troden vnder foote, euen the crowne and the pride of the drunkards of Ephraim.
4 Ti agkupkupas a sabong ti napintas a dayagna, nga adda iti tengnga ti nabaknang a tanap, ket maiyarigto iti umuna a naluom a bunga ti igos sakbay iti panawen ti tikag, a no adda makakita iti daytoy, kabayatan nga adda pay laeng iti imana, kanennan daytoy.
For his glorious beautie shall be a fading floure, which is vpon the head of the valley of them that be fatte, and as the hastie fruite afore sommer, which when hee that looketh vpon it, seeth it, while it is in his hand, he eateth it.
5 Iti dayta nga aldaw, ni Yahweh a Mannakabalin-amin ket kaslanto napintas a korona ken maysa a korona a sabong ti kinapintas para kadagiti nabatbati a tattaona,
In that day shall the Lord of hostes be for a crowne of glory, and for a diademe of beautie vnto the residue of his people:
6 espiritu ti kinalinteg kenkuana nga agtugtugaw iti pangukoman, ken pigsa para kadagidiay mangpasanud kadagiti kabusorda kadagiti ruanganda.
And for a spirite of iudgement to him that sitteth in iudgement, and for strength vnto them that turne away the battell to the gate.
7 Ngem uray dagitoy ket maulaw met gapu iti arak, ken agdiwerdiwerda gapu iti naingel a mainum. Maulaw dagiti papadi ken profeta gapu iti naingel a mainum, ken mabartekda gapu iti arak. Agdiwerdiwerda gapu iti naingel a mainum, nariribuk ti sirmatada ken saanda a makaikeddeng iti umno.
But they haue erred because of wine, and are out of the way by strong drinke: the priest and the prophet haue erred by strong drinke: they are swallowed vp with wine: they haue gone astraye through strong drinke: they faile in vision: they stumble in iudgement.
8 Pudno, amin a lamisaan ket nalapunos iti sarua, isu nga awan iti nadalus a disso.
For all their tables are full of filthy vomiting: no place is cleane.
9 Siasino ngay ti masapul a pangisuroanna iti pannakaammo, ken siasino ngay ti rumbeng a pangilawlawaganna iti mensahe? Kadagidiay kadi napusot iti panaggatasda wenno dagiti kapuspusot iti panagsusoda?
Whome shall he teache knowledge? and whome shall he make to vnderstand the thinges that hee heareth? them that are weyned from the milke, and drawen from the breastes.
10 Ta kanayon a bilin ti ibagbagana; agibaga iti maysa a bilin ket agibaga manen iti maysa pay; agibaga iti maysa a linteg ket kalpasanna, agibaga manen iti sabali pay a linteg; bassit ditoy, bassit idiay.
For precept must be vpon precept, precept vpon precept, line vnto line, line vnto line, there a litle, and there a litle.
11 Kinapudnona, babaen kadagiti mananguyaw a bibig ken babaen iti pagsasao a ganggannaet, kasaonanto dagitoy a tattao.
For with a stammering tongue and with a strange language shall he speake vnto this people.
12 Iti napalabas, kinunana kadakuada, “Daytoy ti inana, paginanaenyo dagiti nabannog; ken daytoy ti makapabang-ar,” ngem saanda met a dumngeg.
Vnto whome hee saide, This is the rest: giue rest to him that is weary: and this is the refreshing, but they would not heare.
13 Isu a ti sao ni Yahweh ket maitedto kadakuada, ta kanayon a bilin ti ibagbagana; agibaga iti maysa a bilin ket agibaga manen iti maysa pay; agibaga iti maysa a linteg ket kalpasanna, agibaga manen iti sabali pay a linteg; bassit ditoy, bassit idiay; iti kasta ket mapanda ket matuangda, mapasagda, mapalab-oganda ken matiliwda.
Therefore shall the worde of the Lord be vnto them precept vpon precept, precept vpon precept, line vnto line, line vnto line, there a litle and there a litle, that they may goe, and fall backward, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.
14 Isu a dumngegkayo iti sao ni Yahweh, dakayo a manguy-uyaw, a mangiturturay kadagitoy a tattao iti Jerusalem.
Wherefore, heare the worde of the Lord, ye scornefull men that rule this people, which is at Ierusalem.
15 Kinunayo, “Nakitulagkami iti patay; nakitulagkami iti sheol. Isu nga inton lumabas ti nainget a panangukom, saankami a maan-ano, gapu ta pinagbalinmi a sarikedked ti inuulbod, ket iti kinaulbod ti naglemmenganmi.” (Sheol h7585)
Because ye haue said, We haue made a couenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement: though a scourge runne ouer, and passe through, it shall not come at vs: for we haue made falshood our refuge, and vnder vanitie are we hid, (Sheol h7585)
16 Isu a kastoy ti kuna ni Yahweh, “Kitaenyo: Mangipatakderakto idiay Sion iti bato a pundasion, maysa a napadasen a bato, maysa a napateg a pasuli a bato, maysa a natalged a pundasion. Siasinoman a mamati ket saanto a mabain.
Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will laye in Zion a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. Hee that beleeueth, shall not make haste.
17 Pagbalinekto a pangrukod ti hustisia, ken ti kinalinteg ti aramidek a tinnag. Iyanudto ti uraro dagiti sarikedked nga inuulbod, ket lipusento ti layus ti disso a paglemlemmengan.
Iudgement also will I laye to the rule, and righteousnesse to the balance, and the haile shall sweepe away the vaine confidence, and the waters shall ouerflowe the secret place.
18 Mawaswasto ti katulaganyo iti patay, ket saanto nga agbayag ti pannakitulagyo iti sheol. Inton sumangbay ti napigsa a layus, lipusennakayto. (Sheol h7585)
And your couenant with death shalbe disanulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand: when a scourge shall runne ouer and passe through, then shall ye be trode downe by it. (Sheol h7585)
19 Tunggal lumabas daytoy, lipusennakayonto daytoy, binigatto daytoy a lumabas ket aldaw ken rabii nga umayto daytoy. No naawatan ti mensahe, mangipaay daytoy iti nakaro a panagbuteng.
When it passeth ouer, it shall take you away: for it shall passe through euery morning in the day, and in the night, and there shalbe onely feare to make you to vnderstand the hearing.
20 Ta ababa unay ti pagiddaan a pagunnatan ti maysa a tao, ken ababa unay ti ules a mangbalkot iti bagina.”
For the bed is streight that it can not suffice, and the couering narowe that one can not wrappe himselfe.
21 Tumakderto ni Yahweh a kas iti inaramidna idiay Bantay Perazim, tumakderto isuna a kas iti inaramidna idiay tanap ti Gabaon tapno aramidenna ti trabahona, ti naidumduma a trabahona, ken tapno aramidenna ti naidumduma nga aramidna.
For the Lord shall stand as in mount Perazim: hee shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his worke, his strage worke, and bring to passe his acte, his strange acte.
22 Isu nga ita saankayo nga aguyaw, ta no saan mapairutanto dagiti kawaryo. Adda nangngegko a bilin maipanggep iti pannakadidigra ti daga manipud iti Apo, a ni Yahweh a Mannakabalin-amin.
Nowe therefore be no mockers, least your bondes increase: for I haue heard of the Lord of hostes a consumption, euen determined vpon the whole earth.
23 Ipangagyo ken dumngegkayo iti timekko; ipangagyo ken dumngegkayo a naimbag kadagiti sasaok.
Hearken ye, and heare my voyce: hearken ye, and heare my speach.
24 Agar-arado kadi lattan ti ub-ubraen ti mannalon nga agar-arado iti agmalem tapno agmula koma? Kanayonna kadi lattan nga ar-aradoen ken suysuyuden ti talon?
Doeth the plowe man plowe all the day, to sowe? doeth he open, and breake the clots of his ground?
25 No naisagananan ti daga, saan kadi nga agiwaras isuna iti bukel ti neguillas, ibunubonna ti kumino, imulana nga agbabatog dagiti trigo, ken ti sebada iti umno a pakaimulaanna ken ti espelta kadagiti pungto ti talon?
When he hath made it plaine, wil he not then sowe the fitches, and sowe cummin, and cast in wheat by measure, and the appointed barly and rye in their place?
26 Bilbilinen isuna ti Diosna; sursurroanna isuna a nasayaat.
For his God doeth instruct him to haue discretion, and doeth teach him.
27 Maysa pay, saan a maruros ti kumino babaen iti pasagad wenno iti karison a maipatulid iti rabaw ti kumino; ngem ketdi maruros ti neguillas babaen iti ruting, ken maruros ti kumino babaen iti sarukod.
For fitches shall not be threshed with a threshing instrument, neither shall a cart wheele be turned about vpon the cummin: but ye fitches are beaten out with a staffe, and cummin with a rod.
28 Magiling ti bukel a maaramid a tinapay ngem saan unay a napino ken uray no iwaras daytoy dagiti dalig ti karisonna ken dagiti kabaliona, saan a marumek daytoy dagiti kabaliona.
Bread corne when it is threshed, hee doeth not alway thresh it, neither doeth the wheele of his cart still make a noyse, neither will he breake it with the teeth thereof.
29 Daytoy ket naggapu met kenni Yahweh a Mannakabalin-amin, a naisangsangayan ti bilinna ken naindaklan ti kinasiribna.
This also commeth from the Lord of hostes, which is wonderfull in counsell, and excellent in workes.

< Isaias 28 >