< II Samuel 6 >

1 Ita, inummong manen ni David dagiti amin a napili a lallaki ti Israel, a 30, 000.
And again David gathered every chosen one in Israel—thirty thousand,
2 Timmakder ni David ket napan agraman dagiti amin a tattaona manipud iti Baala idiay Juda tapno isang-atda manipud idiay ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios, a naawagan ti nagan ni Yahweh a Mannakabalin amin, nga agtugtugaw iti tronona iti ngatoen ti kerubim.
and David rises and goes, and all the people who [are] with him, from Ba‘ale-Judah, to bring up the Ark of God from there, whose name has been called—the Name of YHWH of Hosts, inhabiting the cherubim—on it.
3 Inkargada iti baro a karison ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios. Inruarda daytoy iti balay ni Abinadab, nga adda iti rabaw ti turod. Da Uzza ken Ahio, a putotna a lallaki ti mangiturturong ti karison.
And they cause the Ark of God to ride on a new cart, and lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which [is] in the height, and Uzzah and Ahio sons of Abinadab are leading the new cart;
4 Inruarda ti karison iti balay ni Abinadab iti tapaw ti turod a nakalugan ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios. Magmagna ni Ahio iti sango ti Lakasa ti Tulag.
and they lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which [is] in the height, with the Ark of God, and Ahio is going before the Ark,
5 Ket rinugian da David ken dagiti amin a bumalay ti Israel ti agtukar iti sangoanan ni Yahweh, agramrambakda babaen kadagiti pagtukaran a naaramid manipud iti napintas a kayo, dagiti arpa, lira, banderita, kastanuelas ken piangpiang.
and David and all the house of Israel are playing before YHWH, with all kinds of [instruments] of fir-wood, even with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with horns, and with cymbals.
6 Idi makadanonda iti panaltagan iti Nahon, naitibkol dagiti baka, ket insarapa ni Ussa dagiti imana tapno tenglenna ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios, ket naiggananna daytoy.
And they come to the threshing-floor of Nachon, and Uzzah puts forth [his hand] to the Ark of God, and lays hold on it, for they released the oxen;
7 Ket simgiab ti pungtot ni Yahweh kenni Ussa. Dinangran ti Dios isuna sadiay gapu iti basolna. Natay ni Uzza idiay abay ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios.
and the anger of YHWH burns against Uzzah, and God strikes him there for the error, and he dies there by the Ark of God.
8 Nakaunget ni David gapu ta dinangran ni Yahweh ni Uzza, ket pinanagananna dayta a lugar iti Peres Uzza. Maaw-awagan ti Peres Uzza dayta a lugar agingga iti daytoy nga aldaw.
And it is displeasing to David, because that YHWH has broken forth a breach on Uzzah, and [one] calls that place Perez-Uzzah to this day;
9 Nagbuteng ni David kenni Yahweh iti dayta nga aldaw. Kinunana, “Kasanok nga iyawid ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh?”
and David fears YHWH on that day and says, “How does the Ark of YHWH come to me?”
10 Saan ngarud a kayat ni David nga iyawid ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh iti siudad ni David. Ngem ketdi, inkabilna daytoy iti balay ni Obed Edom a Geteo.
And David has not been willing to turn aside the Ark of YHWH to himself, to the City of David, and David turns it aside to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite,
11 Nagtalinaed ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh iti balay ni Obed Edom a Geteo iti las-ud ti tallo a bulan. Binendisionan ngarud ni Yahweh isuna ken dagiti amin a bumalayna.
and the Ark of YHWH inhabits the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite [for] three months, and YHWH blesses Obed-Edom and all his house.
12 Ita, naibaga kenni Ari David, “Binendisionan ni Yahweh ti balay ni Obed Edom ken amin a kukuana gapu iti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios.” Napan ngarud ni David ket insang-atna iti siudadna nga addaan ragsak ti Lakasa ti Tulag ti Dios manipud iti balay ni Obed Edom.
And it is declared to King David, saying, “YHWH has blessed the house of Obed-Edom, and all that he has, because of the Ark of God”; and David goes and brings up the Ark of God from the house of Obed-Edom to the City of David with joy.
13 Idi nakaadayoda dagiti mangaw-awit iti Lakasa ti Tulad iti innem nga addang, nangidaton isuna iti baka ken napalukmeg a kabaian a baka.
And it comes to pass, when those carrying the Ark of YHWH have stepped six steps, that he sacrifices an ox and a fatling.
14 Nagsala ni David iti amin a pigsana iti sangoanan ni Yahweh; nakabarikes laeng isuna iti lino nga efod.
And David is dancing with all [his] strength before YHWH, and David is girded with a linen ephod,
15 Insang-at ngarud ni David ken amin dagiti agindeg iti balay ti Israel ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh a napakuyogan ti ririaw ken aweng dagiti trumpeta.
and David and all the house of Israel are bringing up the Ark of YHWH with shouting, and with the voice of a horn,
16 Idi madama nga iserserrekda ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh iti siudad ni David, timman-aw iti tawa ni Mikal a putot a babai ni Saul. Nakitana ni Ari David nga aglaglagto ken agsalsala iti sangoanan ni Yahweh. Ket inuy-uywna isuna iti pusona.
and it has come to pass, the Ark of YHWH has come into the City of David, and Michal daughter of Saul has looked through the window and sees King David moving and dancing before YHWH, and she despises him in her heart.
17 Inyunegda ti Lakasa ti Tulag ni Yahweh ket inkabilda daytoy iti lugarna, iti tengnga ti tolda nga insagana ni David a pagsaadanna. Kalpasanna nangidaton ni David iti daton a mapuoran ken daton a pakilangenlangen iti sangoanan ni Yahweh.
And they bring in the Ark of YHWH, and set it up in its place, in the midst of the tent which David has spread out for it, and David causes burnt-offerings and peace-offerings to ascend before YHWH.
18 Idi nalpas a naidaton ni David ti daton a mapuoran ken ti daton a pakikappia, binendisionanna dagiti tattao iti nagan ni Yahweh a mannakabalin amin.
And David finishes from causing the burnt-offering and the peace-offerings to ascend, and blesses the people in the Name of YHWH of Hosts,
19 Ket inwarasna kadagiti amin a tattao, ti sibubukel a bunggoy ti Israel, lallaki ken babbai, ti maysa a tinapay, maysa nga ilgat ti karne, ken maysa a kankanen nga adda pasasna. Kalpasanna, pimmanaw dagiti amin a tattao; nagawid ti tunggal maysa kadagiti bukodda a balay.
and he apportions to all the people, to all the multitude of Israel, from man and to woman, to each, one cake of bread, and one eshpar, and one ashisha, and all the people go, each to his house.
20 Ket nagsubli ni David tapno bendisionanna ti pamiliana. Rimuar ti putot a babai ni Saul a ni Mikal tapno sabatenna ni David ket kinunana, “Anian a nagdayaw ti ari ti Israel iti daytoy nga aldaw, a naglabos iti daytoy nga aldaw iti imatang dagiti babbai a tagabu kadagiti adipenna, kasla iti narusanger a tao nga awan babainna a manglabos iti bagina!”
And David turns back to bless his house, and Michal daughter of Saul goes out to meet David and says, “How honorable was the king of Israel today, who was uncovered today before the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain ones is openly uncovered!”
21 Simmungbat ni David kenni Mikal, “Inaramidko dayta iti sangoanan ni Yahweh, a nangpili kaniak a nangatngato ngem ni amam ken nangatngato ngem iti amin a pamiliana, a nangisaad kaniak a mangidaulo iti entero a tattao ni Yahweh, iti entero nga Israel. Iti sangoanan ni Yahweh agragsakakto!
And David says to Michal, “Before YHWH, who fixed on me above your father, and above all his house, to appoint me leader over the people of YHWH, and over Israel—indeed, I played before YHWH;
22 Ad-adda nga agbalinak a 'narusanger' ngem iti daytoy. Maipababaak man iti bukodko a mata, ngem kadagiti babbai a tagabu nga ibagbagam, ket maidayawakto.”
and I have been more vile than this, and have been low in my eyes, and with the handmaids whom you have spoken of, I am honored with them.”
23 Isu a saan a naganak ni Mikal, a putot a babai ni Saul agingga iti pannakatayna.
As for Michal daughter of Saul, she had no child until the day of her death.

< II Samuel 6 >