< 1 Pedro 4 >

1 Ngarud, gapu ta nagsagaba ni Cristo iti lasag, isaganayo dagiti bagbagiyo iti isu met laeng a panggep. Siasinoman a nagsagaba iti lasag ket simmardengen manipud iti basol.
CHRIST then having suffered for us in the flesh, be ye also in mind armed for the same conflict: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sinning;
2 Saanen nga agbibiag daytoy a tao para kadagiti tarigagay ti tao, ngem maipaay iti pagayatan ti Dios— para iti nabatbati pay a biagna.
that he might not spend the remaining space of life in the flesh after human passions, but the divine will.
3 Ta umdasen ti tiempo a naglabas iti panagaramid kadagiti kayat dagiti Hentil nga aramiden—kinaderrep, nalabes a tarigagay, panagbarbartek, pannakiin-inom, nalabes a panagrambak, ken makarimon a panagdayaw kadagiti didiosen.
For the time past of life is enough for us to have wrought the will of the heathen, when we walked in all impurities, lewd appetites, excess of wine, revels, drinking-bouts, and abominable idolatries;
4 Panpanunotenda a nakaskasdaaw a saankayo a makitimtimpuyog nga ar-aramiden dagitoy a banbanag, isu nga agsasaoda iti dakes maipanggep kadakayo.
wherein they think it a strange thing, that you are not running with them into the same gulph of profligacy, spreading every scandalous report of you:
5 Mangteddanto iti palawag iti daydiay sisasagana a mangukom kadagiti sibibiag ken natay.
who shall give an account to him, who holds himself ready to judge the living and the dead.
6 Ta gapu iti daytoy a panggep ket naikasaba ti ebanghelio kadagiti natay, nga uray no naukomda kadagiti bagida a kas tattao, agbiagda koma a kas maiyannurot iti Dios no maipapan iti espiritu.
For to this end was the gospel preached to those that are dead, that they might be judged indeed in the flesh according to the will of men, but live in spirit according to the will of God.
7 Umayen ti paggibusan iti amin a banbanag. Ngarud, agbalinkayo koma a nanakem, ken naparbeng koma ti panagpanpanunotyo para kadagiti karkararagyo.
But the end of all things is near: be ye therefore sober-minded, and vigilant in prayers.
8 Nangnangruna iti amin, maaddaankayo iti napasnek a panagayat iti tunggal maysa, ta saan nga agbirbirok ti ayat tapno matakuatan dagiti basol dagiti dadduma.
But above all things have fervent love towards each other: for love will conceal a multitude of faults.
9 Ipakitayo ti panagsangailiyo iti tunggal maysa nga awanan panagtantanabutob.
Exercise hospitality one towards another without grudgings.
10 Kas nakaawat ti tunggal maysa kadakayo iti sagut, usarenyo daytoy tapno agserbi iti tunggal maysa, kas nasayaat a mapagtalkan kadagiti adu nga awan bayadna a sagut ti Dios.
Let every one, according as he hath received a gift, minister it to others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
11 No ti siasinoman nga agsao, aramidenda koma a kas iti sasao ti Dios, ket no siasinoman ti agserbi, aramidenda koma manipud iti pigsa nga it-ited ti Dios, tapno maidaydayaw koma ti Dios iti amin a banbanag babaen kenni Jesu-Cristo. Kukuana ti dayag ken pannakabalin iti agnanayon ken awan patinggana. Amen. (aiōn g165)
If any man speak, let it be agreeably to the oracles of God; if any man act as a deacon, let it be from the strength which God supplieth: that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory and might for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 Ay-ayatek, saanyo nga ibilang a kas maysa a banag a nakakaskasdaaw ti nabara a pannubok nga umay a mangpadas kadakayo, a kasla mapaspasamak kadakayo ti maysa a banag a nakakaskasdaaw.
Beloved, be not amazed at the fiery trial among you which is to bring you to the test, as though something strange happened to you;
13 Ngem agingga a mapadasyo ti panagsagsagaba ni Cristo, agragsakkayo, tapno agragsakkayo met ken agrag-o iti pannakaiparangarang ti dayagna.
but as ye share in the sufferings of Christ rejoice, that at the revelation of his glory also ye may hail him with exultations.
14 No malaiskayo gapu iti nagan ni Cristo, nagasatkayo, gapu ta agtataeng kadakayo ti Espiritu ti dayag ken ti Espiritu ti Dios.
If ye suffer reproach for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: by them indeed he is blasphemed, but by you he is glorified.
15 Ngem awan koma ti agsagaba kadakayo a kas mammapatay, mannanakaw, agar-aramid ti dakes, wenno mannakibiang.
Let no one of you then suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or a meddler in other persons’ business.
16 Ngem, no adda ti agsagaba a kas Kristiano, saan koma nga agbain isuna, ngem dayawenna koma ti Dios iti dayta a nagan.
But if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him give glory to God on this very account.
17 Ta tiempon ti panangukom a mangrugi iti sangkabbalayan ti Dios. Ket no mangrugi kadatayo, anianto ti pagbanagan dagiti saan nga agtulnog iti ebanghelio ti Dios?
For now is the time when judgment is commencing at the house of God; and if it begin with us, what will be the end of those who obey not the gospel of God?
18 Ket no “naisalakan ti nalinteg a tao babaen iti rigrigat, anianto ti pagbanagan dagiti saan a nadiosan a tao ken ti managbasol?”
And if the righteous man is hardly saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
19 Bay-anyo ngarud a dagiti agsagsagaba mayannurot iti pagayatan ti Dios ket italekda dagiti kararuada iti napudno a Namarsua bayat nga agar-aramidda iti nasayaat.
Wherefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to him in well-doing as to the faithful Creator.

< 1 Pedro 4 >