< Abụ Ọma 89 >

1 Abụ maskil nke Etan, onye Ezra. Aga m abụ abụ banyere oke ịhụnanya Onyenwe anyị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi; aga m eji ọnụ m mee ka ọgbọ niile mara maka ikwesi ntụkwasị obi gị.
A contemplation by Ethan, the Ezrahite. I will sing of the loving kindness of the LORD forever. With my mouth, I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.
2 Aga m ekwupụta na ịhụnanya gị na-adịgide ruo mgbe ebighị ebi; na i mere ka ikwesi ntụkwasị obi gị, guzosie ike nʼeluigwe.
I indeed declare, “Love stands firm forever. You established the heavens. Your faithfulness is in them.”
3 Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Mụ na onye m họpụtara agbaala ndụ. Aṅụọkwala m iyi nye ohu m Devid sị,
“I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David, my servant,
4 ‘Aga m eme ka agbụrụ gị guzosie ike ruo mgbe ebighị ebi meekwa ka ocheeze gị dịgide ruo ọgbọ niile.’” (Sela)
‘I will establish your offspring forever, and build up your throne to all generations.’” (Selah)
5 O Onyenwe anyị, eluigwe na-eto ọrụ ebube gị niile, na ikwesi ntụkwasị obi gị, nʼetiti nzukọ ndị dị nsọ.
The heavens will praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness also in the assembly of the holy ones.
6 Nʼihi, ọ bụ onye nʼeluigwe niile, ka a ga-eji tụnyere Onyenwe anyị? Onye yiri Onyenwe anyị nʼetiti ndị mmụọ ozi niile?
For who in the skies can be compared to the LORD? Who amongst the sons of the heavenly beings is like the LORD,
7 Na nzukọ ndị nsọ, Chineke bụ onye a na-atụ oke egwu; ọ dị oke egwu karịa ndị niile gbara ya gburugburu.
a very awesome God in the council of the holy ones, to be feared above all those who are around him?
8 O Onyenwe anyị Chineke Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, onye dịka gị? Gị, O Onyenwe anyị, dị ike nke ukwuu, ikwesi ntụkwasị obi gị na-agba gị gburugburu.
LORD, God of Armies, who is a mighty one, like you? LORD, your faithfulness is around you.
9 Ị na-achị osimiri nke ji ike na-asọ; mgbe ebili mmiri ya na-amali elu; i na-eme ka ha dajụọ.
You rule the pride of the sea. When its waves rise up, you calm them.
10 Ị zọpịara Rehab dịka otu nʼime ndị ahụ e gburu egbu; jiri aka gị dị ike chụsasịa ndị iro gị.
You have broken Rahab in pieces, like one of the slain. You have scattered your enemies with your mighty arm.
11 Ọ bụ gị nwe eluigwe; gị nwekwa ụwa, ọ bụ gị tọrọ ntọala elu ụwa dum, na ihe niile dị nʼime ya.
The heavens are yours. The earth also is yours, the world and its fullness. You have founded them.
12 Ọ bụ gị kere ugwu na ndịda; Taboa na Hemon na-abụ abụ ọṅụ nʼihi aha gị.
You have created the north and the south. Tabor and Hermon rejoice in your name.
13 Aka gị ka e mejupụtara nʼike; aka gị dị ike, a na-ebuli aka nri gị elu.
You have a mighty arm. Your hand is strong, and your right hand is exalted.
14 Ezi omume na ikpe ziri ezi, bụ ntọala ocheeze gị; ịhụnanya na ikwesi ntụkwasị obi, na-aga nʼihu gị.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loving kindness and truth go before your face.
15 Ndị a gọziri agọzi ka ndị ahụ bụ ndị na-eji olu iti mkpu ọṅụ na-abụku gị abụ, ndị na-ejegharịkwa nʼìhè nke ihu gị, O Onyenwe anyị.
Blessed are the people who learn to acclaim you. They walk in the light of your presence, LORD.
16 Ha na-aṅụrị ọṅụ nʼaha gị ogologo ụbọchị niile; ha na-aṅụrị nʼezi omume gị.
In your name they rejoice all day. In your righteousness, they are exalted.
17 Nʼihi na ị bụ ebube na ike ha, site nʼihuọma gị, ị na-ebuli mpi anyị elu.
For you are the glory of their strength. In your favour, our horn will be exalted.
18 Nʼezie, ọta anyị bụ nke Onyenwe anyị, eze anyị bụkwa nke Onye nsọ Izrel.
For our shield belongs to the LORD, our king to the Holy One of Israel.
19 I kwuru okwu otu mgbe site nʼọhụ, nye ndị gị kwesiri ntụkwasị obi sị: “Enyela m otu onye dị ike agha ike; Ebuliela m otu nwa okorobịa elu site nʼetiti ndị m.
Then you spoke in vision to your saints, and said, “I have given strength to the warrior. I have exalted a young man from the people.
20 Achọtala m Devid ohu m, were mmanụ nsọ m tee ya.
I have found David, my servant. I have anointed him with my holy oil,
21 Aka m ga-agba ya ume; nʼezie, aka m ga-eme ka ọ dị ike.
with whom my hand shall be established. My arm will also strengthen him.
22 Ọ dịghị onye iro ga-abịakwasị ya, na mberede; ọ dịghị onye ajọ omume ga-emegbu ya.
No enemy will tax him. No wicked man will oppress him.
23 Aga m etigbu ndị iro ya niile nʼihu ya. Aga m emekwa ka ndị niile na-akpọ ya asị laa nʼiyi.
I will beat down his adversaries before him, and strike those who hate him.
24 Ịhụnanya m kwesiri ntụkwasị obi ga-adịnyere ya, site nʼaha m, a ga-ebuli mpi ya elu.
But my faithfulness and my loving kindness will be with him. In my name, his horn will be exalted.
25 M ga-edo aka ya nʼoke osimiri, dokwaa aka nri ya nʼosimiri niile.
I will set his hand also on the sea, and his right hand on the rivers.
26 Ọ ga-akpọ m sị m, ‘Ị bụ Nna m, bụrụkwa Chineke m, na oke Nkume nzọpụta m.’
He will call to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation!’
27 Aga m eme ya nwa mbụ m, onye kachasị dị elu nʼebe eze niile nke ụwa nọ.
I will also appoint him my firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth.
28 Aga m eme ka ịhụnanya m nwere nʼebe ọ nọ dịgide ruo ebighị ebi, ọgbụgba ndụ mụ na ya ga-adịgidekwa.
I will keep my loving kindness for him forever more. My covenant will stand firm with him.
29 Aga m eme ka agbụrụ ya guzosie ike ruo mgbe ebighị ebi, ocheeze ya ga-adịgidekwa dịka eluigwe na-adịgide.
I will also make his offspring endure forever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
30 “Ọ bụrụ na ụmụ ya elefuo iwu m niile anya, gharakwa ijegharị nʼụzọ m niile,
If his children forsake my law, and don’t walk in my ordinances;
31 ọ bụrụ na ha elelịa ụkpụrụ m niile anya, hapụkwa idebe ihe m nyere ha nʼiwu,
if they break my statutes, and don’t keep my commandments;
32 aga m eji mkpọrọ taa ha ahụhụ maka mmehie ha, tikwaa ha ụtarị maka njehie ha;
then I will punish their sin with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes.
33 ma agaghị m ewezuga ịhụnanya m, nʼebe ha nọ. Ma ọ bụ laa azụ nʼikwesị ntụkwasị obi m.
But I will not completely take my loving kindness from him, nor allow my faithfulness to fail.
34 Agaghị m emerụ ọgbụgba ndụ m. Agakwaghị m agbanwe ihe ọbụla siterela nʼọnụ m pụta.
I will not break my covenant, nor alter what my lips have uttered.
35 Ejirila m ịdị nsọ m ṅụọ iyi, kpebie na m apụghị ịghara Devid ụgha,
Once I have sworn by my holiness, I will not lie to David.
36 na agbụrụ ya ga-adịgide ruo mgbe ebighị ebi, ocheeze ya ga-adịgidekwa nʼihu m ka anyanwụ na-adịgide.
His offspring will endure forever, his throne like the sun before me.
37 Ọ ga-adịgide ruo ebighị ebi dịka ọnwa. E, dịka ọnwa ahụ, onye akaebe m kwesiri ntụkwasị obi na mbara eluigwe.” (Sela)
It will be established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky.” (Selah)
38 Ma ị jụla, i werela nlelị jụkwa, i na-ewe iwe dị ukwu megide onye gị e tere mmanụ.
But you have rejected and spurned. You have been angry with your anointed.
39 Ị jụla ọgbụgba ndụ gị na ohu gị gbara i merụọla okpueze ya nʼime ntụ dị nʼala.
You have renounced the covenant of your servant. You have defiled his crown in the dust.
40 Ị kụtuola mgbidi gbara ya gburugburu, i meela ka ebe ya niile e wusiri ike bụrụ ihe dapịara adapịa.
You have broken down all his hedges. You have brought his strongholds to ruin.
41 Ndị niile si ụzọ ahụ na-agafe, ezuruchaala ihe niile o nwere. Ndị agbataobi ya na-akwakwa ya emo.
All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbours.
42 I meela ka aka nri ndị iro ya dị elu; mekwaa ka ndị iro ya ṅụrịa ọṅụ.
You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries. You have made all of his enemies rejoice.
43 I meela ka aka o ji jide mma agha ya sụọ ngọngọ, i nyereghị ya aka mgbe agha dara.
Yes, you turn back the edge of his sword, and haven’t supported him in battle.
44 I meela ka ịma mma ya gwụsịa. Ị tụdakwala ocheeze ya nʼala.
You have ended his splendour, and thrown his throne down to the ground.
45 I meela ka ụbọchị ndụ nke okorobịa ya dị mkpụmkpụ. I ji ihere dịka akwa kpuchie ya.
You have shortened the days of his youth. You have covered him with shame. (Selah)
46 Ruo ole mgbe Onyenwe anyị, ka ị ga-ezonarị onwe gị? Ruo ole mgbe ka iwe gị dị ukwuu ga-eregide dịka ọkụ?
How long, LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? Will your wrath burn like fire?
47 Cheta, na ndụ m bụ ihe na-agafe ngwangwa. Nʼihi ihe efu gịnị ka i ji kee mmadụ niile!
Remember how short my time is, for what vanity you have created all the children of men!
48 Olee onye ahụ nwere ike ịdị ndụ ghara ịhụ ọnwụ anya, maọbụ zọpụta onwe ya site nʼike nke ili? (Sela) (Sheol h7585)
What man is he who shall live and not see death, who shall deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
49 O Onyenwe anyị, olee ebe oke ịhụnanya mbụ dị, nke i sitere nʼikwesị ntụkwasị obi gị ṅụọrọ Devid nʼiyi?
Lord, where are your former loving kindnesses, which you swore to David in your faithfulness?
50 Onyenwe m, cheta otu e si leda ndị ohu gị anya, otu m si anagide nʼime obi m ịchị ọchị niile nke ndị mba niile.
Remember, Lord, the reproach of your servants, how I bear in my heart the taunts of all the mighty peoples,
51 O Onyenwe anyị, ịchị ọchị nke ndị iro gị ji akwa m emo, nke ha ji lelịa nzọ ụkwụ niile nke onye gị i tere mmanụ.
With which your enemies have mocked, LORD, with which they have mocked the footsteps of your anointed one.
52 Otuto dịrị Onyenwe anyị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi.
Blessed be the LORD forever more. Amen, and Amen.

< Abụ Ọma 89 >