< Abụ Ọma 17 >

1 Ekpere Devid. O Onyenwe anyị, nụrụ arịrịọ m ziri ezi, nụrụkwa mkpu akwa m. Gee ntị nʼekpere m nʼihi na o siteghị nʼegbugbere ọnụ na-ekwu okwu aghụghọ.
A Prayer by David. Hear, LORD, my righteous plea. Give ear to my prayer that doesn’t go out of deceitful lips.
2 Ka mkpepụta m si nʼaka gị bịa; ka anya gị hụ ihe ziri ezi.
Let my sentence come out of your presence. Let your eyes look on equity.
3 Ọ bụ ezie na ị nyochaala obi m, i letala m nʼabalị, nwalekwaa m, ị ga-achọpụta na o nweghị ihe ọ ọjọọ bụla m zubere, na ọnụ m ekwuhiebeghị.
You have proved my heart. You have visited me in the night. You have tried me, and found nothing. I have resolved that my mouth shall not disobey.
4 Ndị mmadụ agbalịala inye m ngarị ma anaghị m ekwe ka mụ na ndị na-eme ihe ike nwee mmekọrịta nʼihi iwu sitere nʼegbugbere ọnụ gị.
As for the deeds of men, by the word of your lips, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent.
5 Nzọ ụkwụ m akpafubeghị site nʼụzọ gị, ụkwụ m agbụchapụghịkwa site nʼọnọdụ ya.
My steps have held fast to your paths. My feet have not slipped.
6 Ana m akpọku gị, O Chineke, nʼihi na amaara m na ị ga-aza m; gee m ntị ma nụrụ ekpere m.
I have called on you, for you will answer me, God. Turn your ear to me. Hear my speech.
7 Zipụta ịhụnanya gị dị oke ebube; gị onye na-eji aka nri gị dị ike azọpụta ndị niile gbabara na gị site nʼaka ndị iro ha.
Show your marvellous loving kindness, you who save those who take refuge by your right hand from their enemies.
8 Chebe m dịka mkpụrụ anya gị; zoo m na ndo nke nku gị,
Keep me as the apple of your eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings,
9 site nʼaka ndị ajọ omume gbara m gburugburu, ọ bụladị ndị iro m, ndị chọrọ igbu m.
from the wicked who oppress me, my deadly enemies, who surround me.
10 Ha anaghị eme ebere, ha bụ ndị afọ tara mmiri, okwu ịnya isi juru ha ọnụ.
They close up their callous hearts. With their mouth they speak proudly.
11 Ha achọpụtala ebe m nọ, ugbu a, ha gbara m gburugburu, ha ji anya nkọ, jikerekwa ịtụ m nʼala.
They have now surrounded us in our steps. They set their eyes to cast us down to the earth.
12 Ha ka ọdụm agụụ na-agụ nke zoro onwe ya nʼọhịa, dịka ọdụm dị ike na-eche ihe ọ ga-adọgbu.
He is like a lion that is greedy of his prey, as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.
13 Onyenwe anyị, bilie guzogide ha, tigbuo ha. Jiri mma agha gị zọpụta m site nʼaka ndị ajọ omume.
Arise, LORD, confront him. Cast him down. Deliver my soul from the wicked by your sword,
14 O Onyenwe anyị, zọpụta m site nʼaka ndị dị otu a, site nʼaka ndị ụgwọ ọrụ ha bụ nʼụwa a. Ka ihe ịkpakọbara debere ndị ajọ omume jupụta afọ ha, ka afọ jukwa ụmụ site nʼihe ndị a, ka ha hapụrụ ihe fọdụrụ nye ụmụntakịrị ha.
from men by your hand, LORD, from men of the world, whose portion is in this life. You fill the belly of your cherished ones. Your sons have plenty, and they store up wealth for their children.
15 Ma mụ onwe m ga-ahụ ihu gị site nʼezi omume; mgbe m ga-ebili, afọ ga-eju m nke ọma, nʼihi na aga m ahụ gị ihu na ihu.
As for me, I shall see your face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with seeing your form.

< Abụ Ọma 17 >