< איכה 4 >

איכה יועם זהב ישנא הכתם הטוב תשתפכנה אבני קדש בראש כל חוצות׃ 1
ALEPH. O how the gold has become dulled, the finest color has been altered, the stones of the sanctuary have been scattered at the head of every street.
בני ציון היקרים המסלאים בפז איכה נחשבו לנבלי חרש מעשה ידי יוצר׃ 2
BETH. The famous sons of Zion, and those clothed with the foremost gold: how they have become like earthen vessels, the work of the hands of a potter.
גם תנין חלצו שד היניקו גוריהן בת עמי לאכזר כי ענים במדבר׃ 3
GHIMEL. Yet even savages expose their breast and give milk to their young. But the daughter of my people is cruel, like the ostrich in the desert.
דבק לשון יונק אל חכו בצמא עוללים שאלו לחם פרש אין להם׃ 4
DALETH. The tongue of the infant adheres to his palate out of thirst. The little ones have asked for bread, and there was no one to break it for them.
האכלים למעדנים נשמו בחוצות האמנים עלי תולע חבקו אשפתות׃ 5
HE. Those who were fed indulgently have passed away in the roads. Those who were nourished with saffron have welcomed filth.
ויגדל עון בת עמי מחטאת סדם ההפוכה כמו רגע ולא חלו בה ידים׃ 6
VAU. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people has been made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and yet hands did not take captives in her.
זכו נזיריה משלג צחו מחלב אדמו עצם מפנינים ספיר גזרתם׃ 7
ZAIN. Her Nazirites were whiter than snow, shinier than milk, more ruddy than ancient ivory, more beautiful than sapphire.
חשך משחור תארם לא נכרו בחוצות צפד עורם על עצמם יבש היה כעץ׃ 8
HETH. Their face has been blacked more than coals, and they are not recognized in the streets. Their skin has adhered to their bones; it dried out and became like wood.
טובים היו חללי חרב מחללי רעב שהם יזובו מדקרים מתנובת שדי׃ 9
TETH. It was better for those slain by the sword, than for those put to death by famine. For these waste away, being consumed by the sterility of the land.
ידי נשים רחמניות בשלו ילדיהן היו לברות למו בשבר בת עמי׃ 10
JOD. The hands of pitiable women have boiled their sons. They became their food in the grief of the daughter of my people.
כלה יהוה את חמתו שפך חרון אפו ויצת אש בציון ותאכל יסודתיה׃ 11
CAPH. The Lord has completed his fury; he has poured out the wrath of his indignation. And he has kindled a fire in Zion, and it has devoured its foundations.
לא האמינו מלכי ארץ וכל ישבי תבל כי יבא צר ואויב בשערי ירושלם׃ 12
LAMED. The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, did not believe that the adversary and the enemy would enter through the gates of Jerusalem.
מחטאת נביאיה עונות כהניה השפכים בקרבה דם צדיקים׃ 13
MEM. It is because of the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, who have shed the blood of the just in her midst.
נעו עורים בחוצות נגאלו בדם בלא יוכלו יגעו בלבשיהם׃ 14
NUN. They have wandered in the streets like the blind; they have been defiled with blood. And when they were not able, they held their garments.
סורו טמא קראו למו סורו סורו אל תגעו כי נצו גם נעו אמרו בגוים לא יוסיפו לגור׃ 15
SAMECH. “Go back, you polluted ones!” they cried out to them. “Go back, go away, do not touch!” Of course, they argued, and being removed, they said among the Gentiles, “He will no longer dwell among them.”
פני יהוה חלקם לא יוסיף להביטם פני כהנים לא נשאו זקנים לא חננו׃ 16
PHE. The face of the Lord has divided them. He will no longer respect them. They were not ashamed before the faces of the priests, nor did they take pity on the elderly.
עודינה תכלינה עינינו אל עזרתנו הבל בצפיתנו צפינו אל גוי לא יושע׃ 17
AIN. While we were still standing, our eyes failed, expecting help for us in vain, when we looked attentively toward a nation that was not able to save.
צדו צעדינו מלכת ברחבתינו קרב קצינו מלאו ימינו כי בא קצינו׃ 18
SADE. Our footsteps have slipped on the paths of our own streets. Our end draws near. Our days have been completed, for our end has arrived.
קלים היו רדפינו מנשרי שמים על ההרים דלקנו במדבר ארבו לנו׃ 19
COPH. Our persecutors have been swifter than the eagles of the sky. They have been pursuing us above the mountains; they have lain in wait for us in the desert.
רוח אפינו משיח יהוה נלכד בשחיתותם אשר אמרנו בצלו נחיה בגוים׃ 20
RES. The spirit of our mouth, Christ the Lord, has been captured by our sins; to him, we said, “In your shadow, we will live among the Gentiles.”
שישי ושמחי בת אדום יושבתי בארץ עוץ גם עליך תעבר כוס תשכרי ותתערי׃ 21
SIN. Be glad and rejoice, O daughter of Edom, who dwells in the Land of Uz. The cup will also pass to you; you will be inebriated as well as naked.
תם עונך בת ציון לא יוסיף להגלותך פקד עונך בת אדום גלה על חטאתיך׃ 22
THAU. Your iniquity has been completed, O daughter of Zion. He will no longer send you away to captivity. He has visited your iniquity, O daughter of Edom; he has uncovered your sins.

< איכה 4 >