< תהילים 105 >

הודו ליהוה קראו בשמו הודיעו בעמים עלילותיו 1
Give thanks to Yahweh, and tell others that he is very great! Tell everyone in the world what he has done!
שירו-לו זמרו-לו שיחו בכל-נפלאותיו 2
Sing to him; praise him as you sing to him; tell others about his wonderful miracles.
התהללו בשם קדשו ישמח לב מבקשי יהוה 3
Be happy because [you know that] he [MTY] is holy! You people who worship Yahweh, rejoice!
דרשו יהוה ועזו בקשו פניו תמיד 4
Ask Yahweh to help you and give you his strength, and continue to ask him!
זכרו--נפלאותיו אשר-עשה מפתיו ומשפטי-פיו 5
You people who are descendants of God’s servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, the man God chose, think about [all] the wonderful things that he has done: He performed miracles, and he punished [all our enemies].
זרע אברהם עבדו בני יעקב בחיריו 6
הוא יהוה אלהינו בכל-הארץ משפטיו 7
He is Yahweh, our God. He rules and judges [people] throughout the earth.
זכר לעולם בריתו דבר צוה לאלף דור 8
He never forgets the agreement that he made; he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations;
אשר כרת את-אברהם ושבועתו לישחק 9
that is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement with Isaac.
ויעמידה ליעקב לחק לישראל ברית עולם 10
[Later] he confirmed it [again] to Jacob as an agreement for the Israeli [people] that would last forever.
לאמר--לך אתן את-ארץ-כנען חבל נחלתכם 11
What he said was, “I will give you the Canaan region; it will belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
בהיותם מתי מספר כמעט וגרים בה 12
[He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land like strangers.
ויתהלכו מגוי אל-גוי מממלכה אל-עם אחר 13
They continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
לא-הניח אדם לעשקם ויוכח עליהם מלכים 14
But he did not allow others to oppress them. He warned those kings by saying to them,
אל-תגעו במשיחי ולנביאי אל-תרעו 15
“Do not do harm the [people] whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
ויקרא רעב על-הארץ כל-מטה-לחם שבר 16
He sent a famine to Canaan, and [as a result all the people] had no food to eat.
שלח לפניהם איש לעבד נמכר יוסף 17
So his people went to Egypt, but first he sent someone there. He sent Joseph, who had been sold to be a slave.
ענו בכבל רגליו (רגלו) ברזל באה נפשו 18
[Later, while Joseph was in prison in Egypt], they put his legs in shackles that bruised his feet, and they put an iron collar around his neck.
עד-עת בא-דברו-- אמרת יהוה צרפתהו 19
There, Yahweh (refined Joseph’s character/tested Joseph to see if Joseph would continue to trust him), until what Joseph predicted would happen (came true/happened).
שלח מלך ויתירהו משל עמים ויפתחהו 20
The king [of Egypt] summoned him, and he set Joseph free; this ruler of many people-groups released Joseph [from prison].
שמו אדון לביתו ומשל בכל-קנינו 21
[Then] he appointed him to take care of everything in the king’s household, to take care of everything that the king possessed.
לאסר שריו בנפשו וזקניו יחכם 22
(Joseph was permitted/He permitted Joseph) to command the king’s servants to do anything that Joseph wanted them to do, and [even] to tell the king’s advisors the things that they should do [for the people of Egypt].
ויבא ישראל מצרים ויעקב גר בארץ-חם 23
Later, [Joseph’s father] Jacob arrived in Egypt. He lived like a foreigner in the land that belonged to the descendants of Ham.
ויפר את-עמו מאד ויעצמהו מצריו 24
And [years later] Yahweh caused the descendants of Jacob to become very numerous. [As a result], their enemies, [the Egyptians], considered that the Israelis were too strong.
הפך לבם לשנא עמו להתנכל בעבדיו 25
[So] Yahweh caused the rulers of Egypt to (turn against/hate) the Israeli people, and they planned ways to get rid of his people.
שלח משה עבדו אהרן אשר בחר-בו 26
[But then] Yahweh sent his servant Moses along with [Moses’ older brother] Aaron, whom Yahweh had [also] chosen [to be his servant].
שמו-בם דברי אתותיו ומפתים בארץ חם 27
Those two performed amazing miracles among the people of Egypt, in that land where the descendants of Ham lived.
שלח חשך ויחשך ולא-מרו את-דבריו (דברו) 28
Yahweh sent darkness, so that the people of Egypt could not see anything [DOU], but the rulers of Egypt refused [RHQ] to obey when [Moses and Aaron] commanded [them to let the Israeli people leave Egypt].
הפך את-מימיהם לדם וימת את-דגתם 29
Yahweh caused [all] the water in Egypt to become (blood/[red like] blood), and [his doing that] caused all the fish to die.
שרץ ארצם צפרדעים בחדרי מלכיהם 30
[Then he caused] the land to become full of frogs; the king and his officials even had frogs in their bedrooms.
אמר ויבא ערב כנים בכל-גבולם 31
[Then] Yahweh commanded that flies come, and swarms of them descended [on the people of Egypt], and gnats [also] swarmed across the whole country.
נתן גשמיהם ברד אש להבות בארצם 32
Instead of sending rain, Yahweh sent [terrible] hail, and lightning flashed throughout the land.
ויך גפנם ותאנתם וישבר עץ גבולם 33
The hail ruined their grapevines and fig trees and shattered all the [other] trees.
אמר ויבא ארבה וילק ואין מספר 34
He commanded locusts to come, and swarms of them came; [so many that] they could not be counted.
ויאכל כל-עשב בארצם ויאכל פרי אדמתם 35
The locusts ate every green plant in the land, ruining all the crops.
ויך כל-בכור בארצם ראשית לכל-אונם 36
[Then] Yahweh killed the oldest son in every house [of the people of Egypt] [DOU].
ויוציאם בכסף וזהב ואין בשבטיו כושל 37
Then he brought the Israeli [people] out [from Egypt]; they were carrying loads of [jewelry made of] silver and gold [that the women of Egypt had given to them]. No one was left behind because of being sick.
שמח מצרים בצאתם כי-נפל פחדם עליהם 38
[The people of] Egypt were glad when the Israeli people left, because they had become very afraid of the Israelis.
פרש ענן למסך ואש להאיר לילה 39
[Then] Yahweh spread a cloud to cover the Israelis; and [at night it became] a big fire [in the sky] to give them light.
שאל ויבא שלו ולחם שמים ישביעם 40
[Later] the Israelis asked for [meat to eat], and Yahweh sent [flocks of] quail to them, and he gave them plenty of manna [food] from the sky [each morning].
פתח צור ויזובו מים הלכו בציות נהר 41
[One day] he caused a rock to open up and water poured out [for them to drink]; it was like a river flowing in that desert.
כי-זכר את-דבר קדשו את-אברהם עבדו 42
[He did that] because he kept thinking about the sacred promise [that he had given] to his servant, Abraham.
ויוצא עמו בששון ברנה את-בחיריו 43
So his people were joyful as he brought them out from Egypt; those people whom he had chosen were shouting joyfully as they went.
ויתן להם ארצות גוים ועמל לאמים יירשו 44
He gave to them the land that belonged to the people-groups [that lived there in Canaan], and the Israelis harvested crops that [other] people had planted.
בעבור ישמרו חקיו-- ותורתיו ינצרו הללו-יה 45
[Yahweh did all these things] in order that his people would do all the things that he had commanded them to do [DOU]. Praise Yahweh!

< תהילים 105 >