< Nahuma 1 >

1 K A OLELO no Nineva. O ka Buke o ka wanana a Nahuma, no Elekosa.
The declaration about Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum, the Elkoshite.
2 Ua lili ke Akua, a o Iehova ka mea hoopai, O Iehova ka mea hoopai, a he huhu kona; O Iehova ka mea hoopai i kona poe ku e, A oia ke malama i ka huhu no kona poe enemi.
Yahweh is a jealous God and avenges; Yahweh avenges and is full of wrath; Yahweh takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he continues his anger for his enemies.
3 Ua hookaulua o Iehova i ka huhu, a he nui ka mana, Aole loa ia e kala wale aku: Aia no ke ala o Iehova, iloko o ka puahiohio, a me ka ino, A o na ao ka lepo o kona mau wawae.
Yahweh is slow to anger and great in power; he will not allow the wicked to go unpunished. Yahweh makes his way in the whirlwind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 Papa aku no ia i ke kai, a hoomaloo iho la ia mea, A hoomaloo iho i na muliwai a pau: Ua mae o Basana, a me Karemela; A ua mae ka pua o Lebanona.
He rebukes the sea and makes it dry; he dries up all the rivers. Bashan is weak, and Carmel also; the flowers of Lebanon are weak.
5 Ua hoonaueia na mauna e ia, A ua hee iho la na puu; Neenee ka aina ia ia iho mai kona alo ae, A o ka honua, a me na mea a pau e noho ana iloko.
The mountains shake in his presence, and the hills melt; the earth collapses in his presence, indeed, the world and all people who live in it.
6 Owai la ka mea e ku imua o kona inaina? Owai la ka mea e ku mai i ka wela o kona huhu? Ua nininiia kona huhu me he ahi la, Ua hiolo iho na pohaku ma ona la.
Who can stand before his wrath? Who can resist the fierceness of his anger? His wrath is poured out like fire, and the rocks are broken apart by him.
7 Ua maikai o Iehova, he paku oia i ka la popilikia; A ua ike no ia i ka poe hilinai ia ia.
Yahweh is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he is faithful to those who take refuge in him.
8 Me ka wai nui e holo ana, a hooki loa aku ia i kona wahi, A e hahai ka pouli i kona poe enemi.
But he will make a full end to his enemies with an overwhelming flood; he will pursue them into darkness.
9 Heaha ko oukou manao ku e ia Iehova? E hooki loa aku ia, aole e hiki palua mai ka popilikia.
What are you people plotting against Yahweh? He will make a full end to it; trouble will not rise up a second time.
10 No ka mea, e like me na laau kuku, ua huipuia lakou, A ua ona lakou e like me ka poe ona, E hoopauia lakou e like me ka opala maloo loa.
For they will become tangled up like thornbushes; they will be saturated in their own drink; they will be completely devoured by fire like dry stubble.
11 Ua puka mai ka mea mai ou mai la e manao hewa ana ia Iehova; He kakaolelo hewa,
Someone arose among you, Nineveh, who planned evil against Yahweh, someone who promoted wickedness.
12 Peneia i olelo mai o Iehova, Ina ua maluhia lakou, a nui hoi, A e hookiia lakou pela, a e hele ae la ia: A ua hoohaahaa aku au ia oe, aole nae au e hoohaahaa hou aku ia oe.
This is what Yahweh says, “Even if they are at their full strength and full numbers, they will nevertheless be sheared; their people will be no more. But you, Judah: Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more.
13 Ano hoi, e hemo ia'u kana auamo mai ou aku la: A e moku ia'u kou mau kaula.
Now will I break that people's yoke from off you; I will break your chains.”
14 A ua kauoha mai o Iehova nou, Aole e lulu hou ia kou inoa: Mailoko mai o ka hale o kou mau akua, e oki aku au i ke kii kalai, a me ke kii hoohehee: E hana iho au i kou halekupapau, no ka mea, ua hoowahawahaia oe.
Yahweh has given a command about you, Nineveh: “There will be no more descendants bearing your name. I will cut off the carved figures and the cast metal figures from the houses of your gods. I will dig your graves, for you are contemptible.”
15 Aia hoi, maluna o na mauua na wawae o ka mea e hai ana i ka mea maikai, E hoike ana hoi i ka malu! E Iuda, e malama i kau mau ahaaina; E hooko i kau mau hoohiki ana: No ka mea, aole e hele hou ka mea aia ma ou la, Ua oki loa ia'ku oia.
Look, on the mountains there are the feet of someone who is bringing good news, who is announcing peace! Celebrate your festivals, Judah, and keep your vows, for the wicked one will invade you no more; he is completely cut off.

< Nahuma 1 >