< Luka 11 >

1 EIA kekahi, i kana pule ana ma kekahi wahi, a oki ae la, i aku la kekahi o kana mau haumana, E ka Haku, e ao mai oe ia makou e pule, me Ioane hoi i ao mai ai i kana poe haumana.
When he finished praying in a certain place, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as Yochanan also taught his disciples.”
2 I mai la oia ia lakou, I ka wa e pule ai oukou, e olelo, E ko makou Makua iloko o ka lani, e hoanoia'ku kou inoa; e hiki mai kou aupuni; e malamaia hoi kou makemake, e like me ia ma ka lani, pela hoi ma ka honua nei.
He said to them, “When you pray, say, ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
3 E haawi mai oe ia makou, i kela la i keia la, i ka ai no ka la, na makou.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
4 A e kala mai oe i na hewa o makou; no ka mea, ke kala nei makou i ka poe hana hewa mai ia makou; mai hookuu hoi ia makou i ka hoowalewaleia mat; aka, e hoopakele ae ia makou i ka ino.
Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. Bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’”
5 Olelo mai la hoi oia ia lakou, Ina he makamaka ko kekahi o oukou a hele aku hoi ia io na la i ke aumoe, a e olelo aku, E ka makamaka, ho mai hoi na'u i ekolu popo berena:
He said to them, “Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
6 No ka mea, o kekahi hoaaloha o'u i kona hele ana ua kipa mai ia ia'u, aole hoi a'u mea e waiho aku ai imua ona.
for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,’
7 A i olelo mai ua mea la oloko, Mai hooluhi mai oe ia'u; ua paa ka puka; eia au me ka'u mau keiki ma kahi moe: aole e hiki ia'u ke ala'e iluna e haawi aku ia oe.
and he from within will answer and say, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed. I can’t get up and give it to you’?
8 Ke olelo aku nei au ia oukou, aole paha ia e ala, a e haawi nana no kona hoaloha ana, aka, no kona noi pinepine ana, e ala no ia, a e haawi ia ia i kana mau mea i makemake ai.
I tell you, although he will not rise and give it to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence, he will get up and give him as many as he needs.
9 Ke i aku nei hoi au ia oukou, E noi, a e haawiia ia oukou; e imi, a e loaa ia oukou; e kikeke, a e weheia ia oukou.
“I tell you, keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you.
10 No ka mea, o ka mea i noi, ua haawiia no ia ia; a o ka mea i imi, ua loaa no ia ia; a o ka mea kikeke, e weheia no ia ia.
For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.
11 A owai la ka makuakane iwaena o oukou nana e haawi aku i ka pohaku i kana keiki ke noi mai ia i berena? a i wahi ia, e haawi anei oia i ka nahesa nana, aole ka ia?
“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he won’t give him a snake instead of a fish, will he?
12 A i noi mai ia i hua manu, e haawi aku anei oia i ka moohueloawa nana?
Or if he asks for an egg, he won’t give him a scorpion, will he?
13 No ia hoi, ina oukou ka poe hewa i makaukau i ka haawi aku i na makana maikai i ka oukou poe keiki; aole anei e oi nui aku ko ka Makua ma ka lani haawi ana mai i ka Uhane Hemolele i ka poe e noi aku ia ia.
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
14 A e mahiki ana ia i ka daimonio, he aa hoi ia. Eia hoi, a puka aku ka daimonio iwaho, olelo iho la ua aa la, a mahalo aku la ka ahakanaka.
He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke; and the multitudes marvelled.
15 Aka, olelo kekahi poe o lakou, Ma o Belezebuba la ke alii o na daimonio, i mahiki aku ai oia nei i na daimonio.
But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons.”
16 A o kekahi poe, e hoao ana ia ia, nonoi aku la i hoailona ma ka lani.
Others, testing him, sought from him a sign from heaven.
17 Aka, ua ike hoi oia i ko lakou manao, i mai la ia lakou, O ke aupuni i mokuahana ia ia iho, e pau ia, a o ka hale i ka hale iho, e hina ia.
But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. A house divided against itself falls.
18 A ina i mokuahana o Satana ia ia iho, pehea la e ku paa ai kona aupuni? no ka mea, ke olelo nei oukou, ma o Belezebuba la i mahiki aku ai au i na daimonio.
If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.
19 Ina paha ma o Belezebuba la wau i mahiki aku ai i na daimonio, ma owai la hoi ka oukou poe keiki e mahiki aku ai? Nolaila hoi o lakou ko oukou poe nana e hooponopono.
But if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges.
20 Aka, ina ma ka manamanalima o ke Akua i mahiki aku ai au i na daimonio, oia hoi, ua hiki mai no ke aupuni o ke Akua io oukou nei.
But if I by God’s finger cast out demons, then God’s Kingdom has come to you.
21 O ka mea ikaika a makaukau hoi i na mea oi, i na wa i kiai ai oia i kona hale, ua maluhia kana waiwai:
“When the strong man, fully armed, guards his own dwelling, his goods are safe.
22 Aka, i hiki mai io na la ka mea i oi aku kona ikaika mamua o kona, a lanakila ia maluna ona, alaila e kaili aku ia mai ona aku i na mea oi ana i hilinai ai, a e haawi i kana waiwai pio.
But when someone stronger attacks him and overcomes him, he takes from him his whole armour in which he trusted, and divides his plunder.
23 O ka mea aole ma o'u nei, oia ke ku e mai ia'u; a o ka mea hoiliili pu ole me au, oia ke lu aku.
“He who is not with me is against me. He who doesn’t gather with me scatters.
24 A i puka aku ka uhane ino mai loko aku o ke kanaka, hele no ia mawaena o na wahi panoa, e imi ana i kahi e maha'i; a loaa ole, olelo iho la ia, E hoi au i kuu hale a'u i puka mai ai.
The unclean spirit, when he has gone out of the man, passes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will turn back to my house from which I came out.’
25 A hiki mai ia, ike i ka hale ua kahiliia a ua hoolakolakoia hoi.
When he returns, he finds it swept and put in order.
26 Alaila kii aku la a lawe mai i kekahi poe uhane e ehiku, ua oi aku ko lakou hewa i kona iho, a komo hoi lakou a noho malaila; a ua oi aku ka hewa o hope o ua kanaka la i ko ka noho ana mamua.
Then he goes and takes seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there. The last state of that man becomes worse than the first.”
27 Eia kekahi, ia ia e olelo ana i keia mau mea, o kekahi wahine o ka ahakanaka hookiekio ae la i kona leo, i aku la ia ia, Pomaikai ka opu nana oe i hanau mai, a me na u au i omo ai.
It came to pass, as he said these things, a certain woman out of the multitude lifted up her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts which nursed you!”
28 I mai la oia, Pomaikai io maoli ka poe i lohe i ka olelo a ke Akua, a malama hoi ia.
But he said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God, and keep it.”
29 A akoakoa paapu ae la na kanaka, olelo mai la ia, He hanauna ino keia; ke noi mai nei lakou i hoailona; aole e haawiia'ku ka hoailona no lakou, o ka hoailona o Iona ke kaula wale no.
When the multitudes were gathering together to him, he began to say, “This is an evil generation. It seeks after a sign. No sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet.
30 No ka mea, me Iona i lilo ai i hoailona no ko Nineva, pela e lilo ai ke Keiki a ke kanaka no keia hanauna.
For even as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will also be to this generation.
31 O ke alii wahine no ke kukuluhema, e ku e mai ia i na kanaka o keia hanauna, i ka hookolokolo ana, a e hoahewa ia lakou; no ka mea, ua hele mai no ia mai na palena mai o ka honua, e hoolohe i ka olelo akamai a Solomona; eia hoi maanei ka mea i oi aku mamua o Solomona.
The Queen of the South will rise up in the judgement with the men of this generation and will condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, one greater than Solomon is here.
32 O na kanaka o Nineva, e ku e mai lakou i keia hanauna i ka hookolokolo ana, a e hoahewa ia lakou: no ka mea, ua mihi no lakou i ke ao ana a Iona; eia hoi maanei ka mea i oi aku mamua o Iona.
The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgement with this generation, and will condemn it, for they repented at the proclaiming of Jonah; and behold, one greater than Jonah is here.
33 Aole mea i kuni i ke kukui a waiho iho ma kahi nalo, aole hoi malalo ae o ke poi, aka, ma kahi e kau ai ke kukui, i ike ai i ka malamalama ka poe i komo iloko.
“No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the light.
34 O ke kukui o ke kino, o ka maka ia: a i maikai hoi kou maka, ua malamalama kou kino a pau; a i ino kou maka, alaila ua pouli kou kino.
The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness.
35 No ia hoi, e malama oe o lilo ka malamalama iloko ou i pouli.
Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness.
36 No ia mea, ina malamalama kou kino a pau, aole ona wahi pouli, alaila ua puni ia i ka hoomalamalamaia, e like me ka hoomalamalama ana o ke kukui ia oe i kona aa pono ana.
If therefore your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly full of light, as when the lamp with its bright shining gives you light.”
37 A i kana kamailio ana, kono ae la kekahi Parisaio ia ia e ai pu me ia. Komo aku la ia, noho iho la e ai.
Now as he spoke, a certain Pharisee asked him to dine with him. He went in and sat at the table.
38 A ike ka Parisaio, kahaha iho la ka naau, no ka mea, aole ia i holoi mamua iho o ka ai ana.
When the Pharisee saw it, he marvelled that he had not first washed himself before dinner.
39 I mai la ka Haku ia ia, O oukou na Parisaio, ua hoomaemae ia waho o ke kiaha a me ke pa; aka, oloko o oukou, ua piha loa i ka mea kaili wale a me ka manao ino.
The Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the platter, but your inward part is full of extortion and wickedness.
40 Naaupo, aole anei ka mea nana i hana ia waho, i hana ia loko?
You foolish ones, didn’t he who made the outside make the inside also?
41 E haawi lokomaikai aku i ko oukou waiwai; alaila ua maemae na mea a pau ia oukou.
But give for gifts to the needy those things which are within, and behold, all things will be clean to you.
42 Auwe hoi oukou, e ka poe Parisaio! no ka mea, ua hookupu oukou i ka hapaumi o ka mineta, a o ka rue, a o na laauikiai a pau, a haalele no i ka pono a me ke aloha i ke Akua; o ko oukou mau mea keia e pono ai ke hana, aole hoi e haalele i kela.
But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, but you bypass justice and God’s love. You ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone.
43 Auwe hoi oukou, e ka poe Parisaio! no ka mea, ua makemake oukou i na noho kiekie maloko o na halehalawai, a me ke alohaia mai ma na wahi kanaka.
Woe to you Pharisees! For you love the best seats in the synagogues and the greetings in the marketplaces.
44 Auwe hoi oukou, ka poe kakauolelo a me na Parisaio, ka poe hookamani! no ka mea, ua like oukou me na halekupapau i nalo, e hehiia ana e kanaka me ka ike ole.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like hidden graves, and the men who walk over them don’t know it.”
45 Olelo aku la kekahi o ka poe kakaolelo, i aku la ia ia, E ke Kumu, o makou nei no kekahi au e hoahewa nei, i kau olelo ana pela.
One of the Torah scholars answered him, “Rabbi, in saying this you insult us also.”
46 Alaila, i mai la ia, Auwe hoi oukou, e ka poe kakaolelo! no ka mea, ua hooili oukou i na haawe iluna o na kanaka ane hiki ole ke hali, aole hoi oukou e hoopa iki ia mau haawe me kekahi o ko oukou mau manamanalima.
He said, “Woe to you Torah scholars also! For you load men with burdens that are difficult to carry, and you yourselves won’t even lift one finger to help carry those burdens.
47 Auwe hoi oukou! no ka mea, na hana oukou i na halekupapau no ka poe kaula i pepehiia'e e ko oukou poe kupuna.
Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
48 Oiaio, ke hoike nei oukou me ka mahalo pu i ka hana a ko oukou poe kupuna; no ka mea, na lakou no i pepehi i na kaula, a na oukou hoi i hana i ho lakou mau halekupapau.
So you testify and consent to the works of your fathers. For they killed them, and you build their tombs.
49 Nolaila hoi i olelo ai ke akamai o ke Akua, E hoouna aku au i na kaula a me na lunaolelo io lakou la, a e pepehi lakou i kekahi, a e hana ino no hoi i kekahi o lakou.
Therefore also the wisdom of God said, ‘I will send to them prophets and emissaries; and some of them they will kill and persecute,
50 Pela hoi e hoopaiia'i ke koko o na kaula a pau, i hookaheia, mai ka hookumu ana o ke ao nei, maluna iho o keia hanauna;
that the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation,
51 Mai ke koko mai o Abela, a hiki i ke koko o Zakaria, ka mea i pepehiia mawaena o ke kuahu a me ka luakini. Oiaio, ke olelo aku nei au ia oukou, e hoopai ana no ia maluna iho o keia hanauna.
from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary.’ Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation.
52 Auwe oukou, e ka poe kakaolelo! no ka mea, ua lawe aku oukou i ke ki o ka ike; aole hoi oukou i komo, a o ka poe e komo ana, na oukou ia i keakea.
Woe to you Torah scholars! For you took away the key of knowledge. You didn’t enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in, you hindered.”
53 A i kana olelo ana ia mau mea, hoomaka ae la na kakaololo a me na Parisaio e koi ikaika aku, a e hoowalewale aku ia ia e olelo koke mai ma na mea he nui.
As he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly angry, and to draw many things out of him,
54 Hookalakupua iho la lakou ia ia, e imi ana e hopu i kekahi mea noloko mai o kona waha, i niania ai lakou ia ia.
lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch him in something he might say, that they might accuse him.

< Luka 11 >