< Zabura 63 >

1 Zabura ta Dawuda. Sa’ad da yake a hamadar Yahuda. Ya Allah, kai ne Allahna, da nacewa na neme ka; raina yana ƙishinka, jikina yana marmarinka, cikin busasshiyar ƙasar da ta zozaye inda babu ruwa.
A Psalm by David, when he was in the desert of Judah. God, you are my God. I will earnestly seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh longs for you, in a dry and weary land, where there is no water.
2 Na gan ka a wuri mai tsarki na kuma dubi ikonka da ɗaukakarka.
So I have seen you in the sanctuary, watching your power and your glory.
3 Domin ƙaunarka ta fi rai kyau, leɓunana za su ɗaukaka ka.
Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise you.
4 Zan yabe ka muddin raina, kuma a cikin sunanka zai ɗaga hannuwana.
So I will bless you while I live. I will lift up my hands in your name.
5 Raina zai ƙoshi kamar da abinci mafi kyau; da leɓunan rerawa bakina zai yabe ka.
My soul shall be satisfied as with the richest food. My mouth shall praise you with joyful lips,
6 A gadona na tuna da kai; ina tunaninka dukan dare.
when I remember you on my bed, and think about you in the night watches.
7 Domin kai ne mai taimakona, ina rera a cikin inuwar fikafikanka.
For you have been my help. I will rejoice in the shadow of your wings.
8 Raina ya manne maka; hannunka na dama yana riƙe da ni.
My soul stays close to you. Your right hand holds me up.
9 Su da suke neman raina za su hallaka; za su gangara zuwa zurfafan duniya.
But those who seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth.
10 Za a bayar da su ga takobi su kuma zama abincin karnukan jeji.
They shall be given over to the power of the sword. They shall be jackal food.
11 Amma sarki zai yi farin ciki ga Allah; dukan waɗanda suke rantse da sunan Allah za su yabe shi, amma za a rufe bakunan maƙaryata.
But the king shall rejoice in God. Everyone who swears by him will praise him, for the mouth of those who speak lies shall be silenced.

< Zabura 63 >