< Ayuba 28 >

1 Akwai ramin azurfa akwai kuma wurin da ake tace zinariya.
Silver hath beginnings of its veins, and gold hath a place wherein it is melted.
2 Daga cikin ƙasa ake ciro ƙarfe, ana kuma narkar da tagulla daga cikin dutse.
Iron is taken out of the earth, and stone melted with heat is turned into brass.
3 Mutum ya kawo ƙarshen duhu; yakan bincike zuzzurfar iyaka, yana neman duwatsu a wuri mafi duhu.
He hath set a time for darkness, and the end of all things he considereth, the stone also that is in the dark and the shadow of death.
4 Nesa da inda mutane suke zama, yakan huda rami yă yi abin lilo, a wurin da mutane ba sa bi.
The flood divideth from the people that are on their journey, those whom the food of the needy man hath forgotten, and who cannot be come at.
5 Cikin ƙasa inda ake samun abinci, a ƙarƙashinta kuwa zafi ne kamar wuta;
The land, out of which bread grew in its place, hath been overturned with fire.
6 akwai duwatsu masu daraja a cikin duwatsunta, akwai kuma zinariya a cikin ƙurarta.
The stones of it are the place of sapphires, and the clods of it are gold.
7 Tsuntsu mai farauta bai san hanyarta ba, ba shahon da ya taɓa ganin ta.
The bird hath not known the path, neither hath the eye of the vulture beheld it.
8 Manyan namun jeji ba su taɓa binta ba, ba zakin da ya taɓa binta.
The children of the merchants have not trodden it, neither hath the lioness passed by it.
9 Hannun mutum ya iya sarrafa ƙanƙarar duwatsu, yă kuma tumɓuke tushen duwatsu.
He hath stretched forth his hand to the flint, he hath overturned mountains from the roots.
10 Yana tona rami a cikin duwatsu idanunsa suna ganin dukan dukiyar da ke cikin duwatsun.
In the rocks he hath cut out rivers, and his eye hath seen every precious thing.
11 Yana nema daga ina ruwan rafi yake ɓulɓulowa yana kuma binciko abubuwan da suke a ɓoye yă kawo su cikin haske.
The depths also of rivers he hath searched, and hidden things he hath brought forth to light.
12 Amma a ina ne za a iya samun hikima? Ina fahimta take zama?
But where is wisdom to be found, and where is the place of understanding?
13 Mutum bai gane muhimmancinta ba, ba a samunta a ƙasar masu rai.
Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it found in the land of them that live in delights.
14 Zurfi ya ce, “Ba ta wurina”; teku ya ce, “Ba ta wurina.”
The depth saith: It is not in me: and the sea saith: It is not with me.
15 Ba irin zinariyar da za tă iya sayenta, ko kuma a iya auna nauyinta da azurfa.
The finest gold shall not purchase it, neither shall silver be weighed in exchange for it.
16 Ba za a iya sayenta da zinariyar Ofir, ko sauran duwatsu masu daraja ba.
It shall not be compared with the dyed colours of India, or with the most precious stone sardonyx, or the sapphire.
17 Zinariya da madubi ba za su iya gwada kansu da ita ba, ba kuwa za a iya musayarta da abubuwan da aka yi da zinariya ba.
Gold or crystal cannot equal it, neither shall any vessels of gold be changed for it.
18 Kada ma a ce murjani da duwatsu masu walƙiya; farashin hikima ya fi na lu’ulu’ai.
High and eminent things shall not be mentioned in comparison of it: but wisdom is drawn out of secret places.
19 Ba za a iya daidaita darajarta da duwatsun Tofaz na Kush ba, zallar zinariya ma ba tă isa ta saye ta ba.
The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equal to it, neither shall it be compared to the cleanest dyeing.
20 “To, daga ina ke nan hikima ta fito? Ina fahimta take zama?
Whence then cometh wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?
21 An ɓoye ta daga idanun kowane abu mai rai, har tsuntsayen sararin sama ma an ɓoye masu ita.
It is hid from the eyes of all living. and the fowls of the air know it not.
22 Hallaka da mutuwa suna cewa, ‘Jita-jitarta kaɗai muke ji.’
Destruction and death have said: With our ears we have heard the fame thereof.
23 Allah ya gane hanyar zuwa wurinta. Shi ne kaɗai ya san inda take zama,
God understandeth the way of it, and he knoweth the place thereof.
24 Gama yana ganin iyakar duniya kuma yana ganin duk abin da yake ƙarƙashin sama.
For he beholdeth the ends of the world: and looketh on all things that are under heaven.
25 Lokacin da ya yi iska ya sa ta hura, ya kuma auna ruwaye.
Who made a weight for the winds and weighed the waters by measure.
26 Lokacin da ya yi wa ruwan sama doka da kuma hanya domin walƙiya,
When he gave a law for the rain, and a way for the sounding storms.
27 sai ya dubi hikima ya auna ta; ya tabbatar da ita, ya gwada ta.
Then he saw it, and declared, and prepared, and searched it.
28 Ya kuma ce wa mutum, ‘Tsoron Ubangiji shi ne hikima, kuma guje wa mugunta shi ne fahimi.’”
And he said to man: Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom: and to depart from evil, is understanding.

< Ayuba 28 >