< Irmiya 48 >

1 Game da Mowab. Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, Allah na Isra’ila, yana cewa, “Kaito ga Nebo, gama za tă lalace. Kiriyatayim za su kunyata a kuma kame ta; katagar za tă sha kunya ta kuma wargaje.
To Moab, Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this, “Woe to Nebo, for it has been devastated. Kiriathaim has been humiliated and captured. Her fortress has been disgraced and crushed.
2 Ba za a ƙara yabi Mowab ba; a Heshbon mutane za su shirya mata maƙarƙashiya. ‘Zo, mu tafi mu kawo ƙarshe ga wannan al’umma.’ Ke kuma, ya Madmen za ki yi shiru; takobi zai fafare ki.
The honor of Moab is no more. Their enemies in Heshbon plotted disaster against her. They said, 'Come and let us destroy her as a nation. Madmen will also perish—a sword will go after you.'
3 Saurari kuka daga Horonayim, kukan risɓewa mai girma da hallaka.
Listen! A sound of screaming is coming from Horonaim, where there is ruin and great destruction.
4 Za a karye Mowab; ƙanananta za su yi kuka.
Moab has been destroyed. Her children have made their cries heard.
5 Sun haura hanyar zuwa Luhit, suna kuka mai zafi yayinda suke tafiya; a hanyar da ta gangara zuwa Horonayim suna kuka a kan hallakar da aka ji.
They go up the hill of Luhith weeping, for on the way down to Horonaim, screams are heard because of the destruction.
6 Ku gudu! Ku gudu don tserar da ranku; ku zama kamar kurmi a hamada.
Flee! Save your lives and become like a juniper bush in the wilderness.
7 Da yake kun dogara ga ayyukanku da arzikinku, ku ma za a kwashe ku bayi, Kemosh zai tafi bauta, tare da firistocinsa da fadawansa.
For because of your trust in your practices and your wealth, you also will be captured. Then Chemosh will go away into captivity, together with his priests and leaders.
8 Mai hallakarwa zai aukar wa kowane gari, kuma ba wani garin da zai kuɓuta. Kwari zai lalace tudu kuma ya hallaka, domin Ubangiji ya faɗa.
For the destroyer will come to every city; no city will escape. So the valley will perish and the plain will be devastated, as Yahweh has said.
9 Ku sa gishiri a kan Mowab, gama za tă zama kango; garuruwanta za su zama kufai, ba mazauna a cikinsu.
Give wings to Moab, for she must certainly fly away. Her cities will become a wasteland, where there is no one to live in them.
10 “La’ananne ne shi wanda yake sake a yin aikin Ubangiji! La’ananne ne wanda ya janye takobinsa daga zub da jini!
May anyone who is lazy in doing Yahweh's work be cursed! May anyone who keeps his sword back from shedding blood be cursed!
11 “Mowab ta kasance cikin kwanciyar rai tun ƙuruciyarta, kamar ruwan inabin da aka bari lis, ba a juya daga tulu zuwa wani tulu ba ba tă tafi bauta ba. Saboda haka tana da ɗanɗanonta, kuma ƙanshinta bai canja ba.
Moab has felt secure since he was young. He is like his wine that has never been poured from pot to pot. He has never gone into captivity. Therefore he tastes as good as ever; his flavor remains unchanged.
12 Kwanaki suna zuwa,” in ji Ubangiji, “sa’ad da zan aika da mutanen da za su tuntsurar da tuluna, su kuma zubar da ita waje. Za su bar tulunan ba kome a ciki su kuma farfashe tulunanta.
So see, the days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when I will send him those who will tip him over and pour out all his pots and shatter his jars.
13 Sa’an nan Mowab za tă ji kunyar Kemosh, yadda gidan Isra’ila ya ji kunya sa’ad da suka dogara ga Betel.
Then Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh just as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, their object of trust.
14 “Yaya za ku ce, ‘Mu jarumawa ne, mutane masu ƙarfi a yaƙi?’
How can you say, 'We are soldiers, powerful fighting men'?
15 Mowab za tă hallaka a kuma kai wa garuruwanta hari; samarinta kyawawa za su gangara cikin mayanka,” in ji Sarki, wanda sunansa Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ne.
Moab will be devastated and its cities attacked. For its finest young men have gone down to the place of slaughter. This is the king's declaration! Yahweh of hosts is his name.
16 “Fāɗuwar Mowab ta yi kusa; bala’inta zai auku nan da nan.
Moab's disaster is soon to happen; calamity is hurrying quickly.
17 Yi kuka saboda ita, dukanku mazaunan kewayenta, duk waɗanda suka san shahararta; ku ce, ‘Dubi yadda sandan sarauta mai iko ya karye, dubi yadda sanda mai daraja ya karye!’
All you who are around Moab, wail; and all you who know its fame, shout this, 'Woe, the strong staff, the honored rod, has been broken.'
18 “Sauko daga darajarku ku zauna a busasshiyar ƙasa, Ya mazaunan Diyar Dibon, gama shi mai hallaka Mowab zai haura a kanku zai kuma lalace biranenku masu kagarai.
Come down from your honored place and sit on the dry ground, you daughter living in Dibon. For the one who will destroy Moab is attacking you, the one who will destroy your strongholds.
19 Ku tsaya a bakin hanya ku duba, ku da kuke zama a Arower. Ku tambayi mutumin da yake gudu da macen da take tserewa, tambaye su, ‘Me ya faru?’
Stand on the road and watch, you people who live in Aroer. Ask the ones who are fleeing and escaping. Say, 'What has happened?'
20 An kunyata Mowab, gama ta wargaje. Ku yi kuka ku kuma tā da murya! Ku yi shela kusa da Arnon cewa an hallaka Mowab.
Moab has been shamed, for it has been shattered. Howl and lament; shout for help. Tell it to people by the Arnon River that Moab has been devastated.
21 Hukunci ya zo wa tudu, zuwa Holon, Yahza da Mefa’at,
Now punishment has come to the hill country, to Holon, Jahzah, and Mephaath,
22 zuwa Dibon, Nebo da Bet-Dibilatayim,
to Dibon, Nebo, and Beth Diblathaim,
23 zuwa Kiriyatayim, Bet-Gamul da Bet-Meyon,
to Kiriathaim, Beth Gamul, and Beth Meon,
24 zuwa Keriyot da Bozra zuwa dukan garuruwan Mowab, nesa da kusa.
To Kerioth and Bozrah, and to all the cities in the land of Moab— the farthest and the closest cities.
25 An karye ƙahon Mowab; an karye hannunta,” in ji Ubangiji.
The horn of Moab has been hacked off; its arm has been broken—this is Yahweh's declaration.
26 “Ku bugar da ita domin ta tayar wa Ubangiji. Bari Mowab tă yi ta birgima a cikin amanta; bari tă zama abin dariya.
Make him drunk, because he acted proudly against Yahweh. Let Moab wallow in his vomit, and let him be an object of ridicule.
27 Isra’ila ma bai zama abin dariya a gare ki ba? Ba a kama shi cikin ɓarayi, har kaɗa kai na ba’a kike yi a duka sa’ad da kike magana game da shi?
For did not Israel become an object for laughter to you? Was he found among thieves, so that you shook your head at him as often as you spoke about him?
28 Ku bar garuruwanku ku zauna a cikin duwatsu, ku da kuke zama a Mowab. Ku zama kamar kurciyar da take sheƙarta a bakin kogo.
Abandon the cities and camp on the cliffs, inhabitants of Moab. Become like a dove that is nesting over the mouth of a hole in the rocks.
29 “Mun ji labarin girman kan Mowab mun ji alfarma girmankanta da kumburinta girmankanta da fariyarta da renin zuciyarta.
We have heard of Moab's pride—his arrogance, his haughtiness, his pride, his self-glory and the conceit in his heart.
30 Na san alfarmanta amma a banza ne,” in ji Ubangiji, “kuma taƙamarta ba ya cimma kome.
This is Yahweh's declaration—I myself know his defiant speech, which amounts to nothing, like his deeds.
31 Saboda haka zan yi kuka a kan Mowab gama dukan Mowab zan yi kuka, Zan yi gurnani don mutanen Kir Hareset.
So I will howl a lament for Moab, and I will shout in sorrow for all of Moab. I will lament for the people of Kir Hareseth.
32 Zan yi kuka saboda kai, yadda Yazer ya yi kuka Ya kuringar Sibma. Rassanki sun kai har teku; sun kai har tekun Yazer. Mai hallakarwa ya fāɗo a kan’ya’yan itatuwanku da kuma inabinku da suka nuna.
I will weep for you more than I did for Jazer, vine of Sibmah! Your branches passed across the Salt Sea and reached as far as Jazer. The destroyers have attacked your summer fruit and your wine.
33 Farin ciki da murna su ɓace daga lambunan itatuwa da kuma gonakin Mowab. Na dakatar da malalar ruwan inabi daga wurin matsi; ba wanda zai matse su da ihun farin ciki. Ko da yake akwai sowa sowar ba ta farin ciki ba ce.
So celebration and rejoicing have been taken away from the fruit trees and the land of Moab. I have put an end to the wine from their winepresses. They will not tread with joyful shouts. Any shouts will not be shouts of joy.
34 “Muryar kukansu na tashi daga Heshbon zuwa Eleyale da Yahaz, daga Zowar har zuwa Horonayim da Eglat Shelishiya, gama har ruwan Nimrim ma sun bushe.
From the shouts at Heshbon as far as Elealeh, their sound is heard at Jahaz, from Zoar to Horonaim and Eglath Shelishiyah, since even the waters of Nimrim have dried up.
35 A Mowab zan kawo ƙarshen waɗanda suke miƙa hadayu a masujadan kan tudu suna kuma ƙone turare ga allolinsu,” in ji Ubangiji.
For I will put an end to anyone in Moab who makes sacrifices on the high places and burns incense to his gods—this is Yahweh's declaration.
36 “Saboda haka zuciyata na makoki don Mowab kamar busa; tana makoki kamar busa saboda mutanen Kir Hareset. Arzikin da suka samu ta ƙare.
So my heart is lamenting for Moab like a flute. My heart is lamenting like flutes for the people of Kir Hareseth. The riches they gained are gone.
37 An aske kowane kai aka kuma yanke kowane gemu aka kuma sa wa kowane kwankwaso rigar makoki.
For every head is bald and every beard shaved. Incisions are on every hand, and sackcloth is around their waists.
38 A kan dukan rufi a Mowab da kuma a dandalin jama’a babu wani abu sai kuka gama na karye Mowab kamar tulun da babu mai so,” in ji Ubangiji.
There is mourning everywhere, on every flat roof of Moab and in Moab's plazas. For I have destroyed Moab like pots that no one wants—this is Yahweh's declaration.
39 “Duba yadda aka ragargazar ta ita! Duba yadda suke kuka! Duba yadda Mowab ta juya bayanta da kunya! Mowab ta zama abin ba’a abin tsoro ga dukan waɗanda suke kewaye da ita.”
How it has been shattered! How they howl in their lamenting! Moab turns its back in shame! So Moab will become an object of derision and a terror to all those who are around him.”
40 Ga abin da Ubangiji yana cewa, “Ga shi! Gaggafa tana firiya zuwa ƙasa, tana shimfiɗa fikafikanta a kan Mowab.
For Yahweh says this, “See, the enemy will come flying like an eagle, spreading out his wings over Moab.
41 Za a ci Keriyot a kuma kame kagarai. A wannan rana zukatan jarumawan Mowab za su zama kamar zuciyar macen da take naƙuda.
Kerioth has been captured, and its strongholds have been seized. For in that day the hearts of Moab's soldiers will be like the hearts of women in birth labor.
42 Za a hallakar da Mowab a matsayin al’umma domin ta tayar wa Ubangiji.
So Moab will be destroyed and be no longer a people, because he made himself to be great against Yahweh.
43 Razana da rami da tarko suna jiranku, Ya mutanen Mowab,” in ji Ubangiji.
Terror and the pit, and a trap are coming on you, inhabitant of Moab—this is Yahweh's declaration.
44 “Duk wanda ya gudu daga razana zai fāɗa cikin rami, duk wanda ya haura daga rami zai fāɗa cikin tarko; gama zan kawo wa Mowab shekarar hukuncinta,” in ji Ubangiji.
Anyone who flees because of terror will fall into the pit, and anyone who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the trap, for I will bring this on them in the year of my vengeance against them—this is Yahweh's declaration.
45 “A ƙarƙashin Heshbon masu gudun hijira suna tsaye ba mai taimako, gama wuta ta mutu daga Heshbon, harshen wuta daga tsakiyar Sihon; ta ƙone goshin Mowab, ƙoƙon kai na’yan tayarwa masu surutu.
The ones who flee will stand in the shadow of Heshbon without any strength, for fire will go out from Heshbon, flame from the middle of Sihon. It will devour the forehead of Moab and the top of the heads of the boastful people.
46 Kaitonki, ya Mowab! Mutanen Kemosh sun hallaka; an kai’ya’yanki maza daurin talala’ya’yanki mata zaman bauta.
Woe to you, Moab! Chemosh's people are destroyed, For your sons are taken as captives and your daughters into captivity.
47 “Duk da haka zan maido da wadatar Mowab a kwanaki masu zuwa,” in ji Ubangiji. A nan hukuncin Mowab ya ƙare.
But I will restore the fortunes of Moab in later days—this is Yahweh's declaration.” The judgment on Moab ends here.

< Irmiya 48 >