< Farawa 15 >

1 Bayan wannan, maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Abram cikin mafarki cewa, “Kada ka ji tsoro, Abram. Ni ne garkuwarka, kuma ladanka zai zama mai girma.”
After these things, came the word of Yahweh unto Abram, in a vision saying, —Do not fear Abram, I am a shield to thee, thine exceeding great reward.
2 Amma Abram ya ce, “Ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, mene ne za ka ba ni, ganin cewa ba na haihuwa, wanda kuma zai gāji gādon gidana shi ne Eliyezer mutumin Damaskus?”
And Abram said My Lord Yahweh, what canst thou give me, when, I, am going on childless, —and the heir of my house, is Eliezer, of Damascus,
3 Abram ya kuma ce, “Ga shi ba ka ba ni ɗa ba, don haka bawan da aka haifa a gidana ne zai zama magājina.”
And Abram said—Lo, to me, hast thou not given seed, —And lo! a son of my household, is mine heir!
4 Sa’an nan maganar Ubangiji ta zo gare shi cewa, “Wannan mutum ba zai zama magājinka ba, ɗa da yake zuwa daga jikinka ne zai zama magājinka.”
And lo! the word of Yahweh [came] unto him, saying, This one, shall not be thine heir: But one who cometh forth of thy body—he shall be thine heir.
5 Sai Ubangiji ya fito da kai shi waje ya ce, “Ka dubi sammai ka kuma ƙirga taurari, in har za ka iya ƙirga su.” Sa’an nan ya ce masa, “Haka zuriyarka za tă zama.”
And he brought him forth abroad and said—Look steadfastly. I pray thee towards the heavens, and number the stars, if thou be able to number, them, And he said to him, Thus, shall be thy seed.
6 Abram ya gaskata, Ubangiji kuma ya lasafta shi adalci ga Abram.
And he had faith in Yahweh, —so he reckoned it to him as righteousness.
7 Ubangiji ya kuma ce wa Abram, “Ni ne Ubangiji wanda ya fitar da kai daga Ur na Kaldiyawa, domin in ba ka wannan ƙasa ka mallake ta.”
And he said unto him, —I, am Yahweh, who brought thee forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
8 Amma Abram ya ce, “Ya Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka, yaya zan san cewa zan mallake ta?”
And he said, My Lord Yahweh, whereby, can I know that I shall inherit it?
9 Saboda haka Allah ya ce masa, “Kawo mini karsana, akuya, da kuma rago kowanne yă kasance shi shekara uku ne, da kurciya da kuma ɗan tattabara.”
And he said unto him, Take for me a heifer three years old, and a she-goat three years old, and a ram three years old, and a turtle-dove and a young pigeon.
10 Abram ya kawo waɗannan duka a gaban Allah, ya raba kowannensu a tsakiya, ya ajiye su gab da juna, amma bai tsaga tsuntsayen a tsaka ba.
So he took for him all these, and divided them, in the midst, and placed each piece over against its fellow, but the birds, divided he not.
11 Sai tsuntsaye masu cin nama suka sauko a kan gawawwakin, amma Abram ya kore su.
Then came down the birds of prey upon the carcass, and Abram drove them away.
12 Yayinda rana tana fāɗuwa, sai Abram ya yi barci mai zurfi, sai wani duhu mai kauri mai kuma bantsoro ya rufe shi.
And it came to pass when, the sun, was about to go in, and, a deep sleep, had fallen upon Abram, lo! a terror a great darkness, was falling upon him.
13 Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Abram, “Ka sani tabbatacce cewa shekaru ɗari huɗu, zuriyarka za tă zama baƙi a ƙasar da ba tasu ba, za a mai da su bayi, a kuma wulaƙanta su.
And he said to Abram—Thou must surely know, that, sojourners, will thy seed become in a land not theirs, and shall serve them and they will humble them, four hundred years;
14 Amma zan hukunta al’ummar da suka yi bauta kamar bayi, daga baya kuma za su fita da mallaka mai yawa.
moreover also, the nation whom they will serve, I, am going to judge, and after that, shall they come forth with great substance.
15 Amma kai za ka koma wurin kakanninka cikin salama a kuma binne ka da kyakkyawan tsufa.
But, thou, shalt go in unto thy fathers in peace, thou shalt be buried in a good old age.
16 A tsara ta huɗu zuriyarka za tă komo nan, saboda zunubin Amoriyawa bai riga ya cika ba.”
And, in the fourth generation, shall they return hither, —for not complete, is the iniquity of the Amorites, as yet,
17 Sa’ad da rana ta fāɗi, aka kuwa yi duhu, sai wata tukunya mai hayaƙi, mai harshen wuta mai ci, ta bayyana, ta kuma wuce tsakanin abubuwan nan da aka tsaga.
So it came to pass when, the sun, had gone in, and, a thick darkness, had come on, that lo there was a smoking hearth and torch of fire, which passed through between these pieces.
18 A wannan rana, Ubangiji ya yi alkawari da Abram ya ce, “Ga zuriyarka na ba da wannan ƙasa, daga kogin Masar zuwa babban kogi, Yuferites ke nan,
In that day, did Yahweh solemnise with Abram a covenant, saying, —To thy seed, have I given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the great river—the river Euphrates:
19 ƙasar Keniyawa, Kenizziyawa, Kadmoniyawa,
the Kenite, and the Kenizzite, and the Kadmonite;
20 Hittiyawa, Ferizziyawa, Refahiyawa,
and the Hittite and the Perizzite, and the Rephaim;
21 Amoriyawa, Kan’aniyawa, Girgashiyawa da kuma Yebusiyawa.”
and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Girgashite, and the Jebusite.

< Farawa 15 >